So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed

Now this is not true at all. The democrats held dozens of open hearings before they voted on the ACA. It was not passed in secret, nor was it rammed through. It was passed by a democratically elected Congress and signed by a democratically elected president who BTW won the popular vote.


'Open Hearings'?

Obama promised the American people ALL meetings would be televised and that they would have time to read the bill before any vote was taken. NEITHER of those were true. 'Open Hearings'? Who wrote that down for you to say, snowflake?

Dems to bypass tradition on final health deal

"If there is one institution in Washington whose integrity is unquestioned, it is C-SPAN.

In a December 30 letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and House Minority Leader John Boehner, C-SPAN Chairman and CEO Brian Lamb
formally requested that congressional leaders open up the healthcare negotiations to the media.

"President Obama, Senate and House leaders, many of your rank-and-file members, and the nation's editorial pages have all talked about the value of transparent discussions on reforming the nation's health care system," Lamb wrote. "Now that the process moves to the critical stage of reconciliation between the Chambers, we respectfully request that you allow the public full access, through television, to legislation that will affect the lives of every single American."

Obama promised EVERY meeting on the ACA would be televised - surprise, surprise - HE LIED!

The ACA was NOT rammed into law?

Speed-reading the health care reform bill?

"With the massive health care bill about to come to the House and Senate, members of Congress are arguing about a reading assignment: How long should they have to read a bill that could be 1,000 pages long?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has promised 72 hours — three days — for a final bill to be available online before a vote. Centrist Democratic senators have asked Majority Leader Harry Reid for guarantees of 72 hours for bills in the Senate."

Like Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi is an indefensible F*ING LIAR! She promised the American people 3 days - 72 hours - to be able to read the ACA before any vote was passed.

"It has been said well and famously that politicians only really commit a gaffe when they tell the truth without meaning to. Add House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the list. Pelosi gaffed, telling the local elected officials assembled that Congress "[has] to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

NOT Rammed Into Law?

AFTER promising every meeting would be televised, after promising the ACA legislation would be online for 3 days for Americans to read before any vote was cast, and after Americans overwhelmed in the 2 weeks leading up to vote at which time the Congressional phone lines demanding the ACA NOT be passed, the Democrats rammed the ACA into law in the early morning hours before most Americans had even woken up.

Not one single Republican voted for the socialist agenda minority-supported Obama legacy legislation. A reported 59+% of Americans did NOT want this intrusive, power-grabbing law. And it was then that Pelosi revealed her lies / betrayal by reversing her declaration and declared Americans had no right to know what was in the legislation until AFTER their 'edict' had been imposed.

If you want to try to re-write History, do it in your own diary or online blog...don't try to push it on the rest of us.
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When Democrats won elections, things actually got done.
That's because Pelosi and Reid knew what they were doing

Right Reid tabled all bills, what a great way to lead. Lol! Pelosi just passed bills you she didn't even know what was in them! Just pass bills was her ideas. Lol!

You think McConnell doesn't table bills?

He tabled a fucking Supreme Court nomination

He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.
The Russians put the Muslim Obama "The Blamer" in office to weaken the United States. You know it and I know it.
That's because Pelosi and Reid knew what they were doing

Right Reid tabled all bills, what a great way to lead. Lol! Pelosi just passed bills you she didn't even know what was in them! Just pass bills was her ideas. Lol!

You think McConnell doesn't table bills?

He tabled a fucking Supreme Court nomination

He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.

Reid actually passed major legislation.....Obamacare, Stimulus, Dodd/ Frank

McConnell has been running the show for 2 1/2 years and has nothing to show for it

Obamacare was a disaster, aren't you in fact disappointed because it wasn't improved? The stimulus was adding debt to the country, of course politicians would pass it. I don't mind bills not passing. I'm not sure the 42 that Trump has signed are all that good, the only thing better that Obama did was sign three less than Trump in his first six months.

The best thing about Trump so far is the rollback of regs that the FMCSA has done. I like the Secretary of Transportation.

