So on Monday Letitia James can grab Trump's empire? (Poll)

So what are Trump's options?

  • Tell Letitia James if she drops the charges he'll drop out of the 2024 race?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Let Letitia James take all of his property?

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Appeal to every court he can think of to get a delay until his appeals are processed?

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Keep cool knowing that when he is elected president he can settle the score...

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Other options...see my post.

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
  • was there ever a breakdown given of how they came up with that number? Or did they just pull it out of the air?
  • As to he size of the penalty, was there ever a breakdown given of how they came up with that number? Or did they just pull it out of the air?
  • Does the law allow New York to keep the disgorgement?

Good poster TIM, do this: Read the informative post from poster World Watcher in #396, above.
Or.........befriend Google and do your own due diligence.
One needs to help oneself first before relying on the kindness of strangers.

"Again, why did Letitia James go on a hunt for a crime?"

Well, without naming names, but only hinting at his was, ummm, ----- Michael Cohen.
As poster World Watcher hints in the pulled-quotes below: Pissing off the guy who knows where the bodies are buried ofttimes can be a problematic choice.

Trump trashed Cohen. Cohen trashed back. Hence, we all get Letitia James. And the state of New York has a good chance of pulling near $500 million out of fraudulent enterprise doing fraud in New York.
Or so it seems.

  • "Because an FPOTUS#45 insider finally spilled the beans to Congress after getting screwed over by FPOTUS#45 and going to prison........It's always a bad idea to screw your fixer who not only can spill the beans but as a lawyer has the details"
Don't take his property. Trump would make a spectacle of it. Don't allow that.

Instead, keep grabbing his bank accounts. Whenever money shows up anywhere, take it. Much easier than grabbing property. It will take a while, but there's no hurry.

The beauty is that if Trump can't pay his debts, the banks will be the ones seizing his assets. Let the private sector handle that.

There's a good reason no one will loan Trump money.

If Trump loses, he can't pay it back.

And if Trump wins, he'd use dictatorial powers to declare he doesn't have to pay back any loans.

It's a lose-lose for the banks, so the only way they win is not to play.
Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone
Good poster TIM, do this: Read the informative post from poster World Watcher in #396, above.
Or.........befriend Google and do your own due diligence.
One needs to help oneself first before relying on the kindness of strangers.


Well, without naming names, but only hinting at his was, ummm, ----- Michael Cohen.
As poster World Watcher hints in the pulled-quotes below: Pissing off the guy who knows where the bodies are buried ofttimes can be a problematic choice.

Trump trashed Cohen. Cohen trashed back. Hence, we all get Letitia James. And the state of New York has a good chance of pulling near $500 million out of fraudulent enterprise doing fraud in New York.
Or so it seems.
Can you explain to us how a 17 acre property with beach front, where a single acre has sold in excess of $100MM is only worth $18MM?

Letitia needs to go after Trump’s assets. Best thing the country needs right now
How can you be so blind? Did you study about Franco, Hitler and Mussolini in school? Did you take Modern European History?

This shouldn't be news to you. Demagogues are all the same. Trump is an excellent example.
YOU are POJECTING all that BULLSHIT onto Trump without a shred of evidence; NONE!!!!!
It's all EMOTION with you Neo-Bolshevik FREAKS!!!!
Bad Orange Man is bad, BAD, BAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!
The BAD ORANGE MAN is going to suppress you, omg, somebody do SOMETHING!!!!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES are pathetic and out of your minds.
What are you going to do when he's ELECTED AGAIN INTO OFFICE????
I shudder at the thought.
Get a fucking GRIP!!!!!
"Can you explain to us how a 17 acre property with beach front, where a single acre has sold in excess of $100MM is only worth $18MM?"
Can I?

Not in an informed manner; however, I would suggest you contact the county appraiser's office in Florida for their explanation.

But, to perhaps save you some time on the phone, and some effort, try Google.

Or go straight to the Politifacts website.

They offer this:

  • New York officials did not determine the value of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. The property appraiser in Palm Beach County, where the estate is located, assessed the property and determined its value.
  • In evaluating the property, Palm Beach County officials account for Mar-a-Lago’s being a deed-restricted private club. Unlike a private home, the property’s value is determined by the amount of income it generates as a club.
If you want the whole enchilada of the article on who appraised Mar-A-Lago, and why they did it the way they did.....well, go here:

Video misleads about who valued Mar-a-Lago at $18 million
Can I?

