So proud of black people now....its about time!!

Jews. Hispanics. Asians. Irishmen. Scots. You forgot they also were enslaved and slaughtered in the past too. Yet.....they moved on.
Only the Irish were enslaved over here in the US. Also they were not enslaved for multiple generations and had their history destroyed. Its easy to move on when you already know who you are.

If you are unable to move on because you don't know who you are, what is the solution?

Do like I did and not only find out who you are but view with suspicion everything whites have taught you about what it means to be Black/African. Once you see all the lies, omissions, and obvious attempts by whites to promote the the idea of white superiority you get an idea of how fragile the psyche of the white race is. You start questioning everything and you marvel at the staying power of your beautiful Black race. Then you begin to rebuild. Thats occurring as we speak.

I tend not to listen to those around me, but I do seek facts to ascertain reality. I know that blacks claimed that they are unfairly targeted by society, and thats why their crime rate is so much higher than the norm.

Sounds logical. However, there is one statistic that skews that perception. Murder. If the reality was that blacks are targeted more, how do you explain the murder rates among blacks?

In order to be targeted for the crime of murder, you need a victim, and since there are indeed victims, why would the murder rate skew so heavily toward the blacks?

And if the murder rate does skew towards blacks, it makes me question just how much discrimination plays into the other crime statistics.

How do you know what are facts and what is fiction? Whites have been caught in so many historical lies they no longer have any credibility.

Its simplistic to say the Black crime rate is high just because Blacks are unfairly targeted. That ultimately be a major cause but it also has a lot to do with what I spoke of before. Not knowing who we are as a people. Anyone with a simple grasp of psychology can tell you what happens when you destroy a peoples foundation and devalue them for centuries. They begin to hate and devalue themselves. There is a segment of Black that is still suffering from this. However, that is changing as Blacks are beginning to understand the folly in accepting white lies and statistics.

At some point in our history, we have got to stop allowing white culture, white media and whites as a whole to define us and who we are. At some point, black people are gonna have to come to terms with what is real in our communities and address it. But we will do this not because white people want it, but because we want it. The one lesson I have learned in my 60 years of being on this planet, that this value hold we've always held up with whites, is just a myth.....I've learned that some of the most pathetic creatures ever created come in white skin and end with fine hair. I still can't believe how brain washed we all were thinking these people were reality, they are not!!
Seeing how every race and ethnic group on Earth at some point has been slaughtered or invaded or enslaved or mistreated....I have to ask.....why are blacks so easily conquered? They just can't seem to get a win.

Easily conquered....???? You gotta be talking slavery, cause you white motherfuckers jump out ya skin you see one on a dark street.

Black Panthers murder at least 15 policemen
Do they not know that it was the black community, mainly black women that raised an intire generation of white people back in the day. While Ma and Pa Kettle was sittin on their ass, it was blacks, that did the cooking the cleaning the farming, the raising of kids and more......
Oh we know it. We just question that you are really 200 years old.
Here we go with the double standard bullshit, its okay for you simple minded Ritz Crackers to pop off with your turn of the century rhetoric about Republicans are a black man's friend, ie Lincoln shit, but let a nigga go back their, they're racist and old??? Get the fuck back to your trailor, your fired!!
Are you the black Donald Trump? What part of you and I are not a race do you not get? What exactly do you want, do you even know?
Only the Irish were enslaved over here in the US. Also they were not enslaved for multiple generations and had their history destroyed. Its easy to move on when you already know who you are.

If you are unable to move on because you don't know who you are, what is the solution?

Do like I did and not only find out who you are but view with suspicion everything whites have taught you about what it means to be Black/African. Once you see all the lies, omissions, and obvious attempts by whites to promote the the idea of white superiority you get an idea of how fragile the psyche of the white race is. You start questioning everything and you marvel at the staying power of your beautiful Black race. Then you begin to rebuild. Thats occurring as we speak.

I tend not to listen to those around me, but I do seek facts to ascertain reality. I know that blacks claimed that they are unfairly targeted by society, and thats why their crime rate is so much higher than the norm.

