So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed

well, it can't possibly have anything to do with them trying to divest 22 million people of health care.

/----- The CBO was wrong about Obozocare and is wrong about the Repub replacement but it's moot because that too has withered on the vine.

Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.

You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.

You aren't real bright son. The 2018 rates have already been filed, the "uncertainty" wouldn't kick in until 2019 ;) MOST insurers have already pulled out kid.

False, insurance companies have until the fall before they are locked in.

And the rates that they did publish PRICE IN the volatility Republicans are causing:

"I really feel for a number of our insurance companies, because it's not that they don't want to be participating," said Michael Marchand, chief marketing officer of the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. "It's the uncertainty in the marketplace."

Insurers in the state are asking for a 22 percent increase for next year on average. States insurance officials say the carriers are trying to price in risk that they may not be reimbursed by the Trump administration for cost-sharing reduction subsidies that lower out-of-pocket costs for lower-income enrollees.

"As a result, we're seeing an increase in premiums because it's essentially the insurance companies hedging their bets that there may be the potential for them to have to pick up that CSR costs," said Marchand, referring to the subsidies.

Obamacare insurer expands, but big questions loom as rate deadline hits, GOP pushes health plan
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.
/----- The CBO was wrong about Obozocare and is wrong about the Repub replacement but it's moot because that too has withered on the vine.

Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.

You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.

You aren't real bright son. The 2018 rates have already been filed, the "uncertainty" wouldn't kick in until 2019 ;) MOST insurers have already pulled out kid.

False, insurance companies have until the fall before they are locked in.

And the rates that they did publish PRICE IN the volatility Republicans are causing:

"I really feel for a number of our insurance companies, because it's not that they don't want to be participating," said Michael Marchand, chief marketing officer of the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. "It's the uncertainty in the marketplace."

Insurers in the state are asking for a 22 percent increase for next year on average. States insurance officials say the carriers are trying to price in risk that they may not be reimbursed by the Trump administration for cost-sharing reduction subsidies that lower out-of-pocket costs for lower-income enrollees.

"As a result, we're seeing an increase in premiums because it's essentially the insurance companies hedging their bets that there may be the potential for them to have to pick up that CSR costs," said Marchand, referring to the subsidies.

Obamacare insurer expands, but big questions loom as rate deadline hits, GOP pushes health plan

You get half a star, the deadlines are in May, the companies were however granted an exception for this year. The fact remains son that MOST carriers have already pulled out.

Amid growing uncertainty, states extend deadlines to file 2018 rates
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.

There was never going to be a replacement because Repubs are no different than Dems, it's all theatre kid, all of it.
/----- The CBO was wrong about Obozocare and is wrong about the Repub replacement but it's moot because that too has withered on the vine.

Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.

You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.

You aren't real bright son. The 2018 rates have already been filed, the "uncertainty" wouldn't kick in until 2019 ;) MOST insurers have already pulled out kid.

False, insurance companies have until the fall before they are locked in.

And the rates that they did publish PRICE IN the volatility Republicans are causing:

"I really feel for a number of our insurance companies, because it's not that they don't want to be participating," said Michael Marchand, chief marketing officer of the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. "It's the uncertainty in the marketplace."

Insurers in the state are asking for a 22 percent increase for next year on average. States insurance officials say the carriers are trying to price in risk that they may not be reimbursed by the Trump administration for cost-sharing reduction subsidies that lower out-of-pocket costs for lower-income enrollees.

"As a result, we're seeing an increase in premiums because it's essentially the insurance companies hedging their bets that there may be the potential for them to have to pick up that CSR costs," said Marchand, referring to the subsidies.

Obamacare insurer expands, but big questions loom as rate deadline hits, GOP pushes health plan

So insurance companies have been opting out for the last two to three years because of what Republicans might do in the future? That makes no sense. The article is an excuse for the failure. Since the profits can be no more than 15%, they can't set their prices above that or they face a penalty from the government.

Again, insurance companies been dropping out long before last year, long before Trump and this Congress. So the failure has been coming, and now companies are finding ways to bail.
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.

