So proud of black people now....its about time!!

LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
they don't want to know the facts, they just want to pout and whine and demand equality, which they have, but don't choose to use.
White facts have no validity. When you can prove that being married is the only indicator of what a family is then I will listen to see if you know what you were talking about.

If "white mans" marriage is our own societys construct, I can see why you would disavow owning it. However, we can see(even with whites) how detrimental it is for kids to grow up in single parent households.

What will you replace it with?

Youre pretending that white folks didnt enslave other white folks and youre also pretending that slavery among like groups is the same as racism.


Many Jews came here after having 6 million slaughtered at the hands of (white) nazis. Seems worse.
When did Jews lose their traditions, history, religion etc? While your at it please explain how a white Jew got treated the same as a Black person. This should be interesting.

Friend white jews who joined the civil rights struggle back in the day, were treated just as equally with blacks, remember the burning of the 3 white boys in Ala.? However, to compare jewish struggle here in the US with blacks is like comparing apple and oranges.

Jews. Hispanics. Asians. Irishmen. Scots. You forgot they also were enslaved and slaughtered in the past too. Yet.....they moved on.
Only the Irish were enslaved over here in the US. Also they were not enslaved for multiple generations and had their history destroyed. Its easy to move on when you already know who you are.

If you are unable to move on because you don't know who you are, what is the solution?

From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.

Love yourself all you want just make sure have the Kleenex handy and don't bore the rest of us with it
Well thanks for validating his proudness it means alot. :rolleyes:

I'll take into consideration the things you believe others should be proud of as well.

Yes Tigerr is a phony. 1 out of 3

What do you think people should be proud of?
What made you think anyone could dictate what people should be proud of?

So white pride is ok ?
Sure it's ok. I just hate when you try to pretend its not pride in being violent, genocidal, lying. imperialists. At least own up to it.
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From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.
I'm just pleased that finally black people with voices are speaking up. I get so tired of hearing from them after the limelight has faded. Dude breaking the chains, that shit made me cry. For too long, the chains of success and white acceptance has held so many of our artist from speaking what is real in this country and thank God with the way they've treated Obama, "some" blacks in this country are realizing that love them white folk gave....came with a price...that all are finding isn't worth it.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!
Do something about it. Why don't 20 or 50 black former atheletes all take over a section of Detroit. Get a black federal credit union to give small business loans. Manufacture things. Attract corporations to come invest in your community. Don't elect a gangster. Partner with the white suburbs and police. Lower your number of kids you have in poverty.

Do for yourselves what whites refuse to do.

You keep saying you should have stayed separate but equal. Well pick a town, any town, and show us what ya got.
You just said to create a Black federal credit union. Whites make the rules that govern that and we have already seen what they do to successful Black communities time and time again.
We have racism in the UK.It is generally the preserve of the poor and the poorly educated.
Historically it has always been Jewish people. After the war it became people from the Caribbean and then Asians from India and Pakistan.
I am old enough to have witnessed this crap in my own home town.
After the Asians the focus moved on to Eastern Europeans and more recently the target has become Muslims,generally from the Middle East and Pakistan.
People always seem to need someone to blame and seem to be happy to percolate in their own bile.
Black Americans have been oppressed since they landed in America. I cant see how anybody can deny that.

It would be nice to think that things were getting better but judging by some of the froth on here I have to question that.

These are some recent postings.

No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.

Who will keep me from speaking for murdered children! Reveal yourself. Tell me from your delusional, cultish mind how having Whites and negros coesist is worth the lives of tens of thousands of White children. With more yet to be murdered. Tell me of your solution that doesn't include White people trying even harder to kiss negro ass. Tell me why you are willing to risk the murders of tens of thousands more White children to see if that plan will work. And where does that give justice to those who were already murdered.

These are the outpourings of the foulest minds imaginable and yet it is possible that they could hold down positions of influence in schools and so on where they can quietly go about their hate agenda.

There still seems a long way to go .
You posted: Black Americans have been oppressed since they landed in America. I cant see how anybody can deny that.

I don't deny it. However, what I want to know is can it be changed? From my reading immigrants from Nigeria are wildly successful here in America. Why is that? I mean, if racism is really systemic, no black could possibly move up.

So, we know that blacks can succeed. But, it appears that native blacks don't trust the system enough to give it a chance. Then the question becomes, maybe they don't want success in a white mans world, which would be a fair view to take, but if they don't want ours, they have to come up with something that will work for them.

