So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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I think you Trumpsters are being tested by God, how far will you go, denying Him, and what He taught, in your support, for the lawless one, the man of perdition, your new messiah..... in layman's English... Donald Trump. :eek:


Everybody will love the AC. You got your ACs wrong, care. Trump ain't loved by all.
I think you Trumpsters are being tested by God, how far will you go, denying Him, and what He taught, in your support, for the lawless one, the man of perdition, your new messiah..... in layman's English... Donald Trump. :eek:

You should take your religious theories to the Religion forum. You're in Politics
If the kid can be cured then allow them to stay for the treatment but once better out you go...
Who pays for it?
Who cares...?

Is money your God,
Mr. Notgood Samaritan?
Care4all will pay. There are charities they can contribute to. We'll see if "money is her god"
Who is thy neighbor?

Google it, add Bible to the end or beginning.

Pick a link, and read Christ's answer.

You do not even know who is paying for it ..... some have private insurance, some by private charities, some out of their own pockets, some by research foundations, some by the hospitals, some, perhaps by tax payers, some by churches.
So you're paying for an illegals ER visit? How much have YOU given?
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If the kid can be cured then allow them to stay for the treatment but once better out you go...
Who pays for it?
Who cares...?

Is money your God,
Mr. Notgood Samaritan?
Many of us tax payers care. That's who.
No you don't care about spending.... if you did, you wouldn't support Mr Big spender Trump.
I care about what my money is spent on. Whether you like Trump or not.
Name someone he hates

i'll name 3.

john mccain
the free press.

All three who attacked him first.

are you kidding? trump spent a solid 5 YEARS claiming obama was a mooooooslum born in kenya. tell me wtf did he do to donny that set him off the rails, 'eh? & the rest is petty shit that anybody who is supposta be the 'potus' is also supposta be held to a higher standard. he's a petty little orange man baby snowflake.


What did he do to Trump? Is that a joke question or what?

Trump knew he had the FBI pulling their stunts on him. Everybody had a big laugh at first, especially the media. Then we found it was all true.

DumBama had the FBI make up this phony scam that Trump was colluding with Russia, of course with the help of Hillary. It started this entire surveillance on Trump and his associates. As we now know, it was a lie from the beginning.

So of course Trump is pissed at Obama and has every right to be. The idea of using our federal agencies to bring down a political opponent is unprecedented. I would be super pissed too.

fake news ray, ray.... is that all you got? of course it is. & you didn't address the fact that donny went after obama for 5 straight years --- that is until he wanted a free 30 minute infomercial to hawk his new DC hotel then VOILA! obama was no longer a kenyan born moooooooslum.

huh 'magine dat. so ray ray, was president tinkles lying for those 5 years, or lying when he all of a sudden said 'never mind ' ?

It wasn't five years, and Trump stopped when DumBama provided a copy of his birth certificate which some are claiming was a fake. Before Trump won the election, he got information that DumBama was tapping his phone calls. After his inauguration and found out for sure, he was outraged.

That's besides the fact questioning his BC is not a personal attack. Trump's personal attacks on Ears didn't start until after he entered the White House.
33 days to get out.

Picking 33 days not 30 is weird.

33 is Christ's number...33 when he ministered and died.

33 is also very important in Free Masonry....

Just plain conspiratorial, of a number!!! :p

33 was also the number of days between august 21 2017 and September 23 2017.
:lol: your math is off....

Recheck that care, your math is fuzzy. Put those dates in a month calculator. That wasn't the point though.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?

where ya been seatwitch? thought you left this board.

the USA is not responsible for everyone in the world, the USA is not responsible for the medical treatment of people who enter this country illegally.

However, having said that, before Obozocare no one in the USA, legal or illegal. was denied medical treatment. the great kenyan messiah changed all that and now some american citizens are being forced to pay a penalty for not buying crappy medical insurance at exorbitant prices.
This is how U.S government should deal with illegal border invaders.

cause you want no constitutional due process of a misdemeanor but want this nation to emulate 1930s germany... drumpf must love you long time.

No, that's what the left is wanting.

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^

Lol, I know. You really are crazy.

so, you are playing the ' i know you are, but what am i ' game?

why doesn't that surprise me? you learned the art of projection from your gropenführer very well, dummkopf!

