So now I am the "resistance"?

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Yep. If Dems really want to reunite the country, they should embrace the EC and abide its mandate to address the values of whole country, and not just their favored demographic.

But the EC doesn't do that.

Yes, it does. The unequal distribution of per-vote power built into the EC encourages candidates to accommodate the interest of all regions of the country, even those that are sparsely populated - and it punishes those who don't. The Democrats need to accept this and make nice with the rednecks. Doing so will make them a better, more inclusive, party.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
You mean valiant? Pretty sure he ran as a Dem when I voted for him.

Yeah prolly that’s what I meant. I’m on my phone. Gimme a break ;)

Bernie is an “it” - Undefinable. You gonna vote for Bernie sis AOC next time around?
AOC is a congresswoman in Queens. I live in Boston. I would rather have you punch me in the face 10x than vote for her.

Yes, I was thinking of another Trumpublican who lives in NYC.
I'm not interested in punching you ten times in the face, but REALLY?
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
The border.

LoL - Was it the toddler snatching or the 3 miles of bigly new wall that made ya hard?
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

So which problems did Trumpy Bear fix exactly? Name ONE :icon_rolleyes:
The border.

LoL - Was it the toddler snatching or the 3 miles of bigly new wall that made ya hard?
Damn, you're a dumb ass. Obama built those cages and initiated the separation policy. Sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.

No, Obama never had a separation policy. That was The Toddler Snatchers movie starring Dotard J Drumph, Jiffy Sessions, and Stephen Miller.
Your handle would seem to indicate that you filter BS.
Time to change your filter to give REALITY an opportunity to filter through.
Right now it blocks everything - So you are no arbiter of truth. :)

Last edited:
The Left wants to either abolish the EC or make PR and DC states. Not exactly "unifying" propositions.

Why not? PR has more AMERICANS on it than many red states, why shouldn't they have representation in Congress?

As for the EC, it's a racist institution from the 18th century that was a bad idea then and doesn't work now.

Yep. If Dems really want to reunite the country, they should embrace the EC and abide its mandate to address the values of whole country, and not just their favored demographic.

But the EC doesn't do that.

It now looks like Biden won the country by SIX MILLION VOTES.

But Trump's hope is that he can get some 50,000 votes thrown out in three states and give him the victory.

This is just--- crazy that we still do it this way.
Because that is not why the Dems want to do it. They want to do it to control the Senate. The EC is flawed but so is one vote one man. Your vote should not count as much as mine because you're a idiot. There is one example.
Trump and his sidekick Moscow Mitch have been packing the courts with ideologues since 2017

It seems you don't understand what "court packing" means.

My understanding vastly transcends your cognitive ability Goober. Shall I dumb it down?

Did you even try to read the link that mommy found for you?

Yes I did Ukulele - Yes I did.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
You mean valiant? Pretty sure he ran as a Dem when I voted for him.

Yeah prolly that’s what I meant. I’m on my phone. Gimme a break ;)

Bernie is an “it” - Undefinable. You gonna vote for Bernie sis AOC next time around?
AOC is a congresswoman in Queens. I live in Boston. I would rather have you punch me in the face 10x than vote for her.

Yes, I was thinking of another Trumpublican who lives in NYC.
I'm not interested in punching you ten times in the face, but REALLY?
Nice try. You're just stupid. My profile tells you exactly where I am from. And it was hyperbole. You're also a coward who put me on ignore when I proved you were wrong about convalescent plasma. Oh and I am donating again on the 30th.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
You mean valiant? Pretty sure he ran as a Dem when I voted for him.

Yeah prolly that’s what I meant. I’m on my phone. Gimme a break ;)

Bernie is an “it” - Undefinable. You gonna vote for Bernie sis AOC next time around?
AOC is a congresswoman in Queens. I live in Boston. I would rather have you punch me in the face 10x than vote for her.

Yes, I was thinking of another Trumpublican who lives in NYC.
I'm not interested in punching you ten times in the face, but REALLY?
Nice try. You're just stupid. My profile tells you exactly where I am from. And it was hyperbole. You're also a coward who put me on ignore when I proved you were wrong about convalescent plasma. Oh and I am donating again on the 30th.

No, I just got tired of your whiney drivel. I can put you back if you'd like - Doesn't matter one whit to me.
Yes, I knew you were Boston. Shame on me that I can't keep track of where 100-200 people on this board live. LoL!!
Dickhead. Pro choice for men means they may opt out. They don’t decide for women. You’re a fat, lonely old man. Don’t detail my thread with your stupidity and conspiracy theories.

They can totally opt out by not sticking their dick in a woman they don't plan to make babies with. Or at least don't stick it in that hole. She has two others that don't make babies. Or at least put a rubber on it. See, man has all sorts of options.

I knew the misogyny would be mind bending.
Since you're dumb, I'll spell it out for you.

Jane and Bill are a couple. Jane is on the pill but ooops she doesn't take it and Jane is pregnant. Bill doesn't want the child. Jane does. Bill should have the option to opt out and not pay for the child but also give up all parental rights. How is that misogyny? You fat waste of life?

Conversely, Bill wants the child and Jane doesn't. Jane has the right to terminate. Bill has no say.

DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

you didn't vote for bernie 'cause you liked/agreed with his policies ... you wanted him to get the nomination because you figured donny would beat him bigley.
I voted for him because of my hatred for Elizabeth Warren. But that was not what he asked. He asked when was the last time, didn't ask for a reason. Yes or no?
Yes, tax the fuck out of incomes over 400 grand ..

Punish success? When you punish something, you discourage it. So...?

