So, the democrat controlled press is insisting that Trump investigate voter fraud...the fools....

Ok well one is a screen shot of cnn saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud (which is a straight up lie) and the other is an article where they maintain that the hacking influenced the election for trump.

It's all semantics and stupidity, but it's still telling.

CNN is pretty much done I think. They've been identified for what they are, and they aren't going to be viewed as anything but propagandists from here on out.
Look bitch, present that evidence then. A link, please. The orange clown has gone psychotic, and you are doing the same.

The orange clown absolutely cannot face the fact that he had far fewer people at his inauguration than did President Obama at either of his inaugurations. And he cannot face the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.

Now he cannot face the fact that real science totally states his views on many subjects are completely false. So he makes it illegal for US Citizens to access scientific reports that the American People paid for. And issues a gag order on all federal employees. The clown is absolutely afraid of free speech. These are actions reminiscent of the early days of Nazi Germany. And the actions of a psychotic.
old fag has completely lost it. Wow.
And then there's /reality/

Trump isn't a partisan hack and he, like most of us center/independent types, want the possibility of voter fraud investigated. I don't care if the fraud is happening on the right or the left, or even both, I want it found and ended by whatever means are required. Sometimes the simple explanation is the most logical.
So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....
This is great, isn't it. We're watching the libtard digging his own grave each and every day!

If I jingled keys in front of them or pointed to a bright, shiny thing, the alt-right could not be more distracted or distractible!

Voter fraud on a scale The Donald talks about would be tantamount to the largest political scandal in American history. The only problem is proving The Donald's alternative facts.

Ain't gonna happen, but, Hey! Look! A chromed hubcap!
If you had ever lived life outside your suburban, MSNBC, CNN, Mother Jones and The Nation bubble , you might get with reality.
We know there was massive voter fraud.....the democrats confessed to doing it....

No, the Dems did not. That is an alternate fact you just wrote.

Yeah...they admitted to doing it....under orders and direction from hilary and the is on video, they named methods, the states they targeted and specifically stated using illegal aliens to get more votes, and how they got I.D. for them so they could is on the can't lie about it anymore....these two guys should be arrested....
We know there was massive voter fraud.....the democrats confessed to doing it....

No, the Dems did not. That is an alternate fact you just wrote.

Yeah...they admitted to doing it....under orders and direction from hilary and the is on video, they named methods, the states they targeted and specifically stated using illegal aliens to get more votes, and how they got I.D. for them so they could is on the can't lie about it anymore....these two guys should be arrested....

You can spew Alt Facts or you can link it. The fact is you are lying. End of story.
I believe Lindsey Graham is right. Trump needs to STFU. I believe Melania is right. Trump needs to stay off of Twitter in the middle of the night.

Here is the deal. You can't claim massive voter fraud on Twitter and in interviews with the press after your lawyers have filed briefs to the court claiming THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

Trump's own attorneys have conceded there is no evidence of voter fraud

He best STFU. I mean I am all for it. Hell yeah. Massive investigation and we start with Michigan. And since this new position contradicts their court filings stopping the recount, we start with exactly that, a damn recount of Michigan.

But come on, we know this is not about voter fraud. This is about voter suppression, plain and simple. Just an excuse to purge voter roles, implement barriers limiting access, and intimidate certain blocks of voters. And more than anything else, a clear sign that this administration is not here to serve the people. Trump and his gang are there to do what they do, rape and pillage.

Here we go with the commiecrats trying to dictate the narrative.

What trump said wasn't that there was no election fraud. What he said is that election fraud didn't secure his election.

The commiecrats said the Russians hacked the election. He said that didn't happen, and he was right.

Then the commiecrats said they won the popular vote. What he said is that it's questionable because there is so much fucking ELECTION FRAUD going on in the cities that voted for HILLARY that there's no way to tell. And the commiecrats said WAIT THERE WAS NO ELECTION FRAUD.