Im not playing your games.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
Yes, I will. Trump is following the law-something these sick people should check out before depending on us. Today's illegal children are tomorrow's MS13 and Cartel member.
they are legally here, with documentation.... they followed the rules, reported to homeland security for acceptance in the program that has been available to the sick, since 1976....

Trump is ending this 45 year old program.

How many have been deported so far?
Why would that matter? Is the 33 days of notice by Trump to send them to their likely deaths up?

Not it’s not, they now report to ICE and each case is going to be reviewed and accessed. Every honest story’s says just that.

Wrong, sorry. The ICE thing is what they offered as an excuse when we all found out about this extremely cruel for cruelty sake policy change. ICE said "no, we don't do that"
Yes, I will. Trump is following the law-something these sick people should check out before depending on us. Today's illegal children are tomorrow's MS13 and Cartel member.
they are legally here, with documentation.... they followed the rules, reported to homeland security for acceptance in the program that has been available to the sick, since 1976....

Trump is ending this 45 year old program.

How many have been deported so far?
Why would that matter? Is the 33 days of notice by Trump to send them to their likely deaths up?

Not it’s not, they now report to ICE and each case is going to be reviewed and accessed. Every honest story’s says just that.

Wrong, sorry. The ICE thing is what they offered as an excuse when we all found out about this extremely cruel for cruelty sake policy change. ICE said "no, we don't do that"
No excuses-they don't belong here-Bye BYE period. stop.
Yes, I will. Trump is following the law-something these sick people should check out before depending on us. Today's illegal children are tomorrow's MS13 and Cartel member.
they are legally here, with documentation.... they followed the rules, reported to homeland security for acceptance in the program that has been available to the sick, since 1976....

Trump is ending this 45 year old program.

How many have been deported so far?
Why would that matter? Is the 33 days of notice by Trump to send them to their likely deaths up?

Not it’s not, they now report to ICE and each case is going to be reviewed and accessed. Every honest story’s says just that.

Wrong, sorry. The ICE thing is what they offered as an excuse when we all found out about this extremely cruel for cruelty sake policy change. ICE said "no, we don't do that"

you are amazingly uninformed. A mexican buys a kid, crosses the border illegally using the kid as his/her reason to stay, gets released into the USA, forgets the kid, and you fools want this process expanded, the crimes ignored?

There were more family separations under obozo than under Trump but you didn't care about it then, you just continued to worship at the shrine of your kenyan messiah who could do no wrong.

you libs are pathetic disingenuous liars
I think you Trumpsters are being tested by God, how far will you go, denying Him, and what He taught, in your support, for the lawless one, the man of perdition, your new messiah..... in layman's English... Donald Trump. :eek:


Said the lying atheist.

But you aren't an atheist, right? You've read the bible cover to cover, yes? (I tried once,,,got about halfway through but found it too violent...all that "fear the lord" stuff seemed creepy)

What did Jesus say about accepting strangers, offering hospitality and loving your neighbor? Does this policy jive with those ideals?
they are legally here, with documentation.... they followed the rules, reported to homeland security for acceptance in the program that has been available to the sick, since 1976....

Trump is ending this 45 year old program.

How many have been deported so far?
Why would that matter? Is the 33 days of notice by Trump to send them to their likely deaths up?

Not it’s not, they now report to ICE and each case is going to be reviewed and accessed. Every honest story’s says just that.

Wrong, sorry. The ICE thing is what they offered as an excuse when we all found out about this extremely cruel for cruelty sake policy change. ICE said "no, we don't do that"
No excuses-they don't belong here-Bye BYE period. stop.

yes, come legally and you are welcomed, come illegally and you are a criminal who will be sent back across the border.
I think you Trumpsters are being tested by God, how far will you go, denying Him, and what He taught, in your support, for the lawless one, the man of perdition, your new messiah..... in layman's English... Donald Trump. :eek:


Said the lying atheist.

But you aren't an atheist, right? You've read the bible cover to cover, yes? (I tried once,,,got about halfway through but found it too violent...all that "fear the lord" stuff seemed creepy)

What did Jesus say about accepting strangers, offering hospitality and loving your neighbor? Does this policy jive with those ideals?

