So Rosanne is cancelled, fine, why is Comcast showing the Cosby show right now

Not sure we'd have any movies left.
Is that a good enough reason to condone rape
Why do you think airing a movie or tv series condones the actions of anybody who worked on the project?
If you buy a house from a bank robber are you condoning robbing banks?
If you bought a home from a known thief, you could be held liable in civil court for thefts of the thief
What if I bought a home from a guy who was a sex offender... does that mean I condone sex offenders?
Would you want to live where sex offenses happened.....

Raise your family there?

If so u r sick
Of course I wouldn’t. What if the sex offender was on the construction crew that built the house?
It’s a can of worms that the networks don’t want to go down. Should all movies that Harvey Weinstein was a part of be pulled as well? How far does this go?
If they all get canned, then and only then is America on the path to greatness. Allowing Cosby to continue is condoning rape. As for Weinstein every woman that he raped, and did nothing setting up the next rape, needs to be arrested for rape themselves.
Do we pull all of Weinstein’s movies?
Yup its called draining the swamp
It’s not draining the swamp, it’s being erratic. You could apply that principle to everything then we’d be left with nothing because people do shitty things and if you dig deep enough you will likely find that somebody who did something shitty had a hand in the majority of things you interact with in life. Do you drive a Honda? Shall we do background checks in everybody who has ever been involved in making Honda cars and do a recall if we find something bad? How about if Mr Ford was found to be a womanizer... should all cars be damned... are we condoning that kind of behavior just by driving cars? He did invent them after all. See how crazy this can get?

It’s a free country, if you don’t want to watch Cosby then don’t watch. If ABC wants to fire Roseanne then they have every right to. But what you don’t have is a right to force others to perform actions that you deem as moral. To each their own.
Thanks for writing a book, when its published I will not buy it.

Say less, mean more
Thanks for ignoring all my points. Shows that you don’t have much substance behind the position you are taking.
Is that a good enough reason to condone rape
Why do you think airing a movie or tv series condones the actions of anybody who worked on the project?
If you buy a house from a bank robber are you condoning robbing banks?
If you bought a home from a known thief, you could be held liable in civil court for thefts of the thief
What if I bought a home from a guy who was a sex offender... does that mean I condone sex offenders?
Would you want to live where sex offenses happened.....

Raise your family there?

If so u r sick
Of course I wouldn’t. What if the sex offender was on the construction crew that built the house?
This has nothing to do with watching a TV show and laughing at the worst rapist in history. Bill Cosby should be hung in public
Have not read the thread but did look up to see if Roseanne re-runs are being played. Guess what? You betcha.
Why do you think airing a movie or tv series condones the actions of anybody who worked on the project?
If you buy a house from a bank robber are you condoning robbing banks?
If you bought a home from a known thief, you could be held liable in civil court for thefts of the thief
What if I bought a home from a guy who was a sex offender... does that mean I condone sex offenders?
Would you want to live where sex offenses happened.....

Raise your family there?

If so u r sick
Of course I wouldn’t. What if the sex offender was on the construction crew that built the house?
This has nothing to do with watching a TV show and laughing at the worst rapist in history. Bill Cosby should be hung in public
It has everything to do with what you are proposing. You want to fire and shut down anything that has a criminal involved. My point is that it opens up a can of worms that you can’t logically justify. If ABC wants to fire Rosanne then great, that’s their choice. If Comcast wants to play reruns of the Cos y show then fine, you can decide to watch it or not. You can cancel Comcast if you want. It’s a free country. But if your version of draining the swamp was executed the. Nobody would be able to interact with anything. By your philosophy, going to a Catholic Church would be supporting child molestation
If you bought a home from a known thief, you could be held liable in civil court for thefts of the thief
What if I bought a home from a guy who was a sex offender... does that mean I condone sex offenders?
Would you want to live where sex offenses happened.....

Raise your family there?

