So proud of black people now....its about time!!

If blacks are sooo intellectially equal to whites, then someone please name me the African equivalent to an Einstein, a Shakepeare, a Newton, a Darwin, a daVinci, a Michaelangelo, a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Curie, a Fermi, a Bach, a Beethoven, a Plato, a Socrates (& moving along to this country), a Franklin, a Jefferson, a Lincoln, a Poe, a Hemingway, an Edison, a Bell, a Wright Bros., a Ford, a Susan B. Anthony, an FDR, an Armstrong....get the drift?
I get your drift. Without Black people those guys you named would still be wildin out in the caves of europe eating each other. Wake me when one of them can top the first multi genius Imhotep. Basically anything those guys did has to be credited to the knowledge they got from Black people in Africa.

Oh, get over your delusions. It's an historical FACT than in medieval times whites were thousands of years ahead of blacks in every societal development that requires brains. I noticed that you couldn't factually refute any of my points, you just went into your Al-Sharpton-delusions that blacks were somehow magical super-beings before "whitey" started oppressing them. Classic sour-grapes argument tactic.
When I read the shite that you spew out it is clear that white culture is regressing.

Coming from an Islam-fellatrix, RAPE-ENABLER COWARD like you, I consider that a compliment. YOU ENGLISH PIG!!! All you pommie, empire-losing fucks care about it your oh-so-precious muslims and covering up their epidemic human rights atrocities, you IRA-bait piece of shit! How many times do I have to tell you that this "seppo" considers you Western European, miserable, shit-eating coward vermin the most miserable, shit-eating coward vermin of my race? You IRA-fodder literally SELL YOUR OWN DAUGHTERS to your own muslim fuck-machine, you English pig.
So thats blacks,muslims and western europeans that you hate. You sort of make the case that the US is full of low educated hate filled shit kickers. I know that isnt the case but the internet gives a voice to people we would be better off not hearing.

We're at least NOT THE RAPE ENABLERS you putrid, American-backstabbing subhumans you Pommie Pond-Life are. Here in America, we have REAL men, who PROTECT young females, as opposed to enabling EVERY muslim human rights atrocity in the book. If an Islam-human-condom like yourself had lived 500 years ago (when England had REAL men), you would have been hung/drawn/quartered for your Islam-taint-licking treason. You gamma-ray-emitting anti-Western detritus; you may think you're the King Turd of Shit Mountain but you're really nothing more than a tiny, worm-like particle of uric acid floating around the toilet bowl of life.
If blacks are sooo intellectially equal to whites, then someone please name me the African equivalent to an Einstein, a Shakepeare, a Newton, a Darwin, a daVinci, a Michaelangelo, a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Curie, a Fermi, a Bach, a Beethoven, a Plato, a Socrates (& moving along to this country), a Franklin, a Jefferson, a Lincoln, a Poe, a Hemingway, an Edison, a Bell, a Wright Bros., a Ford, a Susan B. Anthony, an FDR, an Armstrong....get the drift?
I get your drift. Without Black people those guys you named would still be wildin out in the caves of europe eating each other. Wake me when one of them can top the first multi genius Imhotep. Basically anything those guys did has to be credited to the knowledge they got from Black people in Africa.

Oh, get over your delusions. It's an historical FACT than in medieval times whites were thousands of years ahead of blacks in every societal development that requires brains. I noticed that you couldn't factually refute any of my points, you just went into your Al-Sharpton-delusions that blacks were somehow magical super-beings before "whitey" started oppressing them. Classic sour-grapes argument tactic.
When I read the shite that you spew out it is clear that white culture is regressing.

Coming from an Islam-fellatrix, RAPE-ENABLER COWARD like you, I consider that a compliment. YOU ENGLISH PIG!!! All you pommie, empire-losing fucks care about it your oh-so-precious muslims and covering up their epidemic human rights atrocities, you IRA-bait piece of shit! How many times do I have to tell you that this "seppo" considers you Western European, miserable, shit-eating coward vermin the most miserable, shit-eating coward vermin of my race? You IRA-fodder literally SELL YOUR OWN DAUGHTERS to your own muslim fuck-machine, you English pig.
So thats blacks,muslims and western europeans that you hate. You sort of make the case that the US is full of low educated hate filled shit kickers. I know that isnt the case but the internet gives a voice to people we would be better off not hearing.
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.
I'm just pleased that finally black people with voices are speaking up. I get so tired of hearing from them after the limelight has faded. Dude breaking the chains, that shit made me cry. For too long, the chains of success and white acceptance has held so many of our artist from speaking what is real in this country and thank God with the way they've treated Obama, "some" blacks in this country are realizing that love them white folk gave....came with a price...that all are finding isn't worth it.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!
Idiot racist monkey
I get your drift. Without Black people those guys you named would still be wildin out in the caves of europe eating each other. Wake me when one of them can top the first multi genius Imhotep. Basically anything those guys did has to be credited to the knowledge they got from Black people in Africa.

