So Now You Tube, Decides To Censor History Itself...

Internet censorship really bugs the shit out of me. Of course, so-called "liberals" don't seem to mind.
It was operator error you idiot.

No, it's not. The video in question was put into "limited state" by youtube. This has been going on for quite some time now.
"limited" doesnt mean you cant search on it, watch it, or link to it you idiot.

What it does mean is that it can't be embedded on other sites and won't show up on the "related" sidebar, both of which severely limits it's reach. Limited state videos are also demonetized which discourages the uploader from using youtube at all. You can't see the ratings or number of views so you have no idea if the idea being censored is popular or reviled. If this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked, it's going to ruin the internet for everybody and not just people you disagree with.
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
Internet censorship really bugs the shit out of me. Of course, so-called "liberals" don't seem to mind.
.The platforms need competition in order for a platform not to become a monopoly. Monopolies with to much unchallenged power, (imo) they become tempted to think that they can and will shape and/or control society in a sheeple kind of way (even attempt to shape the political landscape as well). We need competition in everything, even if we the taxpayers allow government to get involved in the learning process of creating such a thing if need be by our permission to do so also.

The best youtube alternative right now is called Bitchute but like any website that champions free speech, it's being labeled by the mainstream as a "bastion for hate".
Internet censorship really bugs the shit out of me. Of course, so-called "liberals" don't seem to mind.
It was operator error you idiot.

No, it's not. The video in question was put into "limited state" by youtube. This has been going on for quite some time now.
"limited" doesnt mean you cant search on it, watch it, or link to it you idiot.

What it does mean is that it can't be embedded on other sites and won't show up on the "related" sidebar, both of which severely limits it's reach. Limited state videos are also demonetized which discourages the uploader from using youtube at all. You can't see the ratings or number of views so you have no idea if the idea being censored is popular or reviled. If this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked, it's going to ruin the internet for everybody and not just people you disagree with.
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
.Your bold threats in your words, is the very reason why we need back up in this country. That way it could be said to you after speaking in that way, ( "that's ok, because we will just use this XYZ site that is just as good and informative as your site is).
yes, private enterprise will ruin the internet

is there a ranch or a game preserve where they breed these people?

I thought you guys were opposed to businesses violating the constitution? Or does that only apply to christian bakers?
It was operator error you idiot.

No, it's not. The video in question was put into "limited state" by youtube. This has been going on for quite some time now.
"limited" doesnt mean you cant search on it, watch it, or link to it you idiot.

What it does mean is that it can't be embedded on other sites and won't show up on the "related" sidebar, both of which severely limits it's reach. Limited state videos are also demonetized which discourages the uploader from using youtube at all. You can't see the ratings or number of views so you have no idea if the idea being censored is popular or reviled. If this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked, it's going to ruin the internet for everybody and not just people you disagree with.
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
.Your bold threats in your words, is the very reason why we need back up in this country. That way it could be said to you after speaking in that way, ( "that's ok, because we will just use this XYZ site that is just as good and informative as your site is).
I didnt put anything in bold. What are you talking about? I agree competition is great. Nothing between you and that competition except air and opportunity.
No, it's not. The video in question was put into "limited state" by youtube. This has been going on for quite some time now.
"limited" doesnt mean you cant search on it, watch it, or link to it you idiot.

What it does mean is that it can't be embedded on other sites and won't show up on the "related" sidebar, both of which severely limits it's reach. Limited state videos are also demonetized which discourages the uploader from using youtube at all. You can't see the ratings or number of views so you have no idea if the idea being censored is popular or reviled. If this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked, it's going to ruin the internet for everybody and not just people you disagree with.
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
.Your bold threats in your words, is the very reason why we need back up in this country. That way it could be said to you after speaking in that way, ( "that's ok, because we will just use this XYZ site that is just as good and informative as your site is).
I didnt put anything in bold. What are you talking about?
. Not literally in bold as in text font, but in the context of your brazing/bold way of expressing yourself in your post.
yes, private enterprise will ruin the internet

is there a ranch or a game preserve where they breed these people?

I thought you guys were opposed to businesses violating the constitution? Or does that only apply to christian bakers?

i am opposed, but the key is to wait until it actually, you know, happens

what time does your bus come?
"limited" doesnt mean you cant search on it, watch it, or link to it you idiot.

What it does mean is that it can't be embedded on other sites and won't show up on the "related" sidebar, both of which severely limits it's reach. Limited state videos are also demonetized which discourages the uploader from using youtube at all. You can't see the ratings or number of views so you have no idea if the idea being censored is popular or reviled. If this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked, it's going to ruin the internet for everybody and not just people you disagree with.
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
.Your bold threats in your words, is the very reason why we need back up in this country. That way it could be said to you after speaking in that way, ( "that's ok, because we will just use this XYZ site that is just as good and informative as your site is).
I didnt put anything in bold. What are you talking about?
. Not literally in bold as in text font, but in the context of your brazing/bold way of expressing yourself in your post.
Did you mean brazen? If you didnt like the way I expressed myself you were free to stop reading. Its a free country.
What it does mean is that it can't be embedded on other sites and won't show up on the "related" sidebar, both of which severely limits it's reach. Limited state videos are also demonetized which discourages the uploader from using youtube at all. You can't see the ratings or number of views so you have no idea if the idea being censored is popular or reviled. If this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked, it's going to ruin the internet for everybody and not just people you disagree with.
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
.Your bold threats in your words, is the very reason why we need back up in this country. That way it could be said to you after speaking in that way, ( "that's ok, because we will just use this XYZ site that is just as good and informative as your site is).
I didnt put anything in bold. What are you talking about?
. Not literally in bold as in text font, but in the context of your brazing/bold way of expressing yourself in your post.
Did you mean brazen? If you didnt like the way I expressed myself you were free to stop reading. Its a free country.

