So Now You Tube, Decides To Censor History Itself...

This video cant be played here

This is how they stop viral videos

i just played it

is there a small child available to assist you in your quest for truth, justice and some obscure youtube hack?

A colleague of mine told me to watch a rather informative video about gun control through the ages. I did. And indeed it was very informative. Replete with factual content. Quotes by those who themselves desired to enact gun control. And the outcome of those who disarmed in the face of opposition.
While on phone discussing the video with my colleague; my son asked, “what’s it called? I wanna see it.” So I told him. “It’s called “Gun Control History MUST SEE”. Spelled exactly as I have displayed within the quotes.
Funny thing... My tech won’t even let me “link” the video... it’s been buried. Why?
Funny thing... He went to watch it on his totally unhindered XBox, and got this message...

My question is... What users would report actual documented history? And Why would comments be disabled, for a video that details exactly what the hot button issue of the day is? The video is complete with historical facts, and quote from Hitler, to Jefferson, to Feinstein.
If any of you doubted that the major leftist operators of our most common used communications services haven’t already made their decision, as to where they actually stand on free speech... you haven’t tried to speak out against what they believe...

Soon as I started reading this I figured it was bullshit.

Sure enough -- went to YouTube, dropped in the title --- came right up.

Uploaded four years ago.
If you type in the title you can find it. That’s the point. It won’t come up in a search. You have to know exactly what you are looking for. My tech didn’t display this behavior before I left for work this morning. That’s why I’m mentioning it.

You should stop lying while you are ahead. I didnt even put the full title in and it shows up.

View attachment 179406

Why lie about history? Comments were disabled sometime today. I commented this morning. Others commented after me... no comments now. No share info now... Why?

why not?

This video cant be played here

This is how they stop viral videos

i just played it

is there a small child available to assist you in your quest for truth, justice and some obscure youtube hack?

A colleague of mine told me to watch a rather informative video about gun control through the ages. I did. And indeed it was very informative. Replete with factual content. Quotes by those who themselves desired to enact gun control. And the outcome of those who disarmed in the face of opposition.
While on phone discussing the video with my colleague; my son asked, “what’s it called? I wanna see it.” So I told him. “It’s called “Gun Control History MUST SEE”. Spelled exactly as I have displayed within the quotes.
Funny thing... My tech won’t even let me “link” the video... it’s been buried. Why?
Funny thing... He went to watch it on his totally unhindered XBox, and got this message...

My question is... What users would report actual documented history? And Why would comments be disabled, for a video that details exactly what the hot button issue of the day is? The video is complete with historical facts, and quote from Hitler, to Jefferson, to Feinstein.
If any of you doubted that the major leftist operators of our most common used communications services haven’t already made their decision, as to where they actually stand on free speech... you haven’t tried to speak out against what they believe...

Soon as I started reading this I figured it was bullshit.

Sure enough -- went to YouTube, dropped in the title --- came right up.

Uploaded four years ago.
If you type in the title you can find it. That’s the point. It won’t come up in a search. You have to know exactly what you are looking for. My tech didn’t display this behavior before I left for work this morning. That’s why I’m mentioning it.

You should stop lying while you are ahead. I didnt even put the full title in and it shows up.

View attachment 179406

Why lie about history? Comments were disabled sometime today. I commented this morning. Others commented after me... no comments now. No share info now... Why?

You clearly have no clue how youtube works. The uploader decides if you can comment on the video or not. Not youtube.
This video cant be played here

This is how they stop viral videos

i just played it

is there a small child available to assist you in your quest for truth, justice and some obscure youtube hack?
A colleague of mine told me to watch a rather informative video about gun control through the ages. I did. And indeed it was very informative. Replete with factual content. Quotes by those who themselves desired to enact gun control. And the outcome of those who disarmed in the face of opposition.
While on phone discussing the video with my colleague; my son asked, “what’s it called? I wanna see it.” So I told him. “It’s called “Gun Control History MUST SEE”. Spelled exactly as I have displayed within the quotes.
Funny thing... My tech won’t even let me “link” the video... it’s been buried. Why?
Funny thing... He went to watch it on his totally unhindered XBox, and got this message...

