So, The Wana Be Bomb Maker- aka.- The Clock Kid Is Moving to Qatar




sorry, your photos didn't come out!
It'll have to wait until I'm out of the office, I can't get to the sites either. The applications are blocked. Makes me wonder what they actually are.

They are pictures of standard pencil boxes.
any with a clock?

Didn't you complain that you never saw a pencil box that looked like a suit/briefcase... I showed several.

Didn't you complain that you never saw a pencil box that looked like a suit/briefcase... I showed several.
well I have not seen them yet, can you read? Go look at why in my previous reply to you.

Didn't you complain that you never saw a pencil box that looked like a suit/briefcase... I showed several.
You can find those in every department store, too.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

Go to your nearest big box department store in August. They have tons of them.

They might even have them now.

Also, they sell cash boxes which look like that.
well the question is why would someone put a clock in it? Like there wouldn't be the least amount of concern it will look like a bomb when it was opened, especially the way that kids was?

Didn't you complain that you never saw a pencil box that looked like a suit/briefcase... I showed several.
well I have not seen them yet, can you read? Go look at why in my previous reply to you.

yes, dude- I know... I'm saying that I showed you what you complained about - you then changed the criteria ie 'do they have a clock'- but that isn't what you originally asked about.
It'll have to wait until I'm out of the office, I can't get to the sites either. The applications are blocked. Makes me wonder what they actually are.

They are pictures of standard pencil boxes.
any with a clock?

Didn't you complain that you never saw a pencil box that looked like a suit/briefcase... I showed several.
well I have not seen them yet, can you read? Go look at why in my previous reply to you.

yes, dude- I know... I'm saying that I showed you what you complained about - you then changed the criteria ie 'do they have a clock'- but that isn't what you originally asked about.
well dude- once I can see them, I can address your question. The other part of the post was show me one in a suitcase. Go back and reread it. But so far I have no idea what you posted looks like yet.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

Go to your nearest big box department store in August. They have tons of them.

They might even have them now.

Also, they sell cash boxes which look like that.
well the question is why would someone put a clock in it? Like there wouldn't be the least amount of concern it will look like a bomb when it was opened, especially the way that kids was?

There are clock kits for beginning techies & I doubt he even made the connection given the fact the thing was only around 8"... it's not like it was anything close to a full sized briefcase. And if he was a white kid, I doubt anybody would have made that connection either.
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

Go to your nearest big box department store in August. They have tons of them.

They might even have them now.

Also, they sell cash boxes which look like that.
well the question is why would someone put a clock in it? Like there wouldn't be the least amount of concern it will look like a bomb when it was opened, especially the way that kids was?

There are clock kits for beginning techies & I doubt he even made the connection given the fact the thing was only around 8"... it's not like it was anything close to a full sized briefcase. And if he was a white kid, I doubt anybody would have made that connection.
why do you supposed that is?
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

Go to your nearest big box department store in August. They have tons of them.

They might even have them now.

Also, they sell cash boxes which look like that.
well the question is why would someone put a clock in it? Like there wouldn't be the least amount of concern it will look like a bomb when it was opened, especially the way that kids was?
The way that kid was?


Do you mean the way some idiots react to anyone who is a Muslim?

"Watch out! He's got a cell phone! He must be about to set off an IED!!!"
sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

Go to your nearest big box department store in August. They have tons of them.

They might even have them now.

Also, they sell cash boxes which look like that.
well the question is why would someone put a clock in it? Like there wouldn't be the least amount of concern it will look like a bomb when it was opened, especially the way that kids was?

There are clock kits for beginning techies & I doubt he even made the connection given the fact the thing was only around 8"... it's not like it was anything close to a full sized briefcase. And if he was a white kid, I doubt anybody would have made that connection.
why do you supposed that is?

sure it is, it's similar to an overnight case. I've never seen a pencil case that looked like that.

Go to your nearest big box department store in August. They have tons of them.

They might even have them now.

Also, they sell cash boxes which look like that.
well the question is why would someone put a clock in it? Like there wouldn't be the least amount of concern it will look like a bomb when it was opened, especially the way that kids was?

There are clock kits for beginning techies & I doubt he even made the connection given the fact the thing was only around 8"... it's not like it was anything close to a full sized briefcase. And if he was a white kid, I doubt anybody would have made that connection.
why do you supposed that is?

or what else, it's been done before? Maybe?

