So proud of black people now....its about time!!

Hey Tigerpaws, if this keeps up a black man could become president some day!

Actually you may have a point...A full blown BLACK man with two Black parents and impeccable Black lineage MAY become president someday....just saying...

Thanks to Whitey dipping in the chocolate that's almost impossible. But that's how you guys like to set it up for blacks. Do the impossible and THEN it counts.
Yep. I raped a whole lot of black slaves. I feel bad about it sometimes but dammit, being a race is a big burden, a guy needs a little relief!

You're around that age so maybe
Anything they want and your approval still means dick.


Opinion is just that. I admire James Brown, so in my opinion he had reason to be proud. I find nothing to admire in Al Sharpton, ergo in my opinion he has nothing to be proud of.

You still failed to answer the question, should you be proud that Barack Obama is president? If so, why?
Bullshit. I'm white and have no problem with blacks loving and appreciating themselves. It is the calls for violence and segregation I have a problem with. Appreciation of the black panthers makes me wonder if I should support for the kkk. Six of one, half doz. of the other. We should be Americans; not black or white people.
Sounds real good... So do you live amongst Black people?
Do you have any Black friends? If so, put your questions to them. Allow them to witness your response when you see one of them tongue kissing a blonde White girl in your presence and she likes it.. Let them see the jealousy in your eyes when one of them invites you to a house that is bigger and costlier than yours. They can almost hear your thoughts when you see such wonders and think:" damn how did this N-----r get all of this. Must be affirmative action or he is a criminal...some decent white man ought to own this stuff."

So yeah, go on and join the kkk. Don't let your conscience or the truth get in the way. Hate is always the defense for those who can't cope any other way.
Hey Tigerpaws, if this keeps up a black man could become president some day!

Actually you may have a point...A full blown BLACK man with two Black parents and impeccable Black lineage MAY become president someday....just saying...
Or maybe even a black American president whose lineage predates Civil Rights and stretches even as far as Jim Crow or slavery. That would be remarkable. Like a Tim Scott or Allen West. We haven't had anything remotely close to that yet.
Sounds real good... So do you live amongst Black people?
Do you have any Black friends? If so, put your questions to them. Allow them to witness your response when you see one of them tongue kissing a blonde White girl in your presence and she likes it.. Let them see the jealousy in your eyes when one of them invites you to a house that is bigger and costlier than yours. They can almost hear your thoughts when you see such wonders and think:" damn how did this N-----r get all of this. Must be affirmative action or he is a criminal...some decent white man ought to own this stuff."

So yeah, go on and join the kkk. Don't let your conscience or the truth get in the way. Hate is always the defense for those who can't cope any other way.

You pretty much define "ignorant bigot," doncha?
Anything they want and your approval still means dick.


Opinion is just that. I admire James Brown, so in my opinion he had reason to be proud. I find nothing to admire in Al Sharpton, ergo in my opinion he has nothing to be proud of.

You still failed to answer the question, should you be proud that Barack Obama is president? If so, why?

No matter what I say, as you said, it's an opinion. So let's just cease the games, shall we?
I think that you are on to something. His british equivalent glories in the "wonder" of the evil british empire. Not from any cultural or scientific achievement. But merely because they were able to subjugate large parts of the world.

Oh? And how were they able to subjugate these parts?

Was it just luck?

LOL; Fucking leftists, stupidest creatures on the planet..
They concentrated all their being into violent pursuits? if I practiced making pies all day everyday I would be a great pie maker. Whites practiced violence and directed their efforts towards that end.
Hey Tigerpaws, if this keeps up a black man could become president some day!

Actually you may have a point...A full blown BLACK man with two Black parents and impeccable Black lineage MAY become president someday....just saying...

Thanks to Whitey dipping in the chocolate that's almost impossible. But that's how you guys like to set it up for blacks. Do the impossible and THEN it counts. is NOT impossible. Black African immigrant children are excelling in academia and as a group are surpassing even the highly touted Asian students. An all Black presidential candidate could very well emerge from that group one day soon. Or, maybe another Herman Cain type physiognomy could appear in a native born candidate. If there was any white in Herman Cain it occurred several generations ago. It didn't happen yesterday.
Anything they want and your approval still means dick.


Opinion is just that. I admire James Brown, so in my opinion he had reason to be proud. I find nothing to admire in Al Sharpton, ergo in my opinion he has nothing to be proud of.

You still failed to answer the question, should you be proud that Barack Obama is president? If so, why?
James Brown was proud of being Black. He didnt give a shit what you thought.
Sounds real good... So do you live amongst Black people?
Do you have any Black friends? If so, put your questions to them. Allow them to witness your response when you see one of them tongue kissing a blonde White girl in your presence and she likes it.. Let them see the jealousy in your eyes when one of them invites you to a house that is bigger and costlier than yours. They can almost hear your thoughts when you see such wonders and think:" damn how did this N-----r get all of this. Must be affirmative action or he is a criminal...some decent white man ought to own this stuff."

