So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed

I know irrational Trump-Haters don't wanna hear this, but it ain't over yet. It'll get done. It is what it is.

Unless Trump shows some real leadership, it won't happen.

Ah, too many deranged impatient folks out there. Give it more time. It'll get done eventually. Not everything gets done instantly. Some things take time. Trump will keep at it. It ain't over yet.
While, technically, anything can happen, I cannot say I am surprised there wasn't enough votes to repeal without a replacement.

How stupid does McConnell think people are? Did he really think he was going to repeal without a replacement when he didn't have enough votes to repeal and replace from Republican moderates who didn't want to harm their constituents? What made him think the likes of Collins, Caputo, Murkowski, etc. were going to do that to their people when they were on the record about that before? The CBO already scored this proposal and said 10 million even more would be uninsured than those if you repealed and replaced. Then, on top of that, premiums would double.

As for the reality star, yes, you do own this. You are the one who pushed this. You want Obamacare to fail, not caring that people who voted for you will suffer, and yes, rural America would suffer from this. You are the one in charge. You are the one pushing this. If Obamacare is falling apart, you are to blame because you and your fellow Republicans are causing uncertainty in the market over all of this nonsense and not funding Obamacare.

What happened to better, cheaper coverage with everyone being covered? That is what you promised, is it not? You said the bill needed more heart, yet you were willing to sign something just to sign something. That whole thing about protecting Medicaid? That was just a ruse.

Speaking of Medicaid, those West Virginians better thank their senator for saving them from themselves. They voted for Trump. They would've been hit pretty badly by the Medicaid cuts.

None of this is logical, then again, when has it ever been with Trump and company?
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
This was round one, more to follow.
While, technically, anything can happen, I cannot say I am surprised there wasn't enough votes to repeal without a replacement.

How stupid does McConnell think people are? Did he really think he was going to repeal without a replacement when he didn't have enough votes to repeal and replace from Republican moderates who didn't want to harm their constituents? What made him think the likes of Collins, Caputo, Murkowski, etc. were going to do that to their people when they were on the record about that before? The CBO already scored this proposal and said 10 million even more would be uninsured than those if you repealed and replaced. Then, on top of that, premiums would double.

As for the reality star, yes, you do own this. You are the one who pushed this. You want Obamacare to fail, not caring that people who voted for you will suffer, and yes, rural America would suffer from this. You are the one in charge. You are the one pushing this. If Obamacare is falling apart, you are to blame because you and your fellow Republicans are causing uncertainty in the market over all of this nonsense and not funding Obamacare.

What happened to better, cheaper coverage with everyone being covered? That is what you promised, is it not? You said the bill needed more heart, yet you were willing to sign something just to sign something. That whole thing about protecting Medicaid? That was just a ruse.

Speaking of Medicaid, those West Virginians better thank their senator for saving them from themselves. They voted for Trump. They would've been hit pretty badly by the Medicaid cuts.

None of this is logical, then again, when has it ever been with Trump and company?

I wish Obamacare was a success but it's imploding, the Democrats just wanted to pass a healthcare bill, hell they didn't know what was in the damn bill. Now we are stuck with a system that is a burden to the middle class. There are even areas in the country you can't get Obamacare. The Republicans have done nothing, the Democrats were worse because they actually thought government could fix something, well it is all BS. I'm still waiting for the $2400 in savings, oh wait another lie.
While, technically, anything can happen, I cannot say I am surprised there wasn't enough votes to repeal without a replacement.

How stupid does McConnell think people are? Did he really think he was going to repeal without a replacement when he didn't have enough votes to repeal and replace from Republican moderates who didn't want to harm their constituents? What made him think the likes of Collins, Caputo, Murkowski, etc. were going to do that to their people when they were on the record about that before? The CBO already scored this proposal and said 10 million even more would be uninsured than those if you repealed and replaced. Then, on top of that, premiums would double.

As for the reality star, yes, you do own this. You are the one who pushed this. You want Obamacare to fail, not caring that people who voted for you will suffer, and yes, rural America would suffer from this. You are the one in charge. You are the one pushing this. If Obamacare is falling apart, you are to blame because you and your fellow Republicans are causing uncertainty in the market over all of this nonsense and not funding Obamacare.

What happened to better, cheaper coverage with everyone being covered? That is what you promised, is it not? You said the bill needed more heart, yet you were willing to sign something just to sign something. That whole thing about protecting Medicaid? That was just a ruse.

Speaking of Medicaid, those West Virginians better thank their senator for saving them from themselves. They voted for Trump. They would've been hit pretty badly by the Medicaid cuts.

None of this is logical, then again, when has it ever been with Trump and company?