What if it was and actually went boom?????/
Go to your nearest big box department store in August. They have tons of them.

They might even have them now.

Also, they sell cash boxes which look like that.
well the question is why would someone put a clock in it? Like there wouldn't be the least amount of concern it will look like a bomb when it was opened, especially the way that kids was?

There are clock kits for beginning techies & I doubt he even made the connection given the fact the thing was only around 8"... it's not like it was anything close to a full sized briefcase. And if he was a white kid, I doubt anybody would have made that connection.
why do you supposed that is?

or what else, it's been done before? Maybe?

What if it was and actually went boom?????/

Ya- it' been done b4. Oklahoma City Federal Building... Planned Parenthood Clinics, Centennial Olympic Park...
Obiwan, You claimed that you have a degree in electronics. Can you please answer the following questions?
1. Why did this boy used white wires instead of other color?
2. Why did he removed several components? And replaced with what?
3. Can you tell me how many wires has the ribbon cable has?
4. Ribbon cable is only plug half the connector. Why did he do that?
5. Your alarm clock next to your bed. There are button for day/night, forward/reverse, pm/am. Why is it that those are missing in this clock?
6. Bottom of your clock. Tell me what are the REGULATORY involved in order to sell your clock commercially? Explain why does it need regulatory?
7. Explain why this clock doesn't meet any regulatory standards.
8. This clock was bought at radio shock as analog. Tell me why is this qualified as digital instead of analog?
9. Display. Do you see anything unusual?
10. If it made for a bomb do you really think he need to do all that work?
Thank you.


Hello Obiwan. Where are you? Are you ignoring me or you just plain don't know anything about electronics? If you have a degree in electronics these should be very easy.
These questions are the very basic of electronic processes.
Anyone with electrical and electronic experience should be able to answer at least 5 or 6 of those questions but not 10.
They are pictures of standard pencil boxes.
any with a clock?

Didn't you complain that you never saw a pencil box that looked like a suit/briefcase... I showed several.
well I have not seen them yet, can you read? Go look at why in my previous reply to you.

yes, dude- I know... I'm saying that I showed you what you complained about - you then changed the criteria ie 'do they have a clock'- but that isn't what you originally asked about.
well dude- once I can see them, I can address your question. The other part of the post was show me one in a suitcase. Go back and reread it. But so far I have no idea what you posted looks like yet.

Dude. Why are you so anal about the pencil box? I can these pictures with my cellphone but miserably you can't. If you can't see that is your fault. I think you are just jerking people around.
Obiwan, You claimed that you have a degree in electronics. Can you please answer the following questions?
1. Why did this boy used white wires instead of other color?
2. Why did he removed several components? And replaced with what?
3. Can you tell me how many wires has the ribbon cable has?
4. Ribbon cable is only plug half the connector. Why did he do that?
5. Your alarm clock next to your bed. There are button for day/night, forward/reverse, pm/am. Why is it that those are missing in this clock?
6. Bottom of your clock. Tell me what are the REGULATORY involved in order to sell your clock commercially? Explain why does it need regulatory?
7. Explain why this clock doesn't meet any regulatory standards.
8. This clock was bought at radio shock as analog. Tell me why is this qualified as digital instead of analog?
9. Display. Do you see anything unusual?
10. If it made for a bomb do you really think he need to do all that work?
Thank you.

I'll explain why the little rag head did what he did you dumb ass.
He wasn't remotely interested in making anything that actually could be used to detonate a bomb.
The fuck wit isn't smart enough to know how.
He did what he did to cause as much disturbance in the school as he could. He has a long history of disruptive behaviour.
He KNEW the average person wouldn't have a clue if the 'bomb-like' looking device actually worked.
He went from teacher to teacher looking for a negative reaction until he got one. Fucking plain and simple.
I doubt the fucking rag head knows how to run a toaster oven.
When I was ten years old I laid a rag on the garage floor and carefully disassembled the rear hub of my three speed bike. I figured if I laid each piece out in the order I took it off then started at the other end when I put it all back together I couldn't go wrong. I was right. Everything went fine.
Our neighbor (man) next door saw me part way through the job with all the parts on the floor. When he saw me riding my then put back together bike later he told the neighborhood I was a fucking mechanical genius.

