So, should we see Trump's Tax Returns before Inauguration Day?

If it turns out that the US tax laws allow loopholes that all rich can take advantage of would you be willing to go to a flat tax? What is the point of deviling someone about their taxes? If they haven't broken the law why stalk them?
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.
Hell no, and I hope he has nude illegal women serving guests at the ball, and that he pays them less than min wage.
and I hope those nude women are wearing signs that say, pick me up like a bowling ball.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.
Hell no, and I hope he has nude illegal women serving guests at the ball, and that he pays them less than min wage.
and I hope those nude women are wearing signs that say, pick me up like a bowling ball.
It should be legal to grope illegals.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.

I do and many also do, over 1/2 of the pop want to see his returns.
Righties cried for Obama's school records ! But don't give a shit about trumps taxes ?!

I guess Obama's art history grade is more important than the Dons international financial ties .
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.
Hell no, and I hope he has nude illegal women serving guests at the ball, and that he pays them less than min wage.
and I hope those nude women are wearing signs that say, pick me up like a bowling ball.
It should be legal to grope illegals.

What on Earth?
Most of those who voted for Trump do not know what a tax return is , or don't know what to look for in it. "Poorly educated" remember.
If it turns out that the US tax laws allow loopholes that all rich can take advantage of would you be willing to go to a flat tax? What is the point of deviling someone about their taxes? If they haven't broken the law why stalk them?
Not fair to ask him such a question, all he knows is that he is supposed to bring up any question at all that might make the Honorable President Elect Donald Trump look tarnished. This most likely indicates that the final week prior to the EC vote slander campaign is about to kick off.
Over the next week we will hear all of the non-stories about President Elect Trump's evil hate filled life. If they can only intimidate and sway enough electors, Hillary can still have a shot at being the one to officially end the U.S experiment in freedom.
If it turns out that the US tax laws allow loopholes that all rich can take advantage of would you be willing to go to a flat tax? What is the point of deviling someone about their taxes? If they haven't broken the law why stalk them?

Most of those who voted for Trump do not know what a tax return is , or don't know what to look for in it. "Poorly educated" remember.

Uhm, I'm a CPA, I think I can navigate my way around a tax return. You guys need to ditch the whole "we're the smart ones" routine... the evidence doesn't support it.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.
Hell no, and I hope he has nude illegal women serving guests at the ball, and that he pays them less than min wage.
and I hope those nude women are wearing signs that say, pick me up like a bowling ball.
It should be legal to grope illegals.

What on Earth?
I'm on the Trump bandwagon now, sweetie. (-:
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.
Hell no, and I hope he has nude illegal women serving guests at the ball, and that he pays them less than min wage.
and I hope those nude women are wearing signs that say, pick me up like a bowling ball.
It should be legal to grope illegals.

What on Earth?
I'm on the Trump bandwagon now, sweetie. (-:

Sweetie? You'd better have a vagina....

Uhm, I'm a CPA, I think I can navigate my way around a tax return. You guys need to ditch the whole "we're the smart ones" routine... the evidence doesn't support it.

I'm sure all CPA's voted for Trump. You have a learned profession, it does not make you smart, it means you know where the numbers go and can switch and change them. Certainty not rocket science.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.
Republicans don't care if Trump is a con man and the scam artist. Until they get royally fucked. Then they will turn on him with a vengeance.
Unless the GOP can somehow blame it on Democrats. Like Iraq and 9/11 and the recession and jobs moving overseas and the deficit. Republicans are the party of "no responsibility".
Most of those who voted for Trump do not know what a tax return is , or don't know what to look for in it. "Poorly educated" remember.
If only we could get the illegals and the ghetto dwellers to start voting republican our educational averages would go up so much. Its not fair that the smartest and most valued to society always seem to choose the democrats candidate.

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