So they found Ethan Couch ( aka Affluenza Kid ) in Mexico:

How many of you suffer or know someone that suffer from Affluenza?

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  • I believe the OP'er is just jealous that he can not suffer from affluenza while writing this post!

    Votes: 3 42.9%

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Platinum Member
May 27, 2014
Alright, I am sure by now many of you know by now they have found that poor missing boy with his distraught mother in Mexico... ( Yes the sarcasm is dripping in this one )

The poor boy that does not know right from wrong was discovered in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with his loving mother after they threw a going away party so that he could escape that horrible verdict that gave him probation and not a good amount of time in prison where he actually belong, I mean where he did not belong...

Now as they head back to the states my only question is why the hell are we bringing the idiot back?

Just pay Mexico to keep the wonderful child, and his mother, and let them enjoy Mexican Prison instead of being given a better place to stay!

Better yet drop them off in Syria or Iraq in ISIL region, and give them each a bullet and let see which one shoots the other first... ( My bet is the kid will kill her for her bullet )

Ethan Couch is living proof why I believe some should be given a IQ test before being allowed to breed, and his mother will be charged and he will face a judge again, but I am willing to bet they get a slap on the wrist and told how bad they were while the justice system blame the cruel society that allowed a spoil brat to grow into a worthless piece of filth...

Yeah, that kid make me sick and made the justice system in this state ( I live in Texas ) a big ass joke!

Sheriff: Texas 'affluenza' teen had 'going away' party before fleeing country, mother to be charged
Mom comes home, Lil' Lord Fauntleroy left behind in Mexican jail...

The Latest: 'Affluenza' teen's mom arrives in US from Mexico
Dec 31,`15 -- The latest in the case of a Texas teenager serving probation for killing four people in a drunken-driving wreck after invoking an "affluenza" defense (all times local):
12:20 a.m.

The mother of teen U.S. fugitive Ethan Couch has been returned to the United States without her son after her deportation from Mexico. Tonya Couch was in handcuffs in the custody of U.S. Marshals when she was brought through Los Angeles International Airport early Thursday after a flight from Mexico. She looked away from cameras as she was taken to an unmarked car and driven away. It was unclear why she was brought to Los Angeles instead of Texas, where she and her son live and where he was on probation for a 2013 drunken-driving crash. A U.S. Marshals spokesman said he could not reveal any details about her trip through California, citing security concerns in transporting someone in custody. Her son remains in Mexico in an immigration facility because a judge issued an injunction temporarily blocking his deportation. Authorities say the 18-year-old Ethan Couch, who used "affluenza" as a defense in the fatal drunken-driving wreck, fled with his mother to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, as prosecutors investigated whether he had violated his probation. Both were detained Monday.

7:40 p.m.

A Mexican immigration official says U.S. fugitive Ethan Couch is being transported from Guadalajara to larger immigration facilities in Mexico City. The official with Mexico's National Immigration Institute tells The Associated Press that the teen will be held in the nation's capital during a judge's temporary injunction that has delayed his deportation to the U.S. The official was not authorized to speak about the case and agreed to reveal the information only if not quoted by name. The official says the decision to move Couch was made because the Mexico City facility is larger and better equipped to hold someone for days or weeks. The official isn't saying whether Couch is being transported by air or ground.

5:45 p.m.

A Mexican official says the mother of young U.S. fugitive Ethan Couch has been deported to the United States. The National Immigration Institute official says Tonya Couch left late Wednesday afternoon on a flight from Guadalajara, Mexico, to Los Angeles. The person was not authorized to discuss the case and revealed the information on condition of anonymity. The official says she was sent home because immigration authorities did not receive a judge's injunction like the one that temporarily blocked the deportation of her son. For now he will remain in custody in Guadalajara. Authorities say the 18-year-old Couch, who used "affluenza" as a defense in a fatal drunken-driving wreck in Texas in 2013, fled with his mother to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, as prosecutors investigated whether he had violated his probation. Both were detained Monday.

2:45 p.m.

