So the problem would be what exactly?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Apparently there is a problem. People are leaving the NSA. They are leaving and taking higher paid tech jobs in the Private sector.

As I read that I was honestly curious as to what difference would it make? If we are being honest we have to admit that the NSA has never stopped a terrorist attack. Not one. They haven't even stumbled onto one by accident.

U.S. Mass Surveillance Has No Record of Thwarting Large Terror Attacks, Regardless of Snowden Leaks

As the years of increased surveillance have gone by without so much as one terrorist attack being identified before bodies are strewn about I wondered what the NSA were doing. Then we learned that for the most part they are watching porn. Government employees say they're only watching porn at work because they're bored

So what happens if these tech folks leave the NSA? Well the worst outcome would be a reduction in people watching porn at work on the taxpayers dime. Just think of all we could do if we weren't buying fusion centers with massive data capability for porn? Imagine how many bridges could be fixed with those billions of wasted dollars.

Apparently if we want to reduce the federal workforce all we have to do is stop hiring for a couple years and the people accomplishing nothing will just go away on their own.

So what exactly would be the problem with that?

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We have much bigger problems than space exploration. The first world is machine humanity, and the third world is a hotzone for western terror and exploitation.

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