My question is... What users would report actual documented history? And Why would comments be disabled, for a video that details exactly what the hot button issue of the day is? The video is complete with historical facts, and quote from Hitler, to Jefferson, to Feinstein.
If any of you doubted that the major leftist operators of our most common used communications services haven’t already made their decision, as to where they actually stand on free speech... you haven’t tried to speak out against what they believe...

Soon as I started reading this I figured it was bullshit.

Sure enough -- went to YouTube, dropped in the title --- came right up.

Uploaded four years ago.
If you type in the title you can find it. That’s the point. It won’t come up in a search. You have to know exactly what you are looking for. My tech didn’t display this behavior before I left for work this morning. That’s why I’m mentioning it.
You should stop lying while you are ahead. I didnt even put the full title in and it shows up.

View attachment 179406
Why lie about history? Comments were disabled sometime today. I commented this morning. Others commented after me... no comments now. No share info now... Why?
Comments are disabled by the person that puts up the video from what I understand. You would have to check with him or her.
After years of being on YT... The poster just decided at random to disable comments, and bury it in the search?
A colleague of mine told me to watch a rather informative video about gun control through the ages. I did. And indeed it was very informative. Replete with factual content. Quotes by those who themselves desired to enact gun control. And the outcome of those who disarmed in the face of opposition.
While on phone discussing the video with my colleague; my son asked, “what’s it called? I wanna see it.” So I told him. “It’s called “Gun Control History MUST SEE”. Spelled exactly as I have displayed within the quotes.
Funny thing... My tech won’t even let me “link” the video... it’s been buried. Why?
Funny thing... He went to watch it on his totally unhindered XBox, and got this message...
View attachment 179402
My question is... What users would report actual documented history? And Why would comments be disabled, for a video that details exactly what the hot button issue of the day is? The video is complete with historical facts, and quote from Hitler, to Jefferson, to Feinstein.
If any of you doubted that the major leftist operators of our most common used communications services haven’t already made their decision, as to where they actually stand on free speech... you haven’t tried to speak out against what they believe...
. Our government should have a platform that is as informative as YouTube, and then we can decide what content we want to keep upon the platform. Having YouTube trumping our nation in such a thing shows that we as a nation have dropped the ball when it comes to our ability to create a government site that is as good if not better than YouTube.
i just played it

is there a small child available to assist you in your quest for truth, justice and some obscure youtube hack?
Soon as I started reading this I figured it was bullshit.

Sure enough -- went to YouTube, dropped in the title --- came right up.

Uploaded four years ago.
If you type in the title you can find it. That’s the point. It won’t come up in a search. You have to know exactly what you are looking for. My tech didn’t display this behavior before I left for work this morning. That’s why I’m mentioning it.
You should stop lying while you are ahead. I didnt even put the full title in and it shows up.

View attachment 179406
Why lie about history? Comments were disabled sometime today. I commented this morning. Others commented after me... no comments now. No share info now... Why?
Comments are disabled by the person that puts up the video from what I understand. You would have to check with him or her.
After years of being on YT... The poster just decided at random to disable comments, and bury it in the search?


Interesting... this is what I got.
View attachment 179405

My devices were an Android, IPhone, and sons XBox. Sharing service was disabled across all 3. The Microsoft product wouldn’t even play it. Why?

Click on learn more

i just played it

is there a small child available to assist you in your quest for truth, justice and some obscure youtube hack?
Soon as I started reading this I figured it was bullshit.

Sure enough -- went to YouTube, dropped in the title --- came right up.

Uploaded four years ago.
If you type in the title you can find it. That’s the point. It won’t come up in a search. You have to know exactly what you are looking for. My tech didn’t display this behavior before I left for work this morning. That’s why I’m mentioning it.
You should stop lying while you are ahead. I didnt even put the full title in and it shows up.

View attachment 179406
Why lie about history? Comments were disabled sometime today. I commented this morning. Others commented after me... no comments now. No share info now... Why?
Comments are disabled by the person that puts up the video from what I understand. You would have to check with him or her.
After years of being on YT... The poster just decided at random to disable comments, and bury it in the search?
Yes. They could be tired of getting emails or seeing comments.

