So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed

That whole 100 plus amendments is mostly false according to Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA.

Televised hearings on Obamacare? Nope. Closed door hearings on Obamacare? Yes. After Obamacare was ready to vote on the public was not allowed to read it, hell Even Democrats didn't know what was in it.

Shit legislation took over a year for Democrats to pass. Meaningful legislation? No. A disastrous piece of legislation? Yep, it created huge problems and is ready to implode after only three years. Now, we have counties in several states with no insurance options.

Six months in and the verdict is still out. Obama signed 39 bills in his first six months and Trump signed 42 bills his first six months. The cabinet is already lessening the burden of government on the American people.

The only meaningful thing we can do with healthcare is repeal it.

Fact is there were Republican amendments to Obamacare and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (among others) participated in the committee crafting the legislation

Yes, the public did see Obamacare as it was being developed and were given opportunities to comment publically

Something Republicans refused to do. McConnell gave 24 hours to read the legislation before he was calling for a vote

The fact is 60% of the American people were against Obamacare. Fact, very few Congressmen had time to read the bill, and the American people did not get the 72 hours to read the bill. Fact is most of the
healthcare bill was behind closed doors, despite the promise that the Democrats gave when initially starting the bill.

It seems you are disappointed that the Republicans didn't pass anything, I thought you would be happy for it going down to defeat.

The bill was being constantly amended and updated. Yes, Nancy Pelosi read the bill. Yes, Congressmen not only were given time to see the changes but to comment on them

Republicans never even brought their bill to the floor for comment and tried to rush a vote before the Fourth of July recess to avoid the wrath of their voters

Obamacare is now supported by over 50% of the public
Trumpcare gets less than 20%

Do you have a link showing Pelosi read the bill? I have found nothing. In fact most of what I read said not one Congressman read the entire bill until after it was voted on. I know Democrats that tried to cram crap through just before recesses, didn't seem to bother anyone before but now it's an issue. Lol!

I personally don't care for either "care", they are scams.

They have staff and they have subject matter experts to read the fine print and explain to Congressmen what the impact of the bill is. There were no hidden secrets in Obamacare. The main ingredients of the bill had remained unchanged for months

The Republicans allocated 24 hours to read and approve the bill without comment

So Pelosi didn't read it. Thank you.
I know irrational Trump-Haters don't wanna hear this, but it ain't over yet. It'll get done. It is what it is.

Unless Trump shows some real leadership, it won't happen.

Ah, too many deranged impatient folks out there. Give it more time. It'll get done eventually. Not everything gets done instantly. Some things take time. Trump will keep at it. It ain't over yet.
Trump has lost political momentum. His dynamic remains the same. Intransigent far right senators and moderates who insist on certain healthcare minimums

I would argue he never had 'momentum', as far as the Establishment hierarchy in the Republican Party goes. Ryan and McConnell are no friends of Trump's. And they're incompetent milquetoasts. They're not leaders. Trump will likely have to start going the Executive Order route more often. Remember, Obama didn't 'need' Congress. Trump may not either.
I know irrational Trump-Haters don't wanna hear this, but it ain't over yet. It'll get done. It is what it is.

Unless Trump shows some real leadership, it won't happen.

Ah, too many deranged impatient folks out there. Give it more time. It'll get done eventually. Not everything gets done instantly. Some things take time. Trump will keep at it. It ain't over yet.
Trump has lost political momentum. His dynamic remains the same. Intransigent far right senators and moderates who insist on certain healthcare minimums

I would argue he never had 'momentum', as far as the Establishment hierarchy in the Republican Party goes. Ryan and McConnell are no friends of Trump's. And they're incompetent milquetoasts. They're not leaders. Trump will likely have to start going the Executive Order route more often. Remember, Obama didn't 'need' Congress. Trump may not either.

He had "momentum" to repeal Obamacare. Republicans have talked about it for eight years
He had momentum to balance the budget...even though Republicans were never serious about it

Why does Trump even need executive orders when he has a Republican Congress?
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.

Let it fail, afterall, our side said it would all along.

You can now admit we are far more intelligent than you.
I know irrational Trump-Haters don't wanna hear this, but it ain't over yet. It'll get done. It is what it is.

