So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed

How did it work out? It worked out to Trumpcare crashing and burning without ever receiving a vote

Snowflakes are SO IGNORANT.

Let me 'splain something to you, snowflake. The ACA is called 'Obamacare' because the Democrats rammed this socialist, lie-based, collapsing POS through Congress, and barry proudly signed his name to it. He even declared he was happy / proud it was being called 'Obamacare'.

this latest GOP legislation attempt never made it through Congress. It never made it to Trump's desk. Trump never had anything to sign. There is no such thing as 'Trumpcare' because no such thing was ever created. What he called for, McConnell and Ryan failed to deliver, thus no 'Trumpcare'.

As much 'Trumpcare' has ever existed so far as there has been evidence presented by Democrats of 'Trump Russian Collusion'. :p

Ryan was even able to get a bill passed through the House...but it was not even considered in the Senate thanks to McConnell. So, if you want to call this disaster 'McConnell-care' then you would be pretty accurate...but anyone claiming this disaster is 'Trumpcare' is just proving how much of an idiot they are.

So don't let me stop you from continuing to do so. Bwuhahahaha.....

It is known as Obamacare to honor the great President who worked so hard on its passage

Obamacare is the greatest nationwide healthcare plan, this nation has ever seen. So great, in fact, the Repubicans worked eight years to try to come up with something better and came up with a laughable product known as TRUMPCARE

Trump insists his name goes on anything he is remotely involved in. But he didn't want his name associated with this stinker of a bill. What does that tell you?

When did Trump say let Obamacare fail first and then replace it?

I seem to remember Repeal and Replace on Day 1

The American people and President Trump has done their part. Ryan and McConnell were given the House, the Senate, and the WH...THEY were responsible for writing and passing the legislation. They have failed.

Obama worked tirelessly to get healthcare accomplished

Other than a few tweets, what has Trump done?

He sure did, everyday he pitted rich against poor, haves vs the have nots, doctors against patients, big bad insurance companies, the division he created to get the bill pass was incredible, then they still couldn't get it right and now we have parts of America where no Obamcare is offered because all the insurance companies are backing out of the bad deal.
End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. too complicated for the right wing in the non-porn sector?
Obama worked tirelessly to get healthcare accomplished. Other than a few tweets, what has Trump done?
Yes, Obama worked tirelessly to lie his ass off and deceive the American people.

He must have been exhausted from lying his ass off: 'It won't cost a dime. It will pay for itself. it will lower premiums. If you like you plan / doctor you can keep them.'

His lies about the ACA was the worst an American President EVER lied to the American people...and that even includes, "I did not have sex with that woman." It marked the most corrupt time in Presidential history, as Barry intentionally deceived the American people to get his own socialist agenda passed.
Not even worthy of a response

Why respond when you have nothing. Concession noted.
Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.
Are YOU suggesting that YOU are planning on voting for another member other than your current one?
All they actually promised, was nothing but repeal. You want to have an actual solution, too?
Democrats did not pass a 'solution' to the problematic issues with our previous health care system.

Instead they DESTROYED the entire health care system and replaced it with a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven short term system designed to lead to single payer (according to Harry Reid) while giving them more power and stripping Americans of more control over their own lives.

They did not pass a solution. They passed a power-grabbing, self-serving, socialist agenda collapsing nightmare that basically f*ed Americans. And Democrats want to demonize the GOP for being unable to UN-F* the country!

Now THAT is some funny shite! :p
Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.

I think Trump should hold a Press conference and publicly, openly, declare that he is extremely disappointed in Ryan and McConnell. He should say the American people gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH with the expectation that they would deliver...and after being the most unproductive Congress in over 150 years and failing to deliver on any of his agendas that were supported by the voters they should consider stepping down or be prepared to be voted out of office if they can not prove they can get the job done. They are failed leaders / politicians, and - either way - they need to step aside and let more capable leaders take over.
Should Congressional leadership ask for executive leadership, with a fine and wonderful, health care plan?

Fuck yes. Like 70 times Trump promised it would be gone. He needs to get out there and put pressure on the rinos. I figure right around 2018 would be a good time.
As I've said and will keep on saying, the Dems and Pubs are two sides of the same coin. You just aren't smart enough to figure it out.
Yet another cute response. That didn't answer my question. Again...





To do.



You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.
Are YOU suggesting that YOU are planning on voting for another member other than your current one?

Yes. I am and alwaysHave been open to ademocrat too. I get what was trying to be done with ACA, they just did it wrong.
I think Trump should hold a Press conference and publicly, openly, declare that he is extremely disappointed in Ryan and McConnell. He should say the American people gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH with the expectation that they would deliver...and after being the most unproductive Congress in over 150 years and failing to deliver on any of his agendas that were supported by the voters they should consider stepping down or be prepared to be voted out of office if they can not prove they can get the job done. They are failed leaders / politicians, and - either way - they need to step aside and let more capable leaders take over.
I, personally, would love to see the Trumpster pull off a stunt like that.

