So, the democrat controlled press is insisting that Trump investigate voter fraud...the fools....

So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....

the asked for it

no the begged for it actually


So....hoping this MAJOR investigation goes thru......something as large as 3-5 million illegal votes is a danger to our democracy.

A government that picks it's citizens and picks who can and cannot vote is NOT a democracy, at least not for long.
I know of 2 people who got caught trying to vote twice...both were arrested and both were Republicans. This is just a witch hunt on a scale as ridiculous as Trump's "Birther" fiasco!

Donald Trump is carrying out a vendetta against the areas of the Country that did not vote for him ....because he was driven over the edge by losing the popular vote and the size of the anti Trump march
Considering the childish mentality of this madman, I think your words have a ring of truth to them. He stole the presidency and is now demeaning the office by engaging in frivolity. Surely there are more pressing issues to occupy his time.

Trump's bizarre antics are reminiscent of those portrayed by Humphrey Bogart in the Caine Mutiny.

The President of the United States wants people tortured.

No...he wants muslim terrorist killers waterboarded......that isn't torture.
Yeah, it is. The US hung Japanese for water boarding.

McCain says the Congress will not give Trump the support he needs.

No don't know what the fuck you are talking about....the CIA did not do the same thing even remotely like what the Japanese did during the war....the Japanese soldiers forced a hose down the throats of our soldiers and marines...they then forced water into their stomachs to the point their abdomens swelled up......then, the Japanese soldiers would jump, with both feet, onto the stomach to force the water back out, up the throat and out the mouth and nose of the G.I. and marines....

That isn't what we did can lie, you can make shit up.......but you are not telling the truth.

3 out of 4 Vietnam POWs say it isn't torture.....they were tortured along side John McCain, and two of them were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, and Admiral Dayton, who was also tortured, also said it isn't torture...they are the fucking experts...they know what torture is....I listen to them...
The President of the United States wants people tortured.

No...he wants muslim terrorist killers waterboarded......that isn't torture.
Yeah, it is. The US hung Japanese for water boarding.

McCain says the Congress will not give Trump the support he needs.

No don't know what the fuck you are talking about....the CIA did not do the same thing even remotely like what the Japanese did during the war....the Japanese soldiers forced a hose down the throats of our soldiers and marines...they then forced water into their stomachs to the point their abdomens swelled up......then, the Japanese soldiers would jump, with both feet, onto the stomach to force the water back out, up the throat and out the mouth and nose of the G.I. and marines....

That isn't what we did can lie, you can make shit up.......but you are not telling the truth.

3 out of 4 Vietnam POWs say it isn't torture.....they were tortured along side John McCain, and two of them were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, and Admiral Dayton, who was also tortured, also said it isn't torture...they are the fucking experts...they know what torture is....I listen to them...

No you are the fucking moron. The Japanese used the same damn technique we are using today, except maybe they used a teapot to hold the water instead of a bucket and cellophane instead of a towel. You are describing the old Spanish method, something that has been outdated by about two hundred damn years. We convicted Japanese of war crimes for the procedure, we have prosecuted American soldiers conducting the practice as far back as the Spanish-American war, and we have even sentenced law enforcement officers here in the US to jail time for conducting the practice.
So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....
You're a fuckin moron like Tweet, fueling Rush and Fox's bank accounts listening to bullshit day in and day out. I can't wait for this clown to fuck you and the rest straight up the ass, without lube!!
The President of the United States wants people tortured.

No...he wants muslim terrorist killers waterboarded......that isn't torture.
Yeah, it is. The US hung Japanese for water boarding.

McCain says the Congress will not give Trump the support he needs.

No don't know what the fuck you are talking about....the CIA did not do the same thing even remotely like what the Japanese did during the war....the Japanese soldiers forced a hose down the throats of our soldiers and marines...they then forced water into their stomachs to the point their abdomens swelled up......then, the Japanese soldiers would jump, with both feet, onto the stomach to force the water back out, up the throat and out the mouth and nose of the G.I. and marines....

That isn't what we did can lie, you can make shit up.......but you are not telling the truth.

3 out of 4 Vietnam POWs say it isn't torture.....they were tortured along side John McCain, and two of them were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, and Admiral Dayton, who was also tortured, also said it isn't torture...they are the fucking experts...they know what torture is....I listen to them...

