So now I am the "resistance"?

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Trump and his sidekick Moscow Mitch have been packing the courts with ideologues since 2017

It seems you don't understand what "court packing" means.

My understanding vastly transcends your cognitive ability Goober. Shall I dumb it down?

Did you even try to read the link that mommy found for you?

Yes I did Ukulele - Yes I did.

Then where is your support for your original claim that Trump and McConnel were doing so?

Some call it packing - Others call it stacking - A distinction without a difference.

Well, well, well. Trying to change definitions already? You hadn't read your own link, dumbass. Now you realize you made a claim that revealed your ignorance, so it's time to spin. Pathetic idiot. Stop throwing around terms you don't understand.

Fuck off Trumptard - :bye1:
Trump and his sidekick Moscow Mitch have been packing the courts with ideologues since 2017

It seems you don't understand what "court packing" means.

My understanding vastly transcends your cognitive ability Goober. Shall I dumb it down?

Did you even try to read the link that mommy found for you?

Yes I did Ukulele - Yes I did.

Then where is your support for your original claim that Trump and McConnel were doing so?

Some call it packing - Others call it stacking - A distinction without a difference.

Well, well, well. Trying to change definitions already? You hadn't read your own link, dumbass. Now you realize you made a claim that revealed your ignorance, so it's time to spin. Pathetic idiot. Stop throwing around terms you don't understand.

Fuck off Trumptard - :bye1:

Comfortable in that corner you've painted yourself into? Got any other stupid shit you want to proclaim then spend 2-3 pages trying to spin your way out of?
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

if you mean tearing down every institution this nation is built upon, & shredding the constitution as ' getting the job done' then you are correct.

he's done an excellent job.
You're insane.
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

if you mean tearing down every institution this nation is built upon, & shredding the constitution as ' getting the job done' then you are correct.

he's done an excellent job.
You're insane.
Yes! Thank you!!!
Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy to me.
Joe Biden is:
  • Pro 2nd amendment
  • For border security
  • Pro choice
  • Supports American manufacturing
  • Strong military
  • Fracking - Doesn’t have the power to affect off federal land even if you don’t believe his tolerance of this dirty mining technique
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Smart Government
  • Supports Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability for weeding out lies and misinformation
  • Equal access to the American dream
  • Paris Accords - Biden is pro environment but not pro-stupid actions, supports Paris accord
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates for those over $400k in earnings
  • Healthcare reform by shoring up access to private insurance.
  • Affordable college education - eliminate support of “for profit” universities and offer public service debt reduction options
  • Smart China trade
  • Smart Iran monitoring and sanctions
  • Free Press
  • Against Censorship of any and all kinds which includes censoring protests of disgusting points of view
  • Against “Defund the Police.”
  • Against “Green New Deal” but crafted a more moderate version inspired by it
  • Biden hasn’t issued support for PR or DC statehood although I’d like to see it
  • Biden doesn’t support Packing the Court although I’d like to see it
  • Believes systemically racism still lingers and voting access in 2020 is perfect example - See Michigan’s short term contesting of just Detroit votes - racist assholes.
accept he said on the debate stage he's eliminating oil.

"Would you close down the oil industry?" Trump asked Biden.

"I would transition from the oil industry, yes," Biden answered.

"Why would you do that?" the moderator asked.

"Because the oil industry pollutes significantly," Biden elaborated.
He got 72 mil votes.
And that's the scary thing. I realise quite a few voted for him because he wasn't Biden and he was a member of the GoP. But those that voted for him and actually like/and believe in him? That is the scary part. I'm thinking at least half.
Wrong. You twits still don't get it. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with liking or believing in him. That's how Democrats think, cultists. He gets the job done. When you hire a plumber, which is more important, liking him or knowing he's gonna fix the problem?

if you mean tearing down every institution this nation is built upon, & shredding the constitution as ' getting the job done' then you are correct.

