So now I am the "resistance"?

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DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
The border.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
You mean valiant? Pretty sure he ran as a Dem when I voted for him.
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
Corporate inversions
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
You mean valiant? Pretty sure he ran as a Dem when I voted for him.

Yeah prolly that’s what I meant. I’m on my phone. Gimme a break ;)

Bernie is an “it” - Undefinable. You gonna vote for Bernie sis AOC next time around?
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
The border.

LoL - Was it the toddler snatching or the 3 miles of bigly new wall that made ya hard?
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
100% of Biden voters voted for the Party; they know zero about his ever changing platform.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
You mean valiant? Pretty sure he ran as a Dem when I voted for him.

Yeah prolly that’s what I meant. I’m on my phone. Gimme a break ;)

Bernie is an “it” - Undefinable. You gonna vote for Bernie sis AOC next time around?
AOC is a congresswoman in Queens. I live in Boston. I would rather have you punch me in the face 10x than vote for her.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

Cool. Okay, Brains...links to all his achievements. Take your time. And no, him tweeting about them is not a link. Verifiable links to his greatness. Take your time.
Joe wants to forgive student loans. How will that make people feel who have already paid off their loans?
It's not making me feel anything. Why should it? Student loans are choking the ability for young adults to get a foothold in this economy. That impacts everything from new car sales to home construction.

College costs a lot more today than it did when I went to school, and that was only 30 years ago. But the huge push from the gov all that time is that people HAVE to get post graduate training or they won't be hapoy and rich. So if it's necessary, why should it be expensive? Public education is free for a reason. If they are going to defacto require a college education, they can pay for it.
Students should be more careful in their choice of study. They look for easy classes instead of ones that provide an income. Perhaps there should be a high school class in the real world. Art History might be easy but it provides no future. Neither will English Literature, the Fashion of Kanye West or Medieval pornography. If someone wants to take these classes they should pay for them.
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
The border.

LoL - Was it the toddler snatching or the 3 miles of bigly new wall that made ya hard?
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
The border.

LoL - Was it the toddler snatching or the 3 miles of bigly new wall that made ya hard?
Damn, you're a dumb ass. Obama built those cages and initiated the separation policy. Sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

Cool. Okay, Brains...links to all his achievements. Take your time. And no, him tweeting about them is not a link. Verifiable links to his greatness. Take your time.
Sure, right after you list the accomplishments of Biden for 47 years in office.
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
The border.

LoL - Was it the toddler snatching or the 3 miles of bigly new wall that made ya hard?
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
The border.

LoL - Was it the toddler snatching or the 3 miles of bigly new wall that made ya hard?
Damn, you're a dumb ass. Obama built those cages and initiated the separation policy. Sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.
Don't lose any sleep; Liberals are mentally ill and cannot absorb facts contrary to their programming.
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