See also:

'Affluenza' teen grew up in wealthy but unstable home
Dec. 31, 2015 — The Texas teenager who used an "affluenza" defense in a deadly drunken-driving wreck grew up in a wealthy yet unstable household where his parents underwent an acrimonious divorce, which included accusations that his mother was addicted to pain pills and his father was abusive.
The divorce provides a revealing backdrop for the latest chapter in Ethan Couch's troubled life: He and his mother were arrested Monday after fleeing to Mexico while he was on probation and using one of their phones to order a pizza delivered to a condo in the resort city of Puerto Vallarta. On Wednesday, the 18-year-old won a delay in deportation. The ruling could lead to a much longer court process if a judge decides Couch has grounds to challenge his deportation based on arguments that kicking him out of Mexico would violate his rights. The judge has three days to consider the appeal. Such cases can take anywhere from two weeks to several months, depending on the priorities of the local courts and the actions of defense attorneys, said Richard Hunter, chief deputy for the U.S. Marshals Service in South Texas.
Couch's mother, Tonya Couch, was brought through Los Angeles International Airport early Thursday after a flight from Mexico. She was in was in handcuffs and in the custody of U.S. Marshals. It was unclear why she was brought to Los Angeles and unclear where she would be taken next. A U.S. Marshals spokesman said he could not reveal any details about her trip, citing security concerns in transporting someone in custody. Tarrant County Sheriff Dee Anderson has said he believes the mother and son fled in late November after a video surfaced that appears to show Couch at a party where people were drinking. He said authorities have no evidence that Couch's father was involved in the getaway.

Couch was driving drunk and speeding south of Fort Worth in June 2013 when he crashed into a disabled SUV parked on the side of the road, killing four people and injuring several others, including passengers in his pickup truck. He pleaded guilty to four counts of intoxication manslaughter and two counts of intoxication assault causing serious bodily injury. During the sentencing phase of his trial, a defense expert argued that his wealthy parents had coddled him into a sense of irresponsibility — a condition the expert termed "affluenza." The condition is not recognized as a medical diagnosis by the American Psychiatric Association, and its invocation drew ridicule. A judge sentenced him in juvenile court to 10 years' probation and a stint in a rehabilitation center.

Granny says leave him inna Mexican jail...

Why 'Affluenza' Teen Ethan Couch Could Be in Mexico for Months or Back in Texas Within Days
Jan 2, 2016 - A Mexican attorney for "affluenza" teen Ethan Couch says he estimates that the 18-year-old's deportation to the United States will last "a couple of months," unless Couch decides not to fight it.
Attorney Fernando Benitez, who says he will meet Couch Tuesday morning, told ABC News that he hopes he can get Couch a hearing by early February, but added that the deportation process could take much longer. Benitez told ABC News that the deportation was a government attempt to run an end-around the extradition laws -- which can take more than a year. However, if Couch decides he doesn't want to do it, Benitez said he would drop the case and the deportation would proceed immediately. Couch and his mother, Tonya Couch, 48, were arrested in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Monday after U.S. Marshals and other American law enforcement agencies had been searching for them for nearly two weeks. Couch was wanted in Texas for an alleged probation violation in a drunk-driving case.

Tonya Couch has since arrived back in the U.S., but Couch's deportation case will go before a judge, who could potentially take a while to make a decision, according to a government official. The judge's stay will end only when a federal judge rules and all parties weigh in, Benitez told ABC News today. Benitez told ABC News that, on Tuesday, Couch was on the immigration center van, about to be taken to the airport, when his assistant arrived with the writ of Amparo, staying the deportation, and Couch was taken off the van.

Couch has been staying in the Iztapalapa migrant detention center in Mexico City -- not a jail -- in open rooms shared with other immigrants, Benitez said. In 2013, Couch was convicted of four counts of intoxication manslaughter while driving drunk, but was not sentenced to any jail time after an expert witness for the defense team, psychologist Dr. G. Dick Miller, pointed to “affluenza," a condition he said was caused by Couch’s wealthy upbringing, preventing him from knowing right from wrong. Instead, Couch was given 10 years of probation.

Scott Brown and Wm. Reagan Wynn, attorneys in Texas, released a statement Wednesday saying that because they are not licensed to practice law in Mexico, they assisted the family in finding counsel for Couch in Mexico to ensure that he is treated fairly, in accordance with Mexican law. "We believe that, until the Mexican Federal Judge enters an appropriate order authorizing it, Ethan will not be returned to the United States," they said. "We are uncertain how long the legal process in Mexico will take or how it will ultimately be resolved." His mother, meanwhile was charged with hindering apprehension of a felon. She was being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Downtown Los Angeles, police said, as they wait for Texas authorities to take her home.

