So Now You Tube, Decides To Censor History Itself...

If you conservatives don't like YouTube, you can create your own video sharing website.

You can call it "Conservatube". Or whatever you like.
I love the hypocrisy of the left.

If THEY feel like they're excluded, the LAST advice they will accept is to start their own SEGREGATED service.

Do women? Do blacks? Homos?

Neither "hypocrisy" nor "the left" is even involved here. The video that the OP whines about isn't "censored" at all; it comes up readily on a title search. And it's affixed with a warning intro by YouTube for the same reason this website we're on now requires a "Warning --- Graphic content" advisor before the same type of material. The video depicts real people getting shot --- hence the warning message. NOT ROCKET SURGERY.

Who the fuck wants to watch that anyway?

You don't see the Regressive Left passionately defending the dissemination of opinions of those with whom they disagree -- which, of course, would be a core liberal trait.

Why not? Because they're not liberal.

Once AGAIN there's nothing here involving any "left", regressive or otherwise, there's no impingement of anybody's opinions either. There is only a video that some whiner whines about not being able to find even though everybody else can, containing a warning message about graphic content, put there by the media host.

None of that has jack friggety cheese to do with "the left" or any other kind of politics. I undertand you're obsessed with this shit but you can't just throw this blanket over EVERYTHING.
Another great example of my point, thanks.
It was the first time I personally have seen a you tube videos parameters change. I found it odd. Especially for an old video. The share option was removed, warnings implemented, and comments not merely disabled; but all previous commentary removed. Not to mention my devices behaviors... Strange. That's all...
It was the first time I personally have seen a you tube videos parameters change. I found it odd. Especially for an old video. The share option was removed, warnings implemented, and comments not merely disabled; but all previous commentary removed. Not to mention my devices behaviors... Strange. That's all...

It's part of the company's 'community guidelines' policy. Which states specifically:

>> Our Community Guidelines prohibit hate speech that either promotes violence or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against individuals or groups based on certain attributes. YouTube also prohibits content intended to recruit for terrorist organizations, incite violence, celebrate terrorist attacks, or otherwise promote acts of terrorism. Some borderline videos, such as those containing inflammatory religious or supremacist content without a direct call to violence or a primary purpose of inciting hatred, may not cross these lines for removal. Following user reports, if our review teams determine that a video is borderline under our policies, it may have some features disabled.

These videos will remain available on YouTube, but will be placed behind a warning message, and some features will be disabled, including comments, suggested videos, and likes. These videos are also not eligible for ads. <<​
If you conservatives don't like YouTube, you can create your own video sharing website.

You can call it "Conservatube". Or whatever you like.
I love the hypocrisy of the left.

If THEY feel like they're excluded, the LAST advice they will accept is to start their own SEGREGATED service.

Do women? Do blacks? Homos?

Neither "hypocrisy" nor "the left" is even involved here. The video that the OP whines about isn't "censored" at all; it comes up readily on a title search. And it's affixed with a warning intro by YouTube for the same reason this website we're on now requires a "Warning --- Graphic content" advisor before the same type of material. The video depicts real people getting shot --- hence the warning message. NOT ROCKET SURGERY.

Who the fuck wants to watch that anyway?

You don't see the Regressive Left passionately defending the dissemination of opinions of those with whom they disagree -- which, of course, would be a core liberal trait.

Why not? Because they're not liberal.

Once AGAIN there's nothing here involving any "left", regressive or otherwise, there's no impingement of anybody's opinions either. There is only a video that some whiner whines about not being able to find even though everybody else can, containing a warning message about graphic content, put there by the media host.

None of that has jack friggety cheese to do with "the left" or any other kind of politics. I undertand you're obsessed with this shit but you can't just throw this blanket over EVERYTHING.
Another great example of my point, thanks.

Another demonstration of your obsession and inability to deal with any topic without pseudopoliticizing it, yes. Just noted that.
If you conservatives don't like YouTube, you can create your own video sharing website.

You can call it "Conservatube". Or whatever you like.
I love the hypocrisy of the left.

If THEY feel like they're excluded, the LAST advice they will accept is to start their own SEGREGATED service.

Do women? Do blacks? Homos?

Neither "hypocrisy" nor "the left" is even involved here. The video that the OP whines about isn't "censored" at all; it comes up readily on a title search. And it's affixed with a warning intro by YouTube for the same reason this website we're on now requires a "Warning --- Graphic content" advisor before the same type of material. The video depicts real people getting shot --- hence the warning message. NOT ROCKET SURGERY.

Who the fuck wants to watch that anyway?

You don't see the Regressive Left passionately defending the dissemination of opinions of those with whom they disagree -- which, of course, would be a core liberal trait.

Why not? Because they're not liberal.

Once AGAIN there's nothing here involving any "left", regressive or otherwise, there's no impingement of anybody's opinions either. There is only a video that some whiner whines about not being able to find even though everybody else can, containing a warning message about graphic content, put there by the media host.

None of that has jack friggety cheese to do with "the left" or any other kind of politics. I undertand you're obsessed with this shit but you can't just throw this blanket over EVERYTHING.
Another great example of my point, thanks.

