So, should we see Trump's Tax Returns before Inauguration Day?

What countries does Trump have financial ties to?
Which businesses does he own?
What are the deductions he makes?
How much does he contribute to charity?

Now....why would we want to know that?

It is more important to know what grades Obama got 35 years ago.....something Trump demanded

Nobody cares, that was demonstrated on 11/8/2016.

Trump promised to release his returns.....Where are they?

What countries does Trump have financial ties to?
Which businesses does he own?
What are the deductions he makes?
How much does he contribute to charity?

Now....why would we want to know that?

It is more important to know what grades Obama got 35 years ago.....something Trump demanded
all of those questions about President Elect Trumps Ties to other countries are not really relevant, had there been something questionable there, he already would have had those relationships investigated by the U.S government. And which businesses does he own? I really dont see where that has any bearing on his ability to sit as president. perhaps you could give us an example of a business that would be a concern for someone that is about to swear in a president. Example does not have to be accurate or even a suggestion that Trump owns such a business, just what type.
His deductions would have been evaluated by the IRS already, had there been something wrong, they would have caught it and it would have been known by now that he was filing fraudulent tax returns. As far as charities go, again, does that qualify or disqualify a candidate if he does or does not contribute to charities?
Now lets ask about obamas college records, certainly you cant be serious that knowing if your president has an educational level that would help qualify him for the job is less important than knowing if that candidate makes a charitable contribution.
What if he only made it through college on C's and D's, is this someone that you would want leading the free world? What if he failed math all the we through, or maybe he passed but remedial math was the farthest he was able to go, do you want that person trying to work on the budget

Good question

Where are Trumps college transcripts?
If it turns out that the US tax laws allow loopholes that all rich can take advantage of would you be willing to go to a flat tax? What is the point of deviling someone about their taxes? If they haven't broken the law why stalk them?

I'm NOT overly concerned over the fact that Trump hasn't paid ANY taxes for more than a decade......I'm fairly sure that such is the case although Trump lands his jets at airports that we humble tax payers DID have to pay for.

i am MORE concerned about who Trump owes money to and the "hold" that they will have over his oval office decisions which will impact on all of us.

Sure, you obsess over that.
What countries does Trump have financial ties to?
Which businesses does he own?
What are the deductions he makes?
How much does he contribute to charity?

Now....why would we want to know that?

It is more important to know what grades Obama got 35 years ago.....something Trump demanded
all of those questions about President Elect Trumps Ties to other countries are not really relevant, had there been something questionable there, he already would have had those relationships investigated by the U.S government. And which businesses does he own? I really dont see where that has any bearing on his ability to sit as president. perhaps you could give us an example of a business that would be a concern for someone that is about to swear in a president. Example does not have to be accurate or even a suggestion that Trump owns such a business, just what type.
His deductions would have been evaluated by the IRS already, had there been something wrong, they would have caught it and it would have been known by now that he was filing fraudulent tax returns. As far as charities go, again, does that qualify or disqualify a candidate if he does or does not contribute to charities?
Now lets ask about obamas college records, certainly you cant be serious that knowing if your president has an educational level that would help qualify him for the job is less important than knowing if that candidate makes a charitable contribution.
What if he only made it through college on C's and D's, is this someone that you would want leading the free world? What if he failed math all the we through, or maybe he passed but remedial math was the farthest he was able to go, do you want that person trying to work on the budget

Good question

Where are Trumps college transcripts?

It doesn't matter...

Most of those who voted for Trump do not know what a tax return is , or don't know what to look for in it. "Poorly educated" remember.
If only we could get the illegals and the ghetto dwellers to start voting republican our educational averages would go up so much. Its not fair that the smartest and most valued to society always seem to choose the democrats candidate.
Y'all perfectly demonstrate how both parties are an embarrassment. Both have representatives like yourselves that spew elitist degradating BS that adds absolutely nothing productive to the conversation.