Oh, get over your delusions. It's an historical FACT than in medieval times whites were thousands of years ahead of blacks in every societal development that requires brains. I noticed that you couldn't factually refute any of my points, you just went into your Al-Sharpton-delusions that blacks were somehow magical super-beings before "whitey" started oppressing them. Classic sour-grapes argument tactic.
When I read the shite that you spew out it is clear that white culture is regressing.

Coming from an Islam-fellatrix, RAPE-ENABLER COWARD like you, I consider that a compliment. YOU ENGLISH PIG!!! All you pommie, empire-losing fucks care about it your oh-so-precious muslims and covering up their epidemic human rights atrocities, you IRA-bait piece of shit! How many times do I have to tell you that this "seppo" considers you Western European, miserable, shit-eating coward vermin the most miserable, shit-eating coward vermin of my race? You IRA-fodder literally SELL YOUR OWN DAUGHTERS to your own muslim fuck-machine, you English pig.
So thats blacks,muslims and western europeans that you hate. You sort of make the case that the US is full of low educated hate filled shit kickers. I know that isnt the case but the internet gives a voice to people we would be better off not hearing.
I like hearing them. They make me laugh. Its the whining as their kind goes down in defeat that is so amusing.
I find it a bit depressing that I breathe the same air. In the UK this type is shunned and operates in the shadows. Holding this sort of view is seen as a bit shameful. They are a grubby underclass.
This is an illustration of where they are.

Seeing how every race and ethnic group on Earth at some point has been slaughtered or invaded or enslaved or mistreated....I have to ask.....why are blacks so easily conquered? They just can't seem to get a win.
That doesnt make sense in lieu of what you said prior. All races have been the victim of white violence, lies, and savagery. Its like you think being peaceful and honorable is a weakness. Blacks stay winning. Thats why your women and your children are attracted to us.
I think that you are on to something. His british equivalent glories in the "wonder" of the evil british empire. Not from any cultural or scientific achievement. But merely because they were able to subjugate large parts of the world.

Furthermore, just a couple of years ago, you English filth let muslim filth butcher one of your war veterans in a London street, AND NONE OF YOU ZOMBIE-COWARDS HAD THE BALLS TO LIFT A FINGER TO STOP IT!!! All you limey fucks did was casually record it on your I-pads. Jesus Christ, a nation as cowardly and jaw-droppingly full of shit needs more bubonic plague therapy. Filthy pom-virus.
I think that you are on to something. His british equivalent glories in the "wonder" of the evil british empire. Not from any cultural or scientific achievement. But merely because they were able to subjugate large parts of the world.

Oh? And how were they able to subjugate these parts?

Was it just luck?

LOL; Fucking leftists, stupidest creatures on the planet..
I think that you are on to something. His british equivalent glories in the "wonder" of the evil british empire. Not from any cultural or scientific achievement. But merely because they were able to subjugate large parts of the world.

Oh? And how were they able to subjugate these parts?

Was it just luck?

LOL; Fucking leftists, stupidest creatures on the planet..
How do you think they were able to do so ?
The same people saying move on still hasn't gotten over the Half Time show so.....yeah
So proud of black people now....its about time!!

Only now??

Yeah apparently he's never heard of "I'm black and I'm proud" or James Brown
Yeah apparently he's never heard of "I'm black and I'm proud" or James Brown

James Brown had talent, he had something to be proud of.

Melanin levels somehow don't rise to the level of something to be proud of.

No matter, tigerred is a white fool spoofing a black man, using stereotypes of a stupid and racist fool to demean black people.
Hey Tigerpaws, if this keeps up a black man could become president some day!

Actually you may have a point...A full blown BLACK man with two Black parents and impeccable Black lineage MAY become president someday....just saying...
Yeah apparently he's never heard of "I'm black and I'm proud" or James Brown

James Brown had talent, he had something to be proud of.

Melanin levels somehow don't rise to the level of something to be proud of.

No matter, tigerred is a white fool spoofing a black man, using stereotypes of a stupid and racist fool to demean black people.

Well thanks for validating his proudness it means alot. :rolleyes:

I'll take into consideration the things you believe others should be proud of as well.

Yes Tigerr is a phony. 1 out of 3
Hey Tigerpaws, if this keeps up a black man could become president some day!

Actually you may have a point...A full blown BLACK man with two Black parents and impeccable Black lineage MAY become president someday....just saying...

Thanks to Whitey dipping in the chocolate that's almost impossible. But that's how you guys like to set it up for blacks. Do the impossible and THEN it counts.
Hey Tigerpaws, if this keeps up a black man could become president some day!

Actually you may have a point...A full blown BLACK man with two Black parents and impeccable Black lineage MAY become president someday....just saying...
Alan Keyes was one. But nuttier than squirrel shit. Nothing is stopping anyone but themselves, and money.
Hey Tigerpaws, if this keeps up a black man could become president some day!

Actually you may have a point...A full blown BLACK man with two Black parents and impeccable Black lineage MAY become president someday....just saying...

Thanks to Whitey dipping in the chocolate that's almost impossible. But that's how you guys like to set it up for blacks. Do the impossible and THEN it counts.
Yep. I raped a whole lot of black slaves. I feel bad about it sometimes but dammit, being a race is a big burden, a guy needs a little relief!

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