So the JR emails..

They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?
?? He released his email on requests from others.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.

What's not good about them? Someone said they had dirt on Hillary, so of course that would perk the interest of any enemy of Hillary. Turned out it was nothing anyway. If anything it may lead to an investigation on Hillary/DNC receiving donations illegally from Russia.
You are leaving out the fact that the request to help the trump campaign with damning info about Hillary for the Russian governement was the premise for the whole meeting and then they spent months completely denying everything Russia. Lying is the issue here, it's black and white. Do you not see it? Or do you just not care?
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?
?? He released his email on requests from others.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.
What doesnt look good about the emails?

Someone said they have dirt on Hillary and Trump was running a campaign against her, so who cares where the info came from? If it came from France or Canada, would it make a difference? Lets assume it didnt come from a mere civilian... who cares if a foreign government gave them damaging info? Getting information isnt illegal. Every campaign does it. Its source is irrelevant.
Lets assume it didnt come from a mere civilian... who cares if a foreign government gave them damaging info? Getting information isnt illegal. Every campaign does it. Its source is irrelevant.
Okay. If we take a giant step back and take a deep breath.....
Does it matter? Legally, maybe not. This is where it does matter:
The Trump campaign and administration had a lot of contact with Russian government officials that they conveniently "forgot" about. Trump himself had a curiously positive attitude toward Putin that Trump just doubled down on as the months progressed. It was ascertained that Russia had hacked the DNC and the DNC party chairman and then released them to Wikileaks. They were obviously out to "help" Trump.

People got curious, and suspicious. It didn't help that the Democrats lost. They went into full down meltdown and screamed for blood. But the fact remained it seemed kind of odd. Flynn was fired less than a month in, for lying about his involvement with the Russians to Pence. Trump fired Comey and told the Russians the next day that it had "solved a problem" for him. So an investigation was called for. Comey testified that Trump wanted him to "let the Flynn matter go."

People have been giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. Naive. No idea what was going on. Maybe Russia was just making approaches and no one knew, no one did anything wrong. Enter Donald Trump Jr.'s emails today. He himself supplied us with the information that he eagerly set up a meeting to get dirt on Hillary Clinton from the "highest levels" of the Russian government. It puts all the information I just laid out in a somewhat less innocent light, doesn't it? The campaign was ready, willing and able to take the dirt from Russia. This meeting was no doubt a "test" by Russia's spies to see how they would react, if they would take the bait. They didn't actually have anything to share. But they got the answer they wanted. Yes, the Trumps would play ball.

And everything that has happened since is now in a different light because of it. Doesn't really matter if it was illegal. Russia fucked with our election and Trump's team may have been an active player in it. It isn't that Russia gave us information; it is that they were interfering with our election and Trump didn't care. Or Jr., Kushner and Manafort didn't. Trump may still try to weasel out of responsibility by saying he didn't know.

Russians have been suspect with every US President, and the American people for decades and decades.

until Trump and his drones entered the picture. I hope our intelligence agencies are taking notes and tracking IP addresses on this website. Theres more than enough "hate America - love Russia/Trump" rhetoric here to show probable cause and let the chips fall where they may.


You all have completely lost it.
There us nothing.
No money period it was a meeting.
Dems do the same getting goods on the opponents.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?
?? He released his email on requests from others.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.

Just like the far left is still pissed Hillary lost the far right will not believe that their messiah may be dirty. Remember these are the same people who love Russia that they have stood by throughout these threads.
Just like the far left is still pissed Hillary lost the far right will not believe that their messiah may be dirty. Remember these are the same people who love Russia that they have stood by throughout these threads.
May be...might be...could be...someone said...if...enough already until you get proof. :blahblah:
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.

This is an email released by jr where he is arranging a meeting with someone he believes to be a Russian official because Russia supports trump and wants Hillary to lose and where jr is trying to coordinate when to release this alleged info.

Even if no info really exists I don't see how you can honestly claim this is some leftist tactic
For one, the woman isn't Russian. She's Ukrainian. The email stated there was information against Clinton that may be of interest to the Trump campaign. In other words, opposition information which is disseminated by questionable people in the every election.

You will have to show proof that Jr knew it was a Russian who was going to help his dad. Since that isn't the case.....well....

She is an attorney for the Russian government.
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?
?? He released his email on requests from others.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.

What's not good about them? Someone said they had dirt on Hillary, so of course that would perk the interest of any enemy of Hillary. Turned out it was nothing anyway. If anything it may lead to an investigation on Hillary/DNC receiving donations illegally from Russia.
You are leaving out the fact that the request to help the trump campaign with damning info about Hillary for the Russian governement was the premise for the whole meeting and then they spent months completely denying everything Russia. Lying is the issue here, it's black and white. Do you not see it? Or do you just not care?