I wish Obamacare was a success but it's imploding, the Democrats just wanted to pass a healthcare bill, hell they didn't know what was in the damn bill. Now we are stuck with a system that is a burden to the middle class. There are even areas in the country you can't get Obamacare. The Republicans have done nothing, the Democrats were worse because they actually thought government could fix something, well it is all BS. I'm still waiting for the $2400 in savings, oh wait another lie.

This is the fault of Republicans, not Democrats. For the most part it's doing just fine.
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
Republicans are learning a hard lesson: it’s easy to throw rocks and bottles as outside agitators, but it’s hard work to actually govern.

Republicans have also learned they suck at governing.
I know irrational Trump-Haters don't wanna hear this, but it ain't over yet. It'll get done. It is what it is.

Unless Trump shows some real leadership, it won't happen.

Ah, too many deranged impatient folks out there. Give it more time. It'll get done eventually. Not everything gets done instantly. Some things take time. Trump will keep at it. It ain't over yet.
Trump has lost political momentum. His dynamic remains the same. Intransigent far right senators and moderates who insist on certain healthcare minimums
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
Republicans are learning a hard lesson: it’s easy to throw rocks and bottles as outside agitators, but it’s hard work to actually govern.

Republicans have also learned they suck at governing.

Suck is too complimentary. They have ruled congress for two and a half years and the White House for six months. Despite their boasting and grand promises, they have nothing to show for it
When Democrats won elections, things actually got done.

That is the dumbest thing I have read on this board in a long time. We got a crappy healthcare system! Whoopie, but we got something done! Sometimes doing nothing is much better than doing something stupid.

The FMCSA is rolling back on laws that the previous administration was trying to get enacted. Laws would have made it tough for small businesses to start and stay in business. So please spare me your nonsense, a lot happens that you don't even know about.
The truth that no one is admitting here (and snowflakes never will) is that passing such HUGE, critical legislation is extremely hard when you have so many politicians, each with their own ideas of what should be in it. The ONLY WAY the Democrats passed the ACA was for only a 'handful' to write the bill in secret and to have enough Democrats in Congress - all of whom blindly took their orders to vote for it without knowing what was in it, and doing so, thereby by-passing Republicans and ramming in down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it.

Pelosi declared Americans had no right to know what was in it until it was passed...but failed to mention that 95% of all the politicians in Congress had no clue what was in it. Had they engaged in REAL, HONEST discussions and taken the time they promised the American people they would take, making it transparent as they falsely promised, the ACA would NEVER have passed, either.

The Democrats passed the ACA through lies, deception, and 'brute political force' while having a near super majority control of Congress. They could never have passed it by being honest and allowing open discussion on the floor of Congress rather than ramming it into law in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept.

Now this is not true at all. The democrats held dozens of open hearings before they voted on the ACA. It was not passed in secret, nor was it rammed through. It was passed by a democratically elected Congress and signed by a democratically elected president who BTW won the popular vote.
When Democrats won elections, things actually got done.
That's because Pelosi and Reid knew what they were doing

Right Reid tabled all bills, what a great way to lead. Lol! Pelosi just passed bills you she didn't even know what was in them! Just pass bills was her ideas. Lol!

You think McConnell doesn't table bills?

He tabled a fucking Supreme Court nomination

He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.
When Democrats won elections, things actually got done.
That's because Pelosi and Reid knew what they were doing

Right Reid tabled all bills, what a great way to lead. Lol! Pelosi just passed bills you she didn't even know what was in them! Just pass bills was her ideas. Lol!

You think McConnell doesn't table bills?

He tabled a fucking Supreme Court nomination

He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.

Reid actually passed major legislation.....Obamacare, Stimulus, Dodd/ Frank

McConnell has been running the show for 2 1/2 years and has nothing to show for it
When Democrats won elections, things actually got done.
That's because Pelosi and Reid knew what they were doing

Right Reid tabled all bills, what a great way to lead. Lol! Pelosi just passed bills you she didn't even know what was in them! Just pass bills was her ideas. Lol!

You think McConnell doesn't table bills?

He tabled a fucking Supreme Court nomination

He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.

Reid actually passed major legislation.....Obamacare, Stimulus, Dodd/ Frank

McConnell has been running the show for 2 1/2 years and has nothing to show for it

Obamacare was a disaster, aren't you in fact disappointed because it wasn't improved? The stimulus was adding debt to the country, of course politicians would pass it. I don't mind bills not passing. I'm not sure the 42 that Trump has signed are all that good, the only thing better that Obama did was sign three less than Trump in his first six months.

The best thing about Trump so far is the rollback of regs that the FMCSA has done. I like the Secretary of Transportation.
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