So Obama's New Economy Is Booming.Then Why Are Thousands Fleeing Blue States?

Yup, because so many have retired, bubba, yet we have more workers actively employed than ever.

Sux for you, but there it is.
Record number of people on welfare. Math isn't your best subject?
The unemployment rate in Bernie's Vermont is 3.6%
US Senators run their States now?
The left get dumber and dumber.

Vermont is the most liberal state in the Union. UE 3.6%

Mississippi is the most conservative state in the Union. UE 6.6%
:eusa_think::shock::hmpf: And by now we all heard Obama say that for those of us who doubt that the economy is doing well, back from the brink, jobs, jobs and jobs everywhere, well? Maybe last night Obama needed to explain why so many Americans are fleeing states like California, Illinois,New Joisy, New Nork, etc.! oh and don't forget Detroit! {aka-Hell !!!}
So where is the evidence that the economy is booming while Obama borrows about one trillion a year to keep the economy in the black?
They also say there is no inflation. Ignore your Subway sandwich costing $6 instead of $5 it did a year ago and the ever shrinking sizes in the grocery store.

It still costs $5 here, lol. How about you get back to reality?
$8.35 for a Subway Club in KKKalifornia.
Yup, because so many have retired, bubba, yet we have more workers actively employed than ever.

Sux for you, but there it is.
Record number of people on welfare. Math isn't your best subject?

Yup, you are math challenged for sure.

A record number of people in the country.

A record number of workers actively employed.

Still trying to cope with the Bush wreckage.

:eusa_think::shock::hmpf: And by now we all heard Obama say that for those of us who doubt that the economy is doing well, back from the brink, jobs, jobs and jobs everywhere, well? Maybe last night Obama needed to explain why so many Americans are fleeing states like California, Illinois,New Joisy, New Nork, etc.! oh and don't forget Detroit! {aka-Hell !!!}
So where is the evidence that the economy is booming while Obama borrows about one trillion a year to keep the economy in the black?
They also say there is no inflation. Ignore your Subway sandwich costing $6 instead of $5 it did a year ago and the ever shrinking sizes in the grocery store.

It still costs $5 here, lol. How about you get back to reality?
$8.35 for a Subway Club in KKKalifornia.
$4.50 in Oceanside.
:eusa_think::shock::hmpf: And by now we all heard Obama say that for those of us who doubt that the economy is doing well, back from the brink, jobs, jobs and jobs everywhere, well? Maybe last night Obama needed to explain why so many Americans are fleeing states like California, Illinois,New Joisy, New Nork, etc.! oh and don't forget Detroit! {aka-Hell !!!}
So where is the evidence that the economy is booming while Obama borrows about one trillion a year to keep the economy in the black?

Its expensive.
When you have entire factories moving to China, it's not a question of starting them up again. They are gone.


With Republicans in control of the U.S. House of Representatives, Democrats don’t have the clout they used to.

"Many big companies have not created jobs in the U.S. Instead, they’ve taken many of their jobs to countries with the cheapest labor, the least regulations and few employee rights. This flies in the face of the Republicans’ concern that taxes on the rich means fewer jobs," she said.

The data shows there were 398,887 private manufacturing establishments of all sizes in the United States during the first quarter of 2001. By the end of 2010, the number declined to 342,647, a loss of 56,190 facilities. Over 10 years, that works out to an average yearly loss of 5,619 factories. Dividing that by the 365 days in a year produces a 15.39 average daily number of factories lost.

Betty Sutton says that on average, 15 U.S. factories close each day

:eusa_think::shock::hmpf: And by now we all heard Obama say that for those of us who doubt that the economy is doing well, back from the brink, jobs, jobs and jobs everywhere, well? Maybe last night Obama needed to explain why so many Americans are fleeing states like California, Illinois,New Joisy, New Nork, etc.! oh and don't forget Detroit! {aka-Hell !!!}
So where is the evidence that the economy is booming while Obama borrows about one trillion a year to keep the economy in the black?
They also say there is no inflation. Ignore your Subway sandwich costing $6 instead of $5 it did a year ago and the ever shrinking sizes in the grocery store.