he's done an excellent job.
You're insane.
they all are. they push the Jedi mind pause on everyone like they think that works.
Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy to me.
Joe Biden is:
  • Pro 2nd amendment
  • For border security
  • Pro choice
  • Supports American manufacturing
  • Strong military
  • Fracking - Doesn’t have the power to affect off federal land even if you don’t believe his tolerance of this dirty mining technique
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Smart Government
  • Supports Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability for weeding out lies and misinformation
  • Equal access to the American dream
  • Paris Accords - Biden is pro environment but not pro-stupid actions, supports Paris accord
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates for those over $400k in earnings
  • Healthcare reform by shoring up access to private insurance.
  • Affordable college education - eliminate support of “for profit” universities and offer public service debt reduction options
  • Smart China trade
  • Smart Iran monitoring and sanctions
  • Free Press
  • Against Censorship of any and all kinds which includes censoring protests of disgusting points of view
  • Against “Defund the Police.”
  • Against “Green New Deal” but crafted a more moderate version inspired by it
  • Biden hasn’t issued support for PR or DC statehood although I’d like to see it
  • Biden doesn’t support Packing the Court although I’d like to see it
  • Believes systemically racism still lingers and voting access in 2020 is perfect example - See Michigan’s short term contesting of just Detroit votes - racist assholes.
you hate your neighbors huh? wow. you say that out loud and proud.
Yep. If Dems really want to reunite the country, they should embrace the EC and abide its mandate to address the values of whole country, and not just their favored demographic.

But the EC doesn't do that.

Yes, it does. The unequal distribution of per-vote power built into the EC encourages candidates to accommodate the interest of all regions of the country, even those that are sparsely populated - and it punishes those who don't. The Democrats need to accept this and make nice with the rednecks. Doing so will make them a better, more inclusive, party.
I thought they were an inclusive party. are you saying they lied?
Trump and his sidekick Moscow Mitch have been packing the courts with ideologues since 2017

It seems you don't understand what "court packing" means.

My understanding vastly transcends your cognitive ability Goober. Shall I dumb it down?

Did you even try to read the link that mommy found for you?

Yes I did Ukulele - Yes I did.

Then where is your support for your original claim that Trump and McConnel were doing so?

Some call it packing - Others call it stacking - A distinction without a difference.

Well, well, well. Trying to change definitions already? You hadn't read your own link, dumbass. Now you realize you made a claim that revealed your ignorance, so it's time to spin. Pathetic idiot. Stop throwing around terms you don't understand.

Fuck off Trumptard - :bye1:
Don't derail the thread, dumb leftist.
Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy to me.
Joe Biden is:
  • Pro 2nd amendment
  • For border security
  • Pro choice
  • Supports American manufacturing
  • Strong military
  • Fracking - Doesn’t have the power to affect off federal land even if you don’t believe his tolerance of this dirty mining technique
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Smart Government
  • Supports Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability for weeding out lies and misinformation
  • Equal access to the American dream
  • Paris Accords - Biden is pro environment but not pro-stupid actions, supports Paris accord
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates for those over $400k in earnings
  • Healthcare reform by shoring up access to private insurance.
  • Affordable college education - eliminate support of “for profit” universities and offer public service debt reduction options
  • Smart China trade
  • Smart Iran monitoring and sanctions
  • Free Press
  • Against Censorship of any and all kinds which includes censoring protests of disgusting points of view
  • Against “Defund the Police.”
  • Against “Green New Deal” but crafted a more moderate version inspired by it
  • Biden hasn’t issued support for PR or DC statehood although I’d like to see it
  • Biden doesn’t support Packing the Court although I’d like to see it
  • Believes systemically racism still lingers and voting access in 2020 is perfect example - See Michigan’s short term contesting of just Detroit votes - racist assholes.
you hate your neighbors huh? wow. you say that out loud and proud.
Reading comprehension in the right wing is atrocious (that means bad).
Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy to me.
Joe Biden is:
  • Pro 2nd amendment
  • For border security
  • Pro choice
  • Supports American manufacturing
  • Strong military
  • Fracking - Doesn’t have the power to affect off federal land even if you don’t believe his tolerance of this dirty mining technique
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Smart Government
  • Supports Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability for weeding out lies and misinformation
  • Equal access to the American dream
  • Paris Accords - Biden is pro environment but not pro-stupid actions, supports Paris accord
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates for those over $400k in earnings
  • Healthcare reform by shoring up access to private insurance.
  • Affordable college education - eliminate support of “for profit” universities and offer public service debt reduction options
  • Smart China trade
  • Smart Iran monitoring and sanctions
  • Free Press
  • Against Censorship of any and all kinds which includes censoring protests of disgusting points of view
  • Against “Defund the Police.”
  • Against “Green New Deal” but crafted a more moderate version inspired by it
  • Biden hasn’t issued support for PR or DC statehood although I’d like to see it
  • Biden doesn’t support Packing the Court although I’d like to see it
  • Believes systemically racism still lingers and voting access in 2020 is perfect example - See Michigan’s short term contesting of just Detroit votes - racist assholes.
accept he said on the debate stage he's eliminating oil.