Oh we cared plenty when Obama promised we could keep our health care we had and lost it through their employers.
So someone from the Trump campaign met with somebody that said that had dirt on that Crooked Hillary bitch during the middle of a campaign? LOL!

Nothing compared to the massive corruption by Crooked Hillary and the DNC as revealed by Wikileaks.

But everyone in his campaign have denied over and over again that they ever met with any Russians. But that's ok with you.
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?
?? He released his email on requests from others.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.

What's not good about them? Someone said they had dirt on Hillary, so of course that would perk the interest of any enemy of Hillary. Turned out it was nothing anyway. If anything it may lead to an investigation on Hillary/DNC receiving donations illegally from Russia.
You are leaving out the fact that the request to help the trump campaign with damning info about Hillary for the Russian governement was the premise for the whole meeting and then they spent months completely denying everything Russia. Lying is the issue here, it's black and white. Do you not see it? Or do you just not care?

Oh we cared plenty when Obama promised we could keep our health care we had and lost it through their employers.

that's on your employer. I didn't think this thread was on obamacare or obama.
I wonder what the incriminating info on Crooked Hillary was all about.

That bitch was knee deep in corruption and the Russians knew it as much as anybody.

Is this thread about Crooked HIllary? Nope, it's about crooked Trump. Stay focused if you can.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.

This is an email released by jr where he is arranging a meeting with someone he believes to be a Russian official because Russia supports trump and wants Hillary to lose and where jr is trying to coordinate when to release this alleged info.

Even if no info really exists I don't see how you can honestly claim this is some leftist tactic

It's politics. If there was a foreign nationalist with dirt from a overseas meeting their country had with Trump, the democrats would be trying to get their hands on it.
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?
?? He released his email on requests from others.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.

What's not good about them? Someone said they had dirt on Hillary, so of course that would perk the interest of any enemy of Hillary. Turned out it was nothing anyway. If anything it may lead to an investigation on Hillary/DNC receiving donations illegally from Russia.
You are leaving out the fact that the request to help the trump campaign with damning info about Hillary for the Russian governement was the premise for the whole meeting and then they spent months completely denying everything Russia. Lying is the issue here, it's black and white. Do you not see it? Or do you just not care?

Oh we cared plenty when Obama promised we could keep our health care we had and lost it through their employers.
Good, keep caring cause Trumps dishonesty is at a whole different level. Obama and the Dems lost power. We should ALL be calling trump out on the lies and demanding better
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?
?? He released his email on requests from others.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.

What's not good about them? Someone said they had dirt on Hillary, so of course that would perk the interest of any enemy of Hillary. Turned out it was nothing anyway. If anything it may lead to an investigation on Hillary/DNC receiving donations illegally from Russia.
You are leaving out the fact that the request to help the trump campaign with damning info about Hillary for the Russian governement was the premise for the whole meeting and then they spent months completely denying everything Russia. Lying is the issue here, it's black and white. Do you not see it? Or do you just not care?

At the most he was hoping for dirt on Hillary. Big deal. What does it matter where it comes from? It wouldn't be illegal for him to listen to anything about that. This is like saying if you learned something from Wikileaks that came from a Russian source that makes you a "traitor". Uh, no it doesn't.
Good, keep caring cause Trumps dishonesty is at a whole different level. Obama and the Dems lost power. We should ALL be calling trump out on the lies and demanding better
Boy are you going to have a rough 4 years
If she offered info on Trump to Clinton does anyone think Hillary would have not been at the meeting? Come on people...grow the fuck up. Trump is president and he won fair and square.
?? He released his email on requests from others.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.

What's not good about them? Someone said they had dirt on Hillary, so of course that would perk the interest of any enemy of Hillary. Turned out it was nothing anyway. If anything it may lead to an investigation on Hillary/DNC receiving donations illegally from Russia.
You are leaving out the fact that the request to help the trump campaign with damning info about Hillary for the Russian governement was the premise for the whole meeting and then they spent months completely denying everything Russia. Lying is the issue here, it's black and white. Do you not see it? Or do you just not care?

Oh we cared plenty when Obama promised we could keep our health care we had and lost it through their employers.

that's on your employer. I didn't think this thread was on obamacare or obama.

No it was about lying.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?

hahahahahaa....That's up to the Attorney General, little monkey Sessions, and if you recall, he had to recuse himself from the Trump investigation and hire his own lawyer. Trump voters really fucked this country with their stupidity.
Jeff Sessions hired a lawyer to represent him during the Russia probe

when your administration needs to hire lawyers to protect them it speaks volumes about the president ...

Yeah. Smart enough to hire lawyers when being attacked by lawyers.

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