Sounds logical. However, there is one statistic that skews that perception. Murder. If the reality was that blacks are targeted more, how do you explain the murder rates among blacks?

In order to be targeted for the crime of murder, you need a victim, and since there are indeed victims, why would the murder rate skew so heavily toward the blacks?

And if the murder rate does skew towards blacks, it makes me question just how much discrimination plays into the other crime statistics.

How do you know what are facts and what is fiction? Whites have been caught in so many historical lies they no longer have any credibility.

Its simplistic to say the Black crime rate is high just because Blacks are unfairly targeted. That ultimately be a major cause but it also has a lot to do with what I spoke of before. Not knowing who we are as a people. Anyone with a simple grasp of psychology can tell you what happens when you destroy a peoples foundation and devalue them for centuries. They begin to hate and devalue themselves. There is a segment of Black that is still suffering from this. However, that is changing as Blacks are beginning to understand the folly in accepting white lies and statistics.

At some point in our history, we have got to stop allowing white culture, white media and whites as a whole to define us and who we are. At some point, black people are gonna have to come to terms with what is real in our communities and address it. But we will do this not because white people want it, but because we want it. The one lesson I have learned in my 60 years of being on this planet, that this value hold we've always held up with whites, is just a myth.....I've learned that some of the most pathetic creatures ever created come in white skin and end with fine hair. I still can't believe how brain washed we all were thinking these people were reality, they are not!!

Then by all means get off USMB and off your ass and do something that will actually lift your people up. The rest of us of different ethnic groups continue to wait on your joining us.
When you must quantify pride by skin color you still don't have that to be proud of. You are still part of the problem.
Black pride is an essential element in all the discussions we're having around the country. To exclude color is to deny what is going on. You, and people like you with this rose colored glass mentality is why we're still having these asinine debates to this day. I suggest you get with reality and try a new color of shades, Pollyannna!!
What are you saying white Pollyannas should be like?
Bullshit. I'm white and have no problem with blacks loving and appreciating themselves. It is the calls for violence and segregation I have a problem with. Appreciation of the black panthers makes me wonder if I should support for the kkk. Six of one, half doz. of the other. We should be Americans; not black or white people.
Those calls for violence and segregation is in direct response to the continued racism. If whites had gotten their act together when Blacks won their freedom their would be no issues today. Instead whites have done everything in their power to keep Blacks down legally and illegally.
Is it too late, then, for us ever to work together?
Only the Irish were enslaved over here in the US. Also they were not enslaved for multiple generations and had their history destroyed. Its easy to move on when you already know who you are.

If you are unable to move on because you don't know who you are, what is the solution?

Do like I did and not only find out who you are but view with suspicion everything whites have taught you about what it means to be Black/African. Once you see all the lies, omissions, and obvious attempts by whites to promote the the idea of white superiority you get an idea of how fragile the psyche of the white race is. You start questioning everything and you marvel at the staying power of your beautiful Black race. Then you begin to rebuild. Thats occurring as we speak.

I tend not to listen to those around me, but I do seek facts to ascertain reality. I know that blacks claimed that they are unfairly targeted by society, and thats why their crime rate is so much higher than the norm.

Sounds logical. However, there is one statistic that skews that perception. Murder. If the reality was that blacks are targeted more, how do you explain the murder rates among blacks?

In order to be targeted for the crime of murder, you need a victim, and since there are indeed victims, why would the murder rate skew so heavily toward the blacks?

And if the murder rate does skew towards blacks, it makes me question just how much discrimination plays into the other crime statistics.

How do you know what are facts and what is fiction? Whites have been caught in so many historical lies they no longer have any credibility.

Its simplistic to say the Black crime rate is high just because Blacks are unfairly targeted. That ultimately be a major cause but it also has a lot to do with what I spoke of before. Not knowing who we are as a people. Anyone with a simple grasp of psychology can tell you what happens when you destroy a peoples foundation and devalue them for centuries. They begin to hate and devalue themselves. There is a segment of Black that is still suffering from this. However, that is changing as Blacks are beginning to understand the folly in accepting white lies and statistics.