I'd love to wipe both parties from the map and start fresh
what I typed is not elitist, it only points out that when someone wants to claim their party is the most educated, its only fair to point that that even if that is true at the upper end, their lower end far exceeds to low that the republicans have.
Elitist would be me claiming that I personally was more educated than those around me, I actually doubt highly that that is the case. My education level is what I would consider average at best.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.
Hell no, and I hope he has nude illegal women serving guests at the ball, and that he pays them less than min wage.
and I hope those nude women are wearing signs that say, pick me up like a bowling ball.
It should be legal to grope illegals.

What on Earth?
I'm on the Trump bandwagon now, sweetie. (-:

So you wont be paying taxes either?
Uhm, I'm a CPA, I think I can navigate my way around a tax return. You guys need to ditch the whole "we're the smart ones" routine... the evidence doesn't support it.

I'm sure all CPA's voted for Trump. You have a learned profession, it does not make you smart, it means you know where the numbers go and can switch and change them. Certainty not rocket science.

Gee, I wish I had know this before I sat for a 3 day exam. I coulda been a Barista!

You mean like Donald didn't know what the President got paid?

Uhm, what?

Trump said he did not know what the Presidents salary is, I believe he was lying. He said that on 60 mines. but he is a compulsive liar.
You say you didn't know you'd have to sit for boards? That is too bad.

Tell me , are you for the flat tax? How about closing loopholes? How about sending ones taxes in on a postcard?
Obama said he sat in church for 20 years and didn't hear a word they said but you believed him. Talk about stupid!
Do you believe Donald has a 12 year running audit?

Always remember this: The ONLY allegation that Trump's tax returns are under an IRS audit, is one of his lawyers telling us that trump is under such an audit....There's been a flat refusal to even show the IRS other words, since the IRS cannot comment, the audit may well be BULLSHIT.
What countries does Trump have financial ties to?
Which businesses does he own?
What are the deductions he makes?
How much does he contribute to charity?

Now....why would we want to know that?

It is more important to know what grades Obama got 35 years ago.....something Trump demanded
all of those questions about President Elect Trumps Ties to other countries are not really relevant, had there been something questionable there, he already would have had those relationships investigated by the U.S government. And which businesses does he own? I really dont see where that has any bearing on his ability to sit as president. perhaps you could give us an example of a business that would be a concern for someone that is about to swear in a president. Example does not have to be accurate or even a suggestion that Trump owns such a business, just what type.
His deductions would have been evaluated by the IRS already, had there been something wrong, they would have caught it and it would have been known by now that he was filing fraudulent tax returns. As far as charities go, again, does that qualify or disqualify a candidate if he does or does not contribute to charities?
Now lets ask about obamas college records, certainly you cant be serious that knowing if your president has an educational level that would help qualify him for the job is less important than knowing if that candidate makes a charitable contribution.
What if he only made it through college on C's and D's, is this someone that you would want leading the free world? What if he failed math all the we through, or maybe he passed but remedial math was the farthest he was able to go, do you want that person trying to work on the budget

Good question

Where are Trumps college transcripts?
might be in the same safe deposit box as barry's.
would be interesting to compare them to one another.
But at least with Trumps past he has demonstrated an understanding of higher math. You dont build the things he has built without being able to read a blueprint, and to accurately read blueprints and evaluate projected costs, one must be able to do some fairly advanced math, especially when it comes to a high rise building.
obama has nothing in his background that could suggest he even took first grade math. And yet, you and yours had no questions about barry's past.
I would tend to be more on your side of this issue if you all would have shown your candidates the same level of scrutiny, but you didnt, none of this was a concern when obama was running. I wonder, if Trump had been black, would you have lowered your expectations of him just as you did with obama?
What countries does Trump have financial ties to?
Which businesses does he own?
What are the deductions he makes?
How much does he contribute to charity?

Now....why would we want to know that?

