So now I am the "resistance"?

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Take cuts for the rich...caused an explosion in employment.
Trade War with China...Did you cry when we sent our jobs to China and millions of US citizens lost their professions, families and homes?

I will not discuss further with someone who lives on another continent.

That one day you'll have to pay back.
Automation is more of an issue than jobs going to China. And it was those GoP supporting CEOs who wanted their bonuses by saving their shareholders money that are responsible for sending those jobs overseas.

Yeah, not a bad idea. I'm sick of kicking your worthless arse.
He's dumber than a retarded cockroach.

And yet, you make me look like the head of Mensa...
You admit that you get your information from CNN and yet you think you are in the know?!
I thought you were ignoring me.
And no, it has been at least 10 years since I've watched CNN and 5 since I even had the ability. I only do Netflix, not cable.
What shoes do you like on Netflix?
Take cuts for the rich...caused an explosion in employment.
Trade War with China...Did you cry when we sent our jobs to China and millions of US citizens lost their professions, families and homes?

I will not discuss further with someone who lives on another continent.

That one day you'll have to pay back.
Automation is more of an issue than jobs going to China. And it was those GoP supporting CEOs who wanted their bonuses by saving their shareholders money that did that.

Yeah, not a bad idea. I'm sick of kicking your worthless arse.
Automation in China...bullshit.
FoxConn uses human labor to hold down costs; and they're worked for 38 hours at a clip.
Why not volunteer?
Automation can only go so far which is why brand new computers don't have the greatest ratings.
He's dumber than a retarded cockroach.

And yet, you make me look like the head of Mensa...
You admit that you get your information from CNN and yet you think you are in the know?!
I thought you were ignoring me.
And no, it has been at least 10 years since I've watched CNN and 5 since I even had the ability. I only do Netflix, not cable.
And yet you're still so ignorant of what's going on on the ground.
I only responded concerning your moronic ad hominem towards a user presenting facts.
Automation in China...bullshit.
FoxConn uses human labor to hold down costs; and they're worked for 38 hours at a clip.
Why not volunteer?
Automation can only go so far which is why brand new computers don't have the greatest ratings.

I didn't say automation IN China. I said automation is more of an issue THAN China...You automobile industry for example - now heavily automated.
He's dumber than a retarded cockroach.

And yet, you make me look like the head of Mensa...
You admit that you get your information from CNN and yet you think you are in the know?!
I thought you were ignoring me.
And no, it has been at least 10 years since I've watched CNN and 5 since I even had the ability. I only do Netflix, not cable.
What shoes do you like on Netflix?
The shoes he's seen on Cuties.
Automation in China...bullshit.
FoxConn uses human labor to hold down costs; and they're worked for 38 hours at a clip.
Why not volunteer?
Automation can only go so far which is why brand new computers don't have the greatest ratings.

I didn't say automation IN China. I said automation is more of an issue THAN China...You automobile industry for example - now heavily automated.
10 millions jobs are better than no jobs.
What shoes do you like on Netflix?

Just finished watching Marcella, and almost finished watching Collateral (both English shows). Watching Star Trek Discovery - first series I've watching since the original show. Pretty good. Saw Godless, which was fantastic. My other half loves GLOW so I get roped in to watching that sometimes. On the fourth season of Fargo, and will start watching The Crown. About it at the moment. You? Oh, and I watch the odd doco, too.
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What shoes do you like on Netflix?

Just finished watching Marcella, and almost finished watching Collateral (both English shows). Watching Star Trek Discovery - first series I've watching since the original show. Pretty good. Saw Godless, which was fantastic. My other half loves GLOW so I get roped in to watching that sometimes. On the forth season of Fargo, and will start watching The Crown. About it at the moment. You? Oh, and I watch the odd doco, too.
Watch the Queens Gambit. Pretty good. Getting into Money Heist now. Godless was excellent.
What shoes do you like on Netflix?

Just finished watching Marcella, and almost finished watching Collateral (both English shows). Watching Star Trek Discovery - first series I've watching since the original show. Pretty good. Saw Godless, which was fantastic. My other half loves GLOW so I get roped in to watching that sometimes. On the forth season of Fargo, and will start watching The Crown. About it at the moment. You? Oh, and I watch the odd doco, too.
Watch the Queens Gambit. Pretty good. Getting into Money Heist now. Godless was excellent.
I loved queens gambit
name one thing he did against liberals. One. you can't, more puppet sharing from you. BTW, the most blacks working evah!!~!!~! and they are mostly liberal. so factually you're incorrect.

For the 50 billionth time, I hated Trump LONG before he became president. I didn't like him not because of his policies (what were they anyway - build a wall?? WTF??), I hate him because he is a piece of scummy human garbage who has done nothing but fuck people over his whole life. He is nothing but a bully boy who stiffs contractors, feels women up against their will, and is a bloviated windbag.

As for what he has done AGAINST liberals, well, you'll have to ask the liberals on this board. The only thing off the top of my head is the last two of the three justices to the USSC he appointed are no friends of liberals.
I did ask liberals to name one thing against a liberal. You hopped in. I give two shits you hate Trump. So what? How did his policies hurt you?

Actually, you hopped in. I was talking to Marathon, not you.
What policies did he have? Build a wall? Tax cuts for the rich? Start a trade war with China. Like N Korea, then dislike N Korea? I tell me.
Blacks most jobs evah!! The fact you want him out on that accomplishment merely strengthens the facts on demofks kkkism
No it isn't. There are racist people. Our system is far from racist. Calling me racist because I am white just annoys me and millions like me.

I don't think when people talk about systemic racism I don't think they are calling EVERYBODY racist, I take it they are talking about the system. Things like - "oh look, that white boy drove drunk and killed somebody and got 5 years in the clink. That black dude did the same thing and got 20 years". "Oh, look whitey killed his girlfriend and her kid and got life in prison. Hey, that black dude did the same and got the death penalty". THAT is what they are talking about. And there are stats that absolutely back up those assertions.
Studies show that such is not based on race but on the criminal history of the individuals. The guy getting 20 years verse the 5 likely had a much longer criminal record. Stop committing crimes instead of whinning. We can't allow criminals of any color to keep committing crimes with no sign of ever stopping.
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