So Now Gen Betrayus. . .Now Backs. . . .Obama(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Probably a more complete John 3:16, of the New Testament, would summarize the story. "For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son: To live a life of raucus debauchery, and to be led out to die among criminals!(?)" The Republican plan for Iraq, in fact, would seem to have basis in some nature of action, modeled after the world famous conflict at Little Big Horn.

There is the Republican version, more than likely now easily summarized. Now it is noted that according to Obama, doing another military intervention in Iraq would further mis-read the depth of the partisan, sectarian-based divisions in the nation. The United States can really side with no one, but needs the Obama-directed, political and Democratic Party type, Inclusive Big Tent, type of political engagement. So now the former Commander of . . . .("What Coalition?). . . .forces in Iraq is more of a Democrat, supportive of Obama. General Armstrong Custer, comparing, is long since history. A book, in fact, may have been read.

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The Republican fall-back plan, apparently is now directed by "Sure-Shot," Dick Cheney--much has "High Tech," Bobby Jindal, has withdrawn Lousiana from national educational participation in the new advances. The governor was last seen, of course, manually carrying big rocks, to shore up the coast(?). The TeePee Party is probably like that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes not sending in Yellow Hair, attacking many Sioux thousands. White Eyes now sending in the 300 to deploy and to spy on many warriors. . .and maybe family matters, instead. Republicans have no apparent plan, other than the Custer at Little Big Horn, version.!)
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