If so u r sick
Of course I wouldn’t. What if the sex offender was on the construction crew that built the house?
This has nothing to do with watching a TV show and laughing at the worst rapist in history. Bill Cosby should be hung in public
It has everything to do with what you are proposing. You want to fire and shut down anything that has a criminal involved. My point is that it opens up a can of worms that you can’t logically justify. If ABC wants to fire Rosanne then great, that’s their choice. If Comcast wants to play reruns of the Cos y show then fine, you can decide to watch it or not. You can cancel Comcast if you want. It’s a free country. But if your version of draining the swamp was executed the. Nobody would be able to interact with anything. By your philosophy, going to a Catholic Church would be supporting child molestation
Only a sick mother fucker can watch the Cosby show now and laugh.

So enjoy being sick
I guess Barr can't say what she feels, but Cosby can drug and sodomize people be convicted and no one cares.


This country the media in particular is run by fucking morons...……………………..

It’s run by Republicans so yeah.
Rosanne would have gotten high ratings praising trump that is why she was canned
What if I bought a home from a guy who was a sex offender... does that mean I condone sex offenders?
Would you want to live where sex offenses happened.....

Raise your family there?

If so u r sick
Of course I wouldn’t. What if the sex offender was on the construction crew that built the house?
This has nothing to do with watching a TV show and laughing at the worst rapist in history. Bill Cosby should be hung in public
It has everything to do with what you are proposing. You want to fire and shut down anything that has a criminal involved. My point is that it opens up a can of worms that you can’t logically justify. If ABC wants to fire Rosanne then great, that’s their choice. If Comcast wants to play reruns of the Cos y show then fine, you can decide to watch it or not. You can cancel Comcast if you want. It’s a free country. But if your version of draining the swamp was executed the. Nobody would be able to interact with anything. By your philosophy, going to a Catholic Church would be supporting child molestation
Only a sick mother fucker can watch the Cosby show now and laugh.

So enjoy being sick
I don’t watch the Cosby show. You are missing my point completely.
Because into today’s looney bin PC world, a black man screwing lots of women without their consent is Not as bad as a white woman comparing someone to a 50 year old movie (once)
So good it bears repeating
Cosby vs. Barr/Bee

It is a difference of kind. Yes, Cosby was worse. Yes, both deserve to be canned. I think Bee was the type of issue as Roseanne, bad but nothing like Cosby.

Nonetheless, they should all be punished. It is up to their bosses (not us) as to the punishments.
Would you want to live where sex offenses happened.....

Raise your family there?

If so u r sick
Of course I wouldn’t. What if the sex offender was on the construction crew that built the house?
This has nothing to do with watching a TV show and laughing at the worst rapist in history. Bill Cosby should be hung in public
It has everything to do with what you are proposing. You want to fire and shut down anything that has a criminal involved. My point is that it opens up a can of worms that you can’t logically justify. If ABC wants to fire Rosanne then great, that’s their choice. If Comcast wants to play reruns of the Cos y show then fine, you can decide to watch it or not. You can cancel Comcast if you want. It’s a free country. But if your version of draining the swamp was executed the. Nobody would be able to interact with anything. By your philosophy, going to a Catholic Church would be supporting child molestation
Only a sick mother fucker can watch the Cosby show now and laugh.

So enjoy being sick
I don’t watch the Cosby show. You are missing my point completely.
You miss the point as a new generation is being allowed to laugh at the worst rapist ever convicted
Cosby vs. Barr/Bee

It is a difference of kind. Yes, Cosby was worse. Yes, both deserve to be canned. I think Bee was the type of issue as Roseanne, bad but nothing like Cosby.

Nonetheless, they should all be punished. It is up to their bosses (not us) as to the punishments.
We are the jury....... The fucking judge is a coward who makes us decide
Cosby vs. Barr/Bee

It is a difference of kind. Yes, Cosby was worse. Yes, both deserve to be canned. I think Bee was the type of issue as Roseanne, bad but nothing like Cosby.

Nonetheless, they should all be punished. It is up to their bosses (not us) as to the punishments.
We are the jury....... The fucking judge is a coward who makes us decide
Do it all you want then.
Of course I wouldn’t. What if the sex offender was on the construction crew that built the house?
This has nothing to do with watching a TV show and laughing at the worst rapist in history. Bill Cosby should be hung in public
It has everything to do with what you are proposing. You want to fire and shut down anything that has a criminal involved. My point is that it opens up a can of worms that you can’t logically justify. If ABC wants to fire Rosanne then great, that’s their choice. If Comcast wants to play reruns of the Cos y show then fine, you can decide to watch it or not. You can cancel Comcast if you want. It’s a free country. But if your version of draining the swamp was executed the. Nobody would be able to interact with anything. By your philosophy, going to a Catholic Church would be supporting child molestation
Only a sick mother fucker can watch the Cosby show now and laugh.