You miss the point
Yes, I don't expect conservatives to support anything Reid passed. But the point is Reid/Pelosi got the bills they were elected to pass into law

Republicans have sat on the sidelines for ten years vowing that if only they got control of Government they would repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, pass tax reform, end illegal immigration...

They have not only failed to do any of that, they have not even gotten close
The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.
The dears on the right wing don't understand it takes morals, to have moral forms of indignation.

LOL, you folks wouldn't know what morality was if it bit you in the ass.
Projecting much, right wingers. Simply being able to parrot propaganda and rhetoric is amoral, not moral.

Sure, except that I have "parroted" nothing. People like you and the rest of the Left that defend the killing of unborn humans have no concept of any "morality".
Infanticide has been practiced in our historical record; usually, is was due to scarcity induced by Anarchic forms of capitalism.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to complain about both, the cost of an ounce of prevention, and the cost of a pound of cure.

End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. too complicated for the right wing in the non-porn sector?
Democrats did not pass a 'solution' to the problematic issues with our previous health care system.

Instead they DESTROYED the entire health care system and replaced it with a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven short term system designed to lead to single payer (according to Harry Reid) while giving them more power and stripping Americans of more control over their own lives.

They did not pass a solution. They passed a power-grabbing, self-serving, socialist agenda collapsing nightmare that basically f*ed Americans. And Democrats want to demonize the GOP for being unable to UN-F* the country!

Now THAT is some funny shite! :p
Should Congressional leadership ask for executive leadership, with a fine and wonderful, health care plan?

Fuck yes. Like 70 times Trump promised it would be gone. He needs to get out there and put pressure on the rinos. I figure right around 2018 would be a good time.
Mr. Trump proposed a budget; why is there no health care proposal, as well?

Exactly. And with something like health insurance one would think there was a pull out plan ready to go, yet none. Matter of fact, his president campaigned on what turds congress was, yet he trusts them to produce a big beautiful healthcare bill?
Mr. Trump gave the impression he could come up with a fine and wonderful, onepercenter type of plan. That should mean, two plans, not, nothing but repeal from the right wing.

They really are worth-less for pay purposes in the non-porn sector.

You seem obsessed with Porn, how many family members of yours perform?
That really is a worthless question for politics in the non-porn sector.

End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. too complicated for the right wing in the non-porn sector?
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.
only politicians who are worth-less in the non-porn sector, do that.
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.

There was never going to be a replacement because Repubs are no different than Dems, it's all theatre kid, all of it.
The dems had a plan; the pubs have no plan and could not repeal the Only plan around.
Right Reid tabled all bills, what a great way to lead. Lol! Pelosi just passed bills you she didn't even know what was in them! Just pass bills was her ideas. Lol!

You think McConnell doesn't table bills?

He tabled a fucking Supreme Court nomination

He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.

Reid actually passed major legislation.....Obamacare, Stimulus, Dodd/ Frank

McConnell has been running the show for 2 1/2 years and has nothing to show for it

Obamacare was a disaster, aren't you in fact disappointed because it wasn't improved? The stimulus was adding debt to the country, of course politicians would pass it. I don't mind bills not passing. I'm not sure the 42 that Trump has signed are all that good, the only thing better that Obama did was sign three less than Trump in his first six months.

The best thing about Trump so far is the rollback of regs that the FMCSA has done. I like the Secretary of Transportation.

You miss the point
Yes, I don't expect conservatives to support anything Reid passed. But the point is Reid/Pelosi got the bills they were elected to pass into law

Republicans have sat on the sidelines for ten years vowing that if only they got control of Government they would repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, pass tax reform, end illegal immigration...

They have not only failed to do any of that, they have not even gotten close

It took over a year for Obamacare to go through, and that was with a super majority, the Senate kicked the bill back to the House to pass. It was rammed through and it was garbage, it was a Democratic bill yet they whined they didn't get everything they wanted, they passed it so fast they broke promises to the American people to ram it through. So if you are claiming that passing a flawed, unread bill, that also broke promises to the American people a success, then I guess you have a point. Maybe, the Republicans should have pushed a worse bill through, that would get the Democrats off the hook for a terrible piece of legislation.
You think McConnell doesn't table bills?

