So Obama's New Economy Is Booming.Then Why Are Thousands Fleeing Blue States?

Cry in your beer, dweebs.
Majority of Americans agree America is headed in the wrong direction.
Yup, turning the SS Bush around has been a hard job when a minority of the crew lay in the bunks and smoke hash.
History shows the economy does poorly when Dems control Congress and does well when Reps control Congress.
It has gone from 10.2% UE to 5%, created four times as many jobs as Bush's terms, and created more jobs in a two-year than in twenty years.
Cry in your beer, dweebs.
Majority of Americans agree America is headed in the wrong direction.
Yup, turning the SS Bush around has been a hard job when a minority of the crew lay in the bunks and smoke hash.
History shows the economy does poorly when Dems control Congress and does well when Reps control Congress.
It has gone from 10.2% UE to 5%, created four times as many jobs as Bush's terms, and created more jobs in a two-year than in twenty years.
Workers in the work force is down to the 1970's rate.
Yup, because so many have retired, bubba, yet we have more workers actively employed than ever.

Sux for you, but there it is.
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if the economy was doing so well, then why does the debt go up about a million a minute?
Do some research. The answer is out there.
Oh, wait, you were looking for some echo from the ignorant echo chamber.
Never mind.

The answer is the economy is not doing so well.
Then why are companies making record profits and we are at nearly full employment?

Because prices have risen, oil is down, and the middle class situation is not nearly as dire as the Democrats would have you believe.

We are not anywhere near approaching full employment.
For the educated, we probably are. For Republicans, not so much. Why do you think they are terrified of immigrants?
Only those looking for minimum wage jobs.
California: Why do we love to think that the state is driving jobs and employers away?

SoCal economic forecast: More businesses coming than going

Good, now that we've cleared that up, we can move onto something not a conspiracy.

My State is being infested by blue state lowlifes who want to bring the way they were doing thing economically with them. The funny part, which shows their stupidity, is that the shitty economic situations as to why they left is exactly what they try to bring with them and implement. Someone should explain to those who claim to be so smart that if it didn't work where they came from and they left because of it, it won't work here either. Just a bunch of damn yankees that are beyond educating.
Only those looking for minimum wage jobs.
California: Why do we love to think that the state is driving jobs and employers away?

SoCal economic forecast: More businesses coming than going

Good, now that we've cleared that up, we can move onto something not a conspiracy.

California drives out business through taxation. That is why Gov Perry toured California courting business to come to Texas. He said, we'll take you company and your guns

You just quoted facts that California attracts high-income businesses, which contradicts your blabbering echo-chamber rant. Did you even read the sources you quoted?
The UE rate in the great liberal state of NY is 5.7%.

The UE rate in the great state of Alabama, conservative stronghold, is 5.8%

And the median wages in Alabama is 1/2 that of New York. No one says "I just got a great job, they are sending me to the middle of Mississippi!"

Only the ignorant Republicans living out there think the Red States are doing better than Blue States.
Yup, because so many have retired, bubba, yet we have more workers actively employed than ever.

Sux for you, but there it is.
Record number of people on welfare. Math isn't your best subject?
The unemployment rate in Bernie's Vermont is 3.6%
US Senators run their States now?
The left get dumber and dumber.

Vermont is the most liberal state in the Union. UE 3.6%

Mississippi is the most conservative state in the Union. UE 6.6%
:eusa_think::shock::hmpf: And by now we all heard Obama say that for those of us who doubt that the economy is doing well, back from the brink, jobs, jobs and jobs everywhere, well? Maybe last night Obama needed to explain why so many Americans are fleeing states like California, Illinois,New Joisy, New Nork, etc.! oh and don't forget Detroit! {aka-Hell !!!}
So where is the evidence that the economy is booming while Obama borrows about one trillion a year to keep the economy in the black?
They also say there is no inflation. Ignore your Subway sandwich costing $6 instead of $5 it did a year ago and the ever shrinking sizes in the grocery store.

It still costs $5 here, lol. How about you get back to reality?

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