It still costs $5 here, lol. How about you get back to reality?
$8.35 for a Subway Club in KKKalifornia.

Are you talking about their $5 foot long promotion? Or the regular cost of an 8inch full sub with all the fixings?

You said a $5 sub now costs $6, but now you quote $8.35.

It just sounds like you don't know what you're talking about.

Meanwhile Gas prices are super low and getting lower.
if the economy was doing so well, then why does the debt go up about a million a minute?

1. Reagan tripled Carter's debt yet he is your party's greatest icon.

2. Bush 43 doubled Clinton's debt, yet your side said nothing. He also raised the debt ceiling 4x when your side controlled the House/Senate. You are a slave to a media bubble which didn't report any of this.

3. Since you support a political party whose presidents always manage to spend more than their democratic predecessors, and since your party never truly holds its president's accountable for raising the debt ceiling or packing every bill with pork for Republican voting districts, why on fucking earth would we take you seriously?

4. In 1980 Ronald Reagan told us we needed to liberalize trade laws so that production could shift to the most profitable labor markets. He said the expanded profits (made possible by lower labor costs) would trickle down. The opposite happened. The jobs are gone. The only jobs that come back are ones that under bid the 3rd world, i.e., shit pay.

The upward mobility of the liberal postwar years, 1945-1975, was created by affordable education and high wages/benefits. Reagan said our we could no longer afford the tax burden associated with affordable education, and our capitalists could no longer afford the wage structure associated with an upwardly mobile middle class. So he got us to dismantle those things. Affordable education is gone, and capitalist production has been shipped to freedom hating tyrannies in China and the 3rd world. [You get this right? Nike investors make higher profits when their sneakers are made in sweatshops for pennies. By shifting major industries - e.g., textiles - to Asian sweatshops, Reaganomics decimated the Anerican worker, while making the owners of capital wealthy enough to buy politicians. Your political party's greatest icon sold the American worker down river and fucking destroyed this country]

After Reagan made it easier to shift capitalist production to freedom hating tyrannies, the only thing that trickled down to the middle class were credit cards and debt.

You get this right? When jobs were shipped to more profitable labor markets, the wages associated with those jobs evaporated. In the absence of livable wages, the middle class increasingly relied on credit/debt to survive. So, starting in 1980 American families took on unprecedented levels of debt. Now the middle class is marching into old age with nothing but debt, as all the country's wealth goes into fewer and fewer hands.

This inequality of wealth means that some families have the resources to buy the American government. Don't you get it? Concentrated wealth is concentrated political power. The failed promise of Reaganomics - the failure of trickle down economics - has turned the middle and lower classes into debt slaves with no political power and no future - and it is the job of talk radio to channel their rage at everyone but the political movement that caused the problem. Meanwhile, your party has quietly created the very concentrated political power that you claim to be against.

But yes. The promise of livable wages and affordable education was destroyed to make room for higher profits and low taxes for the wealthy - and the result is a small class of plutocrats who own government coupled with a massive class of desperate debt slaves who are vulnerable to talk radio demagogues peddling scapegoats.

Do you even know what supply side economics is? Do you know how much Reagan spent compared to Carter. You've been lied to. You need to turn off talk radio and study the actual policies and actual spending records of your Party, including Reagan, the great Conservative. Your ignorance over what the Republican Party has done to this country is killing us. Turn off FOX and get yourself to a library.

And we should keep listening to you? Why?
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if the economy was doing so well, then why does the debt go up about a million a minute?
Do some research. The answer is out there.
Oh, wait, you were looking for some echo from the ignorant echo chamber.
Never mind.

The answer is the economy is not doing so well.
Then why are companies making record profits and we are at nearly full employment?

Because prices have risen, oil is down, and the middle class situation is not nearly as dire as the Democrats would have you believe.

We are not anywhere near approaching full employment.
For the educated, we probably are. For Republicans, not so much. Why do you think they are terrified of immigrants?

No one is terrified of immigrants, nor illegal invaders. Immigrants are welcome. Invaders are not. It's that simple.
billy, the economy is doing well. If you don't think so, then your head is not doing well.

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