Not in an informed manner; however, I would suggest you contact the county appraiser's office in Florida for their explanation.

But, to perhaps save you some time on the phone, and some effort, try Google.

Or go straight to the Politifacts website.

They offer this:

  • New York officials did not determine the value of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. The property appraiser in Palm Beach County, where the estate is located, assessed the property and determined its value.
  • In evaluating the property, Palm Beach County officials account for Mar-a-Lago’s being a deed-restricted private club. Unlike a private home, the property’s value is determined by the amount of income it generates as a club.
If you want the whole enchilada of the article on who appraised Mar-A-Lago, and why they did it the way they did.....well, go here:

Video misleads about who valued Mar-a-Lago at $18 million
Proving beyond any doubt the Left is too ignorant to hold any political power anywhere on planet Earth

I pray the RNC implements an accurate, national voter database
"Letitia needs to go after Trump’s assets. Best thing the country needs right now..."

Well, I quite agree, in part.

Indeed, James needs to go after Trump's assets if he fails to meet his obligations for surety while pursuing an appeal of the ruling.

Whether it is the "best thing the country needs"?..... well, I for one, doubt it is the best. There are many more pressing responsibilities at many levels of governance, in my view. Curing cancer for one, comes to mind.

However, holding an individual responsible as a fraudster as found by a court of law.....then pursuing the subsequent judgment seems practical, useful, and necessary to support our long-held ethic of a "rule-of-law".

So, let the law rule.
Will someone bail Trump out?

Elmo the Space Nazi already said no, but maybe he'll reconsider. After all, he doesn't want to have to obey laws like everyone else. He wants a free pass to be criminal, and only Trump can give him that. He might consider it to be worth the risk of losing that money.

Our foreign enemies might think the same way. The odds of success aren't that good, but the payoff would be spectacular. Think about it, a fascist USA dancing on Russian/Chinese/Saudi puppet strings. That might make it worth the risk of bailing out Trump.

Trump cultists, do you prefer taking your marching orders from Russia, China or Saudi Arabia?
Well, I quite agree, in part.

Indeed, James needs to go after Trump's assets if he fails to meet his obligations for surety while pursuing an appeal of the ruling.

Whether it is the "best thing the country needs"?..... well, I for one, doubt it is the best. There are many more pressing responsibilities at many levels of governance, in my view. Curing cancer for one, comes to mind.

However, holding an individual responsible as a fraudster as found by a court of law.....then pursuing the subsequent judgment seems practical, useful, and necessary to support our long-held ethic of a "rule-of-law".

So, let the law rule.
NYS needs that money to pay for the new Census spurring $400/day Illegal Alien democrat Party base!
Will someone bail Trump out?

Elmo the Space Nazi already said no, but maybe he'll reconsider. After all, he doesn't want to have to obey laws like everyone else. He wants a free pass to be criminal, and only Trump can give him that. He might consider it to be worth the risk of losing that money.

Our foreign enemies might think the same way. The odds of success aren't that good, but the payoff would be spectacular. Think about it, a fascist USA dancing on Russian/Chinese/Saudi puppet strings. That might make it worth the risk of bailing out Trump.

Trump cultists, do you prefer taking your marching orders from Russia, China or Saudi Arabia?
Too bad Xi didn’t help your side think this through.
J6 was worse than 911, Pearl Harbor, Chicxulub Asteroid and Toba Super volcano combined!!
Personally, I think the poster Frank is a tad too sensitive.
Histrionic and hyperbolic though, do come to mind.
I, also personally, do not think the jackassery on January 6th that we all watched live on the telly.....was as bad as Pearl Harbor.

But that's just me. Poster Frank can be who he wants to be on that issue.
Albeit, Pearl was nearly 83 years ago.
So there is that.

Proving beyond any doubt the Left is too ignorant
Not sure what the poster Frank is referring to.
He seemingly was responding to the news ---news to him, at least ---- that the Mar-A-Lago property valuation is determined by the office of the county assessor in Palm Beach county, Florida (hardly a hot-bed of Democrats or the "Left". It is solidly Republican and conservative. Duh!)

Yeah, I don't get poster Frank's confusion, either.
Who was cheated?

What fraud?
Are you kidding?

Trump University students, Hillary with him Using Russian stolen emails, Trump Charity alleged recipients and donors, investors in his casinos and other bankruptcies, construction workers, law abiding tax payers, banks, the people of New York, the State of New York, the American people all over the Country, Melania, Ivana, Marla, etc etc etc

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