So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed

What is so hard Republicans

All you had to do was repeal Obamacare like you promised and replace it with something better

As bad as you say Obamacare is....How hard can it be?

Lets just sit back and watch just how good Obamacare is

What is so hard Republicans

All you had to do was repeal Obamacare like you promised and replace it with something better

As bad as you say Obamacare is....How hard can it be?

Lets just sit back and watch just how good Obamacare is


Obamacare is the best universal healthcare plan ever devised in this country

Republicans just demonstrated the fact
What is so hard Republicans

All you had to do was repeal Obamacare like you promised and replace it with something better

As bad as you say Obamacare is....How hard can it be?

Lets just sit back and watch just how good Obamacare is


Obamacare is the best universal healthcare plan ever devised in this country

Republicans just demonstrated the fact

Everyone wants a free lunch..... a trophy.... or my hard earned $$$

You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
You know them poor rich folks are gonna get a tax cut one way or another...
Let obamacare die on its own.

Start building against single payer the next Salvo that will assuredly be coming.

What happens to the millions of people impacted by your callous plan?

Oh well, to bad, how sad.

Pay for it if they want it


Let em die

Spoken like a true conservative

They can purchase insurance with their own money so they don't die.

Pretty simple concept

What Trump did by calling off the IRS has not killed the ACA because people are still using it, the reasons why?
As a collective base(pool) it can get policies cheaper than if an individual on their own could get from an insurance company..That is the only way to save money on a policy period...A high deductible may look cheaper but when you need to use that policy you will pay..
The next provision for use is the previous medical conditions to get coverage. the insurance industry doesn't want to cover this sector of the population..
If ordinary Americans were given the chance to have socialized medical care, they would vote for it in a heartbeat.
For 7 years the Senate GOP pretended to repeal Obamacare because they knew Obama would veto it

Now when it MATTERS they won't do the same
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through

I've had it with these two Political Parties. For 150 years, we've lived politically under their control. I'm ready for something new. You?
The truth that no one is admitting here (and snowflakes never will) is that passing such HUGE, critical legislation is extremely hard when you have so many politicians, each with their own ideas of what should be in it. The ONLY WAY the Democrats passed the ACA was for only a 'handful' to write the bill in secret and to have enough Democrats in Congress - all of whom blindly took their orders to vote for it without knowing what was in it, and doing so, thereby by-passing Republicans and ramming in down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it.

Pelosi declared Americans had no right to know what was in it until it was passed...but failed to mention that 95% of all the politicians in Congress had no clue what was in it. Had they engaged in REAL, HONEST discussions and taken the time they promised the American people they would take, making it transparent as they falsely promised, the ACA would NEVER have passed, either.

The Democrats passed the ACA through lies, deception, and 'brute political force' while having a near super majority control of Congress. They could never have passed it by being honest and allowing open discussion on the floor of Congress rather than ramming it into law in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept.
If ordinary Americans were given the chance to have socialized medical care, they would vote for it in a heartbeat.
Na, only if it was voluntary to sign up for it... an "opt in"
No one should be forced into the cancer that is socialism… dip Shit
main difference between the two parties is Democrats have bad ideas and Republicans don't believe in their ideas.
And now folks, you know why this country is bankrupt:

A government entitlement once given, can never, ever, ever be taken away.
I've had it with these two Political Parties. For 150 years, we've lived politically under their control. I'm ready for something new. You?
Both are led by corrupt, self-serving shite who have corrupted the system.

Instead of picking the candidates both parties tell the American people this is who you have to choose from / this is your candidate, as we saw from the primary-rigging / debate-cheating Democrats this last election.

People (Conservatives) were so tired of the same ol' BS this past election that they actually made history by choosing their own candidate...and the Democrat's candidate just happened to be the perfect personification of what Americans hate about Federal / Washington Politics: scandal, crime, self-serving, elitist, etc... It was the 'perfect storm'.

I agree with the idea of electing a non-career scandal-plagued outsider...but the right one. Part of the trouble is that politicians / politics has made running for office a 'blood sport' - not just about winning but about personally destroying the opposition no matter what it takes. It has evolved into something so disgusting that no one worthy of the job wants to drag their family through the crap. ...and partisan Americans not only tolerate it, they defend their own candidates when they engage in this despicable behavior.

Let's be honest - Trump is uncouth, rude, and 'raw'. He has said some horrible things. I am not a 'Trump Fan', so I have no problem saying so. Hillary, however is corrupt as hell, and broke any law she saw fit to accomplish whatever she wanted. Having the choice between the 2, Americans chose Trump...the assessed lesser of 2 evils.

Americans deserve another serious alternative choice to the repeated crap we are getting from both parties.

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