So on Monday Letitia James can grab Trump's empire? (Poll)

So what are Trump's options?

  • Tell Letitia James if she drops the charges he'll drop out of the 2024 race?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Let Letitia James take all of his property?

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Appeal to every court he can think of to get a delay until his appeals are processed?

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Keep cool knowing that when he is elected president he can settle the score...

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Other options...see my post.

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
Are you kidding?

Trump University students, Hillary with him accepting Russian stolen emails, Trump Charity alleged recipients, investors in his casinos and other bankruptcies, construction workers, law abiding tax payers, banks, the people of New York, the State of New York, the American people all over the Country, Melania, Ivana, Marla, etc etc etc
That's a lot of complaining but obviously doesn't address the "criminality" you claim.

Do "American people all over the Country" have criminal complaints?
Do you think companies can just put whatever they want on their financial statements?

Is that good for the people of New York or should there be rules against it?
/——/ Once again, for you imbeciles that can’t follow a thread or read links. The City of NY does their own assessments and taxes according. Nothing the property owner matters. GEEEZE, get a clue. This is tiring. Property Assessments - DOF


The Department of Finance values your property every year as one step in calculating your property tax bill.
/——/ GEEEZE, I’m debating an imbecile who can’t follow a thread. The City of New York, assesses your property then taxes you. They don’t take the owners word on the value.
I just posted the evidence proving it.
No one was defrauded, not the City, the State, the IRS, or the banks.
The former fuckups fraud was over valuing his properties (by 20x value) to get better loan rates and larger loans.

He fought property taxes by undervaluing them.
/——/ Once again, for you imbeciles that can’t follow a thread or read links. The City of NY does their own assessments and taxes according. Nothing the property owner matters. GEEEZE, get a clue. This is tiring. Property Assessments - DOF


The Department of Finance values your property every year as one step in calculating your property tax bill.
The case has nothing to do with tax assessments.

It’s about Trump’s statement of financial condition he was required to provide to the bank to obtain loans.

Get a clue.
And yet he was not charged with even one misdemeanor.

Just you are guilty- now show up to my kangaroo court so we can see how much we can fleece you for.

Due process, schmoo process. We don't need no stinkin' due process!
It wasn't a misdemeanor/ criminal case...because it was a civil case, and he/(& co conspirators) were never subject to imprisonment.
The case has nothing to do with tax assessments.

It’s about Trump’s statement of financial condition he was required to provide to the bank to obtain loans.

Get a clue.
/——/ The entire case was about Trump over valuing his property. Without that sham trial, his liquid assets would be a moot point.
You need to stop cherry picking the case.
The former fuckups fraud was over valuing his properties (by 20x value) to get better loan rates and larger loans.

He fought property taxes by undervaluing them.
/—-/ You Trump Haters are stuck on stupid. We are free to value our property any way we want. The banks and the tax department perform their own due diligence. That’s how it works, despite your wishes it were otherwise.
/——/ The entire case was about Trump over valuing his property. Without that sham trial, his liquid assets would be a moot point.
You need to stop cherry picking the case.
And he was found guilty of fraud based on the facts as established during the trial.
/—-/ You Trump Haters are stuck on stupid. We are free to value our property any way we want. The banks and the tax department perform their own due diligence. That’s how it works, despite your wishes it were otherwise.
No, no you are not free to value assets anyway you want. Read the law fuckup.
Can I?

Not in an informed manner; however, I would suggest you contact the county appraiser's office in Florida for their explanation.

But, to perhaps save you some time on the phone, and some effort, try Google.

Or go straight to the Politifacts website.

They offer this:

  • New York officials did not determine the value of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. The property appraiser in Palm Beach County, where the estate is located, assessed the property and determined its value.
  • In evaluating the property, Palm Beach County officials account for Mar-a-Lago’s being a deed-restricted private club. Unlike a private home, the property’s value is determined by the amount of income it generates as a club.
If you want the whole enchilada of the article on who appraised Mar-A-Lago, and why they did it the way they did.....well, go here:

Video misleads about who valued Mar-a-Lago at $18 million
/——/ If you actually owned property in any state you’d know the difference between assessed value and market value.
Go buy property anywhere in the country for assessed value and see what you get.
Here’s a link explaining it. I have zero expectations you Trump Haters will read it because you don’t care.
Last edited:
Fake News
7 minutes ago


Poster Cellblock terms post #410 as false, as 'Fake'.


Why, poster Cellblock, what is false about the Palm Beach assessor's responsibility there?
You allege it is fake, false......why?
What do you know that changes in a significant way what was presented
/——/ The entire case was about Trump over valuing his property. Without that sham trial, his liquid assets would be a moot point.
You need to stop cherry picking the case.
There was a little more than just overcoming property (there was some other issues with claiming he had liquid assets in a joint venture where he would not have been able to take money out without permission from his partners), but yeah the vast vast majority was about property value.

But those property values had nothing to do with tax assessment and everything to do with representations of his financial status to a bank.

The question remains whether you are allowed to write anything you want on a financial statement you send to a bank.
I have zero expectations you Trump Haters will read it because you don’t care.
Barking? Yes.
Right tree? No.
Wrong tree. Yes

The issue raised was that the court had appraised the MAL property low.
They didn't.
The County Assessor appraised it.
Palm Beach county appraised it as a property with deed restrictions that would not qualify for equivalent 'comps' for nearby residences.

Do this, poster Cellblock, read the Politifact explanation.
Maybe you can slide off your "Trump Haters" rhetoric and take a more thoughtful approach.

Good luck.
Barking? Yes.
Right tree? No.
Wrong tree. Yes

The issue raised was that the court had appraised the MAL property low.
They didn't.
The County Assessor appraised it.
Palm Beach county appraised it as a property with deed restrictions that would not qualify for equivalent 'comps' for nearby residences.

Do this, poster Cellblock, read the Politifact explanation.
Maybe you can slide off your "Trump Haters" rhetoric and take a more thoughtful approach.

Good luck.
The point may be that if Trump had never run, and never shouted "lock her up," this would probably not be happening to him, even though he lied about not just the MAL deed restrictions but also lied UUUUGELY about actual sq footage of his properties.

And of course he's running for potus simply to pay back his enemies.
Barking? Yes.
Right tree? No.
Wrong tree. Yes

The issue raised was that the court had appraised the MAL property low.
They didn't.
The County Assessor appraised it.
Palm Beach county appraised it as a property with deed restrictions that would not qualify for equivalent 'comps' for nearby residences.

Do this, poster Cellblock, read the Politifact explanation.
Maybe you can slide off your "Trump Haters" rhetoric and take a more thoughtful approach.

Good luck.
/——-/ My Long Island home was assessed at $180,000. I sold it above market value for $790,000 in 2021. When will the DA arrest me for fraud? Because in LiberalPropagandaville, assessed value is the only number that matters.

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