you should post your replies on you tube and then restrict them
What it does mean is that it can't be embedded on other sites and won't show up on the "related" sidebar, both of which severely limits it's reach. Limited state videos are also demonetized which discourages the uploader from using youtube at all. You can't see the ratings or number of views so you have no idea if the idea being censored is popular or reviled. If this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked, it's going to ruin the internet for everybody and not just people you disagree with.
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
.Your bold threats in your words, is the very reason why we need back up in this country. That way it could be said to you after speaking in that way, ( "that's ok, because we will just use this XYZ site that is just as good and informative as your site is).
I didnt put anything in bold. What are you talking about?
. Not literally in bold as in text font, but in the context of your brazing/bold way of expressing yourself in your post.
Did you mean brazen? If you didnt like the way I expressed myself you were free to stop reading. Its a free country.
. Yes brazen... Now if you think people should sit back and not comment on your post, then you are in the wrong place. Not sure why you took my response personal or am I just wasting my time discussing with you ?? Is your comprehension skills off a little maybe ??
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
.Your bold threats in your words, is the very reason why we need back up in this country. That way it could be said to you after speaking in that way, ( "that's ok, because we will just use this XYZ site that is just as good and informative as your site is).
I didnt put anything in bold. What are you talking about?
. Not literally in bold as in text font, but in the context of your brazing/bold way of expressing yourself in your post.
Did you mean brazen? If you didnt like the way I expressed myself you were free to stop reading. Its a free country.
. Yes brazen... Now if you think people should sit back and not comment on your post, then you are in the wrong place. Not sure why you took my response personal or am I just wasting my time discussing with you ?? Is your comprehension skills off a little maybe ??

dont mind him, he's very sensitive
A colleague of mine told me to watch a rather informative video about gun control through the ages. I did. And indeed it was very informative. Replete with factual content. Quotes by those who themselves desired to enact gun control. And the outcome of those who disarmed in the face of opposition.
While on phone discussing the video with my colleague; my son asked, “what’s it called? I wanna see it.” So I told him. “It’s called “Gun Control History MUST SEE”. Spelled exactly as I have displayed within the quotes.
Funny thing... My tech won’t even let me “link” the video... it’s been buried. Why?
Funny thing... He went to watch it on his totally unhindered XBox, and got this message...
View attachment 179402
My question is... What users would report actual documented history? And Why would comments be disabled, for a video that details exactly what the hot button issue of the day is? The video is complete with historical facts, and quote from Hitler, to Jefferson, to Feinstein.
If any of you doubted that the major leftist operators of our most common used communications services haven’t already made their decision, as to where they actually stand on free speech... you haven’t tried to speak out against what they believe...

Well for those who refuse to believe ALEX JONES, as he said today They are coming after EVERYONE.
Trump haters are next, they're just so stuck on their pathetic selves they won't ever see it coming. Idiot's can't think that far outside the box.

" FREE SPEECH" is under attack

yes, private enterprise will ruin the internet

is there a ranch or a game preserve where they breed these people?

I thought you guys were opposed to businesses violating the constitution? Or does that only apply to christian bakers?

i am opposed, but the key is to wait until it actually, you know, happens

what time does your bus come?

I understand that corporate censorship doesn't violate the 1st amendment, but don't you think it's time to fix that loophole? Consider the power corporations have over people's day to day lives especially now in the internet age.
So Now You Tube, Decides To Censor History Itself...
Let me make this as clear as I can: The only thing YouTube is censoring is YouTube.
  • The whole of history prior to 2005 happened without YouTube being there to record it and yet we have records of all sorts of history's happenings.
  • History's record exists in far more places than YouTube and whether any moment in time appears on YouTube or doesn't there appear, is of no consequence.
  • YouTube is not the official archive of post-2005 history.
I think you are under the impression that youtube is like the national parks system. Its not. The national park system is like socialism. Youtube is capitalism. Its privately owned and if they want to they can take down every video on their site. Now if you are too illiterate to copy or click on a URL to access the video then maybe you should be wearing a crash helmet and a orange safety vest before you access the internet.
.Your bold threats in your words, is the very reason why we need back up in this country. That way it could be said to you after speaking in that way, ( "that's ok, because we will just use this XYZ site that is just as good and informative as your site is).
I didnt put anything in bold. What are you talking about?
. Not literally in bold as in text font, but in the context of your brazing/bold way of expressing yourself in your post.
Did you mean brazen? If you didnt like the way I expressed myself you were free to stop reading. Its a free country.
. Yes brazen... Now if you think people should sit back and not comment on your post, then you are in the wrong place. Not sure why you took my response personal or am I just wasting my time discussing with you ?? Is your comprehension skills off a little maybe ??
I dont mind people commenting on my post. It just seems you were the one that took my post personal. Theres nothing brazen or bold about my POV.
yes, private enterprise will ruin the internet

is there a ranch or a game preserve where they breed these people?

I thought you guys were opposed to businesses violating the constitution? Or does that only apply to christian bakers?

i am opposed, but the key is to wait until it actually, you know, happens

what time does your bus come?

I understand that corporate censorship doesn't violate the 1st amendment, but don't you think it's time to fix that loophole? Consider the power corporations have over people's day to day lives especially now in the internet age.
How does it violate the first amendment? Where does it say in the first amendment you can post whatever you want on Youtube?

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