Another demonstration of your obsession and inability to deal with any topic without pseudopoliticizing it, yes. Just noted that.
It was the first time I personally have seen a you tube videos parameters change. I found it odd. Especially for an old video. The share option was removed, warnings implemented, and comments not merely disabled; but all previous commentary removed. Not to mention my devices behaviors... Strange. That's all...

It's part of the company's 'community guidelines' policy. Which states specifically:

>> Our Community Guidelines prohibit hate speech that either promotes violence or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against individuals or groups based on certain attributes. YouTube also prohibits content intended to recruit for terrorist organizations, incite violence, celebrate terrorist attacks, or otherwise promote acts of terrorism. Some borderline videos, such as those containing inflammatory religious or supremacist content without a direct call to violence or a primary purpose of inciting hatred, may not cross these lines for removal. Following user reports, if our review teams determine that a video is borderline under our policies, it may have some features disabled.

These videos will remain available on YouTube, but will be placed behind a warning message, and some features will be disabled, including comments, suggested videos, and likes. These videos are also not eligible for ads. <<​

You "regressives" as Mac would put it, are spreading a lot of disinformation in this thread. First of all, yes uploaders can choose whether or not to have comments or allow embedding. But that's not what happened in regards to this gun rights video so stop trying to pretend otherwise. Secondly, there's no footage of someone being shot in the head. Nothing about it violates youtube's rules as stated above. Does pro-gun rights arguments equal incitement, terrorist recruitment or racial supremacy? Third, youtube DOES target right of center content. Here's a few examples of videos put into limited state despite not breaking any of the rules:


A lesbian's critique of Transgenderism:

We're not even allowed to talk about the Holocaust?

Exposing antifa's violence at charlottesville:

Feminism is cancer:
In my opinion, if there is going to be a cake, why not some frosting?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, to me, the people in charge of the website were already in serious need of a good kicking where it hurts.
. Great platform just like e-bay, Amazon etc. Just need to make sure that a specific group of citizens or even individuals aren't politically trying to control the platform or platforms in ways that attempt to sensor out materials in which they don't agree with because of political reasons. It's what's happening in these college's lately, and it's unexceptable.

Yes. Totally unexceptable! Well said.

Let's have the government run YouTube. Good plan!
Not run YouTube, but make sure that the citizens have the alternative to it or an equal to it if it begins to get stupid. We the citizens deserve to always have a back up when corporations attempt to control the citizens in ways that the citizens don't want to be controlled in such ways in this country. Our freedoms of choice must remain intact at all cost in this country.

It's like anything where as you have to have a back up when things begin to go bad.
If you conservatives don't like YouTube, you can create your own video sharing website.

You can call it "Conservatube". Or whatever you like.
.You say this as if YouTube belongs to the left... Hmmm.
If you conservatives don't like YouTube, you can create your own video sharing website.

You can call it "Conservatube". Or whatever you like.
I love the hypocrisy of the left.

If THEY feel like they're excluded, the LAST advice they will accept is to start their own SEGREGATED service.

Do women? Do blacks? Homos?

Actual minority groups who've felt left out did make their own services. That's why you have BET, Telemundo and CMT.

YouTube is a private social media website. If you feel like YouTube is silencing conservatives ( which they aren't) then take your video viewing habits else where.

It's like going to McDonalds and you keep complaining you don't like the food. You go elsewhere to get your meals. Don't keep going to McDonald complaining about food.
. Good points, but is there comparable options out there without the creators facing lawyers because they might infringe on a platform or run into a saturated market place that has been copyrighted and/or trademarked ???
It was the first time I personally have seen a you tube videos parameters change. I found it odd. Especially for an old video. The share option was removed, warnings implemented, and comments not merely disabled; but all previous commentary removed. Not to mention my devices behaviors... Strange. That's all...

It's part of the company's 'community guidelines' policy. Which states specifically:

>> Our Community Guidelines prohibit hate speech that either promotes violence or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against individuals or groups based on certain attributes. YouTube also prohibits content intended to recruit for terrorist organizations, incite violence, celebrate terrorist attacks, or otherwise promote acts of terrorism. Some borderline videos, such as those containing inflammatory religious or supremacist content without a direct call to violence or a primary purpose of inciting hatred, may not cross these lines for removal. Following user reports, if our review teams determine that a video is borderline under our policies, it may have some features disabled.

These videos will remain available on YouTube, but will be placed behind a warning message, and some features will be disabled, including comments, suggested videos, and likes. These videos are also not eligible for ads. <<​

You "regressives" as Mac would put it, are spreading a lot of disinformation in this thread. First of all, yes uploaders can choose whether or not to have comments or allow embedding. But that's not what happened in regards to this gun rights video so stop trying to pretend otherwise. Secondly, there's no footage of someone being shot in the head. Nothing about it violates youtube's rules as stated above. Does pro-gun rights arguments equal incitement, terrorist recruitment or racial supremacy? Third, youtube DOES target right of center content. Here's a few examples of videos put into limited state despite not breaking any of the rules:


A lesbian's critique of Transgenderism:

We're not even allowed to talk about the Holocaust?

Exposing antifa's violence at charlottesville:

Feminism is cancer:

Most things right of center on youtube are posted by idiots, inbreds, and those suffering from alien anal probes. I really dont care if they are censored.

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