So sick of these damn Hillary supporters on welfare

I would point out that some of the deep state places include Native's - as is the case with Alaska there - it costs big bucks to get welfare out to all the bush Native Alaskan's (A lot of these places have zero access but flight) additionally the "aid" they receive is often heating fuel which of course used to carry a high price tag, in addition it very likely includes ongoing efforts by "civil rights groups" to get electrical power, septic systems, wells, etc to villages that have 35 people in them. Rather inefficient, but it looks good on the civil right groups records heh

Whoops. Turns out the states with the most amount of federal inlays are red states. Blue states fund your welfare, Trump voters. Care to revise your gripe?

Ohhh, it's 2004!

Oh wait, you're just a democrat.

Calculate TARP funds and California is BY FAR the biggest recipient of federal funds. Exclude Military expenditures and the map looks NOTHING like your fraud.

Get some new material, you lying fuck.
It makes sense.

After all the economies of those Red states was purposely destroyed by you Democrat Party Adherents.

It makes sense that the Communist is lying. The "map" is from 2004, and includes expenditures on military bases. Yep, the democrats say that salaries to military personnel is "welfare."
What does this graph represent? Is it total federal expenditures in a State vs Federal Tax receipts from a State? If it does, then it really don't mean "welfare" because some States have more federal property, military bases, federal prisons, federal land, than others, and of course the feds will spend more $$ there.

Well, another way of looking at it is how damn hard some states lobby for federal help (while deriding federal involvement).....The 2 most dependent states for federal aid are, Louisiana and Mississippi (how "red" are those states?)

They also have the lower Mississippi river on their border, so the ACE has some significant funding in their area.
Ohhh, it's 2004!

Oh wait, you're just a democrat.

Calculate TARP funds and California is BY FAR the biggest recipient of federal funds. Exclude Military expenditures and the map looks NOTHING like your fraud.

Get some new material, you lying fuck.

Ok, looking at this further, that map is not about real welfare. It is about dollars sent to states by the feds for any reason, such as to layout for defense contracts, nasa, etc.

if anything this shows that federal contracting goes to the states with the most industry, etc. that supplies the federal govt.
Paints a much different story than what is being implied here.
Honey, see my latest post. Your entire contention of what the map represents is wrong. See page 2, post 28
Honey, try taking it down to city level and see what you get.
It makes sense.

After all the economies of those Red states was purposely destroyed by you Democrat Party Adherents.

Really? Those red states have republican governors, republican-dominated legislatures, and sit under control of a Republican Congress. And have for over a decade.

Again, care to revise?
Okay, "Honey", here's a county breakdown of govt pmts to individuals:


You're telling me all that deep maroon in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, West Virginia, Louisiana, and Missouri are big cities?
t makes sense that the Communist is lying. The "map" is from 2004, and includes expenditures on military bases. Yep, the democrats say that salaries to military personnel is "welfare."

Actually, moron, military salaries are so low that almost 1/3 of military families are on welfare and food stamps.
Ohhh, it's 2004!

Oh wait, you're just a democrat.

Calculate TARP funds and California is BY FAR the biggest recipient of federal funds. Exclude Military expenditures and the map looks NOTHING like your fraud.

Get some new material, you lying fuck.


So, this STILL excludes TARP and includes expenditures on federal parks such as Yellowstone as well as Military bases.

Do you get why no one ever believes anything you say, gnat?
Oh, military contracts are pennies? Roflma off here.
Oh, andmyour contention military pay overall is low, is misleading as well.
t makes sense that the Communist is lying. The "map" is from 2004, and includes expenditures on military bases. Yep, the democrats say that salaries to military personnel is "welfare."

Actually, moron, military salaries are so low that almost 1/3 of military families are on welfare and food stamps.
So, this STILL excludes TARP

The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a program of the United States government to purchase toxic assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector that was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008.
t makes sense that the Communist is lying. The "map" is from 2004, and includes expenditures on military bases. Yep, the democrats say that salaries to military personnel is "welfare."

Actually, moron, military salaries are so low that almost 1/3 of military families are on welfare and food stamps.

Irrelevant, shitferbrains. Your fraudulent maps of "welfare" are based on intergovernmental revenue - not "welfare' as you and your fellow Communists lie. YOU are claiming that park rangers in Yellowstone are "welfare."

Like EVERYTHING you Communists push, it's all a big fraud.
Irrelevant, shitferbrains. Your fraudulent maps of "welfare" are based on intergovernmental revenue - not "welfare' as you and your fellow Communists lie. YOU are claiming that park rangers in Yellowstone are "welfare."

Like EVERYTHING you Communists push, it's all a big fraud.


Whoops. Turns out the states with the most amount of federal inlays are red states. Blue states fund your welfare, Trump voters. Care to revise your gripe?
Yeah, fuck ém! Get rid of welfare. We'll show those Trumpsters!
It also includes dollars spent to military contractors in those states. Actually shows where the more lucrative businesses actually exist.
Boy, did this one backfire on him.
t makes sense that the Communist is lying. The "map" is from 2004, and includes expenditures on military bases. Yep, the democrats say that salaries to military personnel is "welfare."

Actually, moron, military salaries are so low that almost 1/3 of military families are on welfare and food stamps.

Irrelevant, shitferbrains. Your fraudulent maps of "welfare" are based on intergovernmental revenue - not "welfare' as you and your fellow Communists lie. YOU are claiming that park rangers in Yellowstone are "welfare."

Like EVERYTHING you Communists push, it's all a big fraud.
So, this STILL excludes TARP

The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a program of the United States government to purchase toxic assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector that was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008.

Tarp put nearly a trillion dollars into Michigan and Illinois as part of the auto bailout - conveniently omitted by your map. Further, Porkulus (ARRA) gave OVER $1 TRILLION to the state of California under Obama for Highway and road construction, making the Peoples Republic overwhelmingly the biggest welfare recipient in the nation . Oddly you didn't seem to note that....

Well, you are a fucking liar, er I mean democrat - meh same thing....
Irrelevant, shitferbrains. Your fraudulent maps of "welfare" are based on intergovernmental revenue - not "welfare' as you and your fellow Communists lie. YOU are claiming that park rangers in Yellowstone are "welfare."

Like EVERYTHING you Communists push, it's all a big fraud.

UNhinged............View attachment 99014

Herpaderp derpity derp derp derp? Well said. Comrade. :thup:

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