So These Are Left Wingers, Eh?

Nazi collaborators. Anyone who says "Nazis are left wing" is a Nazi collaborator. They are giving Nazis aid and comfort.

I'm just wondering how one gets to that point of idiocy. I mean, you have to actually WORK at being that dumb, right? You have to spend just about every day listening to someone who lies to you day after day after day, and avoiding all outside reality.

It takes real effort. You have to WANT to be that stupid.

I just want to know why you would want to be that stupid, and how you got that way. That's all I'm asking.
It's the segment of our society that represents anti-intellectualism. Them's don't need nothin' but good ol' common sense.
And yet not one of you has been able to explain to me how you dumb yourself down enough to believe Nazis are left wing.

So go ahead, genius. Tell us what makes those Nazis in Charlottesville left wingers.

If you are the smart one, then please educate us.

I'll wait here.
funny, you're the expert. why aren't they left wingers?

Ole G is an expert in EVERYTHING, just ask him.
Clearly I am not. That's why I am asking questions.

I am asking the brains around here what makes the Nazis in Charlottesvill left wingers.

And it appears to have stumped every one of you.

Who is it that was claiming the NeoNazis in Charlottesville are Left Wingers??
The parroting pseudocon tards tell us on this forum all the time that Nazis are left wingers.

I am using Charlottesville as an opportunity to ask them how they managed to brain damage themselves to the point where they think Nazis are left wingers.

It appears this has totally stumped them.
ahhh look at the little guy thinks he can pat himself on the back. LOL, you haven't a clue. we all know it. it becomes pointless to talk to certain parrots such as yourself, since you inject your ignorance into every post. The left are who they are and we all now know it. exposed at last for all to see. 2018 baby you will see that.
The people preventing Republicans from safely assembling on the streets are authoritarianism's & fascim's unlikeliest allies. WE COME IN PEACE!
Sure you do. That is the reason for the guns, combat helmets, shields, and clubs. You guys are fucking nazi assholes. And the honest Republicans like Ted Cruz stated it exactly as it is;

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.
too funny, the folks in the combat helmets, shields and clubs were the antifa's goof ball rocks.
too funny, the folks in the combat helmets, shields and clubs were the antifa's goof ball rocks.
Uh huh. Yeah, okay, tard.




Of course Nazis are lefties just as much as the KKK was the left wing muscle of the democrat party for most of the 20th century. Only a fool would assume these demonstrators were in Charlotesville to help the President. They were there to disrupt the Trump administration. Even Fox pundits are blaming Trump for the demonstration and democrat governor McAuliffe gets no criticism. McAuliffe is a long time democrat insider. He is directly responsible for political events in his state and it's quite likely that he authorized this confrontation as part of a political dirty tricks campaign. The problem is that nobody is asking him.
Of course Nazis are lefties just as much as the KKK was the left wing muscle of the democrat party for most of the 20th century. Only a fool would assume these demonstrators were in Charlotesville to help the President. They were there to disrupt the Trump administration. Even Fox pundits are blaming Trump for the demonstration and democrat governor McAuliffe gets no criticism. McAuliffe is a long time democrat insider. He is directly responsible for political events in his state and it's quite likely that he authorized this confrontation as part of a political dirty tricks campaign. The problem is that nobody is asking him.

Careful now, you're stating the obvious to them and they will get a headache from the confusion
Of course Nazis are lefties just as much as the KKK was the left wing muscle of the democrat party for most of the 20th century. Only a fool would assume these demonstrators were in Charlotesville to help the President. They were there to disrupt the Trump administration. Even Fox pundits are blaming Trump for the demonstration and democrat governor McAuliffe gets no criticism. McAuliffe is a long time democrat insider. He is directly responsible for political events in his state and it's quite likely that he authorized this confrontation as part of a political dirty tricks campaign. The problem is that nobody is asking him.

Careful now, you're stating the obvious to them and they will get a headache from the confusion

Brain removal surgery?

How did you get this stupid?
too funny, the folks in the combat helmets, shields and clubs were the antifa's goof ball rocks.
Uh huh. Yeah, okay, tard.




nice photos. so?
So how did you get this stupid?

I can't imagine how much effort it took.
you have no point and the effort failed to portray your picture. photos are photos, could be from anything. I do notice the guy in the nice blue shirt with a flag.
We just had two tards claim the out of state Nazis who came to Virginia are a false flag operation.

We're in real Tard Country now, folks! :lol:
We just had two tards claim the out of state Nazis who came to Virginia are a false flag operation.

We're in real Tard Country now, folks! :lol:
ahh look at Polly still boasting herself. want some crackers?
Of course Nazis are lefties just as much as the KKK was the left wing muscle of the democrat party for most of the 20th century. Only a fool would assume these demonstrators were in Charlotesville to help the President. They were there to disrupt the Trump administration. Even Fox pundits are blaming Trump for the demonstration and democrat governor McAuliffe gets no criticism. McAuliffe is a long time democrat insider. He is directly responsible for political events in his state and it's quite likely that he authorized this confrontation as part of a political dirty tricks campaign. The problem is that nobody is asking him.

Careful now, you're stating the obvious to them and they will get a headache from the confusion

Brain removal surgery?

How did you get this stupid?

ignoring reality and making up shit is the only way their base can survive
Of course Nazis are lefties just as much as the KKK was the left wing muscle of the democrat party for most of the 20th century. Only a fool would assume these demonstrators were in Charlotesville to help the President. They were there to disrupt the Trump administration. Even Fox pundits are blaming Trump for the demonstration and democrat governor McAuliffe gets no criticism. McAuliffe is a long time democrat insider. He is directly responsible for political events in his state and it's quite likely that he authorized this confrontation as part of a political dirty tricks campaign. The problem is that nobody is asking him.

Careful now, you're stating the obvious to them and they will get a headache from the confusion

Brain removal surgery?

How did you get this stupid?

ignoring reality and making up shit is the only way their base can survive
liars project constantly, thanks for proving you're consistent.
Of course Nazis are lefties just as much as the KKK was the left wing muscle of the democrat party for most of the 20th century. Only a fool would assume these demonstrators were in Charlotesville to help the President. They were there to disrupt the Trump administration. Even Fox pundits are blaming Trump for the demonstration and democrat governor McAuliffe gets no criticism. McAuliffe is a long time democrat insider. He is directly responsible for political events in his state and it's quite likely that he authorized this confrontation as part of a political dirty tricks campaign. The problem is that nobody is asking him.

Careful now, you're stating the obvious to them and they will get a headache from the confusion

Brain removal surgery?

How did you get this stupid?

Go pretend you're a conservative republican you lying jackass

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