What is a certainty is that, based on statistics, the quality of black lives has eroded from the 1950's to today. We all know that this situation cannot go on forever, yet what are the options?

I think its been explained several times that people that know their history, live their traditions and have that grounding sense of self can succeed despite white racism. Dont get it twisted. People native to Africa say you whites are racist as well. They just have the foundation to combat the obstacles. Blacks born here in the US dont trust whites for a good reason. Your history has shown you cannot tolerate Black success because it makes you uncomfortable for us to succeed against the odds. Its an issue because you were taught no matter how bad you have it as a poor white person at least you were not Black. It messes with the white pysche to see successful Blacks.
The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
they don't want to know the facts, they just want to pout and whine and demand equality, which they have, but don't choose to use.
White facts have no validity. When you can prove that being married is the only indicator of what a family is then I will listen to see if you know what you were talking about.

If "white mans" marriage is our own societys construct, I can see why you would disavow owning it. However, we can see(even with whites) how detrimental it is for kids to grow up in single parent households.

What will you replace it with?

"Out of wedlock" doesnt mean "single parent household". Thats a common misconception white racists have when they try to make themselves feel better.

We have no need of replacing anything. Blacks were the ones that invented the family unit. The phrase "it takes a village" is an old African proverb.

Many Jews came here after having 6 million slaughtered at the hands of (white) nazis. Seems worse.
When did Jews lose their traditions, history, religion etc? While your at it please explain how a white Jew got treated the same as a Black person. This should be interesting.

Friend white jews who joined the civil rights struggle back in the day, were treated just as equally with blacks, remember the burning of the 3 white boys in Ala.? However, to compare jewish struggle here in the US with blacks is like comparing apple and oranges.

Jews. Hispanics. Asians. Irishmen. Scots. You forgot they also were enslaved and slaughtered in the past too. Yet.....they moved on.
Only the Irish were enslaved over here in the US. Also they were not enslaved for multiple generations and had their history destroyed. Its easy to move on when you already know who you are.

If you are unable to move on because you don't know who you are, what is the solution?

Do like I did and not only find out who you are but view with suspicion everything whites have taught you about what it means to be Black/African. Once you see all the lies, omissions, and obvious attempts by whites to promote the the idea of white superiority you get an idea of how fragile the psyche of the white race is. You start questioning everything and you marvel at the staying power of your beautiful Black race. Then you begin to rebuild. Thats occurring as we speak.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.
I'm just pleased that finally black people with voices are speaking up. I get so tired of hearing from them after the limelight has faded. Dude breaking the chains, that shit made me cry. For too long, the chains of success and white acceptance has held so many of our artist from speaking what is real in this country and thank God with the way they've treated Obama, "some" blacks in this country are realizing that love them white folk gave....came with a price...that all are finding isn't worth it.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!
Do something about it. Why don't 20 or 50 black former atheletes all take over a section of Detroit. Get a black federal credit union to give small business loans. Manufacture things. Attract corporations to come invest in your community. Don't elect a gangster. Partner with the white suburbs and police. Lower your number of kids you have in poverty.

Do for yourselves what whites refuse to do.

You keep saying you should have stayed separate but equal. Well pick a town, any town, and show us what ya got.
You just said to create a Black federal credit union. Whites make the rules that govern that and we have already seen what they do to successful Black communities time and time again.
What successful black communities?

And who ruined those neighborhoods?

And why don't you guys fix them back up? Have you people given up trying?
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.

Love yourself all you want just make sure have the Kleenex handy and don't bore the rest of us with it

Bore the rest of you? Its you dumb racist mf that clammered to this site to spew your hatred and all I did was give a shout out to those few that stand up and rally for blacks. This site had absolutely nothing to do with racism, hatred or whites....but you people have this knack for always wanting to interject your opinions in shit that doesn't pertain to you.....another reason to seek mental help!!
I'm just pleased that finally black people with voices are speaking up. I get so tired of hearing from them after the limelight has faded. Dude breaking the chains, that shit made me cry. For too long, the chains of success and white acceptance has held so many of our artist from speaking what is real in this country and thank God with the way they've treated Obama, "some" blacks in this country are realizing that love them white folk gave....came with a price...that all are finding isn't worth it.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!
Do something about it. Why don't 20 or 50 black former atheletes all take over a section of Detroit. Get a black federal credit union to give small business loans. Manufacture things. Attract corporations to come invest in your community. Don't elect a gangster. Partner with the white suburbs and police. Lower your number of kids you have in poverty.