So enjoy being sick
I don’t watch the Cosby show. You are missing my point completely.
You miss the point as a new generation is being allowed to laugh at the worst rapist ever convicted
People can laugh at whatever the hell they want to laugh at. It’s called freedom. You don’t have to like it, support it and you can speak out against it if you want... but what you shouldn’t do is try and have the government control it, unless it is causing harm to the public
This has nothing to do with watching a TV show and laughing at the worst rapist in history. Bill Cosby should be hung in public
It has everything to do with what you are proposing. You want to fire and shut down anything that has a criminal involved. My point is that it opens up a can of worms that you can’t logically justify. If ABC wants to fire Rosanne then great, that’s their choice. If Comcast wants to play reruns of the Cos y show then fine, you can decide to watch it or not. You can cancel Comcast if you want. It’s a free country. But if your version of draining the swamp was executed the. Nobody would be able to interact with anything. By your philosophy, going to a Catholic Church would be supporting child molestation
Only a sick mother fucker can watch the Cosby show now and laugh.

So enjoy being sick
I don’t watch the Cosby show. You are missing my point completely.
You miss the point as a new generation is being allowed to laugh at the worst rapist ever convicted
People can laugh at whatever the hell they want to laugh at. It’s called freedom. You don’t have to like it, support it and you can speak out against it if you want... but what you shouldn’t do is try and have the government control it, unless it is causing harm to the public

So in your fucked up World people laugh at rapist and the women that he raped.

You need medical help or to be locked up
It has everything to do with what you are proposing. You want to fire and shut down anything that has a criminal involved. My point is that it opens up a can of worms that you can’t logically justify. If ABC wants to fire Rosanne then great, that’s their choice. If Comcast wants to play reruns of the Cos y show then fine, you can decide to watch it or not. You can cancel Comcast if you want. It’s a free country. But if your version of draining the swamp was executed the. Nobody would be able to interact with anything. By your philosophy, going to a Catholic Church would be supporting child molestation
Only a sick mother fucker can watch the Cosby show now and laugh.

So enjoy being sick
I don’t watch the Cosby show. You are missing my point completely.
You miss the point as a new generation is being allowed to laugh at the worst rapist ever convicted
People can laugh at whatever the hell they want to laugh at. It’s called freedom. You don’t have to like it, support it and you can speak out against it if you want... but what you shouldn’t do is try and have the government control it, unless it is causing harm to the public

So in your fucked up World people laugh at rapist and the women that he raped.

You need medical help or to be locked up
I sure as hell hope not. Again you seem to be missing the point all together. I’m not promoting Cosby or anybody else who commits vile acts. They should be publicly shamed and I have no problem with their shows being pulled if that’s what the networks want to do. I don’t think the government should have anything to with it and I think we need to be careful about how far we take it.
Only a sick mother fucker can watch the Cosby show now and laugh.

So enjoy being sick
I don’t watch the Cosby show. You are missing my point completely.
You miss the point as a new generation is being allowed to laugh at the worst rapist ever convicted
People can laugh at whatever the hell they want to laugh at. It’s called freedom. You don’t have to like it, support it and you can speak out against it if you want... but what you shouldn’t do is try and have the government control it, unless it is causing harm to the public

So in your fucked up World people laugh at rapist and the women that he raped.

You need medical help or to be locked up
I sure as hell hope not. Again you seem to be missing the point all together. I’m not promoting Cosby or anybody else who commits vile acts. They should be publicly shamed and I have no problem with their shows being pulled if that’s what the networks want to do. I don’t think the government should have anything to with it and I think we need to be careful about how far we take it.

Again you said that and I quote "People can laugh at whatever the hell they want to laugh at. It’s called freedom."

Thus you are claiming that people should laugh at women who have been raped.

Only a complete mental incompetent could even suggest such a thing

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