You talked too much. Bicycle is just pure mechanical and this clock is pure electronics so there's a big difference. Stick to my questions. Can you answer any or some of my questions? If you can't that means that this boy is far knowledgeable than you in electronics. If you got nothing else to offer stay off the way.
Fuck you asshole.
Learn to spell.
Permanent Ignore.
Obiwan, You claimed that you have a degree in electronics. Can you please answer the following questions?
1. Why did this boy used white wires instead of other color?
2. Why did he removed several components? And replaced with what?
3. Can you tell me how many wires has the ribbon cable has?
4. Ribbon cable is only plug half the connector. Why did he do that?
5. Your alarm clock next to your bed. There are button for day/night, forward/reverse, pm/am. Why is it that those are missing in this clock?
6. Bottom of your clock. Tell me what are the REGULATORY involved in order to sell your clock commercially? Explain why does it need regulatory?
7. Explain why this clock doesn't meet any regulatory standards.
8. This clock was bought at radio shock as analog. Tell me why is this qualified as digital instead of analog?
9. Display. Do you see anything unusual?
10. If it made for a bomb do you really think he need to do all that work?
Thank you.

I'll explain why the little rag head did what he did you dumb ass.
He wasn't remotely interested in making anything that actually could be used to detonate a bomb.
The fuck wit isn't smart enough to know how.
He did what he did to cause as much disturbance in the school as he could. He has a long history of disruptive behaviour.
He KNEW the average person wouldn't have a clue if the 'bomb-like' looking device actually worked.
He went from teacher to teacher looking for a negative reaction until he got one. Fucking plain and simple.
I doubt the fucking rag head knows how to run a toaster oven.
When I was ten years old I laid a rag on the garage floor and carefully disassembled the rear hub of my three speed bike. I figured if I laid each piece out in the order I took it off then started at the other end when I put it all back together I couldn't go wrong. I was right. Everything went fine.
Our neighbor (man) next door saw me part way through the job with all the parts on the floor. When he saw me riding my then put back together bike later he told the neighborhood I was a fucking mechanical genius.

You talked too much. Bicycle is just pure mechanical and this clock is pure electronics so there's a big difference. Stick to my questions. Can you answer any or some of my questions? If you can't that means that this boy is far knowledgeable than you in electronics. If you got nothing else to offer stay off the way.
Fuck you asshole.
Learn to spell.
Permanent Ignore.

BTW If I recall you already put me on your ignore list at least 3 times. Good for you that way I don't have to deal with your meth attitude.
SS guy watching kids hands no?

What a turn of events. One day after meeting Obama to discuss his bomb making skills, the kids Dad announced he is moving the family to Qtar

Terrorist support this move I suspect.


Less than 24 hours after Ahmed Mohamed met President Obama, his family decided it’s time to leave America for good.

The 14-year-old Texas boy who was arrested for bringing to school a homemade clock that authorities said resembled a bomb will soon be living in Qatar.

“After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) for Ahmed to join the prestigious QF Young Innovators Program, which reflects the organization’s on-going dedication to empowering young people and fostering a culture of innovation and creativity,” the family said in a news release Tuesday.

‘Clock kid’ Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar

He's shown he's willing to push the issue, now they'll teach him how to make a real one.
any with a clock?

Didn't you complain that you never saw a pencil box that looked like a suit/briefcase... I showed several.
well I have not seen them yet, can you read? Go look at why in my previous reply to you.

yes, dude- I know... I'm saying that I showed you what you complained about - you then changed the criteria ie 'do they have a clock'- but that isn't what you originally asked about.
well dude- once I can see them, I can address your question. The other part of the post was show me one in a suitcase. Go back and reread it. But so far I have no idea what you posted looks like yet.

Dude. Why are you so anal about the pencil box? I can these pictures with my cellphone but miserably you can't. If you can't see that is your fault. I think you are just jerking people around.
Well dude, the VPN i'm on is blocking both my pc and phone. it's not an approved web site. I never said anything accept thanks I can't look at them yet. notice the big three letter word yet? I was going to look at home. You came at me like you were frustrated. nothing personal dude, I'll look at them. thanks again, well done. NP from me at all. I was merely responding why I couldn't comment on them. THAT's all

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