So, the left at Trump for trying to save failing obamacare. When obamacare fails......


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
They will blame Trump.

That is all you ever need to know about arguing with the left.
Trump promised we'd all love the new plan.

Turns out, he was just kidding about both the love and the plan.
Trump's Executive Orders will cause the ACA to fail making it Trump's Failure!

Trump Loser.jpg
obamacare will fail. It's been slowly failing and gaining momentum since it was created. It was designed to fail. When its done, then bring in a new plan.

This is no catastrophe.
Trump promised we'd all love the new plan.

Turns out, he was just kidding about both the love and the plan.
Maybe we would have. Maybe you did not hear. It was not passed by congress.

Get that everyone?

When congress got in the way of their skinny lying marxist black snake in the white house, it was a do nothing congress.

When the congress gets in the way of Trump, he is a do nothing president.

Meanwhile everyone including virtually all democrats say obamacare is a failure. Yet not one democrat voted for it.

So, whether or not we would have loved it we will never know.

Oh right, you are one of those people who brag to everyone that you hate politicians.

I am sure their decisions to not vote for it had nothing to do with sabotaging Trump. Yet, they all know obamacare is a failure.

Single payer Trojan horse?
Blame Trump and the Country be damned. Democrats decided to be bystanders in the healthcare debate, hoping that the old 60's playbook of do nothing and blame republicans will still work. They are in denial about losing 2,000 elections and congress and most of the state governors and they don't even realize that Americans are better informed than they were when the media was totally in the democrat party bag.
Trump promised we'd all love the new plan.

Turns out, he was just kidding about both the love and the plan.
Maybe we would have. Maybe you did not hear. It was not passed by congress.

Get that everyone?

When congress got in the way of their skinny lying marxist black snake in the white house, it was a do nothing congress.

When the congress gets in the way of Trump, he is a do nothing president.

Meanwhile everyone including virtually all democrats say obamacare is a failure. Yet not one democrat voted for it.

So, whether or not we would have loved it we will never know.

Oh right, you are one of those people who brag to everyone that you hate politicians.

I am sure their decisions to not vote for it had nothing to do with sabotaging Trump. Yet, they all know obamacare is a failure.

Single payer Trojan horse?

The Repubs boo-booed my making healthcare number 1 on their agenda. While it is sad to say------> citizens have to feel a little financial pain before they accept change; and that will force both sides to work together for a solution as the people scream.

Give Obamacare a while longer with only the funding the plan calls for, and watch what happens.

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Single payer Trojan horse?
Yeah, as I mentioned in another thread, I give the Democrats the benefit of the doubt on their intelligence - they can't have seriously thought this pig of a law was going to work, so they must have assumed they'd have the White House later and could get Single Payer through at that point.

But again, the GOP convinced the electorate (and evidently themselves) that they had a plan, when they clearly did not.
Trump promised we'd all love the new plan.

Turns out, he was just kidding about both the love and the plan.
Maybe we would have. Maybe you did not hear. It was not passed by congress.

Get that everyone?

When congress got in the way of their skinny lying marxist black snake in the white house, it was a do nothing congress.

When the congress gets in the way of Trump, he is a do nothing president.

Meanwhile everyone including virtually all democrats say obamacare is a failure. Yet not one democrat voted for it.

So, whether or not we would have loved it we will never know.

Oh right, you are one of those people who brag to everyone that you hate politicians.

I am sure their decisions to not vote for it had nothing to do with sabotaging Trump. Yet, they all know obamacare is a failure.

Single payer Trojan horse?

The Repubs boo-booed my making healthcare number 1 on their agenda. While it is sad to say------> citizens have to feel a little financial pain before they accept change; and that will force both sides to work together for a solution as the people scream.

Give Obamacare a while longer with only the funding the plan calls for, and watch what happens.

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Yep, bizarre how both Obama and Trump fouled up by going after health care first.
I love that Dem's have again impaled themselves on Obamacare, these fools throw themselves onto the spikes and reaffirm they OWN 100% of Obamacare. When the people have suffered enough, when we have extracted every ounce of revenge on Dem's for passing that turd and the people beg us to get rid of it, then we'll replace it.
Tom Price, violates the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath:

"Price would replace the law with a plan that does more to benefit the young, healthy, and rich — and disadvantages the sick, old, and poor. His plan also provides significantly less help to those with preexisting conditions than other Republican proposals, particularly the replacement plan offered by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI).

"The biggest cut to the poor in Price’s plan is the full repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, a program that currently covers millions of low-income Americans. Price’s plan replaces it with, well, nothing."
The Blamer in Chief is spinning & pointing blame at everyone except himself where it squarely belongs.
I love that Dem's have again impaled themselves on Obamacare, these fools throw themselves onto the spikes and reaffirm they OWN 100% of Obamacare. When the people have suffered enough, when we have extracted every ounce of revenge on Dem's for passing that turd and the people beg us to get rid of it, then we'll replace it.

Gee, how thoughtful of you [SARCASM ALERT]

Why not post a link to Trump's foolish speech, and blame the Democrats in Congress for not voting to repeal the first real reform of health care in our nation, providing better care to more of our citizens.

Ryan, Trump, McConnell, et al, don't give a damn about YOU or your FAMILY. They represent corporate America (they are people too) and use false pathos to convince the biddable they have concern for the many.
I love that Dem's have again impaled themselves on Obamacare, these fools throw themselves onto the spikes and reaffirm they OWN 100% of Obamacare. When the people have suffered enough, when we have extracted every ounce of revenge on Dem's for passing that turd and the people beg us to get rid of it, then we'll replace it.

Gee, how thoughtful of you [SARCASM ALERT]

Why not post a link to Trump's foolish speech, and blame the Democrats in Congress for not voting to repeal the first real reform of health care in our nation, providing better care to more of our citizens.

Ryan, Trump, McConnell, et al, don't give a damn about YOU or your FAMILY. They represent corporate America (they are people too) and use false pathos to convince the biddable they have concern for the many.

President Trump is the champion of the working class and has already hit a number of home runs for us. You stand on the sidelines spewing your 30 year old talking points while President Trump and the working class kicks some ass.
The Blamer in Chief is spinning & pointing blame at everyone except himself where it squarely belongs.
Obamacare is a failure. I cannot tell. You blaming obama for that?

Nooo, you are blaming Trump.

Classic buffoon everyone. Clear concise? No, just a parrot repeating what hears from his commie propaganda.

Oh, and to prove that is true, answer the question.

Watch this everyone. The art of obfuscation when trapped with poignant questions that show their ignorance and hypocrisy.
They will blame Trump.

That is all you ever need to know about arguing with the left.

You bring up an important point that should be applied more broadly here. A conservative placating a progressive on policy elicits more outrage from those that he was trying to appeal to and appease. There is no winning strategy in compromising with those extremists of any ideologically driven persuasion. Best to stick to the tenets of one's own beliefs commanding respect through the courage of one's convictions. Trump should never have signed off on Ryan's watered down O-care 2.0!

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