So, The Wana Be Bomb Maker- aka.- The Clock Kid Is Moving to Qatar

Typical dumbass response. Try that computer guts challenge and let me know what happens. Nothing won't be one of the choices.

Don't need to, someone already did proving my assertion:


Science fair experiments range from crime to coho

And no one said shit, evacuated the school, or wet themselves. And that WAS a canon as the article describes. But had he been arab, arab-looking, or a Muslim, oh my...

An air cannon that shoots felt balls is first off quite OBVIOUS. Secondly the apparatus that is used to power it is likewise OBVIOUS as to what it is and what it is capable of.

This proves nothing other than that you have no clue of what science truly is.

Point had nothing to do with the device and everything to do with hypocrisy. That you latch onto the literal and ignore the abstract simply reveals your inability to reason and think critically.

No it doesn't. The kids family has history that is automatically going to color perception. Has nothing to do with his color it has everything to do with his sister threatening to blow the school up. The fact that you ignore simple reality and instead try and couch in the "abstract" just shows how warped your brain is. Of course, based on your predilections, that is not too surprising now is it....

Only valid of the person at school who thought it was a bomb knew that family's history when he thought that. Afaik that only came out after the fact.
Maybe we should be more curious about some of these muslims here? Who knows which ones might have something to reveal by "coming out" and which ones don't?
SS guy watching kids hands no?

What a turn of events. One day after meeting Obama to discuss his bomb making skills, the kids Dad announced he is moving the family to Qtar

Terrorist support this move I suspect.


Less than 24 hours after Ahmed Mohamed met President Obama, his family decided it’s time to leave America for good.

The 14-year-old Texas boy who was arrested for bringing to school a homemade clock that authorities said resembled a bomb will soon be living in Qatar.

“After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) for Ahmed to join the prestigious QF Young Innovators Program, which reflects the organization’s on-going dedication to empowering young people and fostering a culture of innovation and creativity,” the family said in a news release Tuesday.

‘Clock kid’ Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar

Guts of our computers resembles a bomb too. Doesn't mean it is one.

Try taking those guts and making them appear as if it is a bomb, go to your local airport, walk through, and see how quickly you are getting an up close view of the floor.

This entire incident was racial profiling. If the kid had been a local farmboy with a huge bag of ammonium nitrate and some fuel oil claiming a gardening experiment no one'd have said shit.
Off we go...blah, blah, blah...racists!!! Blah, blah...the teacher did the right thing and alerted those responsible of a possible threat. Imagine if this were some psycho white kid on psychotropic drugs? Until we drag our asses out of the PC cesspit and start calling a spade a spade, there will continue to be casualties.

Isn't that typical of the left?
The fact is... One day after meeting with the King Terrorist Obama, the kids dad announced 'we're taking our bomb and going home.'

Off to the Qatar foundation which supports terrorism.

I'm sure the kids skills will be put to good use killing liberals kids

Only valid of the person at school who thought it was a bomb knew that family's history when he thought that. Afaik that only came out after the fact.

trust me. Situations like that are KNOWN about. The entire world doesn't live in a vacuum as you appear to do.

The kid had a history of discipline problems having been suspended for several weeks in the 6th grade.

Does the conservative smear campaign against a child ever end?
a muslim bomb maker nope!

If I were his father and saw the attacks against my child coming from the right, I would get my child out of the country too

If only it were this easy to get rid of all Muslims here.
Obiwan, You claimed that you have a degree in electronics. Can you please answer the following questions?
1. Why did this boy used white wires instead of other color?
2. Why did he removed several components? And replaced with what?
3. Can you tell me how many wires has the ribbon cable has?
4. Ribbon cable is only plug half the connector. Why did he do that?
5. Your alarm clock next to your bed. There are button for day/night, forward/reverse, pm/am. Why is it that those are missing in this clock?
6. Bottom of your clock. Tell me what are the REGULATORY involved in order to sell your clock commercially? Explain why does it need regulatory?
7. Explain why this clock doesn't meet any regulatory standards.
8. This clock was bought at radio shock as analog. Tell me why is this qualified as digital instead of analog?
9. Display. Do you see anything unusual?
10. If it made for a bomb do you really think he need to do all that work?
Thank you.

