So...The "Black Panther" movie...T'Challa is Trump, the enemy is black lives matter?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Ruh Roh shaggy.......I read one review that essentially said that T'Challa is a nazi......that was a left wing review since the Wakandans are isolationist and, John Nolte says the T'Challa is Trump?

'Black Panther' Review: The Movie's Hero is Trump, the Villain is Black Lives Matter


There is a whole lot to like about Marvel’s $200 million Black Panther, and almost as much not to like. For starters, director and co-writer Ryan Coogler does an A+ job of world building (more on this later). In addition, the soundtrack and score also deserve an A+. Then there are the actors, the best cast yet assembled in all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (by far).

Now...the Trump part.....

Wakanda is ruled by King T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), who is also known as the Black Panther. T’Challa is big on border security, believes Wakanda and Wakandans should come first, and fiercely protects his country’s culture from outsiders, including refugees. If this is all starting to sound familiar, it should. Also like President Donald Trump, T’Challa’s beliefs are not based on race. This is not a “black thing.” This is a culture/survival thing.

And now the Black Lives Matter part....

The arrival of Erik “Killmonger” Stevens (an underused Michael B. Jordan) puts all of these arguments on hold. Killmonger (such a great name) is a man with mad killing skills and a burning grudge against Wakanda. T’Challa might be the Black Panther, but Killmonger is a Black Panther in the Huey Newton-Bobby Seale 1960 black nationalist sense. Like the Black Panther Party, Killmonger was born in Oakland, California, and to him everything is a “black thing.” He wants the vibranium exported in the form of weapons to overthrow white people.


Still, Black Panther is not a movie about race, it is a movie about ideas and ideals, about our shared humanity. Our hero is not in favor of protecting ethno-nationalism, but rather a healthy form of nationalism.

And John Nolte's take.....

For politically incorrect reasons, and for decades, a big complaint of mine has been Hollywood’s marginalization of black actors. I cannot tell you how many times, in some supporting role, I have seen a charismatic black actor or actress — one who would blow off the screen these metrosexual pretty boys and shapeless forever-girls we’re being force fed — and said to my wife, “Why in the hell is this person not in every movie ever made?”

Multiculturalism is a cancer. Diversity is code for “hire more leftists!” I hate all that stuff. What I love are movies and movie stars — masculine men, womanly women — and Black Panther is buried in movie stars — real movie stars. The women are sexy, the men are men, the talent and charisma overwhelming.

More, please.

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Kinda obvious you havent seen the movie or you wouldnt be coming to such an asinine conclusion.
Kinda obvious you havent seen the movie or you wouldnt be coming to such an asinine conclusion.

Did I say I did.....I posted the review of someone who did.....moron.
Did I say you said you did?...I posted your conclusion was asinine....moron.

You are just mad because T'Challa has the same policies as Donald Trump......
I'm mad because of a movie? T'Challa doesnt have the same policies as Drumpf. Thats why I called you asinine.
Well the review HAD to have been wrong if the movie has any relation to the marvel comics, but that said, I can't think of a movie I'd be less likely to want to see. LOL I'll wait for the PT Barnum and the Western movies to be on streaming.
I was surprised Hollywood portrayed a black ghetto raised drug and arms dealer as a bad guy. Although they did try to make him sympathetic even though he was basically a ruthless killer with no redeeming qualities.
I was surprised Hollywood portrayed a black ghetto raised drug and arms dealer as a bad guy. Although they did try to make him sympathetic even though he was basically a ruthless killer with no redeeming qualities.
Did you watch the Black Panther movie? What Black drug dealer did you see? I'm assuming you are talking about Killmonger? When did he deal any drugs?
I know they say Wakanda isn't real, that it was made up for the comic...but it is is just called the United States of America......

REVIEW: ‘Black Panther’ Is Terrible, But It Gets One Thing Right

In reality, that time came two and a half centuries ago in 1776, when a nation was founded on the belief that all men are created equal and endowed with natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The United States has since shared its unparalleled technology, creed, and wealth at a current rate of over $40 billion per year with the rest of the world. It has deployed its own young men to fight and die to protect the life and liberty of other peoples. It fought a bloody civil war to abolish the peculiar institution of slavery, which is peculiar only in the West and continues to thrive in territories that have evaded Western influence.

As a matter of political institutions and culture, the United States is the least racist country in the history of the world, largely because it was founded by a culture that worships God, in whom “there is neither Jew nor Greek … neither slave nor free … neither male nor female,” rather than “the ancestors,” which is to say “the race.” At least this insipid fantasy gets one thing right: if Wakanda existed, the Wakandans would speak English.
Stupidest SJW moment of this whole movie...

When Killmonger after killing multiple people, trying to kill TChalla and overthrowing the government gets mortally knifed by the Black Panther. TChalla tells him he can save him there is still time. His response?

No...even my people would rather throw themselves off ships than live in bondage.

AS IF...being a cold blooded killer having to answer for his crimes is the same as the bondage of slavery.

Spare me *** rolls eyes***
Stupidest SJW moment of this whole movie...

When Killmonger after killing multiple people, trying to kill TChalla and overthrowing the government gets mortally knifed by the Black Panther. TChalla tells him he can save him there is still time. His response?

No...even my people would rather throw themselves off ships than live in bondage.

AS IF...being a cold blooded killer having to answer for his crimes is the same as the bondage of slavery.

Spare me *** rolls eyes***
So I'm guessing you thought this deflection would hide your ridiculous claim that Killmonger was a drug dealer? :rolleyes:
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