Jesus never said to accept strangers who enter your property illegally.

what is it about the word "illegal" that you don't understand?
they are legally here, with documentation.... they followed the rules, reported to homeland security for acceptance in the program that has been available to the sick, since 1976....

Trump is ending this 45 year old program.

How many have been deported so far?
Why would that matter? Is the 33 days of notice by Trump to send them to their likely deaths up?

Not it’s not, they now report to ICE and each case is going to be reviewed and accessed. Every honest story’s says just that.

Wrong, sorry. The ICE thing is what they offered as an excuse when we all found out about this extremely cruel for cruelty sake policy change. ICE said "no, we don't do that"

you are amazingly uninformed. A mexican buys a kid, crosses the border illegally using the kid as his/her reason to stay, gets released into the USA, forgets the kid, and you fools want this process expanded, the crimes ignored?

There were more family separations under obozo than under Trump but you didn't care about it then, you just continued to worship at the shrine of your kenyan messiah who could do no wrong.

you libs are pathetic disingenuous liars
There were not more family separations under President Obama. You fell for actual fake news that came from some idiots Facebook post.

No, Obama did not separate 89,000 children from parents

Uh oh, fishy...I provided facts. Run and put me on pretend ignore quick!!!!
I think you Trumpsters are being tested by God, how far will you go, denying Him, and what He taught, in your support, for the lawless one, the man of perdition, your new messiah..... in layman's English... Donald Trump. :eek:


Said the lying atheist.

But you aren't an atheist, right? You've read the bible cover to cover, yes? (I tried once,,,got about halfway through but found it too violent...all that "fear the lord" stuff seemed creepy)

What did Jesus say about accepting strangers, offering hospitality and loving your neighbor? Does this policy jive with those ideals?

I don't dishonestly use other people's faith against them, like he does.
How many have been deported so far?
Why would that matter? Is the 33 days of notice by Trump to send them to their likely deaths up?

Not it’s not, they now report to ICE and each case is going to be reviewed and accessed. Every honest story’s says just that.

Wrong, sorry. The ICE thing is what they offered as an excuse when we all found out about this extremely cruel for cruelty sake policy change. ICE said "no, we don't do that"
No excuses-they don't belong here-Bye BYE period. stop.

yes, come legally and you are welcomed, come illegally and you are a criminal who will be sent back across the border.

This young woman was invited here. Because of her there is now a treatment for her condition that is ONLY available in the United States. She will die if deported.

'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation

And these are medical deferments, not a green card.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
We don’t need diseases brought into our country by a bunch law breakers. Let them die...I don’t give a fuck. They are launching an invasion of my sovereign country. WE DON’T NEED THEM.

We the People don't need you. You seem to thrive on hate, guess what, it's what will kill you, for hate is not healthy.
How many have been deported so far?
Why would that matter? Is the 33 days of notice by Trump to send them to their likely deaths up?

Not it’s not, they now report to ICE and each case is going to be reviewed and accessed. Every honest story’s says just that.

Wrong, sorry. The ICE thing is what they offered as an excuse when we all found out about this extremely cruel for cruelty sake policy change. ICE said "no, we don't do that"

you are amazingly uninformed. A mexican buys a kid, crosses the border illegally using the kid as his/her reason to stay, gets released into the USA, forgets the kid, and you fools want this process expanded, the crimes ignored?

There were more family separations under obozo than under Trump but you didn't care about it then, you just continued to worship at the shrine of your kenyan messiah who could do no wrong.

you libs are pathetic disingenuous liars
There were not more family separations under President Obama. You fell for actual fake news that came from some idiots Facebook post.

No, Obama did not separate 89,000 children from parents

Uh oh, fishy...I provided facts. Run and put me on pretend ignore quick!!!!

so you post something from a left wing site as proof??? A site that uses words like "immigrants" and "migrants" instead of the accurate "illegal aliens".

but the exact numbers are not really pertinent to the discussion, the fact that the same things happened and were ignored by the left under obama is all we really need to know.

you are hypocrites, I have proven your personal hypocrisy many times in the past, and if you choose I will do it in the future as well. or you could run away like you have done before, or post ever more stupid things that will cause all intelligent posters to ignore you.

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