So, the republicans have majority.

That really depends on who that pig appoints, now doesn't it?

We all know that he won't appoint a Democrat, so we will be good from that perspective.

Now the sore losers are going to cry and riot no matter who the President elect chooses.

A Liberal SC will take EVERY case they can get their hands on so they can control Americans.
A Conservative SC will kick most cases back to the States.

Why would they do that when they could give the right a happy ending themselves. Trump and the religious nutjobs want to do away with abortion. They won't take the chance that some states might approve it.
Please provide a Link in regards to Trump's position on Abortion.

His choice of one of the most anti-abortion politicians in the country should make that clear. Pence has made it clear that he wants to ban abortion, even wanted to require funerals for any incomplete pregnancy.
Look, fucktard, there's nothing more sacred to Conservatives than State Rights.
You Liberals are so fucking paranoid.
many men and woman will hold a funeral. what are you thinking

Yes, many will for a full term or near term. Pence wanted to require that for all incomplete pregnancies. Following the law as written would have required a funeral every 28 days.
many men and woman will hold a funeral. what are you thinking

Yes, many will for a full term or near term. Pence wanted to require that for all incomplete pregnancies. Following the law as written would have required a funeral every 28 days.
I do not agree with Conservatives or Liberals when it comes to Abortions.
Both sides are too severe.
many men and woman will hold a funeral. what are you thinking

Yes, many will for a full term or near term. Pence wanted to require that for all incomplete pregnancies. Following the law as written would have required a funeral every 28 days.
I do not agree with Conservatives or Liberals when it comes to Abortions.
Both sides are too severe.

I'm a liberal. I believe abortion is a tragic event that should be determined by the woman, her family, and her doctor.
many men and woman will hold a funeral. what are you thinking

Yes, many will for a full term or near term. Pence wanted to require that for all incomplete pregnancies. Following the law as written would have required a funeral every 28 days.
I do not agree with Conservatives or Liberals when it comes to Abortions.
Both sides are too severe.

I'm a liberal. I believe abortion is a tragic event that should be determined by the woman, her family, and her doctor.
Then why the push for Late Term Abortion of healthy fetuses?
Sorry, I don't buy the Liberal line on this issue.
Late term should be carried out. Mid term should be carried out. the after pill should be questioned. I believe in life ! Hideous crimes are not equated in my thoughts.
many men and woman will hold a funeral. what are you thinking

Yes, many will for a full term or near term. Pence wanted to require that for all incomplete pregnancies. Following the law as written would have required a funeral every 28 days.
I do not agree with Conservatives or Liberals when it comes to Abortions.
Both sides are too severe.

I'm a liberal. I believe abortion is a tragic event that should be determined by the woman, her family, and her doctor.
Then why the push for Late Term Abortion of healthy fetuses?
Sorry, I don't buy the Liberal line on this issue.

I don't know anybody pushing for abortions at any stage. There are valid reasons for them though, and it's not my place or yours to make that decision for someone whose situation we don't even know. My cousin lost a child, and they made her lay in that hospital bed for two days in hopes that she would deliver it naturally. instead of breaking their ban on abortions. They finally removed it. It's up to the woman, her doctor and her family.
I would think the senate, house and president can feel the Burdon. An all republican decision making team. We will watch this closely. I would hope they consider all parties perspectives... Mostly logics perspective. With control of the votes its easy to manipulate. As a human I ask for equality.

They are going to start dismantling people's rights faster than the speed of light. They are steadfastly against confiscation of guns but they are gleeful pussies when it comes to confiscating rights. First off, the republicans and the democrats way are disregarded in my book. I see things only as I see them. Right and wrong. I am ignorant in many ways. I look at the world o meter and see there is 40 million abortions in one year. Is this not appalling? Yes, there are instances where abortion may be needed but it is not a get out of responsibility free card! You play the game you better own up! No, 40 million abortions is not expectable. If these figures are right, there are 40 million women being raped or may die if they chose to go forward with there pregnancy. I don't think that is true. If it is, we have to man up to protect woman! Now to get back to what I thought I had originally posted. Republicans have majority and can now pass legislature as they see fit. With a one sided rule who is hell bent on there parties objectives, things can go wrong, don't you think? So I am asking those who actually make laws and regulate my life, to think about there choices carefully. Fracking is not an option as we don't have adequate studies. Our crust is fragile enough with out us blowing it up. These choices are imperative to out survival. Donate to life with your opinion.
I would think the senate, house and president can feel the Burdon. An all republican decision making team. We will watch this closely. I would hope they consider all parties perspectives... Mostly logics perspective. With control of the votes its easy to manipulate. As a human I ask for equality.
You are a fool.

Chuck Schumer still controls a filibuster in the Senate.

Do you know what that is?

Do you know who he is?
Worldometers - real time world statistics First off, the republicans and the democrats way are disregarded in my book. I see things only as I see them. Right and wrong. I am ignorant in many ways. I look at the world o meter and see there is 40 million abortions in one year. Is this not appalling? Yes, there are instances where abortion may be needed but it is not a get out of responsibility free card! You play the game you better own up! No, 40 million abortions is not expectable. If these figures are right, there are 40 million women being raped or may die if they chose to go forward with there pregnancy. I don't think that is true. If it is, we have to man up to protect woman! Now to get back to what I thought I had originally posted. Republicans have majority and can now pass legislature as they see fit. With a one sided rule who is hell bent on there parties objectives, things can go wrong, don't you think? So I am asking those who actually make laws and regulate my life, to think about there choices carefully. Fracking is not an option as we don't have adequate studies. Our crust is fragile enough with out us blowing it up. These choices are imperative to out survival. Donate to life with your opinion.
Ok besides being a fool then you are also ignorant -- I agree.

Divided government is a safety measure against tyranny based on the English existentialist political philosophers like John Locke and others.

As long as the DEM's and Chuck Schumer control 41 or more Senate seats we (the USA) still have divided government.

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