So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed


When did Trump say let Obamacare fail first and then replace it?

I seem to remember Repeal and Replace on Day 1

The American people and President Trump has done their part. Ryan and McConnell were given the House, the Senate, and the WH...THEY were responsible for writing and passing the legislation. They have failed.

Obama worked tirelessly to get healthcare accomplished

Other than a few tweets, what has Trump done?
so What. Are. YOU!!! Going. To do. About. It?

Cute little pattern you are creating...whatever makes you happy.

What am I going to do about it? My dear Marc, you have the delusional idea that the American people can do anything about it.

You and I have no more control over what is done about health care legislation as we did when Democrats rammed their minority-supported socialist agenda legislation down our throats that early morning while we all slept.

You and I have no more control over the health care fix than we do of forcing our politicians to stop violating the Constitution by making them stop exempting themselves from the laws they pass.

I can complain at a town hall meeting, which they pay no attention to. I can write a letter, which will be read by one of their aides. I can wait until next election when they tell me who my options are to vote for and either pick one or choose not to vote in protest. I can HOPE Ryan and McConnell grow a f*ing spine and conscience. I can wait for the subversive Obstructionist Democrats, who are seditiously attempting to undermine the govt / President because they did not get their way last election, to get off their ass, put the country 1st instead of their party for once, and to save the day...but seeing how they were the ones who f*ed us in the 1st place, I don't see that happening.

I will do what I can, but I am not under the delusion that EASY is going to be able to solve this.
Boehner, McConnell and Ryan understand how legislation is passed
It is not done by pandering to the hard right or hard left. A workable bill is somewhere in between
Yeah...and how did that work out for them?

Is that what the Democrats tried to do? NO!

While holding a near super majority control of Congress they rammed a socialist-agenda-driven piece of minority-supported shite legislation, one the majority of their own politicians had not read, into law in the early morning hours while the majority of Americans who opposed its passage slept.

THAT is how Democrats passed the ACA to begin with.

How did it work out?
It worked out to Trumpcare crashing and burning without ever receiving a vote

What the Democrats did is hold an open process where health reform was openly debated, received input from Republicans and the public and methodically crafted a bill that could pass

Republicans worked in the shadows and crafted a bill and said....Take it or leave it
Their own party said ....Leave it
Obama worked tirelessly to get healthcare accomplished. Other than a few tweets, what has Trump done?
Yes, Obama worked tirelessly to lie his ass off and deceive the American people.

He must have been exhausted from lying his ass off: 'It won't cost a dime. It will pay for itself. it will lower premiums. If you like you plan / doctor you can keep them.'

His lies about the ACA was the worst an American President EVER lied to the American people...and that even includes, "I did not have sex with that woman." It marked the most corrupt time in Presidential history, as Barry intentionally deceived the American people to get his own socialist agenda passed.
Cute little pattern you are creating...whatever makes you happy.

What am I going to do about it? My dear Marc, you have the delusional idea that the American people can do anything about it.

You and I have no more control over what is done about health care legislation as we did when Democrats rammed their minority-supported socialist agenda legislation down our throats that early morning while we all slept.

You and I have no more control over the health care fix than we do of forcing our politicians to stop violating the Constitution by making them stop exempting themselves from the laws they pass.

I can complain at a town hall meeting, which they pay no attention to. I can write a letter, which will be read by one of their aides. I can wait until next election when they tell me who my options are to vote for and either pick one or choose not to vote in protest. I can HOPE Ryan and McConnell grow a f*ing spine and conscience. I can wait for the subversive Obstructionist Democrats, who are seditiously attempting to undermine the govt / President because they did not get their way last election, to get off their ass, put the country 1st instead of their party for once, and to save the day...but seeing how they were the ones who f*ed us in the 1st place, I don't see that happening.

I will do what I can, but I am not under the delusion that EASY is going to be able to solve this.
I didn't ask you to change the world bruh...

I simply asked what are YOU going to do about it. And I was VERY specific too.

Your little tirade above is cute, but still didn't answer the OP.

Are you planning on voting back in your same guy/s...

or nah?

It's true, congressional republicans have screwed themselves. They promised a repeal and fell flat on their face. The worse part for them, now they own BOcare just as much as the Dems do. Dems put it in, and the GOP doubled down on n it.