At some point in our history, we have got to stop allowing white culture, white media and whites as a whole to define us and who we are. At some point, black people are gonna have to come to terms with what is real in our communities and address it. But we will do this not because white people want it, but because we want it. The one lesson I have learned in my 60 years of being on this planet, that this value hold we've always held up with whites, is just a myth.....I've learned that some of the most pathetic creatures ever created come in white skin and end with fine hair. I still can't believe how brain washed we all were thinking these people were reality, they are not!!
Thank god I had a head start. Before I was infiltrated with the white lies in school I attended a NOI school. That made me question everything I learned in public school about whites. Now white people cant tell me any bullshit without me laughing at them since I know the truth.
What successful black communities?

Watts in the 1930's. Many Southern segregated communities.

And who ruined those neighborhoods?

Franklin Roosevelt.

By replacing self-sufficiency with handouts, he turned black Americans into a dependant class.

And why don't you guys fix them back up? Have you people given up trying?

The question of the century, isn't it?
Bullshit. I'm white and have no problem with blacks loving and appreciating themselves. It is the calls for violence and segregation I have a problem with. Appreciation of the black panthers makes me wonder if I should support for the kkk. Six of one, half doz. of the other. We should be Americans; not black or white people.
Those calls for violence and segregation is in direct response to the continued racism. If whites had gotten their act together when Blacks won their freedom their would be no issues today. Instead whites have done everything in their power to keep Blacks down legally and illegally.
Is it too late, then, for us ever to work together?
When whites and Blacks work together historically, mysteriously Blacks come out holding the short end of the stick. I personally dont want to work with whites. This is something Blacks have to do on their own. Too many Blacks feel "good whites" mean that the rest can be converted into non racists. I personally dont think thats possible but its not really my concern. I think our efforts should be based on building a foundation of being Black and loving that without white involvement. If you want to work towards educating other whites and correcting the behavior of racist whites be my guest. Once whites can accept Blacks as equals and not view us with fear and feel insecure, then and only then can we work together. I'm not holding my breath though.
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Bore the rest of you? Its you dumb racist mf that clammered to this site to spew your hatred

The dumbest motherfucker spewing racist hate here is you, Gomer.

and all I did was give a shout out to those few that stand up and rally for blacks. This site had absolutely nothing to do with racism, hatred or whites....but you people have this knack for always wanting to interject your opinions in shit that doesn't pertain to you.....another reason to seek mental help!!

You are defaming black people with your "shuck and jive" routine. Few here believe you are black, most see you for what you are, a white racist playing a dumb, angry black racist in order to slander black people.
Bore the rest of you? Its you dumb racist mf that clammered to this site to spew your hatred

The dumbest motherfucker spewing racist hate here is you, Gomer.

and all I did was give a shout out to those few that stand up and rally for blacks. This site had absolutely nothing to do with racism, hatred or whites....but you people have this knack for always wanting to interject your opinions in shit that doesn't pertain to you.....another reason to seek mental help!!

You are defaming black people with your "shuck and jive" routine. Few here believe you are black, most see you for what you are, a white racist playing a dumb, angry black racist in order to slander black people.
Hey white boy. You cant fool anyone by calling a Black person white.
they don't want to know the facts, they just want to pout and whine and demand equality, which they have, but don't choose to use.
White facts have no validity. When you can prove that being married is the only indicator of what a family is then I will listen to see if you know what you were talking about.

If "white mans" marriage is our own societys construct, I can see why you would disavow owning it. However, we can see(even with whites) how detrimental it is for kids to grow up in single parent households.

What will you replace it with?

"Out of wedlock" doesnt mean "single parent household". Thats a common misconception white racists have when they try to make themselves feel better.

We have no need of replacing anything. Blacks were the ones that invented the family unit. The phrase "it takes a village" is an old African proverb.

If you have no need to replace it, it must mean that you consider the black family unit a success.

Do you?

Of course the Black family unit is a success. Its when Blacks people start lending validity to the male dominated society white males prefer out of fear of strong women where everything starts going wrong......thats where knowing our history and who we are makes the difference. You need a strong woman just as you need a strong man. White males seem to prefer their women weak and subservient.

I view success differently than you do. Can the black family be successful in America?


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