So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed

You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.
The dears on the right wing don't understand it takes morals, to have moral forms of indignation.
You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.
The dears on the right wing don't understand it takes morals, to have moral forms of indignation.

LOL, you folks wouldn't know what morality was if it bit you in the ass.
All they actually promised, was nothing but repeal. You want to have an actual solution, too?
Democrats did not pass a 'solution' to the problematic issues with our previous health care system.

Instead they DESTROYED the entire health care system and replaced it with a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven short term system designed to lead to single payer (according to Harry Reid) while giving them more power and stripping Americans of more control over their own lives.

They did not pass a solution. They passed a power-grabbing, self-serving, socialist agenda collapsing nightmare that basically f*ed Americans. And Democrats want to demonize the GOP for being unable to UN-F* the country!

Now THAT is some funny shite! :p
Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.

I think Trump should hold a Press conference and publicly, openly, declare that he is extremely disappointed in Ryan and McConnell. He should say the American people gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH with the expectation that they would deliver...and after being the most unproductive Congress in over 150 years and failing to deliver on any of his agendas that were supported by the voters they should consider stepping down or be prepared to be voted out of office if they can not prove they can get the job done. They are failed leaders / politicians, and - either way - they need to step aside and let more capable leaders take over.
Should Congressional leadership ask for executive leadership, with a fine and wonderful, health care plan?

Fuck yes. Like 70 times Trump promised it would be gone. He needs to get out there and put pressure on the rinos. I figure right around 2018 would be a good time.
Mr. Trump proposed a budget; why is there no health care proposal, as well?

Exactly. And with something like health insurance one would think there was a pull out plan ready to go, yet none. Matter of fact, his president campaigned on what turds congress was, yet he trusts them to produce a big beautiful healthcare bill?
You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.
The dears on the right wing don't understand it takes morals, to have moral forms of indignation.

LOL, you folks wouldn't know what morality was if it bit you in the ass.

It's a concept beyond most political animals.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

View attachment 139341

Did I say anything remotely close to that? Hell no! I am saying it was rammed through and even those that voted for had no idea what it's impact would be, it's impact was on burdening the middle class. Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of having memes do it for you.

That's not true either. Republicans made over 160 amds. Are you saying they made those without knowing what was in the bill?

I am thinking for myself. I know the facts rather than your tired talking points that have no basis in fact.

When did Trump say let Obamacare fail first and then replace it?

I seem to remember Repeal and Replace on Day 1

The American people and President Trump has done their part. Ryan and McConnell were given the House, the Senate, and the WH...THEY were responsible for writing and passing the legislation. They have failed.

Obama worked tirelessly to get healthcare accomplished

Other than a few tweets, what has Trump done?

He sure did, everyday he pitted rich against poor, haves vs the have nots, doctors against patients, big bad insurance companies, the division he created to get the bill pass was incredible, then they still couldn't get it right and now we have parts of America where no Obamcare is offered because all the insurance companies are backing out of the bad deal.
End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. too complicated for the right wing in the non-porn sector?

Again another lefty that didn't read what was written, just posting nonsense just to post.
You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.
The dears on the right wing don't understand it takes morals, to have moral forms of indignation.

LOL, you folks wouldn't know what morality was if it bit you in the ass.
Projecting much, right wingers. Simply being able to parrot propaganda and rhetoric is amoral, not moral.
All they actually promised, was nothing but repeal. You want to have an actual solution, too?
Democrats did not pass a 'solution' to the problematic issues with our previous health care system.

Instead they DESTROYED the entire health care system and replaced it with a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven short term system designed to lead to single payer (according to Harry Reid) while giving them more power and stripping Americans of more control over their own lives.

They did not pass a solution. They passed a power-grabbing, self-serving, socialist agenda collapsing nightmare that basically f*ed Americans. And Democrats want to demonize the GOP for being unable to UN-F* the country!

Now THAT is some funny shite! :p
Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.

I think Trump should hold a Press conference and publicly, openly, declare that he is extremely disappointed in Ryan and McConnell. He should say the American people gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH with the expectation that they would deliver...and after being the most unproductive Congress in over 150 years and failing to deliver on any of his agendas that were supported by the voters they should consider stepping down or be prepared to be voted out of office if they can not prove they can get the job done. They are failed leaders / politicians, and - either way - they need to step aside and let more capable leaders take over.
Should Congressional leadership ask for executive leadership, with a fine and wonderful, health care plan?

Fuck yes. Like 70 times Trump promised it would be gone. He needs to get out there and put pressure on the rinos. I figure right around 2018 would be a good time.
Mr. Trump proposed a budget; why is there no health care proposal, as well?

Exactly. And with something like health insurance one would think there was a pull out plan ready to go, yet none. Matter of fact, his president campaigned on what turds congress was, yet he trusts them to produce a big beautiful healthcare bill?
Mr. Trump gave the impression he could come up with a fine and wonderful, onepercenter type of plan. That should mean, two plans, not, nothing but repeal from the right wing.