He tabled a fucking Supreme Court nomination

He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.

Reid actually passed major legislation.....Obamacare, Stimulus, Dodd/ Frank

McConnell has been running the show for 2 1/2 years and has nothing to show for it

Obamacare was a disaster, aren't you in fact disappointed because it wasn't improved? The stimulus was adding debt to the country, of course politicians would pass it. I don't mind bills not passing. I'm not sure the 42 that Trump has signed are all that good, the only thing better that Obama did was sign three less than Trump in his first six months.

The best thing about Trump so far is the rollback of regs that the FMCSA has done. I like the Secretary of Transportation.

You miss the point
Yes, I don't expect conservatives to support anything Reid passed. But the point is Reid/Pelosi got the bills they were elected to pass into law

Republicans have sat on the sidelines for ten years vowing that if only they got control of Government they would repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, pass tax reform, end illegal immigration...

They have not only failed to do any of that, they have not even gotten close

It took over a year for Obamacare to go through, and that was with a super majority, the Senate kicked the bill back to the House to pass. It was rammed through and it was garbage, it was a Democratic bill yet they whined they didn't get everything they wanted, they passed it so fast they broke promises to the American people to ram it through. So if you are claiming that passing a flawed, unread bill, that also broke promises to the American people a success, then I guess you have a point. Maybe, the Republicans should have pushed a worse bill through, that would get the Democrats off the hook for a terrible piece of legislation.

Compared to the back room healthcare bill the Republicans tried to force through, Obamacare was open and took over a year to pass. Republicans were involved in the committee crafting the bill, the Republicans were allowed to debate the bill, Republicans included 100 amendments, the public was allowed to comment. More opportunity was given to read the Obamacare bill than Republicans gave. Republicans crafted their bill without outside comment and called for a take it or leave it vote

But the point is Reid and Pelosi got it done. Republicans failed

Reid and Pelosi passed meaningful legislation....Republicans have nothing to show for all the promises they made
He learned from Reid, you made a stupid claim about Reid knew what he was doing, but you hate when McConnell did the same? Lol! Very funny rightwinger, very funny.

Reid actually passed major legislation.....Obamacare, Stimulus, Dodd/ Frank

McConnell has been running the show for 2 1/2 years and has nothing to show for it

Obamacare was a disaster, aren't you in fact disappointed because it wasn't improved? The stimulus was adding debt to the country, of course politicians would pass it. I don't mind bills not passing. I'm not sure the 42 that Trump has signed are all that good, the only thing better that Obama did was sign three less than Trump in his first six months.

The best thing about Trump so far is the rollback of regs that the FMCSA has done. I like the Secretary of Transportation.

You miss the point
Yes, I don't expect conservatives to support anything Reid passed. But the point is Reid/Pelosi got the bills they were elected to pass into law

Republicans have sat on the sidelines for ten years vowing that if only they got control of Government they would repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, pass tax reform, end illegal immigration...

They have not only failed to do any of that, they have not even gotten close

It took over a year for Obamacare to go through, and that was with a super majority, the Senate kicked the bill back to the House to pass. It was rammed through and it was garbage, it was a Democratic bill yet they whined they didn't get everything they wanted, they passed it so fast they broke promises to the American people to ram it through. So if you are claiming that passing a flawed, unread bill, that also broke promises to the American people a success, then I guess you have a point. Maybe, the Republicans should have pushed a worse bill through, that would get the Democrats off the hook for a terrible piece of legislation.