In this case you tube shut down the comment section.
This video cant be played here

This is how they stop viral videos

i just played it

is there a small child available to assist you in your quest for truth, justice and some obscure youtube hack?
A colleague of mine told me to watch a rather informative video about gun control through the ages. I did. And indeed it was very informative. Replete with factual content. Quotes by those who themselves desired to enact gun control. And the outcome of those who disarmed in the face of opposition.
While on phone discussing the video with my colleague; my son asked, “what’s it called? I wanna see it.” So I told him. “It’s called “Gun Control History MUST SEE”. Spelled exactly as I have displayed within the quotes.
Funny thing... My tech won’t even let me “link” the video... it’s been buried. Why?
Funny thing... He went to watch it on his totally unhindered XBox, and got this message...

My question is... What users would report actual documented history? And Why would comments be disabled, for a video that details exactly what the hot button issue of the day is? The video is complete with historical facts, and quote from Hitler, to Jefferson, to Feinstein.
If any of you doubted that the major leftist operators of our most common used communications services haven’t already made their decision, as to where they actually stand on free speech... you haven’t tried to speak out against what they believe...

Soon as I started reading this I figured it was bullshit.

Sure enough -- went to YouTube, dropped in the title --- came right up.

Uploaded four years ago.
If you type in the title you can find it. That’s the point. It won’t come up in a search. You have to know exactly what you are looking for. My tech didn’t display this behavior before I left for work this morning. That’s why I’m mentioning it.
You should stop lying while you are ahead. I didnt even put the full title in and it shows up.

View attachment 179406
Why lie about history? Comments were disabled sometime today. I commented this morning. Others commented after me... no comments now. No share info now... Why?

You clearly have no clue how youtube works. The uploader decides if you can comment on the video or not. Not youtube.
I was able to share via Android today. And did so 3 times before 10 am. I know enough about YT to know something changed between 10am and now.
And... What is YTs connection to Microsoft? While I can see the video, replete with warnings and disabled comments now... If I try to mirra cast it; my kids Xbox defaults to the warning previously posted. Its weird. It was just like any other video when I left the house this morning.
Internet censorship really bugs the shit out of me. Of course, so-called "liberals" don't seem to mind.
Internet censorship really bugs the shit out of me. Of course, so-called "liberals" don't seem to mind.

that's because socalled *liberals* understand the difference between private entities and the govt and how the 1st applies to one and not the other.

mouthbreathing fuckwits like you, otoh, just don't seem to get it

Internet censorship really bugs the shit out of me. Of course, so-called "liberals" don't seem to mind.
.The platforms need competition in order for a platform not to become a monopoly. Monopolies with to much unchallenged power, (imo) they become tempted to think that they can and will shape and/or control society in a sheeple kind of way (even attempt to shape the political landscape as well). We need competition in everything, even if we the taxpayers allow government to get involved in the learning process of creating such a thing if need be by our permission to do so also.
In my opinion, if there is going to be a cake, why not some frosting?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, to me, the people in charge of the website were already in serious need of a good kicking where it hurts.
Internet censorship really bugs the shit out of me. Of course, so-called "liberals" don't seem to mind.
It was operator error you idiot.

No, it's not. The video in question was put into "limited state" by youtube. This has been going on for quite some time now.
"limited" doesnt mean you cant search on it, watch it, or link to it you idiot.

What it does mean is that it can't be embedded on other sites and won't show up on the "related" sidebar, both of which severely limits it's reach. Limited state videos are also demonetized which discourages the uploader from using youtube at all. You can't see the ratings or number of views so you have no idea if the idea being censored is popular or reviled. If this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked, it's going to ruin the internet for everybody and not just people you disagree with.
yes, private enterprise will ruin the internet

is there a ranch or a game preserve where they breed these people?
In my opinion, if there is going to be a cake, why not some frosting?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, to me, the people in charge of the website were already in serious need of a good kicking where it hurts.
. Great platform just like e-bay, Amazon etc. Just need to make sure that a specific group of citizens or even individuals aren't politically trying to control the platform or platforms in ways that attempt to sensor out materials in which they don't agree with because of political reasons. It's what's happening in these college's lately, and it's unexceptable.

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