So now I am the "resistance"?

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Idiots like you pay more attention to what is said instead of discovering what is actually done.
It's called putting style over substance which you will never understand. This makes you the textbook definition of being ignorant.

Okay mouthy. Post his achievements with stats from reliable sources to back them up. And no, his tweets are not reliable sources.

Lowest unemployment across all ethnicities, blah-blah-blah
Stemmed border bleeding to protect jobs, blah-blah-blah
Made the VA effective blah-blah-blah
Rebuilt the military, blah-blah-blah (well lookee here, we just successfully knocked down a mock ICBM in space yesterday!)
Biggest Presidential supporter of Black colleges/university's blah-blah-blah
Operation Warp Speed coming to fruition blah-blah-blah
Donated his Presidential salary to charity and charitable Gov't functions blah-blah-blah
Knocked down 3 or more anti-growth regulations for each new regulation passed blah-blah-blah
My finger is getting tired so I'll end with more promises kept than he ever made towards MAGA!!!

P.S. Go fuck yourself.

Thanks for the links....

That's your problem. Common knowledge doesn't need a link if you've been paying real attention and think for yourself!
So now I am the de-facto resistance?

Only way to be sure is when you get your decoder ring and guidelines.
Cannot wait

View attachment 417622

be sure to drink yer ovaltine so you can be resistance strong, zogsterino.
Ovaltine? Lol. Haven’t heard that in 30 yrs

oh damn - i take it you never saw christmas story?

I just said 30 yrs.? Did you not read my post correctly?

i wasn't sure what you meant. alrighty then, guess you saw it once, 30 yrs ago. at least my joke didn't go unrecognized.

When did I say once? After I turned 10 I stopped watching it. You still watch it? Lol

too bad - it's a classic... i watch it every year. along with christmas vacation, the grinch who stole christmas, & it's a wonderful life.

And Elf. My wife and kids do too. I am the holiday Grinch you mind say.
Best rum in the world. Probably because they have the oldest rum distillery in the world!
Thanks for mentioning Barbados. I might flee to there before Amerika is totally flushed. Beautiful island, wonderful people and it's where the Atlantic Ocean (on the north side of the island) meets the Caribbean Sea on the Southside.

Lol ... The last time I was there, a few older ladies on the dive boat during a day trip got ripped on Cockspur Rum.
It was hilarious, and the Master Diver kept telling them to slow down on the stuff.


The smoothest but kickapoo rum in da' world!
...So now I am the minority?...
No. Actually, I don't think you're in the minority. More a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger... next time, choose an actual Human Being as a candidate.

Your current standard-banner is far too ignorant, arrogant, self-centered, unthinking and amoral for it to be safe to leave him in office... agenda aside.
The Democrats are doing everything possible to alienate the 72 MILLION Americans who voted for Donald Trump. The Democrats talk unity but their actions are all about division.
if they were about unity, then they would have accepted the l2016 election. piss on them and who they are. baby killers and kkk hangmen.

If you have total unity you wouldn't have two or more parties.
Agree. Soviet Russia, Communist China, Nazi Germany are good examples of total unity and one party. No thanks.
...So now I am the minority?...
No. Actually, I don't think you're in the minority. More a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger... next time, choose an actual Human Being as a candidate.

Your current standard-banner is far too ignorant, arrogant, self-centered, unthinking and amoral for it to be safe to leave him in office... agenda aside.
He got 72 mil votes. John James is a human being even by your delusional standards and he lost to a political insider.
...He got 72 mil votes. John James is a human being even by your delusional standards and he lost to a political insider.
And the Other Guy got a lot more.


Your POS is history.

Keep most of the agenda, but choose a better candidate next time... you might actually win.
...He got 72 mil votes. John James is a human being even by your delusional standards and he lost to a political insider.
And the Other Guy got a lot more.


Your POS is history.

Keep most of the agenda, but choose a better candidate next time... you might actually win.
Again, John James lost. Not sure how you don’t understand that. Great guy. How do you explain that? Would you have voted for him? Let’s see if you answer rather than dodge and insult Trump again.
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