It is more important to know what grades Obama got 35 years ago.....something Trump demanded
all of those questions about President Elect Trumps Ties to other countries are not really relevant, had there been something questionable there, he already would have had those relationships investigated by the U.S government. And which businesses does he own? I really dont see where that has any bearing on his ability to sit as president. perhaps you could give us an example of a business that would be a concern for someone that is about to swear in a president. Example does not have to be accurate or even a suggestion that Trump owns such a business, just what type.
His deductions would have been evaluated by the IRS already, had there been something wrong, they would have caught it and it would have been known by now that he was filing fraudulent tax returns. As far as charities go, again, does that qualify or disqualify a candidate if he does or does not contribute to charities?
Now lets ask about obamas college records, certainly you cant be serious that knowing if your president has an educational level that would help qualify him for the job is less important than knowing if that candidate makes a charitable contribution.
What if he only made it through college on C's and D's, is this someone that you would want leading the free world? What if he failed math all the we through, or maybe he passed but remedial math was the farthest he was able to go, do you want that person trying to work on the budget

Good question

Where are Trumps college transcripts?

It doesn't matter...


You mean trump. He gets the same respect from me that he dished out to Hillary.
You are an asshole.

Flat Tax! No exceptions, No exemptions, No excuses! That is the fair way. That way EVERYONE pays their fair share!
Hell no, and I hope he has nude illegal women serving guests at the ball, and that he pays them less than min wage.
and I hope those nude women are wearing signs that say, pick me up like a bowling ball.
It should be legal to grope illegals.

What on Earth?
I'm on the Trump bandwagon now, sweetie. (-:

So you wont be paying taxes either?
No, sadly, I don't make enough to not have to pay. But by Jesus I hope Mickey D's goes with Hooter Girls at the counter! And my lawn care bill will NOT be going up. LOL
Do you believe Donald has a 12 year running audit?

Always remember this: The ONLY allegation that Trump's tax returns are under an IRS audit, is one of his lawyers telling us that trump is under such an audit....There's been a flat refusal to even show the IRS other words, since the IRS cannot comment, the audit may well be BULLSHIT.
Keep crying about the taxes dodo! Trump is the new President.
Keep crying about the taxes dodo! Trump is the new President.

Simple questions......

Trump PROMISED to show his tax returns.....
Trump now still refuses to show his tax returns....
Trump is breaking his promise.....
Morons (like you) have no problem with a liar for president.....
What countries does Trump have financial ties to?
Which businesses does he own?
What are the deductions he makes?
How much does he contribute to charity?

Now....why would we want to know that?

It is more important to know what grades Obama got 35 years ago.....something Trump demanded
all of those questions about President Elect Trumps Ties to other countries are not really relevant, had there been something questionable there, he already would have had those relationships investigated by the U.S government. And which businesses does he own? I really dont see where that has any bearing on his ability to sit as president. perhaps you could give us an example of a business that would be a concern for someone that is about to swear in a president. Example does not have to be accurate or even a suggestion that Trump owns such a business, just what type.
His deductions would have been evaluated by the IRS already, had there been something wrong, they would have caught it and it would have been known by now that he was filing fraudulent tax returns. As far as charities go, again, does that qualify or disqualify a candidate if he does or does not contribute to charities?
Now lets ask about obamas college records, certainly you cant be serious that knowing if your president has an educational level that would help qualify him for the job is less important than knowing if that candidate makes a charitable contribution.
What if he only made it through college on C's and D's, is this someone that you would want leading the free world? What if he failed math all the we through, or maybe he passed but remedial math was the farthest he was able to go, do you want that person trying to work on the budget

Good question

Where are Trumps college transcripts?

$10B. School of business, school of hard-knocks. A+
Look up. Trump on side of plane, helicopter, building.
What more could anyone need to see?
Go to Doral............the Blue Monster? off top of my head, Trump bought that course and fixed it up? It generates jobs and tax revenue when people visit.
My understanding is that Trump intends to release his tax returns on the day he ascends directly to heaven.

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