They really are worth-less for pay purposes in the non-porn sector.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

View attachment 139341

Did I say anything remotely close to that? Hell no! I am saying it was rammed through and even those that voted for had no idea what it's impact would be, it's impact was on burdening the middle class. Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of having memes do it for you.

That's not true either. Republicans made over 160 amds. Are you saying they made those without knowing what was in the bill?

I am thinking for myself. I know the facts rather than your tired talking points that have no basis in fact.

You have to pass it to know what's in it. I didn't say that, the leader of the House said that at the time. The Republicans didn't pass it, the Democrats did and no, they had no clue as to what they passed.

So Obamacare has helped the middle class? Lol! The burden of healthcare went to the middle class a year before businesses were required to provide it. The middle class pays the higher premiums with higher and higher deductibles. That is a fact. Insurance companies that cover Obamacare are now leaving Obamacare because it isn't profitable. There are areas in this country that there are no providers for Obamacare. It's a disaster. That's fact.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.
The dears on the right wing don't understand it takes morals, to have moral forms of indignation.

LOL, you folks wouldn't know what morality was if it bit you in the ass.
Projecting much, right wingers. Simply being able to parrot propaganda and rhetoric is amoral, not moral.

Sure, except that I have "parroted" nothing. People like you and the rest of the Left that defend the killing of unborn humans have no concept of any "morality".
All they actually promised, was nothing but repeal. You want to have an actual solution, too?
Democrats did not pass a 'solution' to the problematic issues with our previous health care system.

Instead they DESTROYED the entire health care system and replaced it with a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven short term system designed to lead to single payer (according to Harry Reid) while giving them more power and stripping Americans of more control over their own lives.

They did not pass a solution. They passed a power-grabbing, self-serving, socialist agenda collapsing nightmare that basically f*ed Americans. And Democrats want to demonize the GOP for being unable to UN-F* the country!

Now THAT is some funny shite! :p
I think Trump should hold a Press conference and publicly, openly, declare that he is extremely disappointed in Ryan and McConnell. He should say the American people gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH with the expectation that they would deliver...and after being the most unproductive Congress in over 150 years and failing to deliver on any of his agendas that were supported by the voters they should consider stepping down or be prepared to be voted out of office if they can not prove they can get the job done. They are failed leaders / politicians, and - either way - they need to step aside and let more capable leaders take over.
Should Congressional leadership ask for executive leadership, with a fine and wonderful, health care plan?

Fuck yes. Like 70 times Trump promised it would be gone. He needs to get out there and put pressure on the rinos. I figure right around 2018 would be a good time.
Mr. Trump proposed a budget; why is there no health care proposal, as well?

Exactly. And with something like health insurance one would think there was a pull out plan ready to go, yet none. Matter of fact, his president campaigned on what turds congress was, yet he trusts them to produce a big beautiful healthcare bill?
Mr. Trump gave the impression he could come up with a fine and wonderful, onepercenter type of plan. That should mean, two plans, not, nothing but repeal from the right wing.

They really are worth-less for pay purposes in the non-porn sector.

You seem obsessed with Porn, how many family members of yours perform?
Time to blame the media

well, it can't possibly have anything to do with them trying to divest 22 million people of health care.

/----- The CBO was wrong about Obozocare and is wrong about the Repub replacement but it's moot because that too has withered on the vine.

Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.
Time to blame the media

well, it can't possibly have anything to do with them trying to divest 22 million people of health care.

/----- The CBO was wrong about Obozocare and is wrong about the Repub replacement but it's moot because that too has withered on the vine.

Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.

You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?
Time to blame the media

well, it can't possibly have anything to do with them trying to divest 22 million people of health care.

/----- The CBO was wrong about Obozocare and is wrong about the Repub replacement but it's moot because that too has withered on the vine.

Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.

You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.
Time to blame the media

well, it can't possibly have anything to do with them trying to divest 22 million people of health care.

/----- The CBO was wrong about Obozocare and is wrong about the Repub replacement but it's moot because that too has withered on the vine.

Even if it is wrong by same rate the replacement was a disaster.

This was NOT wrong, and this WILL get undone if ACA is repealed:


Republican beating around the bush for half a year has ALREADY caused market volatility, inability for insurance companies to plan ahead and uptick in uninsured.

You mean for those two or three who haven't already pulled out?

Oh I love it when Republicans poke sticks in the wheels and complain about ride quality.

As of today, companies that ran profit in the exchanges still can't plan for 2018 enrollment - because they, like everyone have NO IDEA wtf Republicans will do to the market.

There is exactly one critical problem for the individual insurance market at this time - REPUBLICANS.

You aren't real bright son. The 2018 rates have already been filed, the "uncertainty" wouldn't kick in until 2019 ;) MOST insurers have already pulled out kid.

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