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Obiwan, You claimed that you have a degree in electronics. Can you please answer the following questions?
1. Why did this boy used white wires instead of other color?
2. Why did he removed several components? And replaced with what?
3. Can you tell me how many wires has the ribbon cable has?
4. Ribbon cable is only plug half the connector. Why did he do that?
5. Your alarm clock next to your bed. There are button for day/night, forward/reverse, pm/am. Why is it that those are missing in this clock?
6. Bottom of your clock. Tell me what are the REGULATORY involved in order to sell your clock commercially? Explain why does it need regulatory?
7. Explain why this clock doesn't meet any regulatory standards.
8. This clock was bought at radio shock as analog. Tell me why is this qualified as digital instead of analog?
9. Display. Do you see anything unusual?
10. If it made for a bomb do you really think he need to do all that work?
Thank you.

I'll explain why the little rag head did what he did you dumb ass.
He wasn't remotely interested in making anything that actually could be used to detonate a bomb.
The fuck wit isn't smart enough to know how.
He did what he did to cause as much disturbance in the school as he could. He has a long history of disruptive behaviour.
He KNEW the average person wouldn't have a clue if the 'bomb-like' looking device actually worked.
He went from teacher to teacher looking for a negative reaction until he got one. Fucking plain and simple.
I doubt the fucking rag head knows how to run a toaster oven.
When I was ten years old I laid a rag on the garage floor and carefully disassembled the rear hub of my three speed bike. I figured if I laid each piece out in the order I took it off then started at the other end when I put it all back together I couldn't go wrong. I was right. Everything went fine.
Our neighbor (man) next door saw me part way through the job with all the parts on the floor. When he saw me riding my then put back together bike later he told the neighborhood I was a fucking mechanical genius.
Obiwan, You claimed that you have a degree in electronics. Can you please answer the following questions?
1. Why did this boy used white wires instead of other color?
2. Why did he removed several components? And replaced with what?
3. Can you tell me how many wires has the ribbon cable has?
4. Ribbon cable is only plug half the connector. Why did he do that?
5. Your alarm clock next to your bed. There are button for day/night, forward/reverse, pm/am. Why is it that those are missing in this clock?
6. Bottom of your clock. Tell me what are the REGULATORY involved in order to sell your clock commercially? Explain why does it need regulatory?
7. Explain why this clock doesn't meet any regulatory standards.
8. This clock was bought at radio shock as analog. Tell me why is this qualified as digital instead of analog?
9. Display. Do you see anything unusual?
10. If it made for a bomb do you really think he need to do all that work?
Thank you.

I'll explain why the little rag head did what he did you dumb ass.
He wasn't remotely interested in making anything that actually could be used to detonate a bomb.
The fuck wit isn't smart enough to know how.
He did what he did to cause as much disturbance in the school as he could. He has a long history of disruptive behaviour.
He KNEW the average person wouldn't have a clue if the 'bomb-like' looking device actually worked.
He went from teacher to teacher looking for a negative reaction until he got one. Fucking plain and simple.
I doubt the fucking rag head knows how to run a toaster oven.
When I was ten years old I laid a rag on the garage floor and carefully disassembled the rear hub of my three speed bike. I figured if I laid each piece out in the order I took it off then started at the other end when I put it all back together I couldn't go wrong. I was right. Everything went fine.
Our neighbor (man) next door saw me part way through the job with all the parts on the floor. When he saw me riding my then put back together bike later he told the neighborhood I was a fucking mechanical genius.

You talked too much. Bicycle is just pure mechanical and this clock is pure electronics so there's a big difference. Stick to my questions. Can you answer any or some of my questions? If you can't that means that this boy is far knowledgeable than you in electronics. If you got nothing else to offer stay off the way.
Obiwan.... Forgot one last question and I'm sorry about that.
10. The PCB assembly(green) is that Feed Thru or Surface Mount technology? If FT or SM what process of soldering involved?
Obiwan.... Forgot one last question and I'm sorry about that.
10. The PCB assembly(green) is that Feed Thru or Surface Mount technology? If FT or SM what process of soldering involved?
Charwin, why did the kid use a suitcase to make a clock?

Do you have any photos of suitcase clocks you could post up?
Obiwan.... Forgot one last question and I'm sorry about that.
10. The PCB assembly(green) is that Feed Thru or Surface Mount technology? If FT or SM what process of soldering involved?
Charwin, why did the kid use a suitcase to make a clock?