"Would you close down the oil industry?" Trump asked Biden.

"I would transition from the oil industry, yes," Biden answered.

"Why would you do that?" the moderator asked.

"Because the oil industry pollutes significantly," Biden elaborated.
Does Biden support transitioning to clean energy? Yep. But you as you can see from his environmental plan it’s about investing in a gradual path to oil independence.

  • Eliminate carbon pollution from power plants by 2035
  • net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for all new buildings by 2030
  • Back California’s statutory authority under the Clean Air Act to set its own emissions standards for cars and trucks
  • Support private adoption of affordable low-pollution and zero-emission vehicles with the goal of installing at least 500,000 public charging stations across the nation.
  • Investment in a cleaner, equitable and globally competitive manufacturing sector
  • Work with farmers to make the American agriculture sector the first in the world to achieve net-zero emissions.
  • Support the advancement of technologies that help industries decarbonize including carbon capture and advanced nuclear — areas that are often featured in Republican-penned climate-change initiatives.
  • Recommit the U.S. to the voluntary Paris Climate Agreement as well as create and strengthen other international commitments on climate and pollution.
Because that is not why the Dems want to do it. They want to do it to control the Senate. The EC is flawed but so is one vote one man. Your vote should not count as much as mine because you're a idiot. There is one example.

Actually, I could say the same... and you are more loyal to the Zionist entity than America, so maybe you should get half a vote.

It doesn't really matter WHY they want to do it, it's a matter of what's FAIR.

people from DC and PR serve in our armed forces, they pay taxes, they are subject to the awful decisions our government makes... um, yeah, they should have representation...
Because that is not why the Dems want to do it. They want to do it to control the Senate. The EC is flawed but so is one vote one man. Your vote should not count as much as mine because you're a idiot. There is one example.

Actually, I could say the same... and you are more loyal to the Zionist entity than America, so maybe you should get half a vote.

It doesn't really matter WHY they want to do it, it's a matter of what's FAIR.

people from DC and PR serve in our armed forces, they pay taxes, they are subject to the awful decisions our government makes... um, yeah, they should have representation...
More loyal? I have two kids. Love em both equally. You would not understand. Awful decisions like allowing people like you have a vote?
Yes, it does. The unequal distribution of per-vote power built into the EC encourages candidates to accommodate the interest of all regions of the country, even those that are sparsely populated - and it punishes those who don't. The Democrats need to accept this and make nice with the rednecks. Doing so will make them a better, more inclusive, party.

No, we really shouldn't be letting the rednecks have inordinate power to start with in the EC and the Senate.

We already pretty much subsidize their inbred lifestyle of family farms, which should have gone the way of buggy whips a long time ago. Factory Farms are just more efficient, but they have an ugly rep.
Joe wants to forgive student loans. How will that make people feel who have already paid off their loans?

Makes one want to find ways to get restitution.....

I paid for my college by joining the National Guard and working two minimum wage jobs back in the day.

And I have no problem with forgiving student loan debt. It would actually be good for the country.

Consider this. How many young people put off starting families until they are in their 30's, when they are past their biological prime, because their first priority was paying off student loan debt? The fact is, we are ALREADY in a situation of more Boomers retiring than Millenials moving up to replace them. Burdening young people with more debt than they can pay off is not good for the society in general.
More loyal? I have two kids. Love em both equally. You would not understand. Awful decisions like allowing people like you have a vote?

Not sure why you keep dragging your family into arguments when no one was talking about them.

Point is, you put the interest of Israel above that of America.

Always have.
Dumbass it means I can be an American and pro Israel at the same time. Duh. Like I said, unless you’re a parent you don’t get it.
More loyal? I have two kids. Love em both equally. You would not understand. Awful decisions like allowing people like you have a vote?

Not sure why you keep dragging your family into arguments when no one was talking about them.

Point is, you put the interest of Israel above that of America.

Always have.
Oh and you’re a fat loser and an anti semite. One can be an American and still be pro Israel. Go review some resumes.
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