So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed

You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.

Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.
All they actually promised, was nothing but repeal. You want to have an actual solution, too?
Democrats did not pass a 'solution' to the problematic issues with our previous health care system.

Instead they DESTROYED the entire health care system and replaced it with a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven short term system designed to lead to single payer (according to Harry Reid) while giving them more power and stripping Americans of more control over their own lives.

They did not pass a solution. They passed a power-grabbing, self-serving, socialist agenda collapsing nightmare that basically f*ed Americans. And Democrats want to demonize the GOP for being unable to UN-F* the country!

Now THAT is some funny shite! :p
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Health care has been in the works since the Clinton Administration, last millennium, right wingers. That is what happens when a party has more than Only repeal.
Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.

I think Trump should hold a Press conference and publicly, openly, declare that he is extremely disappointed in Ryan and McConnell. He should say the American people gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH with the expectation that they would deliver...and after being the most unproductive Congress in over 150 years and failing to deliver on any of his agendas that were supported by the voters they should consider stepping down or be prepared to be voted out of office if they can not prove they can get the job done. They are failed leaders / politicians, and - either way - they need to step aside and let more capable leaders take over.
The right wing is worthless in the non-porn sector; why are they getting equal pay.
'Non-porn sector'?!


This coming from the Party of:

Bill Clinton, lifetime sexual deviant award winner for being an Impeached deviant adulterer, sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, & rapist ... and his Sex Crime Enabler, Hillary Clinton...

Barak Obama, heavily rumored to have dabbled in homosexuality experimentation in college...

and Anthony 'Pedophile' Weinner, sexual deviant who posts naked pictures of himself online and sexts with minors.

Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

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Did I say anything remotely close to that? Hell no! I am saying it was rammed through and even those that voted for had no idea what it's impact would be, it's impact was on burdening the middle class. Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of having memes do it for you.
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.

Gee, don't about we just let Obamacare collapse.
That just means more uninsured. Why not end the drug war to pay for health care?
Nothing was done about what needed to be done, not even the most important step of getting rid of the fine.

as expected.

the aca will be another carrot waved in the face of fiscal cons for another 20 years.




To Do.



Let it do what you progressives set it up to do? You do realize that if the ACA isn't fixed that it's going to implode on it's own...right? So I have the same question for you, Marc! It's your legislation. What are you folks on the left going to do about it?

The trouble is that Republicans are doing everything to undermine it. Trump even issued a order to agencies to undermine it.

It's astonishing that Mitch McConnell is still the Senate Majority Leader considering how incredibly inept he is at the job

Apparently McConnell has decided to put the same bill the gave Obama a few years back up to trump. Full repeal

Which will probably fail as well. That will leave Republicans explaining why they wanted to throw millions off their insurance, told people with pre-existing conditions to go to hell and made insurance unaffordable for older Americans. If Republicans are lucky, they will only lose the House in 2018.

Nobody needs to "undermine" the ACA, Busybee! You don't seem to grasp that it was deliberately constructed so that it would fail. Jonathon Gruber was rather forthcoming about that. You liberals have set up a healthcare system that promised freebies without the means to pay for it and you did so because you knew that once you give people free's almost impossible to take that free stuff away! You're talking about the politics it will hurt the GOP at the polls to do what has to be done...while you ignore the very real damage that the ACA is going to be doing to our national debt. So tell me who is REALLY the responsible ones here...the GOP that are stuck fixing your mess...or the Democrats that set it up in the first place?
Nothing was done about what needed to be done, not even the most important step of getting rid of the fine.

as expected.

the aca will be another carrot waved in the face of fiscal cons for another 20 years.




To Do.



Let it do what you progressives set it up to do? You do realize that if the ACA isn't fixed that it's going to implode on it's own...right? So I have the same question for you, Marc! It's your legislation. What are you folks on the left going to do about it?

The trouble is that Republicans are doing everything to undermine it. Trump even issued a order to agencies to undermine it.

It's astonishing that Mitch McConnell is still the Senate Majority Leader considering how incredibly inept he is at the job

Apparently McConnell has decided to put the same bill the gave Obama a few years back up to trump. Full repeal

Which will probably fail as well. That will leave Republicans explaining why they wanted to throw millions off their insurance, told people with pre-existing conditions to go to hell and made insurance unaffordable for older Americans. If Republicans are lucky, they will only lose the House in 2018.
you have no grasp of economics, none at all.

the Fed is pilling up so much debt that we will have another collapse, and a larger government is more unaffordable.

you are risking a chance that no one will have ins b/c the government won't be able to borrow-tax enough.
Get fiscally responsible, right wingers; end the drug war.
Trump is now talking about simply repealing the ACA but not replacing it. That won't fly either because the 20 million people who received coverage are not going to give it up without a fight.

Before the 2012 election, there was an interview I saw with a Republican Senator who said that they had to repeal the ACA before 2013 because once the restructuring of Medicaid/Medicare kicked in, the structural changes to the health care system contained in the bill, would be impossible to reverse. It was therefore essential that Obama not be re-elected, otherwise the country would be stuck with Obamacare.