I'm willing to pay for it.
All they actually promised, was nothing but repeal. You want to have an actual solution, too?
Democrats did not pass a 'solution' to the problematic issues with our previous health care system.

Instead they DESTROYED the entire health care system and replaced it with a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven short term system designed to lead to single payer (according to Harry Reid) while giving them more power and stripping Americans of more control over their own lives.

They did not pass a solution. They passed a power-grabbing, self-serving, socialist agenda collapsing nightmare that basically f*ed Americans. And Democrats want to demonize the GOP for being unable to UN-F* the country!

Now THAT is some funny shite! :p
Start by running a primary against them. Trump has a big cannon. I'm thinking he should go head and hit the rinos during election time.

I think Trump should hold a Press conference and publicly, openly, declare that he is extremely disappointed in Ryan and McConnell. He should say the American people gave them the House, the Senate, and the WH with the expectation that they would deliver...and after being the most unproductive Congress in over 150 years and failing to deliver on any of his agendas that were supported by the voters they should consider stepping down or be prepared to be voted out of office if they can not prove they can get the job done. They are failed leaders / politicians, and - either way - they need to step aside and let more capable leaders take over.
Should Congressional leadership ask for executive leadership, with a fine and wonderful, health care plan?

Fuck yes. Like 70 times Trump promised it would be gone. He needs to get out there and put pressure on the rinos. I figure right around 2018 would be a good time.
Mr. Trump proposed a budget; why is there no health care proposal, as well?
You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...

You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.
/----- sorry we couldn't fix Obozo's screw up fast enough for you. Looks like we're going to just do a repeal and then start with a clean slate. Personally I'd like to see free markets run healthcare and expand Medicaid for those too poor or sick to provide for themselves, but Dems will fight it to the death.
Sorry huh? Weren't you cokesuckers expecting Obama to fix the economy on day of his swearing in?

Free markets have been running healthcare for 40+ years now, that's why we're in this mess in the first place. That's not cutting it.
/----/ Actually we are in this mess because of Gubmint interference in the free market and Tort laws. Notice how well the free market works for auto, home and life insurance? They have regulations but no heavy handed treatment like health insurance.
You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.
Obama worked tirelessly to get healthcare accomplished. Other than a few tweets, what has Trump done?
Yes, Obama worked tirelessly to lie his ass off and deceive the American people.

He must have been exhausted from lying his ass off: 'It won't cost a dime. It will pay for itself. it will lower premiums. If you like you plan / doctor you can keep them.'

His lies about the ACA was the worst an American President EVER lied to the American people...and that even includes, "I did not have sex with that woman." It marked the most corrupt time in Presidential history, as Barry intentionally deceived the American people to get his own socialist agenda passed.
Not even worthy of a response
/----/ Not worthy or maybe you are unable to respond. Now try again: 'It won't cost a dime. It will pay for itself. it will lower premiums. If you like you plan / doctor you can keep them.'
You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.

(shrugs) Prove me wrong. It's all archived ;)

Otherwise you'd "frailed".
/----- sorry we couldn't fix Obozo's screw up fast enough for you. Looks like we're going to just do a repeal and then start with a clean slate. Personally I'd like to see free markets run healthcare and expand Medicaid for those too poor or sick to provide for themselves, but Dems will fight it to the death.
Sorry huh? Weren't you cokesuckers expecting Obama to fix the economy on day of his swearing in?

Free markets have been running healthcare for 40+ years now, that's why we're in this mess in the first place. That's not cutting it.
/----/ Actually we are in this mess because of Gubmint interference in the free market and Tort laws. Notice how well the free market works for auto, home and life insurance? They have regulations but no heavy handed treatment like health insurance.
Only slackers on the right wing blame the party that was able to produce some results.

Nothing but repeal really is worth-less, in the non-porn sector for pay purposes.

Government interferes in all of the markets you mention; we have never had a "free market".

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers? Not enough porn involved.
You have control issues don't you? I said what I wanted to say so deal with it. Or not, but tread lightly, you know what happened to you the last time we tangled. I've also said since the day after the election they'd never get it repealed.
Yeah, sure, whatever...


Unlike you, I tell the truth. Unlike you I am not a liar or a racist, and yes I've said since Nov it was never going to happen.

there isn't a rightwingnut on this board who has ever told the truth.

try again, nutter butter.

Incidentally the archives are what I used to prove that Marc is a racist liar.

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