So the JR emails..

It's an election, every candidate looks for an edge on their's called opposition research. The left is pissed because we decided to have the forethought to do what they do.
The dems created opposition research, and Trump perfected it via twitter.:badgrin:
Why? Trump cracks me up with all his BS, I don't take it personally.
Because the people see through the swamp and will re elect Trump with a landslide again.
LOL Yah, sure, Wilson.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 6/17 - 7/10 -- 40.5 54.4 -13.9
Gallup 7/8 - 7/10 1500 A 40 55 -15
Rasmussen Reports 7/6 - 7/10 1500 LV 45 55 -10
Economist/YouGov 7/3 - 7/4 1323 RV 41 53 -12
Reuters/Ipsos 6/30 - 7/4 1600 A 38 57 -19
IBD/TIPP 6/23 - 6/29 900 A 37 58 -21
FOX News 6/25 - 6/27 1017 RV 44 50 -6
USA Today/Suffolk 6/24 - 6/27 1000 RV 42 53 -11
Quinnipiac 6/22 - 6/27 1212 RV 40 55 -15
NPR/PBS/Marist 6/21 - 6/25 995 RV 38 53 -15
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 6/17 - 6/20 900 A 40 55 -15
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data

All but one double digit disapproval. And the treasonous fat senile old orange clown lost the popular vote by about 3 million votes. And got far fewer electoral votes than did President Obama for either of his terms.
It's an election, every candidate looks for an edge on their's called opposition research. The left is pissed because we decided to have the forethought to do what they do.
The dems created opposition research, and Trump perfected it via twitter.:badgrin:
Because you have neither ethics nor morals does not mean that the rest of us do not. Most of us, unlike you, disapprove of treason.
All but one double digit disapproval. And the treasonous fat senile old orange clown lost the popular vote by about 3 million votes. And got far fewer electoral votes than did President Obama for either of his terms
You were not paying attention all of last year. You missed the worm turning.
It's an election, every candidate looks for an edge on their's called opposition research. The left is pissed because we decided to have the forethought to do what they do.
The dems created opposition research, and Trump perfected it via twitter.:badgrin:

The difference is who you collude with in order to do that opposition research. The founding fathers did not want king george to attack america through its political infrastructure. That's why they insisted the president be a natural born citizen, and he not take foreign emoluments.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has alienated our traditional allies, Made them so nervous about our economic intentions that they have formed new partnerships with Asian nations. He has effectively hobbled NATO as our partners no longer trust us. These are all things that Russia wanted. And they got it by aiding this treasonous bastard to be elected.

Yes, the Trump admin has effectively made the US much weaker.
It's an election, every candidate looks for an edge on their's called opposition research. The left is pissed because we decided to have the forethought to do what they do.
The dems created opposition research, and Trump perfected it via twitter.:badgrin:

The difference is who you collude with in order to do that opposition research. The founding fathers did not want king george to attack america through its political infrastructure. That's why they insisted the president be a natural born citizen, and he not take foreign emoluments.
You can't be that naive, or maybe you can. Do you not remember anything. The Clinton's made a art form of extracting foreign aid in elections including foreign cash.
Nothing Burger my friend.

Talking to the Russians is the same as taking a contribution, donation expenditure, independent expenditure or a disbursement? Really?

§ 110.20 Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals
opposition research is quite expensive, ask any campaign.... there is a ''value'' to it.
NO CRIME HERE....if this is all this year long investigation by the dems and the gop swamp has got they should be very concerned. All Trump has to do is add up the dollars spent to pursue this witch hunt and hold a press conference and show the people the costs. Money that could be spent in better ways.
You can't be that naive, or maybe you can. Do you not remember anything. The Clinton's made a art form of extracting foreign aid in elections including foreign cash.
Nothing Burger my friend.

Clintons taking foreign cash for their campaigns? Maybe you should tell the FBI since that's clearly a crime. But then you seem to confuse foreign money going to an independent charity, and foreign money going to a campaign.
guess junior just released the full chain of the emails


doesn't look good for the

fake news industry
Are you insane? The e-mails state that the Russian Government wants to support Trump. And, by going to the meeting, Don Jr. demonstrated that he was will to commit treason to further his father's political ambition.

only in your mind dip shit


you dumb fuckers will never learn
You can't be that naive, or maybe you can. Do you not remember anything. The Clinton's made a art form of extracting foreign aid in elections including foreign cash.
Nothing Burger my friend.

Clintons taking foreign cash for their campaigns? Maybe you should tell the FBI since that's clearly a crime. But then you seem to confuse foreign money going to an independent charity, and foreign money going to a campaign.
NO CRIME HERE....if this is all this year long investigation by the dems and the gop swamp has got they should be very concerned. All Trump has to do is add up the dollars spent to pursue this witch hunt and hold a press conference and show the people the costs. Money that could be spent in better ways.

Apparently you haven't seen Trump Jr.s emails. Setting up a meeting with a russian lawyer he believed worked for the kremlin., because Putin supported Trump
Apparently you haven't seen Trump Jr.s emails. Setting up a meeting with a russian lawyer he believed worked for the kremlin., because Putin supported Trump

"Setting up a meeting with a russian lawyer he believed worked for the kremlin."

SO What? I would hope he would given his position at that time in the campaign.
"Setting up a meeting with a russian lawyer he believed worked for the kremlin."

SO What? I would hope he would given his position at that time in the campaign.

Blows the "no collusion" talking point.

The three top Trump campaign folks (Manafort, Kushner, Trump jr) meeting with a russian they believed worked for the kremlin.

That's collusion by the Trump campaign.

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