The 2012 election was nothing if not a referendum on the ACA and Americans voted in favour of the healthcare bill.

Today, the bill is still more popular than Trump, even in places like Kentucky, which voted 80% in favour of Trump, they don't want to lose the ACA.

When did Trump say let Obamacare fail first and then replace it?

I seem to remember Repeal and Replace on Day 1

The American people and President Trump has done their part. Ryan and McConnell were given the House, the Senate, and the WH...THEY were responsible for writing and passing the legislation. They have failed.

Obama worked tirelessly to get healthcare accomplished

Other than a few tweets, what has Trump done?

He sure did, everyday he pitted rich against poor, haves vs the have nots, doctors against patients, big bad insurance companies, the division he created to get the bill pass was incredible, then they still couldn't get it right and now we have parts of America where no Obamcare is offered because all the insurance companies are backing out of the bad deal.
All they actually promised, was nothing but repeal. You want to have an actual solution, too?
Democrats did not pass a 'solution' to the problematic issues with our previous health care system.

Instead they DESTROYED the entire health care system and replaced it with a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven short term system designed to lead to single payer (according to Harry Reid) while giving them more power and stripping Americans of more control over their own lives.

They did not pass a solution. They passed a power-grabbing, self-serving, socialist agenda collapsing nightmare that basically f*ed Americans. And Democrats want to demonize the GOP for being unable to UN-F* the country!

Now THAT is some funny shite! :p
Having nothing better and nothing but repeal, is worse.

That is the problem with the right wing, just a bunch of, political slackers.
Again, you and the OP need to think your questions through instead of giving this broad, generic question you seem to think has such a simple answer of 'yes' or 'no'.

Ryan and McConnell have proven to be failed, cowardly non-'leaders' who have more in common with Democrats than Republicans.

Am I going to vote them back in? Neither one of them are my elected politicians. I can't vote in their elections. Much like the rest of us poor people across the country who are stuck with brain-damaged, corrupt-as-hell Pelosi because idiots keep voting her back in, I am stuck with McConnell until the people in his state figure out he is a douche bag and vote him out.

One of the politicians in my state is in his own right a royal libtard-esque douche bag who has gone back on his word. I addressed him on it at his last town hall meeting. I got applause from everyone in his room because I asked several tough questions instead of the candy-ass, polite 'what good things are you going to do for us now' crap. I asked him why he has gone back on his word and called him out on his BS with facts. In the end he dodged, ducked, and never answered my questions...after which he was booed. NO, I will not be voting again for that douche bag.

Oh, and NO, I will not be voting for the seditious, party-1st Obstructionist Democrat rep, either, who has chosen to follow his Democratic party leaders like a sheep and work to shut down the govt for the next 4 years because the Democratic party did not get it's way last election. answer.

Took you damn long enough.

Obama worked tirelessly to get healthcare accomplished. Other than a few tweets, what has Trump done?
Yes, Obama worked tirelessly to lie his ass off and deceive the American people.

He must have been exhausted from lying his ass off: 'It won't cost a dime. It will pay for itself. it will lower premiums. If you like you plan / doctor you can keep them.'

His lies about the ACA was the worst an American President EVER lied to the American people...and that even includes, "I did not have sex with that woman." It marked the most corrupt time in Presidential history, as Barry intentionally deceived the American people to get his own socialist agenda passed.
Not even worthy of a response
Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.

I think Trump should hold a Press conference and publicly, openly, declare that he is extremely disappointed in Ryan and McConnell. He should say the American people gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH with the expectation that they would deliver...and after being the most unproductive Congress in over 150 years and failing to deliver on any of his agendas that were supported by the voters they should consider stepping down or be prepared to be voted out of office if they can not prove they can get the job done. They are failed leaders / politicians, and - either way - they need to step aside and let more capable leaders take over.
Should Congressional leadership ask for executive leadership, with a fine and wonderful, health care plan?
The right wing is worthless in the non-porn sector; why are they getting equal pay.
'Non-porn sector'?!


This coming from the Party of:

Bill Clinton, lifetime sexual deviant award winner for being an Impeached deviant adulterer, sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, & rapist ... and his Sex Crime Enabler, Hillary Clinton...

Barak Obama, heavily rumored to have dabbled in homosexuality experimentation in college...

and Anthony 'Pedophile' Weinner, sexual deviant who posts naked pictures of himself online and sexts with minors.

View attachment 139360
beats having nothing but repeal, and not even getting that right, right wingers.
/----- sorry we couldn't fix Obozo's screw up fast enough for you. Looks like we're going to just do a repeal and then start with a clean slate. Personally I'd like to see free markets run healthcare and expand Medicaid for those too poor or sick to provide for themselves, but Dems will fight it to the death.
Sorry huh? Weren't you cokesuckers expecting Obama to fix the economy on day of his swearing in?

Free markets have been running healthcare for 40+ years now, that's why we're in this mess in the first place. That's not cutting it.

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