So yeah, go on and join the kkk. Don't let your conscience or the truth get in the way. Hate is always the defense for those who can't cope any other way.

You pretty much define "ignorant bigot," doncha?
What part of my narrative bothers you? Let me know how telling the truth is bigoted?
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.
I'm just pleased that finally black people with voices are speaking up. I get so tired of hearing from them after the limelight has faded. Dude breaking the chains, that shit made me cry. For too long, the chains of success and white acceptance has held so many of our artist from speaking what is real in this country and thank God with the way they've treated Obama, "some" blacks in this country are realizing that love them white folk gave....came with a price...that all are finding isn't worth it.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!
Idiot racist monkey
No need to announce yourself. We already know youre an idiot, racist, cave monkey.
The black condition won't improve until individuals rise up and better themselves. People come here not knowing the language and become successful. If you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere.


What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.
What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.

What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944.We dropped a bomb to end WWII and just recently settled financially with the families of those we incarcerated during those times, no tears here, eh? We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. And they've been taking it back ever since, again, no tears here, eh?The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.Gave em land, freebies, colleges, tears again....dude, you gotta do better with the tear jerking bullshit, I'm still dry eyed!!

Just the thought of you agreeing with me, makes my skin crawl, so I'm glad I defused that notion....listen, hispanics are bitching, Native Americans have been bitching for decades...its just that no one cares unless its a black white matter, clearly you know this. As for Asians? Bitch about what...a rice shortage!!
I wish you would take time to really ponder what is said here, rather than go off on these childish rants. No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none. And until you or these other ethnic groups travel that road, your credentials are dead to me.

You posted this: No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none.

While the journey might not be exactly the same, I would say native Americans have been treated worse overall than the blacks have been.

Disagree. The NA were able to maintain their societies, religions, traditions etc. Blacks had all of that stripped from them. They had to basically start over while fighting racism.[/QUOTE]

Not from my reading. The Indians were forced to assimilate. I knew an Indian that was a lawyer in Washington DC, and he went to school on the reservation, they were not allowed to speak their native tongue, and were discouraged from their cultural habits.

And, the Indians were actively hunted and killed.


What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.
What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.

What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944.We dropped a bomb to end WWII and just recently settled financially with the families of those we incarcerated during those times, no tears here, eh? We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. And they've been taking it back ever since, again, no tears here, eh?The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.Gave em land, freebies, colleges, tears again....dude, you gotta do better with the tear jerking bullshit, I'm still dry eyed!!

Just the thought of you agreeing with me, makes my skin crawl, so I'm glad I defused that notion....listen, hispanics are bitching, Native Americans have been bitching for decades...its just that no one cares unless its a black white matter, clearly you know this. As for Asians? Bitch about what...a rice shortage!!
I wish you would take time to really ponder what is said here, rather than go off on these childish rants. No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none. And until you or these other ethnic groups travel that road, your credentials are dead to me.

You posted this: No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none.

While the journey might not be exactly the same, I would say native Americans have been treated worse overall than the blacks have been.

Disagree. The NA were able to maintain their societies, religions, traditions etc. Blacks had all of that stripped from them. They had to basically start over while fighting racism.
Thank you, NA have actually benefited from the injustices given to them over the land, exclusions in a lot to the shit we average americans have had to go through, free college, exemptions out the ass, no comparison what so ever. They were being slaughtered back in the 17-1800's, we were being slaughtered 1700-2015...and we're equal in struggle??? Me don't think so!![/QUOTE]

The Indians "discovering" their treaty rights is a relatively new development, in the 1960's and 1970's. They had no rights either, and wouldn't have them today if not for those treaties.


What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.
What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.

What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944.We dropped a bomb to end WWII and just recently settled financially with the families of those we incarcerated during those times, no tears here, eh? We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. And they've been taking it back ever since, again, no tears here, eh?The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.Gave em land, freebies, colleges, tears again....dude, you gotta do better with the tear jerking bullshit, I'm still dry eyed!!

Just the thought of you agreeing with me, makes my skin crawl, so I'm glad I defused that notion....listen, hispanics are bitching, Native Americans have been bitching for decades...its just that no one cares unless its a black white matter, clearly you know this. As for Asians? Bitch about what...a rice shortage!!
I wish you would take time to really ponder what is said here, rather than go off on these childish rants. No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none. And until you or these other ethnic groups travel that road, your credentials are dead to me.

You posted this: No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none.

While the journey might not be exactly the same, I would say native Americans have been treated worse overall than the blacks have been.

Disagree. The NA were able to maintain their societies, religions, traditions etc. Blacks had all of that stripped from them. They had to basically start over while fighting racism.

Not from my reading. The Indians were forced to assimilate. I knew an Indian that was a lawyer in Washington DC, and he went to school on the reservation, they were not allowed to speak their native tongue, and were discouraged from their cultural habits.