The Dems are in a great position to take back the house, and then Nancy Pelosi can run over a McConnell lead senate. Republican leadership is pathetic!
How did it work out? It worked out to Trumpcare crashing and burning without ever receiving a vote

Snowflakes are SO IGNORANT.

Let me 'splain something to you, snowflake. The ACA is called 'Obamacare' because the Democrats rammed this socialist, lie-based, collapsing POS through Congress, and barry proudly signed his name to it. He even declared he was happy / proud it was being called 'Obamacare'.

this latest GOP legislation attempt never made it through Congress. It never made it to Trump's desk. Trump never had anything to sign. There is no such thing as 'Trumpcare' because no such thing was ever created. What he called for, McConnell and Ryan failed to deliver, thus no 'Trumpcare'.

As much 'Trumpcare' has ever existed so far as there has been evidence presented by Democrats of 'Trump Russian Collusion'. :p

Ryan was even able to get a bill passed through the House...but it was not even considered in the Senate thanks to McConnell. So, if you want to call this disaster 'McConnell-care' then you would be pretty accurate...but anyone claiming this disaster is 'Trumpcare' is just proving how much of an idiot they are.

So don't let me stop you from continuing to do so. Bwuhahahaha.....
I didn't ask you to change the world bruh...

I simply asked what are YOU going to do about it. And I was VERY specific too.

Your little tirade above is cute, but still didn't answer the OP.

Are you planning on voting back in your same guy/s...

or nah?

You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
The right wing on this board seem to be willing to vote for the pander of right wing fantasy.

The right wing Only had, nothing but repeal.
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
Nothing was done about what needed to be done, not even the most important step of getting rid of the fine.

as expected.

the aca will be another carrot waved in the face of fiscal cons for another 20 years.
End the fiscal cost of our drug war to pay for the fiscal cost of health care, right wingers.
What do we do now? Do hate filled incoherent democrats really want to keep the Obamacare system that is on the verge of bankrupting middle class families and imploding under it's own weight? Do we want to keep a health care system that was passed using bribes and threats and almost nobody in the democrat party even freaking read? Do we want to keep a system that forces men to pay for things like maternity surgery. Everyone knows that Obamacare was poorly written and is doomed to failure but it seems that hard core democrats would rather keep a failed system than work with republicans to make it better.
how about, more political action and less political talk, right wingers. end the drug war to pay for health care.
I didn't ask you to change the world bruh...I simply asked what are YOU going to do about it. And I was VERY specific too.Your little tirade above is cute, but still didn't answer the OP. Are you planning on voting back in your same guy/s...or nah?

Again, you and the OP need to think your questions through instead of giving this broad, generic question you seem to think has such a simple answer of 'yes' or 'no'.

Ryan and McConnell have proven to be failed, cowardly non-'leaders' who have more in common with Democrats than Republicans.

Am I going to vote them back in? Neither one of them are my elected politicians. I can't vote in their elections. Much like the rest of us poor people across the country who are stuck with brain-damaged, corrupt-as-hell Pelosi because idiots keep voting her back in, I am stuck with McConnell until the people in his state figure out he is a douche bag and vote him out.

One of the politicians in my state is in his own right a royal libtard-esque douche bag who has gone back on his word. I addressed him on it at his last town hall meeting. I got applause from everyone in his room because I asked several tough questions instead of the candy-ass, polite 'what good things are you going to do for us now' crap. I asked him why he has gone back on his word and called him out on his BS with facts. In the end he dodged, ducked, and never answered my questions...after which he was booed. NO, I will not be voting again for that douche bag.

Oh, and NO, I will not be voting for the seditious, party-1st Obstructionist Democrat rep, either, who has chosen to follow his Democratic party leaders like a sheep and work to shut down the govt for the next 4 years because the Democratic party did not get it's way last election.
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
/----- sorry we couldn't fix Obozo's screw up fast enough for you. Looks like we're going to just do a repeal and then start with a clean slate. Personally I'd like to see free markets run healthcare and expand Medicaid for those too poor or sick to provide for themselves, but Dems will fight it to the death.
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
Ya but you doe doe birds were in long enough to pass another entitlement that will bankrupt the country
glory in your victory but when the country goes broke dont blame us cons
End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers. Having nothing but repeal for so long, left y'all, clueless and Causeless?

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