Compared to the back room healthcare bill the Republicans tried to force through, Obamacare was open and took over a year to pass. Republicans were involved in the committee crafting the bill, the Republicans were allowed to debate the bill, Republicans included 100 amendments, the public was allowed to comment. More opportunity was given to read the Obamacare bill than Republicans gave. Republicans crafted their bill without outside comment and called for a take it or leave it vote

But the point is Reid and Pelosi got it done. Republicans failed

Reid and Pelosi passed meaningful legislation....Republicans have nothing to show for all the promises they made

That whole 100 plus amendments is mostly false according to Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA.

Televised hearings on Obamacare? Nope. Closed door hearings on Obamacare? Yes. After Obamacare was ready to vote on the public was not allowed to read it, hell Even Democrats didn't know what was in it.

Shit legislation took over a year for Democrats to pass. Meaningful legislation? No. A disastrous piece of legislation? Yep, it created huge problems and is ready to implode after only three years. Now, we have counties in several states with no insurance options.

Six months in and the verdict is still out. Obama signed 39 bills in his first six months and Trump signed 42 bills his first six months. The cabinet is already lessening the burden of government on the American people.

The only meaningful thing we can do with healthcare is repeal it.
Reid actually passed major legislation.....Obamacare, Stimulus, Dodd/ Frank

McConnell has been running the show for 2 1/2 years and has nothing to show for it

Obamacare was a disaster, aren't you in fact disappointed because it wasn't improved? The stimulus was adding debt to the country, of course politicians would pass it. I don't mind bills not passing. I'm not sure the 42 that Trump has signed are all that good, the only thing better that Obama did was sign three less than Trump in his first six months.

The best thing about Trump so far is the rollback of regs that the FMCSA has done. I like the Secretary of Transportation.

You miss the point
Yes, I don't expect conservatives to support anything Reid passed. But the point is Reid/Pelosi got the bills they were elected to pass into law

Republicans have sat on the sidelines for ten years vowing that if only they got control of Government they would repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, pass tax reform, end illegal immigration...

They have not only failed to do any of that, they have not even gotten close

It took over a year for Obamacare to go through, and that was with a super majority, the Senate kicked the bill back to the House to pass. It was rammed through and it was garbage, it was a Democratic bill yet they whined they didn't get everything they wanted, they passed it so fast they broke promises to the American people to ram it through. So if you are claiming that passing a flawed, unread bill, that also broke promises to the American people a success, then I guess you have a point. Maybe, the Republicans should have pushed a worse bill through, that would get the Democrats off the hook for a terrible piece of legislation.

Compared to the back room healthcare bill the Republicans tried to force through, Obamacare was open and took over a year to pass. Republicans were involved in the committee crafting the bill, the Republicans were allowed to debate the bill, Republicans included 100 amendments, the public was allowed to comment. More opportunity was given to read the Obamacare bill than Republicans gave. Republicans crafted their bill without outside comment and called for a take it or leave it vote

But the point is Reid and Pelosi got it done. Republicans failed

Reid and Pelosi passed meaningful legislation....Republicans have nothing to show for all the promises they made

That whole 100 plus amendments is mostly false according to Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA.

Televised hearings on Obamacare? Nope. Closed door hearings on Obamacare? Yes. After Obamacare was ready to vote on the public was not allowed to read it, hell Even Democrats didn't know what was in it.

Shit legislation took over a year for Democrats to pass. Meaningful legislation? No. A disastrous piece of legislation? Yep, it created huge problems and is ready to implode after only three years. Now, we have counties in several states with no insurance options.

Six months in and the verdict is still out. Obama signed 39 bills in his first six months and Trump signed 42 bills his first six months. The cabinet is already lessening the burden of government on the American people.

The only meaningful thing we can do with healthcare is repeal it.

Fact is there were Republican amendments to Obamacare and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (among others) participated in the committee crafting the legislation

Yes, the public did see Obamacare as it was being developed and were given opportunities to comment publically

Something Republicans refused to do. McConnell gave 24 hours to read the legislation before he was calling for a vote
Let obamacare die on its own.

Start building against single payer the next Salvo that will assuredly be coming.

What happens to the millions of people impacted by your callous plan?

