So, Trump wants to STOP White House press briefings???

Had Hillary Clinton become president and FIRED Comey for investigating her emails, right wingers on this thread......would be having strokes.

HOWEVER, when Trump fires Comey for investigating him........the same moronic right wingers stupidly and openly state, :the orange clown is perfectly within his rights to obstruct justice...."

Go figure how screwed up these nitwits are.
thing is that the only exit you guys have to calm your frantic behaviour and emotions is to get rid of Trump and he certainly knows that . [and then you get Pence] Trumps supporters though support him no matter what he does because we mostly agree with whatever he does Nat , xyz and others . EXAMPLE , comey firing was completely up to Trump no matter how much you guys cry about it . I'm thinking and hoping that you libs , dems and lefties have a tough 7 , close to 8 years to go Nat , Xyz and others .:afro:
He had a right to fire Comey, but the timing was wrong and he did it to get the FBI off his back.

And really, I don't think Pence is as bad, but he is covering up for Trump, so I'm not sure he can be let off the hook.
Had Hillary Clinton become president and FIRED Comey for investigating her emails, right wingers on this thread......would be having strokes.

HOWEVER, when Trump fires Comey for investigating him........the same moronic right wingers stupidly and openly state, :the orange clown is perfectly within his rights to obstruct justice...."

Go figure how screwed up these nitwits are.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'comey' firing by either one would be no big deal . I saw 'comey' as being part of the SWAMP . And ' NO ' comey was fired at the Presidents pleasure because he wasn't doing a good job , according to Trump . Spin the way you like Nat !! [ Russia , Russia , Putin , Putin] [chuckle]

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