No you are the fucking moron. The Japanese used the same damn technique we are using today, except maybe they used a teapot to hold the water instead of a bucket and cellophane instead of a towel. You are describing the old Spanish method, something that has been outdated by about two hundred damn years. We convicted Japanese of war crimes for the procedure, we have prosecuted American soldiers conducting the practice as far back as the Spanish-American war, and we have even sentenced law enforcement officers here in the US to jail time for conducting the practice.

No guys have no idea what you are talking about......the inquisition, the socialists in cambodia, the socialists in vietnam and the socialists in Japan...we did not use the techniques that they used....and again...the experts...the ones actually tortured...the 3 POWs who suffered actual torture say you don't know what you are talking about.
So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....

The Pew research does not support the notion that millions of illegals are voting nor does common sense.

Trump is just pissed he lost the popular vote and people will never consider him the legitimate President because of it.

But waste the money by all means. Prove what a fool he is.

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yes....they are a left wing research when they were questioned..realizing what their study shows....they lied.....

No Trump lied. The Pew Report DOES NOT SAY that voter fraud is rampant. In fact, it says the opposite.

What is does say is that a number of people are registered to vote in two states, and there are lots of dead people on the Voters List, but there is no evidence of voter fraud. Incidents of people trying to vote under someone else's name are very very rare.
Let's begin with an Alt Fact OP.

Prove the media is democratic controlled.

How silly an OP. This may in the top 100.

The emails during the election showed it...they were cooperating with hilary at all levels......
No, they did not. Try again and give links.
Already done, fakey. We don't have to go over this again and again. We won. Get over it.

Trump did win the Electoral college- and the election.

Why does he feel compelled to try to excuse why he didn't win the popular vote?
Probably because he is tired of liberals still whinning about it.
If there was 3-5million illegal voters then the entire election was fraud ridden and needs to be thrown out and done over.....the whole election of governors, senators, legislature's, congressmen and president are invalid.
If there was 3-5million illegal voters then the entire election was fraud ridden and needs to be thrown out and done over.....the whole election of governors, senators, legislature's, congressmen and president are invalid.

No...they voted for the democrats....the democrats lost so their efforts failed....America defeated them....
If I jingled keys in front of them or pointed to a bright, shiny thing, the alt-right could not be more distracted or distractible!

Voter fraud on a scale The Donald talks about would be tantamount to the largest political scandal in American history. The only problem is proving The Donald's alternative facts.

Ain't gonna happen, but, Hey! Look! A chromed hubcap!

Trump can't stop talking about how he lost the popular vote. He won the electoral vote- why does he feel compelled to keep reminding everyone that he lost the popular vote?
A massive yet fragile ego.

I really hope that ego doesn't lead to some real problems. This lie about the massive voter fraud in order to compensate for his not getting the majority of votes is pretty trivial really.

How trivial is it that the President of the United States says that the electoral process is subject to massive voter fraud?

You seem to be saying that lying is of no consequence but when the leader of the free world says American elections are not free of voter fraud, this is an extremely serious allegation to make with NO EVIDENCE.

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If I jingled keys in front of them or pointed to a bright, shiny thing, the alt-right could not be more distracted or distractible!

Voter fraud on a scale The Donald talks about would be tantamount to the largest political scandal in American history. The only problem is proving The Donald's alternative facts.

Ain't gonna happen, but, Hey! Look! A chromed hubcap!

Trump can't stop talking about how he lost the popular vote. He won the electoral vote- why does he feel compelled to keep reminding everyone that he lost the popular vote?
A massive yet fragile ego.

I really hope that ego doesn't lead to some real problems. This lie about the massive voter fraud in order to compensate for his not getting the majority of votes is pretty trivial really.

How trivial is it that the President of the United States says that the electoral process is subject to massive voter fraud?

You seem to be saying that lying is of no consequence but when the leader of the free world says American elections are not free of voter fraud, this is an extremely serious allegation to make with NO EVIDENCE.

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We have the evidence in the video of bob creamer and scott foval, democrat activists confessing to doing it, how they did it, where they did it, how they hired illegals to vote, how they got them I.D. to vote, how they moved them to the states they wanted to effect the vote....all on video....
If there was 3-5million illegal voters then the entire election was fraud ridden and needs to be thrown out and done over.....the whole election of governors, senators, legislature's, congressmen and president are invalid.
Nice try.

But no. If we know who committed election fraud (and we all know who we're talking about here) and the fraud didn't result in a win, then those people are prosecuted and that's the end of it.
So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....

democrats don't "control the news", you uneducated twit.

I know... if it isn't fake news, you're not interested. fact-checking be damned.


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