Democrats gave us a big fuck you when they passed the bill, they didn't have a clue as to what they passed. At least the GOP didn't try to improve the mess, that would have made a bad thing worse.

BTW, you typing f*ck, is the same as typing f*ck, unless you are a simplistic grade schooler.
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.

Nuh, that would be too rational for Republicans.
Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.

You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.

You aren't real bright son. The 2018 rates have already been filed, the "uncertainty" wouldn't kick in until 2019 ;) MOST insurers have already pulled out kid.

False, insurance companies have until the fall before they are locked in.

And the rates that they did publish PRICE IN the volatility Republicans are causing:

"I really feel for a number of our insurance companies, because it's not that they don't want to be participating," said Michael Marchand, chief marketing officer of the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. "It's the uncertainty in the marketplace."

Insurers in the state are asking for a 22 percent increase for next year on average. States insurance officials say the carriers are trying to price in risk that they may not be reimbursed by the Trump administration for cost-sharing reduction subsidies that lower out-of-pocket costs for lower-income enrollees.

"As a result, we're seeing an increase in premiums because it's essentially the insurance companies hedging their bets that there may be the potential for them to have to pick up that CSR costs," said Marchand, referring to the subsidies.

Obamacare insurer expands, but big questions loom as rate deadline hits, GOP pushes health plan

So insurance companies have been opting out for the last two to three years because of what Republicans might do in the future? That makes no sense. The article is an excuse for the failure. Since the profits can be no more than 15%, they can't set their prices above that or they face a penalty from the government.

Again, insurance companies been dropping out long before last year, long before Trump and this Congress. So the failure has been coming, and now companies are finding ways to bail.

??? The exchanges only opened 3 years ago and it was always known that there will be volatility in the new market at first, followed by stabilization...except that can't possibly happen with all the uncertainty going on now.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

View attachment 139341

Did I say anything remotely close to that? Hell no! I am saying it was rammed through and even those that voted for had no idea what it's impact would be, it's impact was on burdening the middle class. Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of having memes do it for you.

That's not true either. Republicans made over 160 amds. Are you saying they made those without knowing what was in the bill?

I am thinking for myself. I know the facts rather than your tired talking points that have no basis in fact.

You have to pass it to know what's in it. I didn't say that, the leader of the House said that at the time. The Republicans didn't pass it, the Democrats did and no, they had no clue as to what they passed.

So Obamacare has helped the middle class? Lol! The burden of healthcare went to the middle class a year before businesses were required to provide it. The middle class pays the higher premiums with higher and higher deductibles. That is a fact. Insurance companies that cover Obamacare are now leaving Obamacare because it isn't profitable. There are areas in this country that there are no providers for Obamacare. It's a disaster. That's fact.

So, republicans added amendments to a bill they knew nothing about?
There NEVER, NEVER was going to be any "replace".

Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot.

All they care about are needy billionaires.
/----/ You said: "Republicans are all about "f*ck you America. Die, just die". Oh, and suffer first. A lot." As long as we're posting strawman arguments, here's my entry:
Dems are all about shredding the Constitution and turning America into a Communist China Slave State with Obama as Dictator for Life.
Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.

You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.

You aren't real bright son. The 2018 rates have already been filed, the "uncertainty" wouldn't kick in until 2019 ;) MOST insurers have already pulled out kid.

False, insurance companies have until the fall before they are locked in.

And the rates that they did publish PRICE IN the volatility Republicans are causing:

"I really feel for a number of our insurance companies, because it's not that they don't want to be participating," said Michael Marchand, chief marketing officer of the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. "It's the uncertainty in the marketplace."

Insurers in the state are asking for a 22 percent increase for next year on average. States insurance officials say the carriers are trying to price in risk that they may not be reimbursed by the Trump administration for cost-sharing reduction subsidies that lower out-of-pocket costs for lower-income enrollees.

"As a result, we're seeing an increase in premiums because it's essentially the insurance companies hedging their bets that there may be the potential for them to have to pick up that CSR costs," said Marchand, referring to the subsidies.