Do you have any photos of suitcase clocks you could post up?

Is not a suitcase it's a pencil box. Probably that's the only one available or easy to install. The picture of the pencil box is already shown.
Obiwan.... Forgot one last question and I'm sorry about that.
10. The PCB assembly(green) is that Feed Thru or Surface Mount technology? If FT or SM what process of soldering involved?
Charwin, why did the kid use a suitcase to make a clock?

Do you have any photos of suitcase clocks you could post up?

Is not a suitcase it's a pencil box. Probably that's the only one available or easy to install. The picture of the pencil box is already shown.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

And, where's the photo of pencil case clocks, or clocks in a suitcase/overnight case. Other than one with a watch in it already.
Obiwan.... Forgot one last question and I'm sorry about that.
10. The PCB assembly(green) is that Feed Thru or Surface Mount technology? If FT or SM what process of soldering involved?
Charwin, why did the kid use a suitcase to make a clock?

Do you have any photos of suitcase clocks you could post up?

Is not a suitcase it's a pencil box. Probably that's the only one available or easy to install. The picture of the pencil box is already shown.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

And, where's the photo of pencil case clocks, or clocks in a suitcase/overnight case. Other than one with a watch in it already.




So the kids Dad accepts offer for Qatar with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Given the influence of Georgetown academics and graduates in this nation’s capital, it is imperative to question whether accepting money from the Qatar, a haven for the Muslim Brotherhood, is in America’s best interests.

Qatar Foundation | The Counter Jihad Report

Your fear over the Muslim Brotherhood is unfounded. It's become such a buzz concept ever since Egypt, but the people screaming about it seem to be the same people who know very little about the larger network.
Obiwan.... Forgot one last question and I'm sorry about that.
10. The PCB assembly(green) is that Feed Thru or Surface Mount technology? If FT or SM what process of soldering involved?
Charwin, why did the kid use a suitcase to make a clock?

Do you have any photos of suitcase clocks you could post up?

Is not a suitcase it's a pencil box. Probably that's the only one available or easy to install. The picture of the pencil box is already shown.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

And, where's the photo of pencil case clocks, or clocks in a suitcase/overnight case. Other than one with a watch in it already.




sorry, your photos didn't come out!
Obiwan.... Forgot one last question and I'm sorry about that.
10. The PCB assembly(green) is that Feed Thru or Surface Mount technology? If FT or SM what process of soldering involved?
Charwin, why did the kid use a suitcase to make a clock?

Do you have any photos of suitcase clocks you could post up?

Is not a suitcase it's a pencil box. Probably that's the only one available or easy to install. The picture of the pencil box is already shown.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

And, where's the photo of pencil case clocks, or clocks in a suitcase/overnight case. Other than one with a watch in it already.




sorry, your photos didn't come out!
Charwin, why did the kid use a suitcase to make a clock?

Do you have any photos of suitcase clocks you could post up?

Is not a suitcase it's a pencil box. Probably that's the only one available or easy to install. The picture of the pencil box is already shown.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

And, where's the photo of pencil case clocks, or clocks in a suitcase/overnight case. Other than one with a watch in it already.




sorry, your photos didn't come out!
It'll have to wait until I'm out of the office, I can't get to the sites either. The applications are blocked. Makes me wonder what they actually are.
Is not a suitcase it's a pencil box. Probably that's the only one available or easy to install. The picture of the pencil box is already shown.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

And, where's the photo of pencil case clocks, or clocks in a suitcase/overnight case. Other than one with a watch in it already.




sorry, your photos didn't come out!
It'll have to wait until I'm out of the office, I can't get to the sites either. The applications are blocked. Makes me wonder what they actually are.

They are pictures of standard pencil boxes.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

And, where's the photo of pencil case clocks, or clocks in a suitcase/overnight case. Other than one with a watch in it already.




sorry, your photos didn't come out!
It'll have to wait until I'm out of the office, I can't get to the sites either. The applications are blocked. Makes me wonder what they actually are.

They are pictures of standard pencil boxes.
any with a clock?
He took a clock apart and put it in a box where it looked like a BOMB???

Nope. It didn't look like a bomb. You rubes were poured a nice tall warm glass of piss and drank it down. Because that's what you do. No matter how many times you are shown you drank a glass of piss, you get right back in line for refills!

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