They didn't fight hard enough to stop obamacare to begin with. They aren't fighting now to stop democrats. They will have to experience the consequences of their own negligence.
Obamacare was a disaster, aren't you in fact disappointed because it wasn't improved? The stimulus was adding debt to the country, of course politicians would pass it. I don't mind bills not passing. I'm not sure the 42 that Trump has signed are all that good, the only thing better that Obama did was sign three less than Trump in his first six months.

The best thing about Trump so far is the rollback of regs that the FMCSA has done. I like the Secretary of Transportation.

You miss the point
Yes, I don't expect conservatives to support anything Reid passed. But the point is Reid/Pelosi got the bills they were elected to pass into law

Republicans have sat on the sidelines for ten years vowing that if only they got control of Government they would repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, pass tax reform, end illegal immigration...

They have not only failed to do any of that, they have not even gotten close

It took over a year for Obamacare to go through, and that was with a super majority, the Senate kicked the bill back to the House to pass. It was rammed through and it was garbage, it was a Democratic bill yet they whined they didn't get everything they wanted, they passed it so fast they broke promises to the American people to ram it through. So if you are claiming that passing a flawed, unread bill, that also broke promises to the American people a success, then I guess you have a point. Maybe, the Republicans should have pushed a worse bill through, that would get the Democrats off the hook for a terrible piece of legislation.

Compared to the back room healthcare bill the Republicans tried to force through, Obamacare was open and took over a year to pass. Republicans were involved in the committee crafting the bill, the Republicans were allowed to debate the bill, Republicans included 100 amendments, the public was allowed to comment. More opportunity was given to read the Obamacare bill than Republicans gave. Republicans crafted their bill without outside comment and called for a take it or leave it vote

But the point is Reid and Pelosi got it done. Republicans failed

Reid and Pelosi passed meaningful legislation....Republicans have nothing to show for all the promises they made

That whole 100 plus amendments is mostly false according to Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA.

Televised hearings on Obamacare? Nope. Closed door hearings on Obamacare? Yes. After Obamacare was ready to vote on the public was not allowed to read it, hell Even Democrats didn't know what was in it.

Shit legislation took over a year for Democrats to pass. Meaningful legislation? No. A disastrous piece of legislation? Yep, it created huge problems and is ready to implode after only three years. Now, we have counties in several states with no insurance options.

Six months in and the verdict is still out. Obama signed 39 bills in his first six months and Trump signed 42 bills his first six months. The cabinet is already lessening the burden of government on the American people.

The only meaningful thing we can do with healthcare is repeal it.

Fact is there were Republican amendments to Obamacare and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (among others) participated in the committee crafting the legislation

Yes, the public did see Obamacare as it was being developed and were given opportunities to comment publically

Something Republicans refused to do. McConnell gave 24 hours to read the legislation before he was calling for a vote

The fact is 60% of the American people were against Obamacare. Fact, very few Congressmen had time to read the bill, and the American people did not get the 72 hours to read the bill. Fact is most of the
healthcare bill was behind closed doors, despite the promise that the Democrats gave when initially starting the bill.

It seems you are disappointed that the Republicans didn't pass anything, I thought you would be happy for it going down to defeat.
Obamacare only suits progressives... it was never meant to be in the best interest of the rest of America. fact
You miss the point
Yes, I don't expect conservatives to support anything Reid passed. But the point is Reid/Pelosi got the bills they were elected to pass into law

Republicans have sat on the sidelines for ten years vowing that if only they got control of Government they would repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, pass tax reform, end illegal immigration...

They have not only failed to do any of that, they have not even gotten close

It took over a year for Obamacare to go through, and that was with a super majority, the Senate kicked the bill back to the House to pass. It was rammed through and it was garbage, it was a Democratic bill yet they whined they didn't get everything they wanted, they passed it so fast they broke promises to the American people to ram it through. So if you are claiming that passing a flawed, unread bill, that also broke promises to the American people a success, then I guess you have a point. Maybe, the Republicans should have pushed a worse bill through, that would get the Democrats off the hook for a terrible piece of legislation.

