So, the President suddenly isn't allowed to "politicize" military victories?

"Politicizing"- Translation: "Holy shit, this could turn into Reagan-Mondale!" :eek:
I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world
I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.
I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

About the only thing I give him credit for is getting OBL.

He took the phone call that informed him that thanks in large part to advanced interrogation techniques, the Seals have found bin Laden and were ready to take the bad man out.

Natasha Obama could have made that nod.

Is that the new code for torture now? Otherwise is it the FBI's method?

McCain spoke with an unrivaled record on the issue. He's the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, the 2008 GOP presidential nominee who consistently challenged the Bush administration and Vice President Dick Cheney on the use of torture and a man who endured brutal treatment during the Vietnam War.
Story: Obama broaches bin Laden death at campaign event
He said he asked CIA Director Leon Panetta for the facts, and that the hunt for bin Laden did not begin with fresh information for Mohammed. In fact, the name of bin Laden's courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, came from a detainee held in another country.

"Not only did the use of enhanced interrogation techniques on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed not provide us with key leads on bin Laden's courier, Abu Ahmed, it actually produced false and misleading information," McCain said. He called on Mukasey and others to correct their misstatements.

McCain says torture did not lead to bin Laden - politics - More politics -
I think the real question is the President is now allowed to politicizing military victories? You guys were the one bitching and moaning about how wrong it is. And now you want to do it. Dont like your own standards? that's fine. Stop being such hypocrites though.
I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.

So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.
Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.

So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.
Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.

So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?
So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.
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I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

Not to normal Americans.
No, we don't politicize military actions anymore...

...hadn't you noticed?

The Republicans/conservatives didn't try to make any political hay out of our actions in Libya, remember?

No, we don't politicize military actions anymore...

...hadn't you noticed?

The Republicans/conservatives didn't try to make any political hay out of our actions in Libya, remember?


Or the entire terror alert color system during the 2004 campaign.
Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.

So you're mad that Obama did the job but find no anger with Bush not doing his required job? Yeah, that makes sense.

Remember how all those cons were ragging on Bush for failing? Yeah, me neither.

What job exactly did Obama do? Give a nod when the process established by Bush's admin finally beared fruit? That was an easy call. Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn.
Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

I agree with you there.
I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

But.... just think how much better he'd have looked if, on the first anniversary of OBL's death, he had chosen to highlight the courage of our armed forces, and thanked SEAL 6 for their daring deed. Then, people would have remembered that he gave the green light... but he'd have looked very Presidential by giving the credit where is should be. And, even better, the right wing would have been hard pressed to disagree.... he could have played this so much better.
obama's victory speech is going to be his downfall. What he said was mostly untrue. The taliban is seizing control again and their spring offensive is set to start in just hours. Meanwhile obama think they are discussing peace!
Perhaps you can show the class previous examples of said "gloating".


Televised landings of him landing on an aircraft carrier to declare "victory" in Iraq doesn't count as "gloating" in your book?


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