The ones who are trying to work it both ways are the commiecrats. He's said all along that the commiecrats engaged in election fraud.

They just are so fucking stupid that even when they did, they couldn't win. Not only are they shitty people, they're not very effective criminals either.

Of course that's the story with all criminals. They aren't smart. They can't make it in an ethical or honest world. That's why they're criminal.

Look, if you are not going to even bother to skim my link don't waste my time, or yours, responding. Had you done so you would have found the following quote from Trump's legal filings concerning the Michigan recount.

All available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake.

And that was Michigan where, for some strange reason, 70,000 voters in Detroit neglected to vote for president. Pretty easy to see why Trump's lawyers didn't want those votes hand tabulated.

He was speaking about the results of the election, in the face of idiots like you screaming that there was some sort of merit to the claim that Hillary won the popular vote.
Silly ass, it is the psychotic 45th President of the USA that is screaming about the fact that Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. And trying to prove that it did not happen.
This is what is going to happen every time the idiots on the left start pushing a Li now. It's going to be investigated, and your corruption, criminality, and stupidity will be further exposed.
We know there was massive voter fraud.....the democrats confessed to doing it....

No, the Dems did not. That is an alternate fact you just wrote.

Yeah...they admitted to doing it....under orders and direction from hilary and the is on video, they named methods, the states they targeted and specifically stated using illegal aliens to get more votes, and how they got I.D. for them so they could is on the can't lie about it anymore....these two guys should be arrested....

Again, O'Keefe--which pretty much qualifies your videos as staged productions. Here, let your precious FOX news explain it.

GRIFFIN: Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe has been convicted and forced to pay a $100,000 fine in the past. He was caught doctoring videos and Twitter recently blocked him from his own account, preventing him from using the social media platform. The group claims this spliced video shows Democratic operatives feeding the narrative that Trump fans are dangerous and violent. The video shows Foval claiming that he is directly coordinating with the Clinton campaign and DNC. But it is edited in such a way that it is no longer clear whether he is referring to the alleged bird-dogging.

Fox News Notes James O'Keefe's Criminal Past After His Newest Video Is Released
....Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...
There are no "democratic voter fraud Operation " Filbert LOL...we need you to prove your loyalty to Orange Julius

So...Trump has skunked the democrats again.....they have no idea who they are up against...and Rush helped me see this point today.....

Trump has seen the research from Pew and other places, John Fund for one and another study by 3 professors.........where actual details on voter fraud have been pointed out...

So morons in the democrat press think they have him a fool for saying he only lost the popular vote because of voter fraud....they are laughing at him in fact......

And now, Trump responds.....I will order an investigation into voter fraud....guess what geniuses.......Jim Sessions, the new Attorney General will be the one looking into democrat voter fraud operations around the country...

you guys are such morons......and you are begging him to look into it......fools.....
It is rampant. People at grassroots know. Liberal media and Democrats are hiding this because it happens in Democrat districts.
I know of 2 people who got caught trying to vote twice...both were arrested and both were Republicans. This is just a witch hunt on a scale as ridiculous as Trump's "Birther" fiasco!
Let's begin with an Alt Fact OP.

Prove the media is democratic controlled.

How silly an OP. This may in the top 100.

The emails during the election showed it...they were cooperating with hilary at all levels......

And that "democratic" controlled media threw a democrat candidate under the bus by giving Trump free air time that she had to PAY for?????? Don't be so predictably disingenuous .
I know of 2 people who got caught trying to vote twice...both were arrested and both were Republicans. This is just a witch hunt on a scale as ridiculous as Trump's "Birther" fiasco!

Donald Trump is carrying out a vendetta against the areas of the Country that did not vote for him ....because he was driven over the edge by losing the popular vote and the size of the anti Trump march
So....hoping this MAJOR investigation goes thru......something as large as 3-5 million illegal votes is a danger to our democracy.

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