'Affluenza' Teen Could Be in Mexico Months or Back in Days

See also:

Mother of fugitive 'affluenza' teen brought to US
Thursday 31st December, 2015 - The mother of fugitive "affluenza" teen Ethan Couch, who is wanted for killing four people with his pickup truck in 2013, has been brought back to the US from Mexico, authorities said. Tonya Couch arrived at Los Angeles International Airport. Her 18-year-old son, Ethan, remained in Mexico, where the pair was caught earlier this week.
Texas prosecutors charged Tonya Couch and set bail at $1 million, Tarrant County district attorney spokeswoman Samantha Jordan told CNN. An additional condition is that Tonya must pay her bail in Texas. Currently, she remains in the custody of the Los Angeles Police Department in California. A Mexican immigration official with knowledge of the case said Ethan Couch's attorneys had filed a writ to seek protection and block his deportation to the United States. If the teen confirms his wish to go forward with that approach, the case would go to trial, and proceedings could take months, the official said, according to CNN.

Ethan and his mother, Tonya, 48, were captured in the Mexican Pacific Coast resort city of Puerto Vallarta on Monday. They fled there after officials in Tarrant County, Texas, began an investigation into whether Ethan violated the probation deal that kept him out of prison after he killed four people with his truck in 2013. Ethan Couch's case will have to be subject to immigration proceedings because he entered the country illegally. According to reports, Ethan who used an "affluenza" defense in a deadly drunken-driving wreck grew up in a wealthy yet unstable household where his parents underwent an acrimonious divorce, which included accusations that his mother was addicted to pain pills and his father was abusive.

The divorce provides a revealing backdrop for the latest chapter in Ethan Couch's troubled life: He and his mother were arrested Monday after fleeing to Mexico while he was on probation and using one of their phones to order a pizza delivered to a condo in the resort city of Puerto Vallarta The national spotlight fell on Ethan in June 2013, when he crashed into a disabled SUV parked on the side of the road near Fort Worth. Four people were killed and several others injured, including passengers in his pickup truck. He pleaded guilty to four counts of intoxication manslaughter and two counts of intoxication assault causing serious bodily injury.

During the sentencing, a defense expert argued that his wealthy parents had mollycoddled him into a sense of irresponsibility, which he termed "affluenza". The condition is not recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, and its invocation drew ridicule. Couch, who had grown up with wealth and privilege, was sentenced to a drug- and alcohol-free probation. Officials said earlier this week that the Couch's escape to Mexico appeared to have been planned. Couch didn't show up at a probation meeting this month, according to the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office, and an officer couldn't locate him. Also, in early December, a short video clip surfaced on the Internet, which appeared to show Couch at a game of beer pong.

Mother of fugitive affluenza teen brought to US
Alright, I am sure by now many of you know by now they have found that poor missing boy with his distraught mother in Mexico... ( Yes the sarcasm is dripping in this one )

The poor boy that does not know right from wrong was discovered in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with his loving mother after they threw a going away party so that he could escape that horrible verdict that gave him probation and not a good amount of time in prison where he actually belong, I mean where he did not belong...

Now as they head back to the states my only question is why the hell are we bringing the idiot back?

Just pay Mexico to keep the wonderful child, and his mother, and let them enjoy Mexican Prison instead of being given a better place to stay!

Better yet drop them off in Syria or Iraq in ISIL region, and give them each a bullet and let see which one shoots the other first... ( My bet is the kid will kill her for her bullet )

Ethan Couch is living proof why I believe some should be given a IQ test before being allowed to breed, and his mother will be charged and he will face a judge again, but I am willing to bet they get a slap on the wrist and told how bad they were while the justice system blame the cruel society that allowed a spoil brat to grow into a worthless piece of filth...

Yeah, that kid make me sick and made the justice system in this state ( I live in Texas ) a big ass joke!

Sheriff: Texas 'affluenza' teen had 'going away' party before fleeing country, mother to be charged

All of Congress and the White House and Supreme Court suffer from Affluenza and shit all over the people of the United states at least once a year.
even if he is moved to adult system he only faces a juvie violation ....still 4 months or so...and yea ....he is stupid as fuck....for opting to stay in a mexican can pick up a species of crabs and scabies unheard of in the civilized world....
The brat is now going to do Federal prison time.
In six months he'll be strung out on heroin and been 'married' to so many 300 pound men he'll be able to see his flip flops through his asshole.
no he wont...not for what he has done now......he only faces 4 months juvie....even if transferred to adult court
Depends on who he gets for a judge. Anyway the fucking brat's life of luxury and anonymity are over forever.
"I see on your application you were the person who run over some people and killed them. Sorry but we don't need anyone to wash cars right now".
no it does not depend on the judge.....its the system....he commits a crime as a juvie....he can only get the juvie punishment regardless of judge....judges dont write laws

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