So on Monday Letitia James can grab Trump's empire? (Poll)

So what are Trump's options?

  • Tell Letitia James if she drops the charges he'll drop out of the 2024 race?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Let Letitia James take all of his property?

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Appeal to every court he can think of to get a delay until his appeals are processed?

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Keep cool knowing that when he is elected president he can settle the score...

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Other options...see my post.

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
People will no longer do business with NYC if this atrocity continues. It is the Justice Department's glaring mistake that will break people's trust in the state of New York. People will starve without customers all over the world. President Trump tells the truth and helps this country.


Of course they will.

The New York attorney general’s office has filed judgments in Westchester County, the first indication that the state is preparing to try to seize Donald Trump’s golf course and private estate north of Manhattan, known as Seven Springs.

State lawyers entered the judgments with the clerk’s office in Westchester County on March 6, just one week after Judge Arthur Engoron made official his $464 million decision against Trump, his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, and the Trump Organization.
Entering a judgment would be the first step a creditor would take to attempt to recover property. Additional steps, such as putting liens on assets or moving to foreclose on properties, or taking other actions in court would follow, if the asset is going to be seized.

The judgment is already entered in New York city where Trump’s properties including Trump Tower, his penthouse at Trump Tower, 40 Wall Street, his hotel abutting Central Park, and numerous apartment buildings are located.
YOU are POJECTING all that BULLSHIT onto Trump without a shred of evidence; NONE!!!!!
It's all EMOTION with you Neo-Bolshevik FREAKS!!!!
Bad Orange Man is bad, BAD, BAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!
The BAD ORANGE MAN is going to suppress you, omg, somebody do SOMETHING!!!!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES are pathetic and out of your minds.
What are you going to do when he's ELECTED AGAIN INTO OFFICE????
I shudder at the thought.
Get a fucking GRIP!!!!!

Listen to Trump's rally speeches.
Looks like Trump won't be able to post a $500,000,000 bond.

That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets.

Will Trump lose everything but Mar-a-Lago? (I think Desantis would keep NY out of FL.)

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If Trump loses his property over a case that had NO VICTIMS then we definitely do live in a banana republic.

If Trump loses his property over a case that had NO VICTIMS then we definitely do live in a banana republic.

Don't pay your taxes for five years. Lets see what happens. No victims right?
A 77 year old man that has never been convicted for any felony in his entire life, is now facing jail time of over 400 years. Crippling fines. Crippling legal fees. Crippling time consumed. Remember when he was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding? A welcome guest on the Oprah show? But when he upset the applecart everything changed. If they can do this to him.....they can do this to anybody...Even Oprah knows to never go against "THEY".
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A 77 year old man that has never been convicted for any felony in his entire life, is now facing jail time of over 400 years. Crippling fines. Crippling legal fees. Crippling time consumed. Remember when he was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding? A welcome guest on the Oprah show? But when he upset the applecart everything changed. If they can do do this to him.....they can do this to anybody...Even Oprah knows to never go against "THEY".
You reap what you sow…..
And even a super powerful, ultra rich person like Oprah....knows that they themselves, can be crushed like a bug...anytime "THEY" consider you to be "out of line"!! This is not the level of freedom that I demand.
On December 10, 2008, Madoff's sons Mark and Andrew told authorities that their father had confessed to them that the asset management unit of his firm was a massive Ponzi scheme, and quoted him as saying that it was "one big lie".[16][17][18] The following day, agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Madoff and charged him with one count of securities fraud. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had previously conducted multiple investigations into his business practices but had not uncovered the massive fraud.[9] On March 12, 2009, Madoff pleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies and admitted to turning his wealth management business into a massive Ponzi scheme.
Terrible! :icon_cry:
/---/ Sure, just as soon as you post your legal name, social security number, DOB, and mother's maiden name (assuming you know who she is.)
I know you're just clowning around and being difficult because you won't give up your precious talking point.
So, you just lied about it. Got it.
Yes, the logic for the breakdown of each of the overvaluation actions is in the decision.


Since New York Executive law 63(12) empowers the State Attorney General to file civil suits in the case of persistent fraudulent and illegal business practices for the people of New York, the amount of the Judgement will go to the people of New York through the state.

Wrong type of civil suit. Here the state is the claimant.

There has been talk of the State using the money to finance a new college endowments through the New York State Higher Education System.

The suggestion for the name of the new school is "The Donald J. Trump School Of How Not To Run A Business".

But that is still a work in progress.

Well that's surprise.

Because an FPOTUS#45 insider finally spilled the beans to Congress after getting screwed over by FPOTUS#45 and going to prison.

It's always a bad idea to screw your fixer who not only can spill the beans but as a lawyer has the details (dates, times, locations, methodology, texts, emails, phone records, and even audio recordings, etc.) who then turns over hard evidence to prosecutors.


Yes, the logic for the breakdown of each of the overvaluation actions is in the decision.

I’m not asking for the logic behind how they arrived at the decision, I’m asking how they arrived at the number. For them to reach a number, there has to have been estimates, calculations, there would have had to have been a line item listing of where the numbers came from. That’s what I’m looking for.


Since New York Executive law 63(12) empowers the State Attorney General to file civil suits in the case of persistent fraudulent and illegal business practices for the people of New York, the amount of the Judgement will go to the people of New York through the state.

I don’t think that’s correct. James was seeking disgorgement:

Disgorgement is the legally mandated repayment of ill-gotten gains imposed on wrongdoers by the courts. Funds that were received through illegal or unethical business transactions are disgorged, or paid back, often with interest and/or penalties to those affected by the action.

Seems disgorgements are to be paid back to the victims of fraud. There is no victim here. None of the banks complained.

Wrong type of civil suit. Here the state is the claimant.

But trump didn’t defraud the state, he allegedly defrauded the banks. What gives the state to sue on behalf of a bank, claiming the banks were defrauded, but then keep the money that was supposedly the excess of what the banks should have gotten.

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