Obamacare insurer expands, but big questions loom as rate deadline hits, GOP pushes health plan

You get half a star, the deadlines are in May, the companies were however granted an exception for this year. The fact remains son that MOST carriers have already pulled out.

Amid growing uncertainty, states extend deadlines to file 2018 rates

No sir, they have until the fall. Full star for me, because that is what matters.
Last edited:
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

View attachment 139341

Did I say anything remotely close to that? Hell no! I am saying it was rammed through and even those that voted for had no idea what it's impact would be, it's impact was on burdening the middle class. Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of having memes do it for you.

That's not true either. Republicans made over 160 amds. Are you saying they made those without knowing what was in the bill?

I am thinking for myself. I know the facts rather than your tired talking points that have no basis in fact.

You have to pass it to know what's in it. I didn't say that, the leader of the House said that at the time. The Republicans didn't pass it, the Democrats did and no, they had no clue as to what they passed.

So Obamacare has helped the middle class? Lol! The burden of healthcare went to the middle class a year before businesses were required to provide it. The middle class pays the higher premiums with higher and higher deductibles. That is a fact. Insurance companies that cover Obamacare are now leaving Obamacare because it isn't profitable. There are areas in this country that there are no providers for Obamacare. It's a disaster. That's fact.

No the burden went to the wealthy and insurance companies through a tax that expanded medicaid

The middle class mostly get their insurance through their employers
As long as we're posting strawman arguments, here's my entry:
Dems are all about shredding the Constitution and turning America into a Communist China Slave State with Obama as Dictator for Life.
View attachment 139369

Would you like some help with that extra long sleeve white jacket?
/----/ Yes, please hold down the board Libtards while I fit them for their straight jackets.
You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.

You aren't real bright son. The 2018 rates have already been filed, the "uncertainty" wouldn't kick in until 2019 ;) MOST insurers have already pulled out kid.

False, insurance companies have until the fall before they are locked in.

And the rates that they did publish PRICE IN the volatility Republicans are causing:

"I really feel for a number of our insurance companies, because it's not that they don't want to be participating," said Michael Marchand, chief marketing officer of the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. "It's the uncertainty in the marketplace."

Insurers in the state are asking for a 22 percent increase for next year on average. States insurance officials say the carriers are trying to price in risk that they may not be reimbursed by the Trump administration for cost-sharing reduction subsidies that lower out-of-pocket costs for lower-income enrollees.

"As a result, we're seeing an increase in premiums because it's essentially the insurance companies hedging their bets that there may be the potential for them to have to pick up that CSR costs," said Marchand, referring to the subsidies.

Obamacare insurer expands, but big questions loom as rate deadline hits, GOP pushes health plan

So insurance companies have been opting out for the last two to three years because of what Republicans might do in the future? That makes no sense. The article is an excuse for the failure. Since the profits can be no more than 15%, they can't set their prices above that or they face a penalty from the government.

Again, insurance companies been dropping out long before last year, long before Trump and this Congress. So the failure has been coming, and now companies are finding ways to bail.

??? The exchanges only opened 3 years ago and it was always known that there will be volatility in the new market at first, followed by stabilization...except that can't possibly happen with all the uncertainty going on now.

Then why have they been opting out every year? If it was a good deal, other insurance companies would be opting in, they are not, they are all opting out. Some counties in some states will have no insurance options because all the companies in the area have opted out. That seems like a huge fail.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

View attachment 139341

Did I say anything remotely close to that? Hell no! I am saying it was rammed through and even those that voted for had no idea what it's impact would be, it's impact was on burdening the middle class. Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of having memes do it for you.

That's not true either. Republicans made over 160 amds. Are you saying they made those without knowing what was in the bill?

I am thinking for myself. I know the facts rather than your tired talking points that have no basis in fact.

You have to pass it to know what's in it. I didn't say that, the leader of the House said that at the time. The Republicans didn't pass it, the Democrats did and no, they had no clue as to what they passed.

So Obamacare has helped the middle class? Lol! The burden of healthcare went to the middle class a year before businesses were required to provide it. The middle class pays the higher premiums with higher and higher deductibles. That is a fact. Insurance companies that cover Obamacare are now leaving Obamacare because it isn't profitable. There are areas in this country that there are no providers for Obamacare. It's a disaster. That's fact.

