So Republicans take control of both the House and Senate. Then what?

The economy will collapse if we don't maintain our streets, bridges and tech sector. Having hundreds of oversea's bases needs to be cut in half if you want to do anything...
Does it have to come from Government Matt?

What YOU don't seem to understand is that Government only TAKES...and produces ZERO, and is nothing without the private sector. WHY do they have their jackboots on the throats of the private sector? For WHAT purpose?
So Republicans take control of both the House and Senate. Then what?


It will be business as usual.

The only Republicans that are electable are those who are members of the surrender caucus. So YOUR welfare benefits and Obama Hellcare are safe.......until , of course, the economy completely collapses.

And that is coming if their crap keeps up.
They get rid of the filibuster. I can't blame them since the Dems did it last year for judge appointments.

That won't really help get any meaningfull legislation passed since Obama can resort to the Veto. Unless he decides to do what all other Presidents have done, and negotiate with Congress, the result will be more of the same.
Quit saying WE if your a republican... then I ride to work on my unicorn.

As any other good Republican would say, "Bear, you far right reactionaries don't have the weight anymore, so the door is over. Take it."

I am not far right. ( I say abortions are fine kill as many liberals in the womb as possible) but you are just a fake con.

You act, walk, and talk like a far right reactionary.

You are not mainstream GOP.

Who would you have wanted at the top of the ticket in 2012?
Were old Shakey to spend 1/10 the time he spends on trying to convince us he's not a Marxist-leaning Democrat on simply examining his own beliefs then he'd have a little time to work at a wage-paying job rather than extolling the virtues of suckling on the government teat.

But that would spoil the fun, no?
As any other good Republican would say, "Bear, you far right reactionaries don't have the weight anymore, so the door is over. Take it."

I am not far right. ( I say abortions are fine kill as many liberals in the womb as possible) but you are just a fake con.

You act, walk, and talk like a far right reactionary.

You are not mainstream GOP.

Who would you have wanted at the top of the ticket in 2012?

Herman Cain but you numb nuts threw him under the bus.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

Translation: Less jobs means more jobs because only liberals get educated which is why Republicans will lose major business support while the Kock brothers spend local elections into oblivion even though Republicans are against equal pay and Obama took out Bin Laded.

I believe this list derives from the rdean stream of consciousness school of political gibberish.
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The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.
Then what? Impeach and fire the pos imposter in the WH. All your talking points are bullshit, as usual.
Liberals do not get educations.

They only seek and obtain further indoctrination.

Now some who start as liberals DO get educated.

But then they're not liberals anymore.

Some because they became enlightened.

More because their "peers" ostracized them due to fear that they might have become un-indoctrinated and, worse, might disseminate that.

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