I wonder if these idiots even realize that a vast majority of people reporting $400K are small businesses....

No assclown, the 400k refers to individual income, not business income :icon_rolleyes:

How do you think small businesses report their income idiot.

Business and personal taxes are separate filings for anyone who isn't an independent contractor - - - IDIOT -
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
You mean valiant? Pretty sure he ran as a Dem when I voted for him.

Yeah prolly that’s what I meant. I’m on my phone. Gimme a break ;)

Bernie is an “it” - Undefinable. You gonna vote for Bernie sis AOC next time around?
AOC is a congresswoman in Queens. I live in Boston. I would rather have you punch me in the face 10x than vote for her.

Yes, I was thinking of another Trumpublican who lives in NYC.
I'm not interested in punching you ten times in the face, but REALLY?
Nice try. You're just stupid. My profile tells you exactly where I am from. And it was hyperbole. You're also a coward who put me on ignore when I proved you were wrong about convalescent plasma. Oh and I am donating again on the 30th.

No, I just got tired of your whiney drivel. I can put you back if you'd like - Doesn't matter one whit to me.
Yes, I knew you were Boston. Shame on me that I can't keep track of where 100-200 people on this board live. LoL!!
You're such a liar. Cowards ignore. Even your boy RW (Norton) says "pussies ignore" so please do. Shame on you for being an idiot leftist.
Yes, tax the fuck out of incomes over 400 grand ..

Punish success? When you punish something, you discourage it. So...?

I wonder if these idiots even realize that a vast majority of people reporting $400K are small businesses....

No assclown, the 400k refers to individual income, not business income :icon_rolleyes:

How do you think small businesses report their income idiot.

Business and personal taxes are separate filings for anyone who isn't an independent contractor - - - IDIOT -
Not if you're a SubS and many businesses are. Large and small. IDIOT.

Do you ever post anything factual? The fact that your vote has as much power is mine is frightening.
Yes, tax the fuck out of incomes over 400 grand ..

Punish success? When you punish something, you discourage it. So...?

I wonder if these idiots even realize that a vast majority of people reporting $400K are small businesses....

No assclown, the 400k refers to individual income, not business income :icon_rolleyes:
Ummm...Sub Chapter S means you tax the business owners of the small business. Dude, you’re dumb. Makes sense you only vote (D).

I only vote D? You know that HOW??

Because you’re painfully typical.

I guess that's preferable to only being painful. See ya! :bye1:
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
Actually, based on the votes cast, the people want TRUMP! out of office, but want Quid Pro Joe to have limited power so he cannot unilaterally enact his agenda.
Depends on how the GA senate race goes

Great point, without Dumpster on the ballot? My team wins! :)
Your team? Party over country again. Pretty sad.

So when was the last time you voted for a Dem - Half past never? ;)
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Ooops. Now what? When was the last time you made a logical and or factual statement?

Valient effort Zog but Bernie isn’t a Dem. I like the dude, but frankly I’m not quite sure WTF he is!
You mean valiant? Pretty sure he ran as a Dem when I voted for him.

Yeah prolly that’s what I meant. I’m on my phone. Gimme a break ;)

Bernie is an “it” - Undefinable. You gonna vote for Bernie sis AOC next time around?
AOC is a congresswoman in Queens. I live in Boston. I would rather have you punch me in the face 10x than vote for her.

Yes, I was thinking of another Trumpublican who lives in NYC.
I'm not interested in punching you ten times in the face, but REALLY?
Nice try. You're just stupid. My profile tells you exactly where I am from. And it was hyperbole. You're also a coward who put me on ignore when I proved you were wrong about convalescent plasma. Oh and I am donating again on the 30th.

No, I just got tired of your whiney drivel. I can put you back if you'd like - Doesn't matter one whit to me.
Yes, I knew you were Boston. Shame on me that I can't keep track of where 100-200 people on this board live. LoL!!
You're such a liar. Cowards ignore. Even your boy RW (Norton) says "pussies ignore" so please do. Shame on you for being an idiot leftist.

Well there it is. I should have known better. You're a fuckig waste of bandwidth. Buh-Bye! :bye1:
Trump and his sidekick Moscow Mitch have been packing the courts with ideologues since 2017

It seems you don't understand what "court packing" means.

My understanding vastly transcends your cognitive ability Goober. Shall I dumb it down?

Did you even try to read the link that mommy found for you?

Yes I did Ukulele - Yes I did.

Then where is your support for your original claim that Trump and McConnel were doing so?
Trump and his sidekick Moscow Mitch have been packing the courts with ideologues since 2017

It seems you don't understand what "court packing" means.

My understanding vastly transcends your cognitive ability Goober. Shall I dumb it down?

Did you even try to read the link that mommy found for you?

Yes I did Ukulele - Yes I did.

Then where is your support for your original claim that Trump and McConnel were doing so?

Some call it packing - Others call it stacking - A distinction without a difference.
Trump and his sidekick Moscow Mitch have been packing the courts with ideologues since 2017

It seems you don't understand what "court packing" means.

My understanding vastly transcends your cognitive ability Goober. Shall I dumb it down?

Did you even try to read the link that mommy found for you?

Yes I did Ukulele - Yes I did.

Then where is your support for your original claim that Trump and McConnel were doing so?

Some call it packing - Others call it stacking - A distinction without a difference.

Well, well, well. Trying to change definitions already? You hadn't read your own link, dumbass. Now you realize you made a claim that revealed your ignorance, so it's time to spin. Pathetic idiot. Stop throwing around terms you don't understand.
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