And, the Indians were actively hunted and killed.


Sorry to but in but you know the difference here? Indians may have been discouraged from speaking their native tounges. I don't doubt for a second that that happened. But they KNEW their native toungue. They might be been discouraged from cultural practices. But again they KNEW their cultural practices.

Blacks didn't even KNOW because it all was taken.
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.
I'm just pleased that finally black people with voices are speaking up. I get so tired of hearing from them after the limelight has faded. Dude breaking the chains, that shit made me cry. For too long, the chains of success and white acceptance has held so many of our artist from speaking what is real in this country and thank God with the way they've treated Obama, "some" blacks in this country are realizing that love them white folk gave....came with a price...that all are finding isn't worth it.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!
Do something about it. Why don't 20 or 50 black former atheletes all take over a section of Detroit. Get a black federal credit union to give small business loans. Manufacture things. Attract corporations to come invest in your community. Don't elect a gangster. Partner with the white suburbs and police. Lower your number of kids you have in poverty.

Do for yourselves what whites refuse to do.

You keep saying you should have stayed separate but equal. Well pick a town, any town, and show us what ya got.
We have racism in the UK.It is generally the preserve of the poor and the poorly educated.
Historically it has always been Jewish people. After the war it became people from the Caribbean and then Asians from India and Pakistan.
I am old enough to have witnessed this crap in my own home town.
After the Asians the focus moved on to Eastern Europeans and more recently the target has become Muslims,generally from the Middle East and Pakistan.
People always seem to need someone to blame and seem to be happy to percolate in their own bile.
Black Americans have been oppressed since they landed in America. I cant see how anybody can deny that.

It would be nice to think that things were getting better but judging by some of the froth on here I have to question that.

These are some recent postings.

No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.

Who will keep me from speaking for murdered children! Reveal yourself. Tell me from your delusional, cultish mind how having Whites and negros coesist is worth the lives of tens of thousands of White children. With more yet to be murdered. Tell me of your solution that doesn't include White people trying even harder to kiss negro ass. Tell me why you are willing to risk the murders of tens of thousands more White children to see if that plan will work. And where does that give justice to those who were already murdered.

These are the outpourings of the foulest minds imaginable and yet it is possible that they could hold down positions of influence in schools and so on where they can quietly go about their hate agenda.

There still seems a long way to go .
You posted: Black Americans have been oppressed since they landed in America. I cant see how anybody can deny that.

I don't deny it. However, what I want to know is can it be changed? From my reading immigrants from Nigeria are wildly successful here in America. Why is that? I mean, if racism is really systemic, no black could possibly move up.

So, we know that blacks can succeed. But, it appears that native blacks don't trust the system enough to give it a chance. Then the question becomes, maybe they don't want success in a white mans world, which would be a fair view to take, but if they don't want ours, they have to come up with something that will work for them.

What is a certainty is that, based on statistics, the quality of black lives has eroded from the 1950's to today. We all know that this situation cannot go on forever, yet what are the options?

What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.
What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.

What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944.We dropped a bomb to end WWII and just recently settled financially with the families of those we incarcerated during those times, no tears here, eh? We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. And they've been taking it back ever since, again, no tears here, eh?The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.Gave em land, freebies, colleges, tears again....dude, you gotta do better with the tear jerking bullshit, I'm still dry eyed!!

Just the thought of you agreeing with me, makes my skin crawl, so I'm glad I defused that notion....listen, hispanics are bitching, Native Americans have been bitching for decades...its just that no one cares unless its a black white matter, clearly you know this. As for Asians? Bitch about what...a rice shortage!!
I wish you would take time to really ponder what is said here, rather than go off on these childish rants. No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none. And until you or these other ethnic groups travel that road, your credentials are dead to me.

You posted this: No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none.

While the journey might not be exactly the same, I would say native Americans have been treated worse overall than the blacks have been.

Disagree. The NA were able to maintain their societies, religions, traditions etc. Blacks had all of that stripped from them. They had to basically start over while fighting racism.

Not from my reading. The Indians were forced to assimilate. I knew an Indian that was a lawyer in Washington DC, and he went to school on the reservation, they were not allowed to speak their native tongue, and were discouraged from their cultural habits.

And, the Indians were actively hunted and killed.


Sorry to but in but you know the difference here? Indians may have been discouraged from speaking their native tounges. I don't doubt for a second that that happened. But they KNEW their native toungue. They might be been discouraged from cultural practices. But again they KNEW their cultural practices.

Blacks didn't even KNOW because it all was taken.[/QUOTE]

While blacks were treated badly, they weren't treated as badly as the Indians. Blacks were a valuable commodity, the Indians were a nuisance that were herded up, sent to God forsaken pieces of land, starved out and shot. Any black slave would have had to be out of his mind to trade places with an Indian.


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