Unless Trump shows some real leadership, it won't happen.

Ah, too many deranged impatient folks out there. Give it more time. It'll get done eventually. Not everything gets done instantly. Some things take time. Trump will keep at it. It ain't over yet.
Trump has lost political momentum. His dynamic remains the same. Intransigent far right senators and moderates who insist on certain healthcare minimums

I would argue he never had 'momentum', as far as the Establishment hierarchy in the Republican Party goes. Ryan and McConnell are no friends of Trump's. And they're incompetent milquetoasts. They're not leaders. Trump will likely have to start going the Executive Order route more often. Remember, Obama didn't 'need' Congress. Trump may not either.

He had "momentum" to repeal Obamacare. Republicans have talked about it for eight years
He had momentum to balance the budget...even though Republicans were never serious about it

Why does Trump even need executive orders when he has a Republican Congress?

I just explained it to you. The GOP Establishment hierarchy has never supported Trump. And they likely never will. Also, Ryan and McConnell are incompetent milquetoasts. Trump will now have to go around Congress. I'm not in favor of him doing that, but i don't think he has much choice. He'll probably go the Obama route.
there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.
The dears on the right wing don't understand it takes morals, to have moral forms of indignation.

LOL, you folks wouldn't know what morality was if it bit you in the ass.
Projecting much, right wingers. Simply being able to parrot propaganda and rhetoric is amoral, not moral.

Sure, except that I have "parroted" nothing. People like you and the rest of the Left that defend the killing of unborn humans have no concept of any "morality".
Infanticide has been practiced in our historical record; usually, is was due to scarcity induced by Anarchic forms of capitalism.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to complain about both, the cost of an ounce of prevention, and the cost of a pound of cure.

End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. too complicated for the right wing in the non-porn sector?

who is killing infants?

no one...

an embryo is neither a child nor an infant.
The dears on the right wing don't understand it takes morals, to have moral forms of indignation.

LOL, you folks wouldn't know what morality was if it bit you in the ass.
Projecting much, right wingers. Simply being able to parrot propaganda and rhetoric is amoral, not moral.

Sure, except that I have "parroted" nothing. People like you and the rest of the Left that defend the killing of unborn humans have no concept of any "morality".
Infanticide has been practiced in our historical record; usually, is was due to scarcity induced by Anarchic forms of capitalism.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to complain about both, the cost of an ounce of prevention, and the cost of a pound of cure.

End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. too complicated for the right wing in the non-porn sector?

who is killing infants?

no one...

an embryo is neither a child nor an infant.

It's an unborn human, how many have you killed?
LOL, you folks wouldn't know what morality was if it bit you in the ass.
Projecting much, right wingers. Simply being able to parrot propaganda and rhetoric is amoral, not moral.

Sure, except that I have "parroted" nothing. People like you and the rest of the Left that defend the killing of unborn humans have no concept of any "morality".
Infanticide has been practiced in our historical record; usually, is was due to scarcity induced by Anarchic forms of capitalism.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to complain about both, the cost of an ounce of prevention, and the cost of a pound of cure.

End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. too complicated for the right wing in the non-porn sector?

who is killing infants?

no one...

an embryo is neither a child nor an infant.

It's an unborn human, how many have you killed?

so an egg is a chicken, moron.

I'm pretty sure every religion has different beliefs on abortion. your radical reightwingnuyt brand of religion isn't anyone's but yours and your cohorts.

basically, it's none of your business... leave other people alone and make your own decisions.

you're barely smart enough to tie your shoes much less make complicated life decisions for other people. but I guess in your simplistic little world no thought is required.

oh... and I don't "debate" this issue with religious male zealots.

why do you call yourself doc? are you one of the seven dwarves?
Projecting much, right wingers. Simply being able to parrot propaganda and rhetoric is amoral, not moral.

Sure, except that I have "parroted" nothing. People like you and the rest of the Left that defend the killing of unborn humans have no concept of any "morality".
Infanticide has been practiced in our historical record; usually, is was due to scarcity induced by Anarchic forms of capitalism.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to complain about both, the cost of an ounce of prevention, and the cost of a pound of cure.