Compared to the back room healthcare bill the Republicans tried to force through, Obamacare was open and took over a year to pass. Republicans were involved in the committee crafting the bill, the Republicans were allowed to debate the bill, Republicans included 100 amendments, the public was allowed to comment. More opportunity was given to read the Obamacare bill than Republicans gave. Republicans crafted their bill without outside comment and called for a take it or leave it vote

But the point is Reid and Pelosi got it done. Republicans failed

Reid and Pelosi passed meaningful legislation....Republicans have nothing to show for all the promises they made

That whole 100 plus amendments is mostly false according to Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA.

Televised hearings on Obamacare? Nope. Closed door hearings on Obamacare? Yes. After Obamacare was ready to vote on the public was not allowed to read it, hell Even Democrats didn't know what was in it.

Shit legislation took over a year for Democrats to pass. Meaningful legislation? No. A disastrous piece of legislation? Yep, it created huge problems and is ready to implode after only three years. Now, we have counties in several states with no insurance options.

Six months in and the verdict is still out. Obama signed 39 bills in his first six months and Trump signed 42 bills his first six months. The cabinet is already lessening the burden of government on the American people.

The only meaningful thing we can do with healthcare is repeal it.

Fact is there were Republican amendments to Obamacare and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (among others) participated in the committee crafting the legislation

Yes, the public did see Obamacare as it was being developed and were given opportunities to comment publically

Something Republicans refused to do. McConnell gave 24 hours to read the legislation before he was calling for a vote

The fact is 60% of the American people were against Obamacare. Fact, very few Congressmen had time to read the bill, and the American people did not get the 72 hours to read the bill. Fact is most of the
healthcare bill was behind closed doors, despite the promise that the Democrats gave when initially starting the bill.

It seems you are disappointed that the Republicans didn't pass anything, I thought you would be happy for it going down to defeat.

The bill was being constantly amended and updated. Yes, Nancy Pelosi read the bill. Yes, Congressmen not only were given time to see the changes but to comment on them

Republicans never even brought their bill to the floor for comment and tried to rush a vote before the Fourth of July recess to avoid the wrath of their voters

Obamacare is now supported by over 50% of the public
Trumpcare gets less than 20%
It took over a year for Obamacare to go through, and that was with a super majority, the Senate kicked the bill back to the House to pass. It was rammed through and it was garbage, it was a Democratic bill yet they whined they didn't get everything they wanted, they passed it so fast they broke promises to the American people to ram it through. So if you are claiming that passing a flawed, unread bill, that also broke promises to the American people a success, then I guess you have a point. Maybe, the Republicans should have pushed a worse bill through, that would get the Democrats off the hook for a terrible piece of legislation.

Compared to the back room healthcare bill the Republicans tried to force through, Obamacare was open and took over a year to pass. Republicans were involved in the committee crafting the bill, the Republicans were allowed to debate the bill, Republicans included 100 amendments, the public was allowed to comment. More opportunity was given to read the Obamacare bill than Republicans gave. Republicans crafted their bill without outside comment and called for a take it or leave it vote

But the point is Reid and Pelosi got it done. Republicans failed

Reid and Pelosi passed meaningful legislation....Republicans have nothing to show for all the promises they made

That whole 100 plus amendments is mostly false according to Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA.

Televised hearings on Obamacare? Nope. Closed door hearings on Obamacare? Yes. After Obamacare was ready to vote on the public was not allowed to read it, hell Even Democrats didn't know what was in it.

Shit legislation took over a year for Democrats to pass. Meaningful legislation? No. A disastrous piece of legislation? Yep, it created huge problems and is ready to implode after only three years. Now, we have counties in several states with no insurance options.

Six months in and the verdict is still out. Obama signed 39 bills in his first six months and Trump signed 42 bills his first six months. The cabinet is already lessening the burden of government on the American people.

The only meaningful thing we can do with healthcare is repeal it.

