So Trumpkins.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.
Too soon to tell. What's not too soon to tell is all of the exploding liberal heads. If nothing else that makes it worth it.
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.
Get a clue.
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.

I think the rule of thumb is , you have to give him 6 months in office before you start making fun of him and pointing out that all his campaign promises were nothing but a load of bullshit.

In the meantime just enjoy watching all the "I'm with Her" Drones lose their fuckin' minds.

Besides as clowntastic as Trump is , he does deserve thanks for :

1. Slaying the aspirations of the Bush Dynasty by beating Jeb in the primaries.
2. Obliterating the Queen of Corruptions hopes of turning the White House into the nexus of the Her and Bills Global Crime Syndicate.
Two observations:

(1) His Orangeness has destroyed, for now, the Clinton and Bush dynasties. Remember there is one younger Clinton and a passel of younger Bushes.

(2) Trump's presidency will injure the most the uneducated working class regardless of race and sex.
which trump promise will be kept

Well, therein is a problem I've had with Trump from "day one." I have no damn idea which of his promises he'll actually act to effect.

I know which one's economists largely agree are little but the ingredients for disaster. I know which one's make no damn sense. I know which of them have some hope of being implemented with a tiny shade of the theme that led voters to espouse them. Does knowing any of that help me discern what to expect over the next four years? Hell no! And that's the problem.
which trump promise will be kept

Well, therein is a problem I've had with Trump from "day one." I have no damn idea which of his promises he'll actually act to effect.
The history of political campaign promises says that you should expect that NONE of his campaign promises will be fulfilled, which means that:

a.) You won't have to be disappointed when your expectations are met
b.) If he actually does manage to follow through on one you can be pleasantly surprised and use it as an excuse to go out and party.

I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.
Get a clue.

Had one a looooong time ago. Just because you retards were sold on "wall with Mexico" no one else in America did. That's why El Trump was sitting g his pants and saying things like "I'll push for term limets" yet he is already hiring people who scoff at the idea. So how 'bout you get a clue. One that is not supplied to you by Hannity and go head and fuck your self.
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.
He only has to do two things with the ACA to improve it. Cut the mandate, cut the tax penalty.
which trump promise will be kept

Well, therein is a problem I've had with Trump from "day one." I have no damn idea which of his promises he'll actually act to effect.
The history of political campaign promises says that you should expect that NONE of his campaign promises will be fulfilled, which means that:

a.) You won't have to be disappointed when your expectations are met
b.) If he actually does manage to follow through on one you can be pleasantly surprised and use it as an excuse to go out and party.


Honestly , I want to hear more about tariffs, what products they will be on, and the Obama care, when will we not have to deal with thay? I mean it's is the law of the land for now, I think open enrollment is coming up and folks will need to go on, but what about those who don't and diddnt. will the "tax" be applied or forgiven? That leads to another campaign promise, to reform the IRS. He switched to red meat only stuff when he thought he was losing and has not gotten back to the other stuff yet. I don't get why everyone is all excited about what we were stuck with as a candidate and it's looking like we are right. but your right. he aint even in yet so we shall see iguess.
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.
He only has to do two things with the ACA to improve it. Cut the mandate, cut the tax penalty.

I would take that.
I think he's going to shake up all foreign trade, he's been bitching about it for like 20 years. I'm sure that is high on his list.
ACA is probably going to get started right away - before the hammer comes down and folks' premiums double - or if those hit Jan then ASAP.
Pretty sure straight away he's going to issue a fair warning that illegals will be deported; and start on undoing executive orders and instating more agents. (Will probably have a chat with Mexico about why they want to start paying for the wall before he starts working on trade deals too - or he might get pissy since they got snippity with them during the campaign and drop the hammer on the tariffs to bring the manufacturers back)
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.

What "you all know" will fit on the head of a pin.
Too soon to tell. What's not too soon to tell is all of the exploding liberal heads. If nothing else that makes it worth it.

So it's okay if he wrecks the country so long as you got a few moments of making people you don't like upset?

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking lib while we clean up your mess not needing one damn vote from Democrats. We have total and complete control, Dem's in congress can suck it!

Payback is a bitch, this is precisely the attitude Obama took in 2008 so reap what you have sewn, what goes around comes around. OMG its been the best November ever :laugh:
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.

What "you all know" will fit on the head of a pin.

This is true . like I said though, the folks on the short list of advisors and cabinet members are not to encouraging. I have time today, I may post them up and you can see what I mean. The flip side of that is Trump has pretty much done the opposite of what anyone has predicted so one can be encouraged there I guess, but with Rudy and crispy cream and perry I'm very nervous .
Too soon to tell. What's not too soon to tell is all of the exploding liberal heads. If nothing else that makes it worth it.

So it's okay if he wrecks the country so long as you got a few moments of making people you don't like upset?

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking lib while we clean up your mess not needing one damn vote from Democrats. We have total and complete control, Dem's in congress can suck it!

Payback is a bitch, this is precisely the attitude Obama took in 2008 so reap what you have sewn, what goes around comes around. OMG its been the best November ever :laugh:

Crispy Cream is in charge of transition. very anti gun and a dumb guy.
Rudy banned and enforced gun control in new york.
Rick perry made the dream act law in Texas .

Just those three guys have been more liberal then Obama in most if not all the areas where republicans had the most heart burn.
I voted NOT Hillary with a hope, not an expectation. So it's on record, we already know Trump will not be going after anyone. that leaves his agenda. It's looking like he is favoring RINO's through the fat body from new Jersey who hjmself, is a massive (literally) lib. it's also rumored he (crispy cream) is bringing Boosh and Romney washout in. that being the case, which trump promise will be kept and which will end up like Obama gitmo promise ? I think he will mess with ACA but not kill it, he will pass on Messing with NAFTA, and the wall will end up like dubyas border fence. approved, but never funded. I know it's only a day after, but looking at Trumps staff picks, I'm not to optimistic.

What "you all know" will fit on the head of a pin.

Again, true, but trump is already bringing the people who caused the problems on to his team.
Too soon to tell. What's not too soon to tell is all of the exploding liberal heads. If nothing else that makes it worth it.

So it's okay if he wrecks the country so long as you got a few moments of making people you don't like upset?

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking lib while we clean up your mess not needing one damn vote from Democrats. We have total and complete control, Dem's in congress can suck it!

Payback is a bitch, this is precisely the attitude Obama took in 2008 so reap what you have sewn, what goes around comes around. OMG its been the best November ever :laugh:

Crispy Cream is in charge of transition. very anti gun and a dumb guy.
Rudy banned and enforced gun control in new york.
Rick perry made the dream act law in Texas .

Just those three guys have been more liberal then Obama in most if not all the areas where republicans had the most heart burn.

You realize it was Trump who won the presidency right.

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