So Republicans take control of both the House and Senate. Then what?

Idk wish to god some times I was as dumb and as ignorant as the op..
Life would be so so so much more simple.
And why Deany has a keyboard, electricity, and talking points.

Yea you are right about that. Wonder how he would do with out?
So many of his ilk decry these things, but here they are...Guess they like living a lie. Reality is far too harsh for them to bear in their lives.

So necessity is the mother of invention...they have to invent things to pacify themselves.
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So Republicans take control of both the House and Senate. Then what?

Obama invites the Seahawks to the White House, they show him how to read hand signals, and Obama stuffs the offensive line and runs circles around the clueless Republican leadership.

Like, what rdean? You have not been paying attention for the last 6 years?

The Bush tax cut cut taxes for every single taxpayer.

Yea, let's see. This guy got $150 dollars and that guy got $150,000.00 dollars. Hmmm, who needed the money more? They guy who got $150 dollars or the guy who got the $150,000.00? And the guy that got the $150,000.00 earned it the hard way. He inherited it.

Put your cards on table deanie boy....are you saying we take ALL the money and throw it all in one big pot and divide equally?

Yea, let's see. This guy got $150 dollars and that guy got $150,000.00 dollars. Hmmm, who needed the money more? They guy who got $150 dollars or the guy who got the $150,000.00? And the guy that got the $150,000.00 earned it the hard way. He inherited it.

Put your cards on table deanie boy....are you saying we take ALL the money and throw it all in one big pot and divide equally?


Actually doing that once wouldn't change anything. People who save and work hard will just end up with more money again. We need to keep doing it over and over. It's the only way that dean and RW and the rest of them will get their fair share. All they want is fairness. They are Americans, they are entitled to be compensated for that with an equal share of the pot.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.
Well, nice laundry list of lies...

Do you know what the GOP does after they take the Senate?

They shoot down every Judicial nomination by Obama.

They pass the 40+ legislative bills that would bring jobs and a good economy to this nation and force the President to become an obstructionist.

They pass two budgets that have more than just sequestration cuts and force the President to shut down the government.

They stop the rubber stamping of debt ceiling increases.

I can go on and on....There are hundreds of problems that need to be addressed in this country, and most of them caused by the Democrats over the past 4 years.

A lot can be done. Mostly, the damage caused by progressiveness can be slowed enough for the people to get a good long look at your record.

We'll start with the lies about a war on women and move on to your desire to replace Americans in the work force with border jumpers.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.
Well, nice laundry list of lies...

Do you know what the GOP does after they take the Senate?

They shoot down every Judicial nomination by Obama.

They pass the 40+ legislative bills that would bring jobs and a good economy to this nation and force the President to become an obstructionist.

They pass two budgets that have more than just sequestration cuts and force the President to shut down the government.

They stop the rubber stamping of debt ceiling increases.

I can go on and on....There are hundreds of problems that need to be addressed in this country, and most of them caused by the Democrats over the past 4 years.

A lot can be done. Mostly, the damage caused by progressiveness can be slowed enough for the people to get a good long look at your record.

We'll start with the lies about a war on women and move on to your desire to replace Americans in the work force with border jumpers.

What makes you think Republicans would get anything through the Senate or signed by the President?

They haven't exactly built up any good will
After the REPs control the House and Senate 'Bobo' will spend his last two years sitting in a dimly lit Oval office sneaking Camels with his bare feet on the desk watching his toe nails grow and listening to Neil Carter.
A year after 'Bobo' leaves office 'Mo' and the girls will be living in France and 'Bobo' will be renting above 'Boystown' living with his young blond 'trainer'.
It must be hard to be Obama and have to look at himself in the mirror and say under his breath: "I'm the worst most inapt President the country has ever had. And I pray to GOD Putin doesn't 'leak' the evidence of my lying and 'gaming' to get into those schools"!
The hilarious thing is the original 'long-form' BC that's supposed to be in Hawaii is in Putin's home safe. The not so well done 'copy' is locked up in Hawaii.
It makes little difference to shit-brains posters like "The T" that I actually agree with him and have said so repeatedly; Party leadership shouldn't be able to stop legislation for no reason other than it may make their party look bad by voting it down or passing it....

The question in the OP was what happens if the GOP takes over the Senate...I think the first order of business will be to throw out the filibuster.

If they can take the Senate, yes. If they can't, we will have to start a propaganda campaign to make Harry back off the whole thing.
Quit saying WE if your a republican... then I ride to work on my unicorn.

As any other good Republican would say, "Bear, you far right reactionaries don't have the weight anymore, so the door is over. Take it."
The good news is losertrian idea's don't ever win more then 3-5% typically. People want America to remain a world class power and those idea's seriously threaten that.

"Heh heh. He said losertarian. Heh heh."
If they can take the Senate, yes. If they can't, we will have to start a propaganda campaign to make Harry back off the whole thing.
Quit saying WE if your a republican... then I ride to work on my unicorn.

As any other good Republican would say, "Bear, you far right reactionaries don't have the weight anymore, so the door is over. Take it."

I am not far right. ( I say abortions are fine kill as many liberals in the womb as possible) but you are just a fake con.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

What can we expect if the GOP takes over Congress?

We can expect some toothless investigations into Obama defecating on the Constitution and War Powers Act and IRS scandals over the years. They will simply attempt to dirty his name like they did Reagan and Clinton, but doing virtually nothing else to him for the sake of hoping to win more elections.

Then they will reduce spending by mere nickels and dimes, and then tout themselves as being fiscally responsible. At that point they will be free to pursue policies that would allow illegals to flow into the country as citizens.
So Republicans take control of both the House and Senate. Then what?


It will be business as usual.

The only Republicans that are electable are those who are members of the surrender caucus. So YOUR welfare benefits and Obama Hellcare are safe.......until , of course, the economy completely collapses.

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