Fact is there were Republican amendments to Obamacare and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (among others) participated in the committee crafting the legislation

Yes, the public did see Obamacare as it was being developed and were given opportunities to comment publically

Something Republicans refused to do. McConnell gave 24 hours to read the legislation before he was calling for a vote

The fact is 60% of the American people were against Obamacare. Fact, very few Congressmen had time to read the bill, and the American people did not get the 72 hours to read the bill. Fact is most of the
healthcare bill was behind closed doors, despite the promise that the Democrats gave when initially starting the bill.

It seems you are disappointed that the Republicans didn't pass anything, I thought you would be happy for it going down to defeat.

The bill was being constantly amended and updated. Yes, Nancy Pelosi read the bill. Yes, Congressmen not only were given time to see the changes but to comment on them

Republicans never even brought their bill to the floor for comment and tried to rush a vote before the Fourth of July recess to avoid the wrath of their voters

Obamacare is now supported by over 50% of the public
Trumpcare gets less than 20%

Do you have a link showing Pelosi read the bill? I have found nothing. In fact most of what I read said not one Congressman read the entire bill until after it was voted on. I know Democrats that tried to cram crap through just before recesses, didn't seem to bother anyone before but now it's an issue. Lol!

I personally don't care for either "care", they are scams.
Compared to the back room healthcare bill the Republicans tried to force through, Obamacare was open and took over a year to pass. Republicans were involved in the committee crafting the bill, the Republicans were allowed to debate the bill, Republicans included 100 amendments, the public was allowed to comment. More opportunity was given to read the Obamacare bill than Republicans gave. Republicans crafted their bill without outside comment and called for a take it or leave it vote

But the point is Reid and Pelosi got it done. Republicans failed

Reid and Pelosi passed meaningful legislation....Republicans have nothing to show for all the promises they made

That whole 100 plus amendments is mostly false according to Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA.

Televised hearings on Obamacare? Nope. Closed door hearings on Obamacare? Yes. After Obamacare was ready to vote on the public was not allowed to read it, hell Even Democrats didn't know what was in it.

Shit legislation took over a year for Democrats to pass. Meaningful legislation? No. A disastrous piece of legislation? Yep, it created huge problems and is ready to implode after only three years. Now, we have counties in several states with no insurance options.

Six months in and the verdict is still out. Obama signed 39 bills in his first six months and Trump signed 42 bills his first six months. The cabinet is already lessening the burden of government on the American people.

The only meaningful thing we can do with healthcare is repeal it.

Fact is there were Republican amendments to Obamacare and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (among others) participated in the committee crafting the legislation

Yes, the public did see Obamacare as it was being developed and were given opportunities to comment publically

Something Republicans refused to do. McConnell gave 24 hours to read the legislation before he was calling for a vote

The fact is 60% of the American people were against Obamacare. Fact, very few Congressmen had time to read the bill, and the American people did not get the 72 hours to read the bill. Fact is most of the
healthcare bill was behind closed doors, despite the promise that the Democrats gave when initially starting the bill.

It seems you are disappointed that the Republicans didn't pass anything, I thought you would be happy for it going down to defeat.

The bill was being constantly amended and updated. Yes, Nancy Pelosi read the bill. Yes, Congressmen not only were given time to see the changes but to comment on them

Republicans never even brought their bill to the floor for comment and tried to rush a vote before the Fourth of July recess to avoid the wrath of their voters

Obamacare is now supported by over 50% of the public
Trumpcare gets less than 20%

Do you have a link showing Pelosi read the bill? I have found nothing. In fact most of what I read said not one Congressman read the entire bill until after it was voted on. I know Democrats that tried to cram crap through just before recesses, didn't seem to bother anyone before but now it's an issue. Lol!

I personally don't care for either "care", they are scams.

They have staff and they have subject matter experts to read the fine print and explain to Congressmen what the impact of the bill is. There were no hidden secrets in Obamacare. The main ingredients of the bill had remained unchanged for months

The Republicans allocated 24 hours to read and approve the bill without comment

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