End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. too complicated for the right wing in the non-porn sector?

who is killing infants?

no one...

an embryo is neither a child nor an infant.

It's an unborn human, how many have you killed?

so an egg is a chicken, moron.

I'm pretty sure every religion has different beliefs on abortion. your radical reightwingnuyt brand of religion isn't anyone's but yours and your cohorts.

basically, it's none of your business... leave other people alone and make your own decisions.

you're barely smart enough to tie your shoes much less make complicated life decisions for other people. but I guess in your simplistic little world no thought is required.

oh... and I don't "debate" this issue with religious male zealots.

why do you call yourself doc? are you one of the seven dwarves?

They're unborn humans, how many have you killed?
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
Nothing was done about what needed to be done, not even the most important step of getting rid of the fine.

as expected.

the aca will be another carrot waved in the face of fiscal cons for another 20 years.
End the fiscal cost of our drug war to pay for the fiscal cost of health care, right wingers.
I'm fine with ending the war on drugs, but that's not an excuse for socialism.
You think McConnell doesn't table bills?

He tabled a fucking Supreme Court nomination

He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.

Reid actually passed major legislation.....Obamacare, Stimulus, Dodd/ Frank

McConnell has been running the show for 2 1/2 years and has nothing to show for it

Obamacare was a disaster, aren't you in fact disappointed because it wasn't improved? The stimulus was adding debt to the country, of course politicians would pass it. I don't mind bills not passing. I'm not sure the 42 that Trump has signed are all that good, the only thing better that Obama did was sign three less than Trump in his first six months.

The best thing about Trump so far is the rollback of regs that the FMCSA has done. I like the Secretary of Transportation.

You miss the point
Yes, I don't expect conservatives to support anything Reid passed. But the point is Reid/Pelosi got the bills they were elected to pass into law

Republicans have sat on the sidelines for ten years vowing that if only they got control of Government they would repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, pass tax reform, end illegal immigration...

They have not only failed to do any of that, they have not even gotten close

It took over a year for Obamacare to go through, and that was with a super majority, the Senate kicked the bill back to the House to pass. It was rammed through and it was garbage, it was a Democratic bill yet they whined they didn't get everything they wanted, they passed it so fast they broke promises to the American people to ram it through. So if you are claiming that passing a flawed, unread bill, that also broke promises to the American people a success, then I guess you have a point. Maybe, the Republicans should have pushed a worse bill through, that would get the Democrats off the hook for a terrible piece of legislation.
dude; the right wing still has nothing but repeal and could get that accomplished. The democrats were able to do Something, not nothing but repeal, almost.
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.
only politicians who are worth-less in the non-porn sector, do that.

Drugs and porn, that is all Daniel has. That is the life of a loser.
Just the right wing not having a care or a Cause in the world, when it comes to market based metrics and capitalism.
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
Now you might think Trump has not passed health care reform because he lied to the rubes when he said he had a plan.

But the real reason is because of Hillary's emails.
We have exported so much uranium to Russia, thanks to Hillary, that a vortex in time opened up and obliterated the health care reform package Trump had waiting in his desk in Trump Tower.

One minute, the health care package that was going to Make America Great Again was there, and then poof! It vanished.

It is all Hillary's fault.
So McConnell will hold yet another ceremonial "Repeal Obamacare" vote this week and put it on the shelf for a couple more years while he blames the media and Democrats for Republican ineptness
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.
only politicians who are worth-less in the non-porn sector, do that.

Drugs and porn, that is all Daniel has. That is the life of a loser.
Just the right wing not having a care or a Cause in the world, when it comes to market based metrics and capitalism.

Was it drugs, porn or both that inspired your last post? You seem to be caught up in both.
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.
only politicians who are worth-less in the non-porn sector, do that.

Drugs and porn, that is all Daniel has. That is the life of a loser.
Just the right wing not having a care or a Cause in the world, when it comes to market based metrics and capitalism.

Was it drugs, porn or both that inspired your last post? You seem to be caught up in both.
Drugs are no form of excuse; it usually just means I may have to do it over again.

Why be a drugless wonder?

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