So Republicans take control of both the House and Senate. Then what?



The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.
Things must really be in the shitter at Democrat headquarters if R-dweeb has gotten marching orders already for these type of defeatist posts.

"Nothing" happening at the federal level for the last two years of Obama's term is the best we can hope for.
They get rid of the filibuster. I can't blame them since the Dems did it last year for judge appointments.
Then nothing. Which is perfect. The less they do, the less that gets fucked up. That means both sides.
I would hope allow a vote on the bills Harry Reid has been holding up for starters.
They get rid of the filibuster. I can't blame them since the Dems did it last year for judge appointments.

That would be massively stupid considering Dems are all but guaranteed to take back the Senate in 2016 and Obama still holds the presidency till then.

Not happening sorry.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

Then Foxies wake up (come to) and find out they really lost the House and no amount of drinking will change that.
They get rid of the filibuster. I can't blame them since the Dems did it last year for judge appointments.

That would be massively stupid considering Dems are all but guaranteed to take back the Senate in 2016 and Obama still holds the presidency till then.

Not happening sorry.

So would you give me 500-1 odds on a $5 bet on that?
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

You should have stopped with your title thread and let posters discuss that. Instead you ran with your leftwing nut echo chamber mantra.
If the republicans were to take both sides of the House it would force obama to work in a more compromising manner if he wants to secure some positive legacy as Bill Clinton accomplished. This is something he hasn't had to do so far in his tenure.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

The ONLY job creation strategy republicans have are tax cuts. Tax cuts for the wealthy have been proven to be failures for economic growth. Stimulating supply side means dick if you neglect to stimulate demand.
"Nothing" happening at the federal level for the last two years of Obama's term is the best we can hope for.

Tea Baggers love to do nothing and get paid.

They've been doing it since 2010.

It's called Tea Bagger Work Ethic -- they want to get labor for free or below minimum wage WHILE they get paid to do noting.
lets see, when they take back the Senate and keep the house...hummm

we'll get to come on here, make up lies about Democrats and watch all you and your kind frothing at the mouth wailing...

can't wait for that
Life was not too bad the last time we had a GOP Congress and a Democratic President.

A lot got done.
"Nothing" happening at the federal level for the last two years of Obama's term is the best we can hope for.

Tea Baggers love to do nothing and get paid.

They've been doing it since 2010.

It's called Tea Bagger Work Ethic -- they want to get labor for free or below minimum wage WHILE they get paid to do noting.

Getting paid to do nothing? You mean kind of like what's going on under obama? :eusa_whistle:
If the GOP gets Congress there should be no tabled bills by either house. No reason not to have up or down votes on legislation.


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I wonder what the chances are that there will be a Republican take over of the Senate, or the Republican's chance of holding the House. After their behavior with the shut down, refusal to take up immigration reform and the general discontent and disgust with Congress, why should the Republicans be given more power to obstruct, shut down and generally make fools of themselves?

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