So, republicans added amendments to a bill they knew nothing about?

And Democrats passed a bill they knew nothing about, do you not remember Pelosi's statement, she nor anyone else in Congress read the whole bill and the American citizens who were promised a chance to read it before it was passed were denied. Great promise by Obama, yet another failed promise.
You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.

You aren't real bright son. The 2018 rates have already been filed, the "uncertainty" wouldn't kick in until 2019 ;) MOST insurers have already pulled out kid.

False, insurance companies have until the fall before they are locked in.

And the rates that they did publish PRICE IN the volatility Republicans are causing:

"I really feel for a number of our insurance companies, because it's not that they don't want to be participating," said Michael Marchand, chief marketing officer of the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. "It's the uncertainty in the marketplace."

Insurers in the state are asking for a 22 percent increase for next year on average. States insurance officials say the carriers are trying to price in risk that they may not be reimbursed by the Trump administration for cost-sharing reduction subsidies that lower out-of-pocket costs for lower-income enrollees.

"As a result, we're seeing an increase in premiums because it's essentially the insurance companies hedging their bets that there may be the potential for them to have to pick up that CSR costs," said Marchand, referring to the subsidies.

Obamacare insurer expands, but big questions loom as rate deadline hits, GOP pushes health plan

You get half a star, the deadlines are in May, the companies were however granted an exception for this year. The fact remains son that MOST carriers have already pulled out.

Amid growing uncertainty, states extend deadlines to file 2018 rates

No sir, they have until the fall. Full star for me, because that is what matters.

LOL, the deadline has ALWAYS been May, this is the first time that there has EVER been an exception.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

View attachment 139341

Did I say anything remotely close to that? Hell no! I am saying it was rammed through and even those that voted for had no idea what it's impact would be, it's impact was on burdening the middle class. Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of having memes do it for you.

That's not true either. Republicans made over 160 amds. Are you saying they made those without knowing what was in the bill?

I am thinking for myself. I know the facts rather than your tired talking points that have no basis in fact.

You have to pass it to know what's in it. I didn't say that, the leader of the House said that at the time. The Republicans didn't pass it, the Democrats did and no, they had no clue as to what they passed.

So Obamacare has helped the middle class? Lol! The burden of healthcare went to the middle class a year before businesses were required to provide it. The middle class pays the higher premiums with higher and higher deductibles. That is a fact. Insurance companies that cover Obamacare are now leaving Obamacare because it isn't profitable. There are areas in this country that there are no providers for Obamacare. It's a disaster. That's fact.

So, republicans added amendments to a bill they knew nothing about?
Yeah, 171 of them to a bill they knew nothing about.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

View attachment 139341

Did I say anything remotely close to that? Hell no! I am saying it was rammed through and even those that voted for had no idea what it's impact would be, it's impact was on burdening the middle class. Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of having memes do it for you.

That's not true either. Republicans made over 160 amds. Are you saying they made those without knowing what was in the bill?

I am thinking for myself. I know the facts rather than your tired talking points that have no basis in fact.

You have to pass it to know what's in it. I didn't say that, the leader of the House said that at the time. The Republicans didn't pass it, the Democrats did and no, they had no clue as to what they passed.

So Obamacare has helped the middle class? Lol! The burden of healthcare went to the middle class a year before businesses were required to provide it. The middle class pays the higher premiums with higher and higher deductibles. That is a fact. Insurance companies that cover Obamacare are now leaving Obamacare because it isn't profitable. There are areas in this country that there are no providers for Obamacare. It's a disaster. That's fact.

No the burden went to the wealthy and insurance companies through a tax that expanded medicaid

The middle class mostly get their insurance through their employers

You are correct but companies are trimming back the healthcare and it is not as good as it used to be for most Americans. In fact if you look at price and deductibles the insurance is getting worse for the middle class, not better and the rich can afford the deductibles and the poor get them covered, guess who gets to pay? Guess who it hurts? Not the rich or the poor.

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