Do for yourselves what whites refuse to do.

You keep saying you should have stayed separate but equal. Well pick a town, any town, and show us what ya got.
You just said to create a Black federal credit union. Whites make the rules that govern that and we have already seen what they do to successful Black communities time and time again.
What successful black communities?

And who ruined those neighborhoods?

And why don't you guys fix them back up? Have you people given up trying?

Your so lost, so lost....when referring to the black community, you out of the loop nut, I'm not talking about housing or neighborhoods, its a term used to marginalize the black experience....for example, the gay you think I'm reffering to housing? Get with the times old man, the world awaits you.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
they don't want to know the facts, they just want to pout and whine and demand equality, which they have, but don't choose to use.
White facts have no validity. When you can prove that being married is the only indicator of what a family is then I will listen to see if you know what you were talking about.

If "white mans" marriage is our own societys construct, I can see why you would disavow owning it. However, we can see(even with whites) how detrimental it is for kids to grow up in single parent households.

What will you replace it with?

"Out of wedlock" doesnt mean "single parent household". Thats a common misconception white racists have when they try to make themselves feel better.

We have no need of replacing anything. Blacks were the ones that invented the family unit. The phrase "it takes a village" is an old African proverb.

Do they not know that it was the black community, mainly black women that raised an intire generation of white people back in the day. While Ma and Pa Kettle was sittin on their ass, it was blacks, that did the cooking the cleaning the farming, the raising of kids and more......
The Black Oscars come next?
I hope not, because truth be told, who really gives a fuck about Oscar? But white people needing a place to show off their wardrobe. Unless I google it, I couldn't name one Oscar worthy winner from any year, not even this year...because who gives a fuck. Black movies will either go big or flop.
So proud of black people now....its about time!!

Only now??

Leave it to Beaver to take a topic and turn it people have got to get lives....trolling the net should not be your lifes mission
The same people saying move on still hasn't gotten over the Half Time show so.....yeah
So proud of black people now....its about time!!

Only now??

Yeah apparently he's never heard of "I'm black and I'm proud" or James Brown

One more time you moronic imps, this is not about black pride, its about voices speaking up for injustice. Please stay on topic, that meth can't be that controling that you imps don't get it.
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.
I'm just pleased that finally black people with voices are speaking up. I get so tired of hearing from them after the limelight has faded. Dude breaking the chains, that shit made me cry. For too long, the chains of success and white acceptance has held so many of our artist from speaking what is real in this country and thank God with the way they've treated Obama, "some" blacks in this country are realizing that love them white folk gave....came with a price...that all are finding isn't worth it.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!
Idiot racist monkey

Truth hurts don't it. Listen, I don't make the news, I just report it
Seeing how every race and ethnic group on Earth at some point has been slaughtered or invaded or enslaved or mistreated....I have to ask.....why are blacks so easily conquered? They just can't seem to get a win.
That doesnt make sense in lieu of what you said prior. All races have been the victim of white violence, lies, and savagery. Its like you think being peaceful and honorable is a weakness. Blacks stay winning. Thats why your women and your children are attracted to us.
I think that you are on to something. His british equivalent glories in the "wonder" of the evil british empire. Not from any cultural or scientific achievement. But merely because they were able to subjugate large parts of the world.

Furthermore, just a couple of years ago, you English filth let muslim filth butcher one of your war veterans in a London street, AND NONE OF YOU ZOMBIE-COWARDS HAD THE BALLS TO LIFT A FINGER TO STOP IT!!! All you limey fucks did was casually record it on your I-pads. Jesus Christ, a nation as cowardly and jaw-droppingly full of shit needs more bubonic plague therapy. Filthy pom-virus.

Dayam, you either need a hug or a straight fuckin jacket, cause yo ass is mental!!
Seeing how every race and ethnic group on Earth at some point has been slaughtered or invaded or enslaved or mistreated....I have to ask.....why are blacks so easily conquered? They just can't seem to get a win.

Easily conquered....???? You gotta be talking slavery, cause you white motherfuckers jump out ya skin you see one on a dark street.

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